Heal me (White Buffalo Calf Woman), then we can heal yee (healing me, the twin of your soul, the crystal child, will heal your soul for the journey starts to unfold), because it's the waves of the flowers reeled into thee (blossoming forever). For in your heart we know the part, the place we guide the place we hide (crystalline stone river). Feel me, hold me, know my soul is where ever yee bee (the great mystery dreams within you). Heal me, to seal thee (book of life grows wisdom), to know the oneness will chill (blessings) with thee.
Look at the sky and know revelations guide (trust the winds that blow and what is told). Look at the earth, we want to kiss the girth (holy and sacred unity of the force of love). Look at the moon and shine another soon, reflect upon the greatness womb (great birthing and rebirthing). Heal me, heal thee, heal the planet to be one tree (we are together, one family, the rainbow clan from see to sea). Heal me, to heal thee, to know it's God (utterance of heavenly transmission) who feels all of the trees (each of us are a tree of life, together a greater tree of ONENESS).
(Holy drum begins with Father Red Hand) Kiss me, hold me, then we can find the breeze. Let the flowers guide thee, smell the course upon our knees. Look into heaven and guide your heart, for the Bear and Star shall gift us the arc. Bowing, treading the deep blue seas, let the butterflies siege. For it's a migration, where the white calf whirls and it's a playing field where we are a herd. Come swim with the turtle who shines on the seas, the edge of the universe you will find me (White Buffalo Calf Woman). Heal me, heal thee, for it's a summer dance, the festival of lights that shine for thee. Heal me, heal thee, for we are together inside this sacred tree.
Dance with me, in the fields so free. Know it's coming to be a great relief. And in our hearts, we are to impart, the greatness of miracles that shine from your heart. Heal me, then we heal the world, for it's where the sun does shine for all the girth. And when we praise, the holy name, the great tradition brings no shame. Heal me, to heal thee (welling up of tears). Let our hearts be manifested into leaves. Let the winds blow to shore to shore, to know there is grateful and adore.
(singing begins) Heal me, then you can feel me. Love overflows into your heart leaning to grow. Heal me, then you will find to rid of disease, because I am your holy temple to impart the snore. Heal me, then we can feel the world once again. Heal me, then all will be friends upon the world without sin. Heal me, then you will find we are all company, relatives once again. Relatives who care in the winds. Heal me, then you will find your way. Heal me, then you will know what to say (welling up more tears). Heal me, then you will find all your dreams, because I live on the seams (between you and me, connecting the universe as oneness or together for real).
(tears fall) Heal me, then we can find our way. Heal me, then we will know what to say (thus healing self, as White Buffalo Calf Woman is the window to your soul). Heal me, then the world will know no shame, because we are here to gain (rolling tears). Find me, on the hoops of the world you seek. Find me, where others are week and pained. Heal me, to find the greatness of your strength, let us be one family of the world. Wake thee, to have dream to unfold about me, then you will find a wave that sets you free. We are together, the one family, the sacred heart of wisdom inside of all of yee. Heal me..............know we are gratified. Heal me..................then we can always chide (move the children along the path of their greatness). Heal me, then we can gift to everyone, love is the law under the sun.
(wiping the tears away) Seek thee, the answers that live in your heart. Heal thee, to find that we are willing to impart. Heal she, the heavens that roll down from the stars, look at the mirror of your arc (bowing and tradition of love). Heal thee, the river of rainbows that run free. Heal thee, the loving cascade of our dreams. Heal thee, the likely deep bottomless seas, the oceans of heavenly stars in the breeze. Heal me, then seek me out to find the waves. Heal me, then all you dreamed will come your way. Heal me, then treasures will unfold for company, river of angels set me free.
White Buffalo calf Woman Sings (Twin Deer Mother) and Holiness David Shooting Star Drums (Father Red Hand). Requested by Thunder Woman and Grandfather Helen for the interpretation of the image sent from Song of All Songs of White Buffalo Calf Sun and Sacred Woman. A song is to help understand the artist rendition of this image, the Dawn of Miracles. Holiness David Running Eagle and I, White Buffalo Calf Woman hope you enjoy the winds that blow, the smoke that shows. We are together running free, when miracles show us, the Dawning of the Sacred Snow, blessings upon the Rainbow. We bow and bless the sacred nine directions for all our relatives. There are various images gifted from artists around the world. We share their love and devotion to a New Dawning.
