Saturday, August 1, 2009

White Buffalo Calf Woman, a Living Prophecy!

White Buffalo Calf Woman, a living prophecy!

Greetings Relatives,

For all to see, I have come home to you, to understand the law. The law of heaven that comes with the Dark, the numinous of heaven that longs in our hearts. I sing to you every way, in the perfect song to speak, the Greatness that lies deep inside of you, the Greatness of your light.

We each have four sacred directions and lights they are to be, and if you want to know this truth then you will have to ask and sea. Come and receive the Song of your heart and know how Great you really can be. And what about your Guardians, animals and all in the dark? What about a vision, that speaks in your heart, ask to see the truth of your sight, the vision of your heart. I am your wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter, bring all your questions and learn the truth instead.

We are all a reflection of the Blue everywhere, the waters that cleanse us and offer us the to and fro. And in the wind that is created by the sun and water everywhere, is where the Great Spirits fly within, to me and you to begin. There are so many ancient tongues, of pictographic art, and these are but a language that needs perfect relativity. Gifting all for you for free is what God asks of me, and when you get your blessings, the validation just starts to begin.

For you are ancient and longing, an eternal being that has come home, to the Dawning that will begin soon, the Dawning of your heart. And what you seek within the dark, is what you bring to me, and I will purify you to begin the journey of the heart. Now if you need more relatives, then you only need to part, the longing of all our friends, who welcome God into their hearts. And those who fear the devil, well let us remind them all, that evil begins in the heart, just bless your actions within. Don't forget to bless the world and don't forget to bless your space, and if you need a walk about, then start with a fire in your heart, but don't forget that a fire need burn in the space of light is the way, to find the purified of this day.

There is much to learn today and purification that is coming this way. And if we don't look inside the dark and bless it to make a perfect start, then possibly we will have to rescue you, who did not follow the perfect beloved way. You may go into the hell at night, but we can rescue all your plight. For warriors of prophecy they do rise, to touch the beloved sky. Where Rainbows Children will rule the land, with force of the Great Spirits and all the above. now if you want to learn this way, then email White Buffalo Calf Woman this day. And you may learn what is right, if you know how to receive the right. And if you can't forgive your way, into White Buffalo Calf Woman this day, then come back and return for another day, for she will not ever forget you lie inside of her heart. For a heart that loves you beyond compare will tell you when you have lost your way. And a Mother to you, as Twin Deer Mother who knows the breeze, I will absolutely come to thee. There is nothing that can stop me, nothing above or below heaven that will stand in my way. For the Great Spirits have guided me this far, to assemble all the lost of heart.

And those who are ordained will walk with me someday, the Suns of Israel (12 Tribes) and the Natives (Red Man) who display, the rejoice of the coming of all the Calves this day, to prophecy that lives in me, to show you the beloved way.

We all belong to the Rainbow Clan, each beloved day and we who can see the light of darkness that is shed, and when you receive a Blessings, all will be understood, but those who fear of self will often make a run their stead. Not one who walks the hills at night but those who run away from everything that is uncomfortable and all that is unknown, but if you seek the blessings and offerings that gift you much more, then you will learn how Great you are, the prophecy that will be told. Now if you are able to receive me even through all the misery, then you will hold a blossom, the start to a dream. The way of love is difficult and all who suffers knows, the Love begins when we start to realize that we gift love everyday.

ose who do not share, but charge money for all they say, is not of White Buffalo Calf Woman, nor are they here to stay. I know you don't know how to make it, but there is a way, if you choose to work with us, the Elders who will show you the way. It will depend on your love and what you display each day, not the unworthy of gifting, but who gift because they choose. Even non-profits cheat everyday, when they are supposed to work for Gold, the abundance for everyone. These will not come towards me, because they fear the truth and I will gift to many who don't want to come in. But we must walk towards those who don't know love at all, and if you learn to be the Warrior of Prophecy this day, you will learn warrior traits that will serve you in the coming days, and Women, you bring law now, it's love or it's no way. Put hearts together and demand it for all to come home, for if you walk away from your kids, how will they know the way?

The Blessings is a Gift from God, not one that I have made up, the treasure of your life is written in your blood. It is written in your garment of lights that you display, and more and more will read you in the coming of the days. Now if you want to learn the way, to alleviate each day, then you will learn about the colors that you always display. We are each four sacred directions and each color is different when we overlay, the many other colors of all who make displays, but a Crystal Elder will know the truth and will not be afraid to say, that you are perfect if you choose, just choose the sacred way. The love of the land is law that stands, and it begins in the Darkness that is pure. You need bless each night and hourly each day, to know the sacred dance today.

Don't forget to email me, if you please, but if you think that loving gifts I send, then you need to receive me this day. For you are right when you learn that God stands on love that is true and from the devoted blue, the relatives who all live in the tree. We are the tree of life and we strive to be alive and many will end up on the streets. Who will come when you need, the loyal who bleed, will come to rescue the land.

