Sunday, February 28, 2016

White Buffalo Calf Woman, Degonawida, Pocahontas, John Smith, Iroquois

Tara: And then it caused this scene to change and we went back to a very important time in our history and there we stopped [with] the Iroquois and we were sitting with Pocahontas and Degonawida and John Smith and White Buffalo Calf Woman and .
reposted from

Tara&Rama Report 4-28-15

Rama & Tara: Greetings!
Tara: Everyone! Thank you for all of that which you have done to stick together here because it’s on every level that we are changing everything.  And just know that the smallest little assistance that we each give in thought, word or deed is magnified millions and trillions-fold, right now.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: The nature of the energy is rising and also the speeding up of time. On Thursday is Beltane It’s celebrated on the 30th and sometimes on the 1st. And Beltane is an Irish-Scottish-Celtic..
Rama: It’s the crack between the two…
Tara: It’s the crack between the two worlds and it’s the power of the wiccan magic too. And what it is doing is, it’s midway between Spring and the beginning of Summer, so we are making another quantum leap and it’s also a period where we are entering into Wesak energies of Buddha’s birthday coming up here on the 3rd of May.
And Lady Di and Dodi called Rama last Thursday and said: “We are on our way up on our camels. We’re going to Wesak Valley; we are going to spend the whole month there and meditating and praying with the Sherpas (Tara is laughing) and smelling like a camel.”
I just want you to know that the energies of their presence are with us. And they always come to these calls. I don’t know what kind of technology they’ve got with them with their camels but I just wanted to set the stage there.
Along with all this Celtic wisdom, there was an article called “How the Bible is an Irish Book Altered and Adapted by the British-Roman Translators.”
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: This is a very powerful statement, and it really doesn’t change anything except that we are grasping the concept which I think is iterated by Yeshu when he said; he didn’t say “I’m the way”, he said “This is the way.” This is THE way.” And by your example shall you become known.” So what he was doing is demonstrating the Office of the Christ. And so that was the incarnation where he took on the commitment of a very High Initiate to follow the ways of the teachings of the Sananda Kumara light, if you will. And so the Irish brought religion and stabilization to Egypt - it’s not the other way around. And that religion was Sun worship and if you can look today at what we’re going through here, religion is not those things, you know, the ideologies which are incorrect basically, and that the religion at its highest point of light would be the Sun worship, if you will, look at the sun as the sun comes up, look at the sun as the sun goes down.
And so the word Jew is derived from an idiomatic Irish word meaning, it’s spelled I-U-D-H or sometimes spelled Y-U-D-H and then there is a word that the Irish say ‘Yeshu’ because there is no J in the Irish language or in the Hebrew language for that matter.  And there is a reason for that because when you go back in the history the true Hebrews were the Irish. Only they were Black Irish at that origin. And in this country the Cherokee are called the Black Irish; they come from that same background.  See, this is a lot of stuff that is part of what's happening – we’re in a new cycle - literally.  And so without getting overwhelmed with all of these the new beginnings are demonstrative in a little story that Rama has to tell you today. So all right, Rama.
Rama: I went up on mountains here and I ran into my friend Crazy Steve, I call him. He's the one who's friends with Professor Nicodemus. Well today, this guy that travels around the Southwest and he’s been to California, he’s been to Mount Shasta; he has this gypsy wagon that’s pulled by three horses and a goat. And he calls himself Doctor West and he got introduced to me today by Crazy Steve and..
Tara: and who’s Crazy Steve?
Rama: Crazy Steve is the guy who lives out of this storage shelter, so to speak, simply because he’s not from Earth, and he’s been up and down all around. And….
Tara: And he’s been living there in that storage shelter with another character for how many years?
Rama: Maybe 20 years now…
Tara: Is that all?
Rama: Yeah…
Tara: You’ve been saying that for a long time…
Rama: Maybe it’s 30 by this time.
Tara: I’m pretty sure you’re right.
Rama: Yeah, he’s got treasures in there that are like, it’s like going to visit a combination of Master Yoda and I will just say Dr. Oz, the real Dr. Oz from the island of O-Z…
Tara: (giggling)
Rama: And he had this sphere today that is almost as large as this lamp that we have.
Tara: Well his friend did, Dr. West.
Rama: Dr. West. First, he, you know..
Tara: …and Dr. West is the one with the gypsy wagon and two or three horses and a goat.
Rama:…that’s right..
Tara: …and they were all up there on the mountain as you ran into them when you went up there.
Rama: Yeah, and he actually looked into this sphere and…
Tara: It was about a foot and a half in diameter.
Rama: A quartz crystal sphere, and I was sort of hesitant to touch it. He said: “Go ahead, touch it, dude.” So I finally touched it, and the scene lit up and, go on with the story there…
