Cares are but the death of time, just let my wind blow along the wind. How can I be where you can find the flowing of all time? I will see you there, just dream today and we can go out to play. My heart is blue, the love of you, and I know it's about the right time. We jump all day, to learn to play, the heaven's dance inside. And when we arise, we give our shine to long for rising rainbows in the wind. I have come today, to know the way, just let us begin this way. I bless you deer (sacred journey of our eternal souls), the way of mirrors (reflection of the blue, the waters of the sea and sky, that offers us a garden, a Home), the heart of my soul is to shine!
Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, you may find her networking here with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. Hope to see you soon, Pure hearts, who walk the way of the Red Road, the law of love. Yellow Chief says, "I accept this challenge!" Welcome Home to the Dawning!
Visit WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman.Ning.Com
Visit www.WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman.org
Heart Song From the Heart of Angel From

Win Again, Offer the Way Home!
Let it out and let it smart (sting) to relieve your heart inside. Let them know when they don't show the right ways of love today. Give those love who earn the right, but those who walk away, don't know love's gun, is here to win, right through a loving heart. We will make you bleed (follow the red road, the law of love) to win again, and take a good look within. We will help you feel like brotherhood so you may live again. But don't you think you can act this way, by shooing us away, because wind never dies this day

But as we walk together upon this road, let me say one truth to you, I am the Angel From Heaven that is telling you come home, cause the Saints are all through. And it's time now, to dance your way, to freedom within your heart. Give it all away and Sing today, and happiness will know your way. But if you think that sin will win, then unhappiness will find your heart, I know you want to come home to me, I feel it in the breeze, but don't let the others guide you away, from me. I am where there is LOVE, and HERE is HEAVEN'S LOVE and you need me more than you please. Just give your self a lift, look up and pray to God, the Great Spirits who always look after our hearts. I say to you, most of all, my relatives, I miss you so. Please remember to bless the very breeze, that flows free. And when we teach you to fly with us (Aho, may your spirit fly

(Image to the right: Native Americans use feathers to bring the smoke or clouds of purification to bless your heart. Angel from Heaven surely is blessing you today, for she is the blue of you and me, the relatives who feels your heartbeat.)