Hello.What is the Fire Migration 2013?
Thanks. Pat
Beloved Pat Celtic Spring,This is White Buffalo Calf Woman, returning a response. Thank you for asking, "What is the Fire Migration 2013". On many of our domain pages on the left hand column with navigation tools, we have a count down calendar. This is for today, Thursday June 10, 2010!
Everyone is talking about the calender change at 2012, the end of times as we know it. But most of us, tend to think, it will be like the 1999 to 2000 computer change (nothing occurred Y2K*). Because predictions have come and went, we tend to deny our own feelings. Those who are learning to trust their own soul, realize something great is about to happen. Native American Elders have been speaking out loudly of coming times and it's changes. Even some ancient civilizations remain covered, alias to our knowing, even though there seems to be a shrinking world around us, with telecommunications and the internet. But as you know, few are taking are receiving the warning as a real threat, about the 2012 changes of time and space or even listening to our Elders.
When we take a breath, from inhalation to exhalation (or the other way around), there is a pause. That moment, between we call the twix. Like when we see the sunset or sunrise, we are in awe of it's majesty. This too is the sacred place, we journey between realms of heaven and earth. Now, could you imagine a 2000 year breath? It would take longer than a moment, but possibly 6 months, where we would be in the in-between place or the twix. This pause is what we will feel, from winter solstice 2012 to summer solstice 2013.
Evolution takes it's plunge into our lives, when heaven retreats back into our lives, with our souls. This is the shifting, we are all learning to control and live with-in our lives right now, an acquaintance to our own soul. But few of us think of evolutionary time dates, except for a few clansmen, who are destine to remind us of the changing times. Are we listening? Most of the world thinks of shorter periods of time, like today, next week, month or year. Some may even think in decades, but few of us think in thousands of years. And those who track the stars, and read it's warning, speak of changing climates and depolarization to the North and to the South poles, but yet, we continue to endure.
Few are even preparing for the changes and our true Indigo Warriors are speaking out and warning us too. Those who trust the world of darkness, the heaven, that embraces us all. We need only purify dark space, to create sanctuary. And thus, it is sacredness, that will heal those, who walk forward in the Great Migration. It is the fire's light, the sacred blessing, which cleanses our heaven within, to shine outwardly towards our relatives of this earth. This walk is the destination of brotherhood (law of love-space), where sisterhood rules (law of love-time). WE learn, that the only law, that matters is the law of love, to survive and evolve personally and to add our own dream world to others. This allows unification, merging of space and time, heaven and earth, love and law.
A common knowing that is generated around is the blue (fifth) star, which represents the emanation of light, the reflection of water. WE call it relatives. This relative, our Earth of water, offers us the ability to merge with fire, the Sun. We are naturally part of this cycle. And when the Heavens decide to bring other objects closer to us, we must learn to adapt. This spiraling is like twin galaxies, who collide into each other, just like what we are about to do, all relative to our positions in heavenly space, This other blue star is considered the twin to our own universe, that folds into one another, which would be us. Right now we are facing a folding of space and time. When more light is projected, a brilliant fire starts to pulse.
It is forecasted by many peoples, that their shall be red tails in the sky, where fire will be all over the earth. Raining fire doesn't sound fun. I personally have had Elephants come to visit with me in my visions and dreams, and show me that the world, will be ablaze. But this is only one in thousands or even millions of visions people are having right now, as we are learning to live in heavenly space. Our extrasensory in our children and parents who are starting too, to recognize change and journey about to happen. WE are calling our children Indigos or Crystals, as parents are just learning that we are many colors of the Rainbow Clan. We carry not only these two colors, but four sides of our sacred rainbow colors, which we radiate our lights without (world of flesh) and in many variable colors. Now it's time to radiate light from within, to learn about the inner fire, that blesses and walks sacred, into the dawning of brotherhood.
This sounds like we need preparation for our world we are living in right now. It's a time to gather, to depend on one another, be relative, to their needs. Because if we don't prepare, it becomes the survival of the fittest instead. Even governments are getting prepared, but leaving the general population without assistance, because this is the way of the last phase of evolution, as renegades who get to the top of the hill and survive. Rather thinking of physical rules of the laws of physics, our governments and even our clergy don't have spiritual skills needed or even understand what is happening in our world. Yet it is our heavenly gifts we need depend on to get us through, into safety. Today, laws of physics are being defied all the time, and our children, are showing us there are no rules except love. Those who learn, to bless, sanctify space and get along with others as a community, as Godly servants to mankind and all relatives, these shall survive the laws of dark space (heaven). Just now, mankind is learning to record dark space (reverberates), which is all around us which acts completely differently than light space (linear waves).