Tara: OK, Rama hesitated first and said, What’s gonna happen if I touch it? He said: “Don’t worry about it - you are not going to turn into a pumpkin or anything else weird.”
Rama: Right.
Tara: He touched it and then it lit up, and then there was a scene with a man dressed like a hermit and in the Tarot, The Hermit is the card for Lord Kuthumi.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: So, it was a big clue there…and, anyway, in the scene inside the crystal sphere with the hermit, he was holding a sphere as well, and he was up at the top of the mountaintop and in the card of the Tarot card, the hermit is the at the top of the precipice of the mountain and he’s shining the Light onto the world and another definition is Nirvana, if you will. So this is all kind of a metaphoric story, if you will - we’re all at the mountain top and we are the Light at the top of the mountain and we’re shining that. In this case it’s with the sphere doing that. And that relates to these Gem spheres that we had which had hydrogen inside. And the sun is made out of these plasma molecules and we understand that the hydrogen also now manifests as helium coming out from the sun. The sun is not hot.
Rama: No.
Tara: But it still emanates that light which lights our whole beings up and gives us life. OK, so, the thing is that, as Lord Kuthumi, the hermit, was holding the sphere up shining the light at the top of the mountain, a meteorite merged, came through the sky inside there in the scene, and merged with the sphere.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And then it caused this scene to change and we went back to a very important time in our history and there we stopped [with] the Iroquois and we were sitting with Pocahontas and Degonawida and John Smith and White Buffalo Calf Woman.
Rama: They were in a longhouse.
Tara: Yes, they were in a longhouse and that goes together with, Penny sent us a little article and it’s called “Atlantis Power Grid” And we’ve spoken about that before and we’re already told that that Power Grid is active and this is the 13th point on the planet; it’s up there, like mid-central on the border between Alberta and Manitoba, yes. And there are these copper-colored mountains and when you fly over this grid point, there is a complete face of a Native American Indian with his full headdress and it’s all in copper, Everyone. And that’s the final grid point, where we don’t need to make any more things. And that means that the whole thing that Atlantis did where they didn't make solar panels, they didn't make windmills, they just activated this grid and there are these huge megalithic stones in this grid pattern too. And they are stone people.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: They have a sentient soul, and they are there for us as we are ready now for some enlightenment. So then Deganawida touched the Great Law, which is the document that the Declaration of Independence was written in the Iroquois language originally in 1774, by this great law. So Rama is going to look it up to see if we can find it on the internet; we know it, we have a book and we can read it sometime. Nonetheless that Great Law, the letters lit up when Deganawida..
Rama: They lit up like gold, like the sun...
Tara: Yeah, when Deganawida read it. Deganawida is an incarnation of Sananda Kumara, so I remind everybody that Great White Buffalo Calf Woman is his twin flame in the West.  OK, so then the sphere went dark and everybody found themselves back on the covered wagon with Crazy Steve and Dr. West. And everything was, you know, very fresh in everybody’s mind and Rama just looked up and said: “Now what?” And then they all heard this voice that said: “The Great Law is being put into effect now.”
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And don’t ask me what NOW means. (laughing)
Rama: No..
Tara: I’m just going to say that never mind Benjamin Fulford. I just want everybody to get that he’s not working for the Light. And the fact of the matter is two weeks ago on Saturday, the West, the United States did go bankrupt. They are playing shenanigans trying to fudge around with the accounting records to delay the inevitable, you might say. Remember who we are. And Greece is, you know, on delay and what’s going on with Greece keeps the EU still on the board. But default is the ultimate demise.
And then you asked the question, why is Barack continuously pushing the fast tracking  [of the Trans Pacific Partnership]?  I want to remind you, and the King of Swords, Tom the Cat, all the folks, Larry, Curley and Mo said, ‘He has got the goods on everybody that’s pushing that fast track.’  All these Cabal are doing are trying to create, just like Benjamin Fulford said, the new financial system - but it’s not NESARA!
Rama: No.
Tara: It’s their, you know, cover-up again of trying to pull the wool over the wise men’s hearts. You can’t do it. It’s not possible. Love is all there is. And the national debt is not owed by Americans. It’s owed by all that which has been untrue to the Light. NESARA now, Everyone!  And we pass this talking stick back to you, Everybody. And ET go home – we’re all here now. 

Transcription by Adriana. 
Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!

Gifted by Angel Services Around the World. Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise.

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