Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lakota Sioux Phrases and Words

Waninyatu Wiyuskinyan na Omaka Teca yuhabpo!
(Wah nihn yah too)(Wee yush keen nahn)(nah)(Omah Kah)(Tex cha)You hahab Poe) = Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Òmaka Téca Oíyokipi — Happy New Year.

On December 13, 2012, the Rosebud Sioux Tribe approved Resolution No. 2012-343 whic established the Official Rosebud Sioux Tribe Lakota Language Orthography. The Sicangu Lakota Pronounciation Guide is listed below.

Nasal Vowels
Nasal Vowels
Diacritics: consonants that use diacritic marks sound different from unmarked consonants.

Lakota Lexicon (words in alphabetical order)
These Are Words Grandfather Gave To The Lakota Peoples

ai - yes
an’petu kin - the day
a-oh - watch out
agli - to return
ahoappa - wheat
akicita - peacekeepers
amba - goodby
anapo - the dawn
anho - to count coup
ate - father
awi - they
can wakan - sun dance
cetan - hawk
cetan nagin - shadow hawk
cha - without
Chaka dee Wakpa - the Powder river
chante - heart
chatawinna - left-handed woman
chikala - little/small
chun - tree
cinks - my son
ciye - my brother (a man’s brother)
cola - friend
colapi - friends
cunks - my daughter
dho! - an exclamation
dopa - four
esnella - a loner
 ey-hee! - alas!
Haho! - look at this!
Hanhepi-wi - the moon
He wonjetah - One Horn
hecheto aloe - it is finished
hecheto welo - it is done well/ it is good
he-ay-hee-ee! - a call to the Great Spirit
heecha - owl
hehaka - elk
hehaka sapa - black elk
heyah - no
heyoka - clown
hin - yes
hohahe - welcome
hohe - enemy
hoka hey - pay attention!
hoppo! - let’s go!
Huhn - kill cry
hunkaschila - young man
huntka - god of the east
iktomi - trickster spirit
iku - chin
ina - mother
inyan - rock
inipi - purification rite/sweat bath
ishta - she/female/girl
iyotake - sitting
kaga - demon
kangi - crow
kapi - story
katiyimo - enchanted mesa
kiksuyapi - don’t forget/remember
kikukanpi - makes room
kin - this
kokipa - fear
kikipapi - fears
kola - friend (same as cola)
kte - dead/killed
ku - come back
kuwapi - is chased by
Lakota Oyate - the Sioux Nation
le mita - mine
le mita cola - my friend
le mita pila - my thanks
leksi - uncle
lela - very
lela oosni - very cold
luta - red
mahpyua - cloud
Mahpyua Luta - Red Cloud
maka - earth
maka mani - walk on foot
Maka Sichu - Bad Lands
mani - walking
mato - bear
maya owicha paka- fate/ he who pushes you off a cliff
maza - metal
maza canku - iron
maza chante - armor (metal heart)
maza ska - silver
mi - me
miyelo ca kola - I am friend
micaje - my name is
Mieyebo - I am
mila - knife
mila hanska - long knives
mitawa mine
minne - water
minne sosa - muddy waters
minne sota - many waters
minne-wakan - holy water (also whiskey)
mita kuye ayasin - we are relatives
mitawin - my wife/my woman
moksins - moccasins
na - and
nacacijin - loyal/faithful
napa lute - red hand
nagi tanka - Great Spirit
nimitawa ktelo - you will be mine
nita - yours
nituwe he? - who are you?
najin - stand/standing
niyaha - feather
nunpi - two
ocheti - seven
ohan! - yes!
ohinyan - forever
ohitika - brave/courageous
ohunko - false/untrue
onikare - sweat lodge
okute shooter
ocheti shakowin - 7 Sacred campfires of the Sioux
onsila - poor thing
onshimala ye - pity me
oo-oohey - it is time
oosni - cold
owa - wound
owa sicha - bad wound
owanka - floor
owatamla - straight tongue
ozuye - warrior
owanka wakan - sacred altar
owayyeke wasse - everything is good for the eyes
Paha Sapa - Black Hills
paha - butte/mountain
pahaska - longhair
pecokan sunpi - scalp lock
pejula - medicine
pejula sapa - coffee/black medicine
pejula wacasa - medicine man
peta - stone
pilamaya thank you
pila mita - my thanks
piskin - corral
pte - buffalo cow
ptesan-wi - white buffalo woman
ptecila - small buffalo
schila - old
skuyela - sweet
sheo - sage hen
shinte - tail
Shinte Galeska - Spotted Tail
shunkaha - wolf
shunke canku - iron horse
shunke-kan - pinto
sicha - bad
siha -foot
Siha Sapa - Blackfoot
siha sicha - bad foot
ska - white
sosho - snake
sota - many
skan - sky
sintkala waksu - sweat lodge
sitomni - all over
siyotanka - flute made of cedar wood with a long neck and heard of a bird
skunk manitou - coyota
sunkaku - younger brother
 ta - to sing
tanka - big/great
tashina - robe
tashina pte - buffalo robe
tashunke - horse
Tashunke-Witke - Crazy Horse
tasina shawl/blanket
tatoke - antelope
tahunsa - cousin
takuskanskan - power of motion/ power in anything that moves
tasunke hinzi - yellow horse
tatanka - buffalo bull
tatetob - the four winds
tatanka ohitika - brave buffalo
tantanka ptecila - short bull
tarca sapa - black deer
Tatonka Iyotake - Sitting Bull
to - blue
tokalu - fox
taku - something
tiyata - at home
toks’an - around about
tohan - when
tokiya where
tonkala - mouse
toksha ake wacinyuanktin ktelo - I shall see you again
tuki - is that so? (used only by women)
tunkasila - grandfather
tunka - stone
unci - grandmother
unktehi - water monster
wacin - I want
wacanga - sweet grass
wagichun wagi - talking tree (the cottonwood- sacred to the Lakota)
wahi - I am coming
wakina - thunder
wakuwala - chases
wakan - holy
wakan ankantu - great holy
wakan tanka - God
wakan tanan kici un - may the Great Spirit bless you
wakinyan - thunderbird
wana - one
wanagi - ghost/spirit
Wanagi Tacaku - Spirit path
wanagi yata - place of souls
wanbli - eagle
wanbli cikala - little eagle
wanbli luta - red eagle
wankala - tender/soft
waniyetula - winter
wasin - here
wanbli galeshka - spotted eagle
wasicun winyan - white woman
wasichu - white man
wasna - pemmican
Wa-sna-win - Storm Woman
wastelakapi - beloved
wayo kapi - it is the truth
waun - I am
waste - good
wi - sun
wichasha wakan - medicine man
wicksemna - ten
wicoti mitawa - my village
wicasa - man
wicasa tankala - Little Big Man
wicasa wakan - holy man
wickmunke - rainbow, or trap, or end of the rainbow
winchinchala - girl
winyan wanagi - spirit woman
witkowin - crazy woman
wiyan wakan - holy woman
wiwanyank wacipi - sun dance
wiwasteka - beautiful woman
wojapi - berry soup
wo-wakan - supernatural
wohitika - to be brave
wolakota wa yaka cola - peace without slavery
woyute - food
wonunicun - a mistake has been made
yamina three
yata - place
yunke-lo - death
yumni - whirlwind
yuta - eat
zunta - honest
zuya - warpath
Beautiful Feather
Thank you