Children are from heaven, and thus have rules from heaven, until they grow older and start to believe, it's impossible. But a dream makes all things possible. Dreams are what make changes to our world. From an Oneness perspective, it is the Native Americans, or Red Man, who are the children from earth and elders from heaven. We will be depending on our Native Relatives, to share with the world, how to walk sacred again. Many who do not reject their own knowing (soul, darkness) and can transform like alchemists (flesh, lightness). For instance did you know when a National Fire gets way out of control, that Native American Fire Fighters are called in, who come in and talk with the trees and mark them, the story of the asking. Did you know, that a spiritually knowledgeable Native can paint a building miles away, by painting the air nearby? And did you know, that many children could see with their ears or open a container without even touching it or blossom fields of flowers, just with a wave of a hand? My Granddaughter tells me of her friends and this is getting more common than not. We are new age people, working towards the shifting worlds of heaven and earth merging together.
Technology is now catching up, but not in time, because it's eternal knowledge of the soul, that serves us, when we trust ourselves. The true within, the SOUL, speaking from the heart, which navigates the eternal (bliss) happiness of our lives. Unhappiness only comes, when we don't listen to ourselves, but refuse to listen to thyself. Our souls (blue road) live within the dark space, within our hearts. Our physical body (red road), lives without the light space. It is these two worlds (united yellow path), which are shifting together and that dreams do come true (rising star, whitey). These are the basic four directions of our lives, like seasons, we learn to change with the moving tides.
In our time, it has been predicted that the planet will be changing physically (earthly and light) and spiritually (heavenly and dark), where much of the world lies in cataclysm. Everyday, there is a Tornado, Earthquake, Tsunami, Hurricanes, which are not only devastating, but more frequent with each passing year. And it's all to teach us to gather together, to learn to share and mostly support others, who are in need. Right now, we send more aid overseas (USA), than assisting our own who are relative to us (continuing population of homeless). You know the saying, "Think globally, but act locally". Well, we must vision with our hearts, rather than our eyes, to know, to feel, the truth that is about to change our lives.
We are all learning to migrate towards a new dawning. A change from the end of one time, which Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy call, the second phase of evolution (earth), to the third phase of evolution (heaven and earth). These are warriors who prepared for the sacred migration, the "Fire Migration". We prepare by learning to bless hourly, each other and the space we are entering and leaving, including social networks online, and bless with fire five or six times a day. And begin to shift from pain and suffering to joy and dance. This is the choice, because if we don't have tears one way, we shall have it another way. But until we all learn, we must try to save as many as we can.
It is simply a matter of survival, because when the fire in the sky falls down and the seas fill up, with red waves, what shall we do? The only way to be fit, will be those who learned how to create sanctuary space, with sacred blessings. Turning your daily walk with blessings, using fire blessings, blessing water everywhere you go, and joining the Great Give-A-Way (no money), will be the only way to bring brotherhood to us all. This dream is about evolution, when our souls emerge from our earthly flesh. We must learn to share space, internal space, as light and dark fold together to be Oneness. We cannot hide our feelings anymore, as we open our vision, and know the truth of what others feel. Truth is not easily accepted these days, with such amoral behaviors around the world. However, truth for a seeker is mandatory action in life. And those who look for answers, find them with others, who share stories, gather and begin a sacred walk home into the Dawning. Paradise here we come!
It is a sacred migration, for those who learn that fire can travel right through their bodies if they bless, have faith and walk holy and pure. It will not be easy, but those who fight for what is right, will survive. And those who do not learn this time around, will be saved until they can return again later. They (spirits) will simply have to wait for flesh bodies to enter again. Few will survive. And we the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, will work hard to save as many of our relatives around the world as possible, but fighting for what is right, standing our ground and using love, as their great weapon. God's little children, wolves (warriors) and lambs (pure hearts), join hand in hand.
For further questions, please contact whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.com, your devoted servant, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter and elder crystal person. I am here, White Buffalo Calf Woman, a prophecy brings us towards the Rainbow Warriors and the world is changing from physical beings to spiritual beings, knowing that Love is Law, often referred to as the Red Road. Learn about your Rainbow Colors, ask and receive, the dream we could believe, having faith in our hearts, that God will scream and shout, for tears will lead the day, when Prophecy is spoken today. We are going home to play, in a world of wondrous display. Welcome home to Heaven on Earth, after we enter 2013 fire migration, the folding of the red fire in the sky and the red waters of the waters, there shall be a new world, with a devoted Rainbow Clan.
* Fearing all the computers would stop functioning, because the counters where not designed for larger numbers, but it just rolled over and began again. Just like life, renews itself, we roll over to see a new day!
Pray With Elders around the World
Hear Your Relatives Perfect Flowing Hearts
Listen to the Blessed Rainbow Colors of the Four Directions
Learn Warrior Skills with the Peaceful Wisdom Prayer!Listen to the Blessed Rainbow Colors of the Four Directions
Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!