For Your Fire, Pipe, Blessing Ceremony

The Blessing of the Nine Directions
To the East and the West. To the north and the south. To the up and the down, to the sacred all around. To the heartbeat and Breath, I gift all my sacredness. I receive all my life for thee. I shall be forever in the breeze.
peacefulYour Heart Song
I shall sing. I shall sing upon Mountain Tops. I shall be. Glory for thee. And I shall be the loving breeze.

Sacred Dew

Four Sacred Directions In Thee!

Relatives, "Ask for your colors you can believe all the rainbow you can receive, the sacred garment of lights that lead, the spreading sheets of leaves. Here the way is clear to be, the loving and sacred tree. Take to your heart all that you believe and come and fly with me! In other words, ask and you shall receive your four sacred colors." says, White Buffalo Calf Woman who Sings for you, your Twin Deer Mother and additional Sacred Song Blessings and We Bless You

Come receive your Sacred Song Blessings, ask for your blessings and receive, the greatest treasure you could conceive, the soul that needs to be true, when one is validated in you. The treasure is you!

Buffalo Robe Requests

  • Golden Katy Keel
  • Rainbow Cecilia Ann Zoby
  • Indigo Child (indigocrystalchildren circle google+)

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

What is Truth and How to Manage Your Crystal and Aqua Children!

Feb 26, 2010, Blossoming Petals of the New Dawn wrote:

Good morning,
My friend holiness Gayle and I have been reading and talking about The Michael Teachings.  It talks about how our souls make agreements between lives with other "fragments", in order to grow through 7 levels of understanding (this is a gross simplification of the concept for email explanation purposes) smiles.   Have you heard of these teachings and what do you think?  It reminding me of your colors and garments of light, how the different colors indicate the age of the soul and it's purpose.
The reason I ask, is I have noticed that Madeline Dimpled Time has quite a negative vibe/attitude towards her sister (Delilah, aqua).  She is kind to all people and animals, but she seems to have a real "hateful"-thing going on with Delilah.  It is very hard for Maddy to say anything or even think anything kind towards Delilah, and that seems to be all that is important to Delilah in the world (for her sister to say a kind word to her.....or better yet actually appear to love her).  Is there more to this relationship than appears?  Is this a carry over from something in a past life? It may sound trivial, but is is actually quite troublesome in our home.  I would like to facilitate peace between these two girls.
We did the blessing, and it felt wonderful.  I bless myself and I bless this space.  Daily, hourly, thank you for your wisdom.  I really appreciate your insight and friendship.

Blossoming Petals

It's time to come home where we sing and dance, where the heart does smile. Give me a hand and we will make a stand. Into the new dawning, where the rolling hills, will blend our heart, to be paradise again. We are part of the sacred Rainbow, the Clan that does know the way! Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, we make a new land *•♫♪♪♫•* come join my hands!
Feb 28, 2010  White Buffalo Calf Woman wrote:

cw:  Inline Response from White Buffalo Calf Woman (cw) to Blossoming Petals (bp),

bp:  Good morning,

cw:  Blossoming Petals,

cw: Lets try to be respectful and use my name.  Address me.  If others do not address you properly, then request it and forgive them if they do not.  But if you do not demand it, then respect is not what you will receive.  Sorry you are not getting your deserved respect at home. Use my name when talking to me. This is simply, common courtesy!

bp: My friend Holiness Gayle and I have been reading and talking about The Michael Teachings.  It talks about how our souls make agreements between lives with other "fragments", in order to grow through 7 levels of understanding (this is a gross simplification of the concept for email explanation purposes) smiles.   Have you heard of these teachings and what do you think?

cw:  Below are some excerpts from Micheal Teachings.  The whole thing makes me cry.  Such ignorance.  Do people really believe this stuff? 
This is a severe lack of knowledge, and really stupidity (people who do not trust their own souls, depending on outside resources, rather than relying on self realization).  Life can be so simple, to them, as if we are only seven roles!  They understand nothing of evolution. These are people who don't listen to their own hearts, but use their intelligence and exclusions of all other life.  My goodness, my beloved, take your role seriously?  You are the Aqua person, Blossoming Petals, the one who is the leader of men.  Guide them home, to our groups and hoops so they may learn truth. 

cw:  Another thing, Holiness Gayle is your younger sister, a lavender person.  You are the eldest sister in the house of God, an aqua person.  You are both girl souls and girl flesh, so you are both very female.  And you think with your heart, rather than with intelligence. But when you trust your intelligence, you are denying your inner knowledge of your souls.  Trust your soul, the eternal spirit knows.

cw:  "When you trust your flesh, you lose your address (forgetting you are living in heaven). Trust your soul, the eternal nose (knows or bridge to your flesh, the wild wild west, where the sun does rise within). If you don't know who you are and don't know what you are doing, then know the Soul knows the way, true to yesterday (the eternal circle of life, repeats and grows)!

bp: It reminding me of (Rainbow) colors and garments of light, how the different colors indicate the age of the soul and it's purpose.