Please be patient while an alphabetical listing page loads. The Lakota spellings are image files and this reduces the load time.
Here's a sample.
My name is (your name) and my relatives, I shake your hands with good feelings in my heart.Sage and Sweetgrass

Lakota Words

Hawk- četaŋ (chehtahn)
Coyote- mayaleca (mahyahshlehchah)
Otter- ptaŋ (ptan)
Porcupine- pahiŋ (pahheen)
Prairie Dog- pispisza (pishpeezah)
Big- taŋka (tonka)
Little- cik’ala (cheekala)
People at the Circle- oyate (oyate)
Friend- kola (kola)
Holy- wakaŋ (wakan)
Pray- čekiya (chekeya)
Medicine- pejuta (peyjuta)
Find Lakota (Sioux) language lessons here to learn the Native American language today!
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Useful phrases in Lakota Sioux

A collection of useful phrases in Lakota Sioux, a Siouan language spoken in parts of the USA and Canada.
Key to abbreviations: sg = singular (said to one person); pl = plural; yo - said by men to a single person.; ye - said by women to a single person; po - said by men to more than one person; pe - said by women to more than one person.
Click on the English phrases to see them in many other languages.
EnglishLak'ota (Lakota Sioux)
WelcomeTaŋyáŋ yahí (sg) Taŋyáŋ yahípi (pl)
HelloHau (used only by men)
How are you?

