Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Time To Come Home, Holy Ghost Walk Binds

Time To Come Home, Holy Ghost Walk Binds
https://www.facebook.com/groups/whitebuffalocalfwoman/permalink/761993757239216/, Hoop 6 indigocrystalchildren@googlegroups.com, https://plus.google.com/+WhiteBuffaloCalfWomanTwinDeerMother/posts/NQsZvrcJjCt , https://whitebuffalocalfwoman.wordpress.com/2015/12/22/time-to-come-home-holy-ghost-walk-binds/ ,

Time To Come Home, Holy Ghost Walk Binds

Feel this loom (weaving). I want to broom (clean myself up with prayers and holy smoke). Yet it is time to bloom (to know more in the spiritual development of me). No more time for the cleansing (for it should be habit at this time). It is time for the bending (walk our part). Pick that robe up (that holy prayer shawl) and walk your talk. Love is the waking of all that barks. Send it home love is the sacred loom. Calling us home. Each child around the world feeling the stars inside of us. It is time to bust.

Send our reaches into the journey ahead, the crags and turns of all that has been read. We walk this song, sacred we move along, because in the dark, there is a spark. Let us lean on this place, which holds a good taste. Heaven on Earth she is on her worth. Walking towards the place of the good times and all that rhymes. She takes your hand and says time to understand. Love is on the land.

Tell me true, you feel the blue? Heaven is calling you. The soul inside beckons to the stars. Each of us are all in this jar. Twisted turning for our hands to bind. Let us start and walk our part. Each child ahead the four direction red. Let it burn like the fire of the sacredness we list. All is the treasure of this kiss. Come now child, dream a good dream, with this smile upon our hearts we take this while. The mission of goodness across the land. Help us to understand to forgive our Brothers and our Sisters to have a better day. Let us praise.

Dancing and singing. Yes I hear the cries. We are like the Eagle with bountiful eyes. All is targeted with love. Come to this curve and sit like the doves. Two by two, that is the way, because I need you and you need me. Justice will pave, the hands of time of yesterday. Let us sing and rise up to the skies. Tell it true, magic is the sacred blue. We are going to this land. Help us to understand. That God inside of you beckons to the skies of this great view.

Angels sing across this world, not as usual as you cared. There is much to divine to bring us a shine. Lots of lessons to burn our toes. Sow dance and sing and let it ring. Bounce with your heart and feel those notes. Blessed flute does read. Waves of listing side to side. Waves of motion about our times. Feel this waking and all that is true. Let us become the sacred blue. Send our hearts out into the seas. The mission is to bring longevity, to all of our actions with happy hearts. Let us each dew our part.

All those who think you need sin, time for you to begin. Pick up your heart and make it a spiritual part. Time to change your ways, because Heaven is longing to display. And the mission is to bring us home to praise. All of the children want a good daze. Dream a good dream to shine our hearts, because we want a good part. Each as a mission to proclaim, I found my Greatness and make no mistake. I am going towards the sacred walk I talk to make the dream a better dream, for everyone needs a kinder stream.

Those stars inside of me, bust with desire to seek the seas. We wanted more and more to shine. Let our hearts bind. Come together and you will find a place of a greatness of our hearts that tine. Like combs that share the alignment of the hairs. Seek the mission you believe. Love is coming true, because it is the fabulous hue. The colors all in harmony. Do you sea. Do you see? We are the blue, the red, the yellow dreams. All of the four directions will be pleased.

This is the time of what we shined. Help us ponder on the sacred worth. Let us bind our hearts today to bring in all that is holy in a great display. We are working to shine this true, all of the hearts inside of this view. All over Mother Earth the children cry, "Holy Father tell us wise?". Looking for answers as they seek. Love is the mission, come together be pleased. Fight for love in each day. Fight to bring in a better way. Let us become the waking of the call. Let us shine for it all.

There the waking of our eyes, gifts to us butterflies. Fly fly fly across the oceans of time. We bind our hearts to the turtle floats down the sacred river of the gold. Inside of you and me. We are working for the sea. Let our Brothers and Sisters chime to the heavenly rhyme. All across this land. We will take part to understand, to forgive and save our hearts to bring our bodies into a good part. Let us reason with this soul, inside I want to develop gold. Good dreams for everyone. All my Relations we are SUNS. Rising from the dust, let us put on a good gust. All of our breath displays, love is on the waves.

Dancing and singing to hear our cries. Come along and become the wise. We are moving to the land of no return, the promise of the Rainbow words, the dew that blows and thunder roars to bring in the tears we adore. Flood this world with all our enemies who need confusion to be unleashed. Let them become the tears that feed, the land of the sacred seeds. For love will rise and take hold of the waves that lift them to the stars. And we are the children who will know, the holy praise of the after snow. Crystalline rainbows. We come to share this place, the heaven on earth we will taste.