On the streets everyday, to learn the sacred way, of gifting to all who come by, but those who don't know, will often get a scold, because they don't display love this day. We need to
receive each day, the love of all the leaves (relatives) and then we can learn to validate. It's not important who is right, but when we learn of love that keeps our hearts walking the right way. So instead offer validation, the means to all the nations, who have a heart and need to express it today. When you listen to them, even if you don't agree with them, then you are allowing the hearts to sing. This is love that is understood and if we all could be this way, then we need listen to all who have to say, "I have a heart and I need to be heard, whether it's wrong or if I'm in plight, I need my brother to hold my hand and my sister to understand, that I am a Human with a Heart". These are family please, who need me and you too this day, if you remember to offer each a smile, even those you don't understand, even those who rule the land, then eventually, we will know the breeze. The wind that blows through time this day, to help us to get underway, to the Greatest Show upon this land. For Heaven and Earth this day is coming in a few short years and we need all prepare to know the way.

Red the twin heart to hold your hand, the Yellow to offer a start as children they gift you what you need, and Black our Mother Deers (journey) who offer so much love and White our Father who knows now to return, returning home. And four colors of thee, please come home to me and the colors of the Rainbow will make a stand. We will offer you the breeze where God lives in thee, when Warriors of the Prophecy make a stand, oh make a stand. I will need you to be, the strength of the leaves, who know love is difficult each day, especially when those out there who don't know the way to love and bring all to a dollar to display. Well we will show them how to live on nothing but the land, when all the Relatives come home to pray. Soon, I will offer thee, the Nations in the Breeze, the Sacred Ceremonies you will all have to read, you will have to read. But until that month ahead, we will need Elders who say, " I do what I say each day", each day.

Here we long to be the free, the open and in the breeze, but love is the only way to go. And with love is suffering, it's always the way it's been, and we will continue to suffer to win the law, the law of love. And when we stand on love this day, we will learn to walk the sacred way, to dance and sing and exploit none this day.

Also, the many Crystal children and Indigos everywhere are not what they think they say, what they think they say, but instead it speaks of two, who know the perfect breeze, the perfect soul, the Indigo person displays. And the perfect warrior in the light is the Crystal person who is right, who brings truth and law to the land everywhere. And many colors lie inside of thee, we are not all crystals please, we have many colors in heaven and earth below, earth below. And I want to tell you, that you need only ask to receive, the four sacred colors that you display. And the song of your heart, it will gift you a start, to realizing that you are perfect within, perfect within. And I love to know your light, but you will have to seek what is perfect and right, the Crystal Elder who comes to offer you her hand. And I will come to know the perfect love that God gave to us above, and the heavens that we long for will hold us near, holding us near. The land of our dark, is what we long for in the night, but if fear rules your land, then you will fail. Just look inside your heart and recognize that you are God's, the perfect child, who came show off their display. And when you can RECEIVE then you will know the breeze, where God lives inside your heart to tell you this, "I am here with you each day, your Great Spirit Mother who displays, the greatness of your light when you pray" and Great Father lets you know, that he is the Governing Show, until the day, when the Reign will begin with his wife. And the day is coming soon, a few short years, the fire will bloom and the land will be burnt to the Ground. What will you do, if you don't know how to walk inside the fire of land? What will you do, if you don't have water to live? This is the challenge of the day, let alone how to get away from the Sun, this is the test of the Migration of today, of today.

Be prepared, know the way, get your blessings that offer you to stay, upon the Red Road, the law above the land. And I hope to see you soon, those who have God's heart and in it's bloom for this year will offer more than you can possibly see, but don't worry if you bless, the beloved and tried and true, the loyal blue of relatives everywhere. Their doors will be open to you and me, and we won't have others begging for money please, but will offer you all for free. And if they don't do this for you, then run to another door and see if it will open for you to see, the heart of love who waits inside to show you how to collide, when heaven and earth come head to head. And those who learn to be inside the knowing of this, they will survive the test of time. Let us all believe in God, the Oneness who makes a stand, there is Heaven times three who long to come home. And Earth is only one, but when all return to home, the four sacred directions we will know. Not only white, but black and red and yellow who will follow the red and we will all come home to be with Galilee. The place of freedom everywhere is the place God gifts to you inside your head and now you know that the heart is the way to begin. When you start with the heart, then you will see all to believe, to the promise land God has always promised us.

Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your beloved Twin Deer Mother, who will offer you all that you need to succeed. And now I await thee, to email and follow me, to the place that God has promised to all his lambs. what are you waiting for, if you need, but sooner if you please, it's all free, when you offer your heart. Just be blessed when you walk and know that we can see what's in your heart and we pray that you will come home this day!

Galilee: The voice follows the sound to land upon the ground, where the law of love is understood. Descending to be with those who long to be, the greatest flight to know the right above the wrong. To follow the laws of love upon the sacred ground.

Shiloh: The law (love) of high and low, of heaven that knows the earth who brings the show the rolling hills of time that always long to shine.

G_d: The voice of transmission longs to be on a mission.

G_ah_d: The voice of law, where Blood has to fall to know the transmission to mighty Gods law. This is the Red Road, upon the Heavenly and Earthly realms who bring the separation back to where it came from.

God: Is is the calling of all the relatives who shine, to make us one beloved family after all.

The promise land: It's when all the sacred leaves come home to know that God needs the loving family who left so long ago, and now we come home to know there is no guns, who need to blow off your head with hatred for it will fall. Instead we will have, a great big surprise, the heart of love everywhere. The place God foretold to us, the place that is made Red, the law of love that will save all the land.

Email to see the truth God gifted to you and to me, come and receive all your treasures that lives inside of thee, your devoted is here to bleed (walk the red road, the law of love).

Fire Offers Purification

Visit WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman.Ning.Com