Fine thanks, and you?
Tókheškhe yaúŋ he?
Toníktuha he?
Taŋyáŋ yaúŋ he?
Long time no seeThéhaŋ waŋčhíŋyaŋke šni
What's your name?
My name is ...
Táku eníčiyapi he?
 Mitakuyepi ...
Where are you from?
I'm from ...
Tukténitaŋhaŋ he?
Pleased to meet youWíyuškiŋyaŋ waŋčhíŋyaŋke ló
(ló used only by men)
Good morningHíŋháŋni / Híŋhaŋni laȟči
Híŋhaŋni wašté
Good afternoon
Good evening
Good nightHanhepi waste
GoodbyeTókša akhé waŋčhíŋyaŋkiŋ kte
Tókša akhé
Good luckTókhi wániphika ní!
Cheers/Good health!
Have a nice dayAŋpétu wašté yuhá yo/ye / po/pe
Bon appetit
Bon voyageTaŋyáŋ ománi yo/ye / po/pe
I don't understandOwákaȟniǧe šni
Please speak more slowlyȞ’ahíya wóglaka yo/ye / po/pe
Please say that againAkhé eyá yo/ye / po/pe
Please write it downOwá yo/ye / po/pe
Do you speak ...?…iyá wóyaglaka he?
How do you say ... in Lakota?… tókhel Lakȟótiya ehápi he?
Excuse meÉmičiktuŋža yo/ye / po/pe
How much is this?Lé mázaska tóna he?
PleaseYé / Ičhé
Thank youPhilámayaye
Where's the toilet?Otȟáŋkaye kiŋ tuktél úŋ he?
This gentleman/lady will pay for everything
Would you like to dance with me?Wayáčhi yačhíŋ he?
I love youThečhíȟila / Iyótaŋčhila / Čhaŋtóčhignake
Get well soonEčháŋni aníčisni kte ní!
Leave me alone!Amáyuštaŋ yo/ye / po/pe!
Ómakiya yo/ye / po/pe!
Ayúštaŋ yo/ye / po/pe!
Call the police!Čhaŋksáyuhá kiŋ wičhákiyuȟla yo/ye / po/pe!
Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
Happy Easter
Happy Birthday
One language is never enoughTóhaŋni waŋžíla iyápi iyóhi šni (yeló)
My hovercraft is full of eels
Why this phrase?
Iyéčhiŋkiŋyaŋka čha kiŋyáŋ mitȟáwa kiŋ hoká ožúla (yeló)!
Lakota translation provided by Jan Ullrich, Linguistic Director of the Lakota Language Consortium, with additions by Michael Katalenich
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.



(Cousin term), lila tanyan wacin yanke.Cousin, it is good to see you. 
Hau/Han, mis eya.Yes, me, too. 

Tokeske yaun he?How are you? 
Lila tanyan waun.  Nis tok?I am fine. And you? 

Mis eya.  Le anpetu waste.Me, too. This is a good day. 
Hau/Han.  Anpetu waste.Yes. It is a good day. 

Wana mazaskanskan tonakca he?What time is it now? 
Wana mazaskanskan numpa.It is now two o'clock. 

Hau/Han, hinhani kin wacin yakin kte.Ok, I will see you tomorrow. 
Ohan, toksa ake.Yes, see you later. with David Little Elk

Lakota Phrase Archives

Please note some phrases are written phonetically, while others are written as found in Lakota books.
Also, others may speak or spell a word differently; that is just fine. After all, we are all learning together!

Anpetu Wakan = Sunday (Day of spiritual Energy)
Anpetu Tokahe = Monday / the first day
Anpetu Nunpa = Tuesday / the second day
Anpetu Yamni = Wednesday / the third day
Anpetu Topa = Thursday / the fourth day
Anpetu Zoptan = Friday / the fifth day
Owankayuzhazhapi = Saturday (Day to Wash)

Haw (how) = Hello
Haw Kola (how kola) = Hello male friend
Haw Mushkay (how moosh kay) = Hello female friend
Traditionally, in keeping with proper etiquette, the female waited for the male to say "haw" first.

Waziyata = North
Wioheumpata = East
Itokaga = South
Wiyokpiyata = West

Pilamaya (pee la ma ya) = Thank you!

Doe ksh kay ya oun hey? = How are you?
Waste (wash tay) = Good!

Huh =Yes
Hee ya = No
Slol wa yea shnee = I don't know

Atanikili (ah tah nee key lee) = You are awesome!

Wana woe gla ka yo/yea =You can talk now.
Woe gla ka yo/yea = Talk Wana = now
Response to: Na pay you gxa ta yea/yo = Raise your hand.

Dokesha ay cha moo ktay = I’ll do it (later) or In a minute/at a later time, etc. but it will get done. (This can be a response to any task or questioning command of phrases we have had in the past i.e. brush your teeth, go to bed, I need some help, etc.)

Na pay you gxa ta yea/yo = Raise your hand
Oh ma key ya na/yo = Please

Hey choon sh nee yea/yo = Don’t do that!
(Male/Female endings = yea = female, yo = male)

Ee na hx nee yo/yea = Hurry!

Wa sh ka ta wa cheen = I want to play.
Sh ka ta yea = You can play now.
Wana sh ka ta yea = You can play now.

Lay he huh nee keyn oh snee = It’s cold this morning

Oh ma kxa txay ja = New Year
Wee chaxk pee he huh nee = Morning Star
In our Lakota Life books, the Morning Star signifies new beginings.