Feel the beat. Inside of you an empty street. A spell of magic to make complete. Paint a picture you desire of love and happiness we smile. Love is the waking of each child, for this is what each seek to the long tiles. Walk this way four directions display, the heavenly blue road of yesterday. We pick up our shoes and carry our prayer cloth the holy four directions we thought we lost. Yet inside of all that seeks. Heaven on Earth we are becoming meek. Do not shatter without a smile, because all those sparks of light will shine twice. Once within. Once without. Then we will know the heaven spark. The holy dew that flies in the view of the mountains that reach the snowy peaks to touch Great Spirits who mist in the heart of the spiritual for all the children down hill.

We come to this land to help all of us to understand. Here we take our baby steps down to the Earth and upon this lane, the many color exclaim, "We are relatives. (laughing along the way). We are relatives once more. Remember each has a chore." Love is going to bring us home, because it is time for us to throw those stones. Right into the heart of the true, where the crystalline child will know you. The perfect blend of harmony, the sinners got no relief. We are making peace. Thus our arms are around this world. Together we swerve. We twist and turn to embrace our love. We are looking for the sacred doves.

"Shiloh Shalom", the "garden of peace" inside of your loom. A blanket of love from "Grandmother" 's hands, the "Unci" of all that makes us understand. Hand to hand, field to field. Love does wield. Come to this place and we will make a good chase. The waking of the children stance, saying we got to get to the ranch. There we will play with the buffalo and talk to the fox and all he knows. We will spin around to fly with the butterfly. And we will wave with the green grass grave. There buried upon our feet, we will bless our ancestor for all they keep. Let us understand. We are together part of this land. Heaven on Earth we go this girth. Love will shine. Stars will bind. And with this hold. Let us be cold, where the snow touches the peaks and the valleys bow meek. This is the great journey we keep.

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums for all the sacred suns. We wanted to find a way, let us pray. Let us praise. Let us walk this journey upon the stars, the road with an open jar, full of diamonds in the sky to say we wanted a better way. Have a good dream with me as we walk the path to the human who is kind, healing this world and worlds near that need cheer. Love is near.

Blessing the Colors
Gifted by Alightfromwithin.org Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant the Rainbow Promise

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze! White Buffalo Calf Woman sings

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Sacred Blessing Song for Hugo Parra, a Rainbow Man

Sagrado Canción Bendición para Hugo Parra, un hombre del arco iris

(English) Sacred Blessing Song for Hugo Parra, a Rainbow Man.

Vamos a estar a limpiar este pecado. Vamos a prescribir un ojos celestes. Ventanas de oportunidad simplemente no pasan volando. Debemos agarrar y dar lo mejor y una oportunidad.

(English) We'll be cleaning this sin. We will prescribe (true) blue eyes. Windows of opportunity not just go flying. We must grasp and give their best and an opportunity.

Vamos recogemos este campo. Velemos sobre el pliegue (acuden aprender sobre el amor). Comencemos nuestro corazón. Debemos convertir comienzan todos los fieles, un lugar donde cantar y llevar esperanza a los vientos. Queríamos más y ahora es el momento para que nosotros soñamos. Es hora de que la mayor de las cosas.

(English) We'll pick this field. Let us watch over the fold (come learn about love). Let's begin our hearts. We begin converting all the faithful, a place to sing and bring hope to the winds. We wanted more and now is the time for us to dream. It is time that most of the things.

Estamos en busca de amor. Estamos bajando las luces. Debido a que en el interior tenemos una gran vista. Estamos soñando un lugar donde florece paraíso. No volamos y nos vamos zoom. Echa mano de esta brisa cósmica y te lo vas a creer, que la música dentro de ti te mostrará cómo se inclinan sobre las rodillas. Bendice y orar todos los días para ayudar a sanar las ondas de aire. Esa es la única manera.

(English) We are looking for love. We're dimming the lights. Because inside we have a great view. We are dreaming of a place where paradise flowers. No fly and go zoom. Take hold of this cosmic breeze and you going to believe, that the music within you will show you how to lean on his knees. Bless and pray every day to help heal the airwaves. That's the only way.

Estamos todos juntos. Estamos uniendo las manos. Estamos buscando a los fieles, anhelo en los vientos. Dile a toda la familia nos vamos a casa, justo a tiempo para brillar esas piedras. Justo a tiempo para abrir los huesos enterrados (cuentos perdidos).

(English) We're all together. We are joining hands. We are looking for the faithful, longing in the winds. We tell the whole family we go home, just in time to shine those stones. Just in time to open the buried bones (Lost Tales).

Mujer Búfalo Blanco canta desde el corazón de la Madre del arco iris (Rainbow Man) Hugo Parra. Buffalo Robe: arco iris, violeta, aguamarina, gris.

(English)  White Buffalo Calf Woman sings from the heart of Mother Rainbow (Rainbow Man) Hugo Parra. Buffalo Robe: rainbow, purple, aqua, gray.