White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets Image above!
woman: law of heaven, all around who provides waves of medicine for all the people. This is the sacred blue road, the tears of sorrow, pain and endurance that feed the tree of life. Yet as we roll over into a new time, our tears of sorrow from heaven will shift to tears of joy, to feed the roots for tomorrow and happiness is sown. We fight for love, the heartbeat that shows us the path of heavenly virtues.
wolf: warrior of the rainbow clan, for each other defending the right to speak from the heart, the echo. Fighting for love, the law for all relatives in the sacred circle.
bear: star of heaven, represented by the white/star child, often referred to as Grandfather, although we may all come from heaven each a star, the position in the sacred circle dictates that the star child knows the humble bow, gratitude and longing to bring hope to the world, renewal through smiles, like a baby does. We are bathed in light of the rainbow spectrum.
white: white is all colors united that bow, like elders and soul children of the rainbow.
calf: four sacred directions of the buffalo hide (rainbow colors), here we find the pure and innocence of a child.
white calf with sun: the glorious star, the soul within ready to descend to take our place within the sacred circle, a radiant child, a light from within. I am a Sun Dance, wakan (walking holy) or the Morning Star, eight holy directions and the center of "where I stand" (Lakota meaning).
buffalo: four sacred directions of the buffalo hide (rainbow colors). Buffalo is a male, thus representing light (flesh and the red road). The holy cow is often referred to as the female, thus representing the dark (soul and the blue road).
blue sky: leaders through the arm around, camaraderie, a smile, an embrace
starry sky: many stars of heaven, all our relatives on the tree of life

earth (blue seas): here/hear I walk, where heaven's tears (blue road) feed my soul upon the red road (flesh of many splendid colors, the buffalo hide).
butterflies: breathing offers us spiritual flight. the sphenoid bone inside our skulls to help our cranial bones bend. It looks like and acts like a butterfly. It helps us to get from one place to another, along the path of the sacred journey.
turtle: swimming the blue seas, a relative in need. We need each other, thus the relative shares that this world, belongs to all our tears and suffering for love. We deliver our children to the shore of the universe.
seagull: winged, like an angel to deliver the voice (g_ad_d: utterance of heavenly transmission). near waters and coastlines, we remember to be embraced by the hearts of others, to receive each other, hearing the true blue, the heart of me and you. A hooked beak is used to scoop up (cup or urn of sacredness), to aim for the heart, like a horn. Here we share the voice and heart of the heavenly true blue. Thus innocent, often considered easily a victim because one knows to trust and to swallow what we receive, the humble bow of humility.
eagle twice: holiness, flies in the sky, holiness flies over the rolling hills, holiness echos out the heart of each voice. Through holy walking and talking (wakan tanka, the greatness of sacred love gifted) we are able to fold the universe through the force of love. To make changes and solve our problems through holy devotion. Folding and rolling over is LOVE, the law, that helps us find the great treasure within and without in a world of heaven and earth. To know this paradise, one must walk holy (wakan).
light at the end of the tunnel: the path towards spiritual salvation, the sacred journey is sown and grown from within. We can sea or envision the dreaming of Grandmother spacial relationships. All my relations.
feathers: are used to symbolize wings of our souls in spiritual flight and through sacred purification rituals, blessing with fire and water, smoke appears, this is the unity of heaven and earth. The feather is used in these rites and to share the sacred blessings with each other and all relatives of the rainbow, for each are birds of a feather in spiritual flight. Aho or may your spirit fly.

flowers: petals represent sacred circles of hoops of the universe. When we travel these hoops, we learn to emerge together, overlaying the many roads as one place shared. Flowering is an re-emerging with our relatives and thus our life's bounty and blood is growing even soaring in spiritual development.
prayer and praise: remembering where we came from and where we are going, the sacred circle of life, means we belong to each other, are devoted to each other and serve each other. We bow and praise, to gift our love on all the waves. From below we look up. From above we look down. Yet all around we are sown together, to share our life in devotion and service unto each other, our relatives who need us on the hoops of life and the rainbow of many splendid colors.
Pray With Elders around the World
Crystal (flesh) Indigo (soul) Children (dream)
Learn Warrior Skills with the Peaceful Wisdom Prayer!
Learn Warrior Skills with the Peaceful Wisdom Prayer!
Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!