Wah nee key yea txa um pay due = This means Jesus’ birthday or Christmas.

Wopila kaniyeyapi (Wo pee la kah nee yea ya pee)=Happy Thanksgiving

Key kta yo/yea! = Wake up!
Pay = female ending
Po = male ending

Wacantoognaka (Wah chan tay ogna kay) = Generosity/Generous with the Heart

Akicita (ah kee chee tah) = Veteran/Warrior/Soldier

Wakan Takan kici un = May the Crator/Grandfather/Great Spirit/God bless you.

Cante waste nape ciyuzapo (Chan tay washday nay pay chee you za poe) = I greet you from my heart.

Lay he hun nee key wash tay! = This morning is good!

Woounspe-Woh oun spay = lesson/teacher-something you learn from

Wah oun shpay we cha key ya = Allowing or letting them learn (school).

Blue gxoe cha ah snee wa key yea. = I am tired so I am resting.

St. Joe's wah chee pee ake tah blay. = I am going to St. Joe's Pow Wow.

wacipi (wah chee pee) =dance/pow wow.

Wana me glue sh tun cha e BLA blay of Wa key he hay? = Can I go now as I am finished.  (The implied meaning is for eating, studying or anything one is doing.)

Wah ye wah ee tan chan (Wayawa Itancan) = Student Leaders

Oun she la yea = Have compassion on me. (female speaking)
Oun she la yo = Have compassion on me. (male speaking)

Tan (dan-'t' is soft 'd') yan yahee ya
(lo-ending for male; yea-ending for female) = Welcome, I am glad to see you.

(Your name) Ee ma chee ya pee ya face=(lo-male ending; yea-female ending) = My name is

Txan kal blah wah cheen = I need to go outside (bathroom).
Bathroom is implied because of past use of outhouses.

Lol wah cheen = I am hungry.
Mnee wah cheen = I am thristy.

Ma Lakota = I am Lakota
Da Makota = I am Dakota.

St. Joe's ayk ta blay = I am going to St. Joe's.

Gna yan na aynsh (spelled nains) cham han ska?! = Trick or Candy?!

O ma key yo = Help me (implied as please; male speaking)
O ma key ya nah = Please (meaning softened for female)

Ah key chee ta-keyn-we cha you oh nee huh pay. = Honor the veterans.

Broken down: "ah key chee ta" is the word for "veterans;" "keyn" equals "the;" "we cha you oh nee huh pay" is "honor them" in plural form.

Dacoo oun ktay hey? = What are we going to eat?
wa glay kshoun na taspan opemnipi wag moo zee! = Turkey and pumpkin pie!
Note: wa glay kshoun (turkey) na (and) taspan openmipi wag moo zee (pumpkin pie)

Ah kay wan chee keyn ktay = It was good to see you again! (female speaking)
Ah kay wan chee keyn ktay low = It was good to see you again! (male speaking)

Wah zee ya! = Santa!
Wah zee ya wana ou! = Santa is coming!!

Doe key ya lay hey? = Where are you going?
Wah gnee ktya! = I am going home!

Phonetic spelling: Txay huh wan chee youn kay shnee = I did not see you for a long time!!
Written spelling may be: te hu wan ci yun ke sni.

Ina ji (yea) = Female speaking
Ina je (yo) = Male speaking
Means either "to stop" or "the motion to stand up"
Phonetic spelling: ee nah zhee (yea) or (yo)

Oh snee. = It is cold.
Lila oh snee! (leela oh snee)= It is VERY cold!

Come here!
    Male speaking to one person = He you woe.
    Male speaking to two or more = He you poe.    Female speaking to one person = He you way.    Female speaking to two or more = He you pee. 

Wa nee yea due ne doe na hey? = How many winters are you? (How old are you?)

Chuntay skoo ya = Sweetheart
Lila waste chi lake (lee la wash tay chee la kay) = I really like you, very much!

Lay he hun nee key lee la washtay. = This morning is good. (Good morning)
Leela ampaytu keen washtay. = Today is a good day!

Chewy ta. = He/she is cold.
Nee chewy ta. = You are cold.
Ma chew ta. = I am cold!

He k pa sha sha yo. = Brush your teeth. (male speaking)
He k pa sha sha yea. = Brush your teeth. (female speaking)
Due way nee shnee. = There is no one around.

Cheek se ya. = I remember you!

Ee glue zha zha yo. = I want you to wash up. (Male)
Ee glue zha zha pee. = I want you to wash up. (Female)
Me glue zha zha ktay. = I am going to wash up. (Either)

Dacoo ya cheen hey? = What do you want?
Ah sum pee (milk) ay dun ma kou way. = Give me some milk.
Remember Please: Male - Oh mak key yo; Female - Oh mak key ya nah

Kee nee un pay due. = Easter.