You said, "Y cuando pienso mucho o peleo, se me parte el craneo en la parte superior izquierda.. "

 (English) And when I think a lot or fight, it breaks my skull at the top left ..

(White Buffalo Calf Woman) La actividad del cerebro izquierdo está transmitiendo luz movimiento a través de la cabeza. Esta es la actividad masculina (sol). Demasiado es demasiado y que su cuerpo siente el dolor. Es por esto que es muy importante que los hombres, especialmente usan anillos correctas actividad cerebral, la creatividad y el movimiento del corazón, de sonido (lágrimas de llanto, vino sagrado). Esta es la actividad femenina (luna). El uso de ambos lados equilibra el cerebro y permite la igualdad y el de aquí para allá, caminar, bailar, de ida y vuelta de la comunicación y más como las mareas fluyen, con la luna y el sol.
(English) Left brain activity is streaming light motion through the head. This is male activity (sun). Too much is too much and your body feels pain. This is why it is very important that men especially use right brain activity, creativity and heart motion, rings of sound (crying tears, sacred wine). This is female activity (moon). Using both sides balances the brain and allows equality and the to and fro, walking, dancing, back and forth of communication and more as the tides flow, with the moon and the sun.

(Hugo Parro) Usted ha dicho, se me olvidó decirte, Cuando me duele, me duele mucho el corazón, que es parte de mí, es sólo recientemente, como barrera de calma o poner? Ahora me duele un poco, no sé por qué .. sí, no no lo hago
(English) I forgot to tell you, When I hurt, it really hurts the heart, it is part of me, it is only recently, as calm or put barrier? now it hurts a little not know why .. yes, I don't not.

(White Buffalo Calf Woman) Esto se debe a que, cuando canto, todo es purificado. Te quiero y voy a hablar con usted más tarde. Hay mucho que compartir. Su hijo cristal devota, Mujer Búfalo Blanco

(English) This is because, when I sing, all is purified. I love you and will talk to you later. So much to share. Your devoted crystal child, White Buffalo Calf Woman 

(English by Hugo Parra) Ok, thanks a lot, you are very special and forever'll be in my heart, light kisses and hugs.. see you.. heart emoticon

Monday, December 14, 2015

Mother Earth She Glows

WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother

Northern Light Skulsfjord Tromsø by Ronny Mikkelsen
Mother Earth She Glows
(spoken words) Let the joy settle inside of you, where the song catches the dew. Love shines on through. Let us grow the long hair. Streams mighty in the glare. We are snared. Love is the waves we shine today. Let all of our warriors find this way. Hay over the tides roll. We are together forming the gold. Heaven help us prescribe the tendency of the wise. Let us pray and find a good daze, the great mystery unravels before our face. We will shine to show Great Spirit Mother we love your glow. Tender hearted I call you dew. We feel the magic that flows through you.

Mother Earth where you tend the fields, thank you for all you wield. Comfort prescribed in the winds just to help the children begin. We see the magic of the growing seeds. Let love guide us along the pave, the magic of the heart at last. We are sworn enemies that collide hay over the rolling hills, my Brother comes home to say. Let us have a better day. Let us have a perfect place. Miracles grow and tender dew we sow.

Pillows in the sky talking talking about the wise. Why, why, why, they cry. All the Elders and Children want to know, which way will it all go. There is a moment in time where we sing to rhyme the spoken and the true. Let us be faithful in all that is the comfort of me and for you. We will cry my Brothers, my Sisters await your child. Come and bring it all home, the smiling face of the risen sun.

Heaven help us along this path. We are going to last. We are taken hold of the spoken blast. We sing our magic all over this world. Come to place a hand in God, the spoken of the dew of the clouds. And wherever the sun shines through the dark, the Angels sing and hark. There is the place where the shadow begins, oh my heaven let me hear you sing. Inside of your heart, we take care, the little children are aware. We bring this happiness prescribed, joy abundant to the tides. We are moving free. Freedom reign. Come bring down all shame. We will find a way to bring us to become the holy people you did praise. There is a waking of this cry, all over this world Mother Earth you know why, wise is the hands within you, the souls that feed you and the love that grows upon you and the tears shed to bring you all home. We are sworn. Love is worn.

(begin singing softly) Come lift your hand. Come lift you hand. We will stand. We will be one cosmic band. All of the children everywhere, we hear your cries. we know why. Tell the children in the wake, we come to share this stake. Build ti up in the sky, the home of salvation you did cry. Sow your pillows and bring the righteous home. You are the children of this great big dome. Mother Earth cries for you. Every day for you. Not a day doesn't go by with out her tears that cry. Love is the born.

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums along with the whole of Mankind and all our relations who chime. We send our love to you. Thank you Mother Earth for your glow. We watch your snow, the crystalline rainbow.

Gifted by alightfromwithin.org Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!

Posted by White Buffalo Calf Woman at Monday, December 14, 2015