I yo monk pi sni (Ee yo monk pee shnee). = I feel bad.
I yo monk pi. = I am happy.
Use as response to: Doe ksh kay ya oun hey? = How are you?

Oh ya hey he! = You can do it!
Oh wa key he! = I can do it!
Oh key heeb! = They can do it!

Hunta yo = Get out of the way; something's coming (male).
Hunta yea = Get out of the way; something's coming (female).

Wa chay key ya yea. = I want you to pray.
Wana wa chay oun key ya ktay. = We are going to pray now.
Wakan Tanka = Creator/Great Spirit

Lakxol woe glag oun spay me tch chee yea cha wa glue sha na huh duh oh ma key ya yea (female) yo (male). = I'm learning how to speak Lakota, so if I mispronounce, please help me.

Txay huh wan chee youn kay shnee! = I did not see you for a long time!!

Ee yo monk pee. = I am happy.
Ee yo monk pee shnee. = I am not happy.

Oh lou lou tah! = It is stifling hot (no breeze)!

Wah oun chee! = You and I are dancing!

Doe kay sh kay lay ay cha moo ktay hey? = How do I do this?

Heen akeeya = Smile

na GXee oh wa key tay. = I am looking for my spirit.

Txun blays ya huh, txoe kata key ya, ma wah nee. = I am walking toward the future making good and sober decisions.

Lee la you pea ya nee glue zay. = You dress well today. (Used as compliment after the greeting "Hau.")

Nee coo zha hey? = Are you sick?
Na da ma y azan. = My head hurts. (words to replace head: he = tooth; tay zee = stomach)

Wa chay key ya yea. = I want you to pray.
Woe ksue yea. = In memory of those who died & remembering the living veterans.

Pilaymaya = Thank you! (A message from our first-graders!)

Hoke she la hay cha = It is a boy!
We cheen ja la hey cha = It is a girl!

"Wa cheen txan e tch ya yo." = This is from the Lakota value of the northerly direction, and in this case, it means to have patience.

Wa chuntay oh gna kay = Generosity/Generous with your heart.
E wang oh ma nee (yo/yea) = Be careful when you travel.

Due wah he hey? = Who arrived?
Me da coo yea pee. = Formal greeting with good manners.

Lay he huh nee keyn oh snee. = It is cold this morning!

E woe blue wan ou yea (low/lay) = A blizzard is coming! (low - male ending; lay - female ending)

Doka hwo? = What's up? (Note: Very informal greeting; hwo is an elder male ending, so only use if you want to be considered an elder male!)

Wah oun hey? = Did it snow?

Enila = Be quiet!!

Hunta yea/yo = Get out of the way. (yea = female ending; yo = male ending)

Hoe gxan oun you da pee ktay. = We are going to eat fish.

Ah snee wa keyn ktay. = I am going to rest.
Ah snee key ya po/pay. = All of you get some rest.
(po = male ending; pay = female ending)

Key kta yo/yea! = Wake up!
Key kta po/pay! = All of you wake up!
(yo/po are to be used as ending by males; yea/pay are female ending.)

Hey choon sh nee yea/yo. = Don't do that!

Maza sh kxan sh kxan doenakja hey? = What time is it? (Note: Native Americans did not live by a clock; instead, they lived by nature's clock.)

Umpo = Dawn/just before sunrise
Lay hee hannee = This morning
Hee hannee key = Next morning
Wee choe kan = Noon
Wee choe kan sum eya = Past noon or sun is past highest point
Hxtah yea tue = Evening
Han hey pee = Night

Txan kal doe kja hey? = What is it doing outside? (weather implied)

New gxay sh lou sh lou tay. = You don't listen. (Slips off ears)

Oh ya lay hey? = Who are you looking for?

Tiyospaye (tee-osh-pa-yea) = Extended family (St. Joseph's)
Tiwahe (tee-wa-hey) = Immediate family
Ospaye (ohsh-pa-yea) = Tribe family (Sicangu Lakota, Oglala Lakota, etc.)
Oyate (oh-ya-tay) = Entire nation (Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Oyate)

Tan yan yahee ya (lo)! [Male speaking ending (lo)] = Welcome, I am glad to see you. (dan)= the T is a soft sounding D
Tan yan yahee (yea)! [Female speaking ending (yea)] = Welcome, I'm glad to see you.

Haw (how) = hello (intermixed hello)
Haw Kola (how kola) = hello male friend
Haw Mushkay (how moosh kay) = hello female friend *In traditional time, it was good etiquette for the female to wait until the male said hello first.

Unci (oonchee) = Grandmother
Tungasila (tunk ga sheela) = Grandfather
Lalais short for tungasila

Hau ______ imaciyapiya (ye/yo - female/male ending)= My name is ______.

Taku eniciyapi hey = What is your name?

Tanyan yahi yelo (lay/lo - female/male ending) etka St. Joe’s = I am glad you came to St. Joe's!

Cante waste nape ciyuza (po/pe) (Chantay washday napay cheeyou za po/pay - female/male ending) = I greet you with a good heart and a hand (handshake).

Doksa ake waunkte = I will see you again later. (Implied on earth/spirit world)
Doka = later, slang for see you later. Lakote people didn't say good-bye.

Hiya(hee ya) = No
Ogu (ohgxoo) = x is a futtural sound = Maybe
Oh hu = Yes

Le umpetu kin Lakota (Lay um pay tue keyn)
Lakota = Lakota Day
Sign of the Cross
Ate yapi (ah tay ya pee) = Father
Na cinca na (na cheen cha na) = and the Son and
Woniya waken (whoa nee ya wakan) = Holy Spirit
Caje kin on (cha zay keen oun) = in the name

Gna yan nains waskuyaca hey? (Gna yan nayeensh wa skoo yea cha hey?) = Trick or Sweets/Candy?

Itancan, waonsila ye/yo = Lord, have mercy
Christ, waonsila ye/yo = Christ, have mercy

Itancan kin kici niunpi ni = The Lord be with you
Na nakun niye ko = and also with you

Anpetu un Pilamaya (ye/yo) = Day of Thanks
Ahn pay tue oon pee la mah yeh (yea/yo)

Sina Sapa = Black Robe (to honor Fr. Steve and Fr. Anthony)
Wicasa waken = Holy Man

Masopiye Christmas = Christmas Store
Masopiye (mas oh pee yea) = Store

Wazi = Grandfather of the North or Santa
Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center
St. Joseph's Indian School
1301 North Main Street · Chamberlain, SD 57325
(800) 798-3452 ·

 Oglala Sioux Tribe Official Tribal Page!.html
 Sicangu (Brulé) Sioux Tribe Official Tribal Page
 First Nations Seeker, links to the official websites of the Lakota Teton - Titunwan in the United States and Canada and maps.

 One Spirit is a Native American service organization founded to assist and support American Indians. We invite you to become part of ONE Spirit’s network of sponsors, partners, friends and volunteers, to dream with the Lakota people a new dream - and to help the dreams come alive!
 Official web site of the Traditional & Spiritual International Government formed by descendants of traditionally appointed Dynastic Line of Grand Chiefs of the General Council of the Great Lakota Dakota Nakota Nation Native American Arts, Humanities, and Culture
Lakota Language
 Lakota Language - Online instruction.
 Lakota Videos - Videos of the Lakota language.
 Lakota Interactive Textbooks - Online textbook for learning Lakota.
 Lakota Language Forum - Online forum for Lakota.
 Lessons in Dakota/Lakota - Video lessons in Dakota/Lakota and other resources.
 Lakota Phonological Key - Descriptions of the Lakota sound system, and the spelling associated with it.
 Lakota Phrase Archives - Assorted phrases in Lakota.
 Wikipedia: Lakota Language - Wikipedia's entry on the Lakota language, with description of the sound system, grammar, words, phrases, and so on.
 Dakota-Lakota Sioux Language - Resources for learning the Dakota/Lakota language...
 Lakota Software - Free downloads of software for Lakota...
 Lakota Language Resources - Resources for learning Lakota...
 Lakota Dictionary - Online interactive dictionary of Lakota, along with a set of community resources and forum. Community - A cooperative online community of Lakota speakers and language advocates working to advance and modernize the language. Our goal is to support the language in all of its needs, including: Developing New Vocabulary; Disseminating Lakota literature; Advancing the linguistic understanding of the language; and, promoting the overall health and long-term sustainability of the language.

 Lakota Books, THE source for books on Lakota language and culture, owned by reknown scholars and authors, Marla and William K. Powers.
 Sage and Sweetgrass, Sage and Sweetgrass is a 501(c)(3) public charitable non-profit association organized exclusively for educational purposes. More specifically, we are working to record and preserve American Indian languages in written and audio format, and distribute these dictionaries via this web site. We also intend to provide rules on the grammar of the languages. We believe that by saving the language, we preserve the culture.


The Lakota Today

Several of the Plains tribes are referred to by the term "Sioux." This inaccurate term is thought to be a French abbreviation of the Ojibwe (Chippewa) word meaning "snake." It was possibly a reflection on the stealth and sudden striking capability for which they were well known among those groups and tribes who considered them to be enemies.

The Sioux identify themselves as Lakota (pronounced in some dialects as Dakota or Nakota), a term which means "friend" or "ally" in the Lakota language. The Lakota Nation is the conglomeration of several bands, known as the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ, or the Seven Council Fires. The largest of these Council Fires is the Thítȟuŋwaŋ, which means "the People of the Plains." The Thítȟuŋwaŋ are further divided into seven sub-bands, of which the Oglala is the largest. The Oglala are recognized by the United States government as the Oglala Sioux Tribe.

The Oglala traditionally occupied a large swath of land surrounding the Black Hills area, a sacred site for the Lakota. They boast a long list of great leaders such as Red Cloud, Big Foot, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and American Horse. The people who presently live on the reservation are a wonderful people—filled with a beautiful culture grounded in the traditional Lakota values. While there are many things that any culture finds to be virtuous, there are seven virtues that are considered by many to be the heart of the Lakota lifestyle. These are Wóčhekiye (Prayer), Wóohola (Respect), Wówauŋšila (Compassion), Wówičakȟe (Honesty), Wówačhaŋtognaka (Generosity), Wówaȟwala (Humility) and Wóksape (Wisdom).

The Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851 established the Great Sioux Nation as extending from Canada to the North, through to Kansas to the South, into Wyoming to the west, and Wisconsin to the east. Over the course of many years of war with the United States government, the land allotted to the Lakota was divided among the seven bands, and slowly decreased until it reached the existing borders of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, the only remaining reservation for the Oglala Lakota.

The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is beset with problems, mostly arising from poverty and the cultural damage caused by destructive government programs of assimilation.
80 percent of residents are unemployed.
12 percent of residents have earned a bachelor’s degree.
With a per capita income of $6,286, the reservation is the second poorest area in the United States.
61 percent of residents 17 years and younger live below the poverty line.
Life expectancy is the lowest in the Western Hemisphere except for Haiti, with an average of 48 years for men and 52 years for women.
The infant mortality rate is five times higher than the United States national average.
More than 4.5 million cans of beer (12,329 cans a day) are sold annually in White Clay, Nebraska, just over the border of the reservation. The reservation itself is dry.

Red Cloud Indian School is addressing the needs of the people of the Pine Ridge Reservation. Red Cloud Indian School teaches the students to be proud of their Lakota culture, language and spirituality. Red Cloud also gives students the educational tools needed for today, by teaching math, science, English, computer science, etc. Our pastoral ministry team helps support people as they deal with the extreme poverty, substance abuse and the despair that can accompany it.

- See more at:

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

White Buffalo Calf Woman Painting

Legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman
Buffalo stretched to the horizon across the grassy hills.  Two brothers were walking towards them.  As they walked, they saw
within the herd a white buffalo calf, something neither one of them had seen before.  The apparition began to move slowly towards them, becoming more and more visible as they stood there watching.  Anxiously, the brothers waited and at last over the crest of a hill came a
beautiful woman.  She was wearing a white buckskin dress decorated with dark porcupine quills.  At her side she carried a pipe bag which had on it the symbol of the four directions. 

Remarking on her extraordinary beauty, the first brother said that he would like to lay with her in the grass.  "Put aside such thoughts," said the second brother.  "This woman is sacred, perhaps a vision, but certainly not one to be approached in a way that is not respectable."  But
as he spoke, the woman walked past him into the arms of his brother and said, "Come to me - you shall have what you desire." As they fell into the grass, they disappeared in a cloud-like mist and the sounds of their lovemaking could be heard.  When the mist
settled, the woman was standing.  At her feet lay the decomposing corpse of the brother.  As the other brother's eyes fell upon the body he was filled with fear, but before he could move the woman said, "Don't be afraid.  While you stood there, your brother lived a lifetime getting what he wanted, but because he looked only to my outer beauty he never knew my spirit.  You wanted to know my spirit, so I will go with you now and teach your people."

White Buffalo Calf Woman was God incarnated for the people she came to.  She taught them how to call the buffalo with their dance and their songs so they would not go hungry.  She gave the people the sacred pipe and taught them the power of the four directions.  Her message for all the people of the world was: "Any man who takes a woman for physical beauty will never know her spirit, but a man who knows her mind and spirit will also know God."                                White Buffalo Calf Woman Painting by Keith Powell     
About Keith Powell: Born in 1950, Keith Powell, developed an early interest in his native central Washington state and its wildlife.  This keen interest and a natural ability in art quickly evolved into a talent in realistic design.  He now endeavors to depict how nature intertwines with man's quest for enlightenment.   Throughout his life, he has moved around the United States and has been exposed to a variety of animals, country and cultural experiences.  This helped nurture a hunger for understanding the world around him. Dissatisfied with incomplete answers, he would explore and study his environment, seeking to fill gaps in the information he read in books. Early in his career his interest turned to tribal life and philosophy.  He began making brain tan leather, and from these hides, his own clothes, moccasins and horse gear.  He also made all the articles needed in a
functioning teepee, as well as his own sinew backed bows and arrows.  Learning the old ways had a profound effect on his art.  By learning to live from the land he was born to, his art has a sense of the present.  He wants the viewer not just to observe history, but to feel a unity with his work.

Original Painted on Mother Earth Canvas "Lakota Sioux White Buffalo" by Campy

The Wonderful Original painting of the White Buffalo was done on Mother Earths own canvas a 14" x 9" conk (a tree growth fungus),the artist Campy done a superb job on this oil painting,such detail,with come passion,and renewed hope.please take the time to read the legend.

The White Buffalo are sacred to many Native Americans. The Lakota (Sioux) Nation has passed down the The Legend of the White Buffalo--a story now approximately 2,000 years old--at many council meetings, sacred ceremonies, and through the tribe's storytellers. There are several variations, but all are meaningful, and tell of the same outcome. Have communication with the Creator through prayer with clear intent for Peace, Harmony and Balance for all life living in the Earth Mother.

Spirituality among Natives Americans and non-Native Americans has been a strong force for those who believe in the power of the Great Spirit or God.

The legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman tells how the People had lost the ability to communicate with the Creator. The Creator sent the sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman to teach the People how to pray with the Pipe. With that Pipe, seven sacred ceremonies were given for the people to abide in order to ensure a future with harmony, peace, and balance.

Legend says that long ago, two young men were out hunting when from out of nowhere came a beautiful maiden dressed in white buckskin. One of the hunters looked upon her and recognizing her as a wakan, or sacred being, lowered his eyes. The second hunter approached her with lust in his eyes desiring her for his woman. White Buffalo Calf Woman beckoned the lustful warrior to her, and as he approached a cloud of dust arose around them causing them to be hidden from view. When the dust settled, nothing but a pile of bones lay next to her. As she walked toward the respectful young hunter, she explained to him that she had merely fulfilled the other man's desire, allowing him, within that brief moment, to live a lifetime, die and decay. White Buffalo Calf Woman instructed the young man to go back to the People and tell them to prepare for her arrival to teach them of the way to pray. The young hunter obeyed. When White Buffalo Calf woman arrived with the sacred bundle (the prayer pipe) she taught the People of the seven sacred ways to pray. These prayers are through ceremonies that include the Sweat Lodge for purification; the Naming Ceremony for child naming; the Healing Ceremony to restore health to the body, mind and spirit; the adoption ceremony for making of relatives; the marriage ceremony for uniting male and female; the Vision Quest for communing with the Creator for direction and answers to one's life; and the Sundance Ceremony to pray for the well-being of all the People.

When the teaching of the sacred ways was complete, White Buffalo Calf Woman told the people she would again return for the sacred bundle that she left with them. Before leaving, she told them that within her were the four ages, and that she would look back upon the People in each age, returning at the end of the fourth age, to restore harmony and spirituality to a troubled land. She walked a short distance, she looked back towards the people and sat down. When she arose they were amazed to see she had become a black buffalo. Walking a little further, the buffalo laid down, this time arising as a yellow buffalo. The third time the buffalo walked a little further and this time arose as a red buffalo. Walking a little further it rolled on the ground and rose one last time as a white buffalo calf signaling the fulfillment of the White Buffalo Calf prophecy,

The changing of the four colors of the White Buffalo Calf Woman represents the four colors of man--white, yellow, red and black. These colors also represent the four directions, north, east, south and west. The sacred bundle that was left to the Lakota people is still with the People in a sacred place on the Cheyenne River Indian reservation in South Dakota. It is kept by a man known as the Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, Arvol Looking Horse.

The legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman remains ever promising in this age of spiritual enlightenment and conscious awareness. In today's world of confusion and war many of us are looking for signs of peace.

"With the return of the White Buffalo it is a sign that prayers are being heard, that the sacred pipe is being honored, and that the promises of prophecy are being fulfilled. White Buffalo signals a time of abundance and plenty." (from Sams and Carson, Medicine cards)

Though harsh as the world we live in may be throughout recorded history there have been spiritual leaders teaching peace, hope and balance (synergy) amongst all life. This was taught by great teachers such as Jesus, Buddha, the Dali Lama's, and Native American leaders.

It matters not what you call the Creator. What matters is that you pray to give thanks for your blessings and trust the guidance given to you from the world of Spirit. Many truths about Spirit are told and handed down from one generation to the next.  Mother Earth Canvas "Lakota Sioux White Buffalo" by Campy

Painting by Gretchen Del Rio
'When one sits in the hoop of the People, one must be responsible because all of creation is related and the hurt of one is the hurt of all and the honor of one is the honor of all.'

   'White Buffalo Calf Woman

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze! White Buffalo Calf Woman sings