cw: The Rainbow Colors are the mathematical perfection of heaven and earth.  These colors validate our lives, completely.  Not somewhat.  Each of us are perfect and unique like snowflakes.  No two are the same.  Surely there is no exclusions or a limited seven roles placed on anyone (Micheal teachings), other than what lies on our hearts.  Rainbow Colors are tools of light, not the soul. The soul is eternal.  The mathematical perfection is in accordance to all life, heavenly or earthly.  There is no conflicts, only perfection we each play a part within the oneness. Our roles vary according to our destiny written on our book of life, our souls, and our tools of lights, the four sacred directions offer us guidance to our roles, as part of the Oneness.

cw: Micheal teachings are a guess work, where there is no truth, and channeling is a combination of more than one entity, not truth.  Only the reflection of the truth, where there is only ignorance and intelligence.  When a person has a diploma, a piece of paper, doesn't mean that person, has more knowledge than one who doesn't have a piece of paper, we call a graduate. True knowledge is when we apply what we know, to the world outside.  The soul guides the way, and wisdom partakes and plays. When we use intelligence, we dismiss our inner knowledge.  Channeling is a form of intelligence or someone going to school, where application is not rooted in day to day activities or real life training.

bp: The reason I ask, is I have noticed that Madeline Dimpled Time (crystal) has quite a negative vibe/attitude towards her sister (Delilah, aqua).  She is kind to all people and animals, but she seems to have a real "hateful"-thing going on with Delilah.

cw:  Dimpled Time is a crystal person.  She is the soul mirror to another.  It's that simple.  The only way for Delilah to respond to Madeline is to use love.  Any other method, will not get any results.  It is not Madeline who is being mean.  It is Delilah who is the mean one!  Delilah is acting this way, but no one catches her in the act, or corrects her behavior, and since she is an aqua person, well most of the world will follow her and not question her behavior, like the way people act towards you Blossoming Petals (aqua person).  This is a big problem when it comes to the Aqua person's ego.  They tend to get their way, always.  No one ever questions them.  The Aqua person, the earthly leader, needs to look back (graduate or intelligence) and see what the people need, to lead (application or wisdom).  But tends to lead, blindly without asking others for what they need (no wisdom).  It is Madeline (crystal person), who is the heavenly leader, who becomes the same way Delilah acts (aqua person).  Delilah gets what she gives.  And Madeline doesn't realize she does it, but simply does it, as the great treasure (lesson), to offer the doorway to get into heaven (humbleness or bow like the Rainbow).  If Delilah uses love, she wins.  But if Delilah uses control, hate or blame, she loses. 
The crystal person, Madeline, offers the treasure (wisdom), to help Delilah learn the perfection, her perfect part (the soul which she sees in the mirror of Madeline, the crystal person). Madeline offers (the treasure or lesson) to Delilah.  The choice is to use the law of love, the heart (wisdom or application), or continue using her intelligence.  By acting the same way toward Delilah, Madeline (crystal person) offers her the greatest treasure, the lesson.  Delilah (aqua person) acts with intelligence or blame, rather than a heart.  And when you use love, you win, with your soul, and evolve personally. But if you try to use anything else with a crystal else with a crystal person, you get more of the same.  You just can't win, without using love.  You see, the crystal person is the perfect warrior, and the God of science, who has the most intelligence. But rather than using intelligence, the crystal person, uses the heart and serves.

bp: It is very hard for Madeline to say anything or even think anything kind towards Delilah, and that seems to be all that is important to Delilah in the world (for her sister to say a kind word to her.....or better yet actually appear to love her).

cw:  Then you tell Delilah to start to use love towards Madeline.  When Madeline says an unkind word.  Tell Delilah to go and give her a hug, instead of walking away or using tears, or worse blaming her sister, for her own behavior.  Get Delilah (cloud), to go to Madeline (door), when she is acting (Madeline) the worst, and ask her, "What is the matter with you, my sister (Madeline).  Are you in pain?  Can I help you?  I am sorry if I brought pain to you!"  Start to care more about Madeline (crystal person), rather than caring about Delilah (aqua person)!  Love always works positively on a crystal person.  Always, in fact it's the only thing that will work, because any other method, will get you the perfect warrior, in your face.  Just as you have experienced with me.  You won't win, until you use love, and that's the key to evolution.  Madeline will always be right, ALWAYS. Beleive me, she (Madeline) doesn't want to be right, but that the role of a crystal person, is to validate the soul of others, whether it be violent or harmonious behavior. Bottom line is Madeline (crystal person), simply won't break any laws of God, but it will surely look like she does and everyone will blame her for their own actions. You simply cannot get away with impure actions when around a crystal person, because they care enough to show you how you act. It's automatic and not something that is thought out.  It is the mirror to the soul, the twin heart of those who look upon their own soul.

bp: Is there more to this relationship than appears?  Is this a carry over from something in a past life?

cw:  Past lives matters not, because the only law is LOVE.  Use love, and you evolve.  That's it.  Don't use love, then you get to do it all over again, again and again (karmic lives, a repeat, in one lifetime or many lifetimes), until you do use love. Another thing, is if any of you, don't use love and don't do your blessings, then you bring the impure of the world around you, home to Madeline.  And then she has to become it, good bad or ugly.  So to make all feel better, use the blessings.  You can teach Madeline, to tell others to bless themselves.  Or to say, "You need to manage your space, with blessings" or "You don't have a right to dump all over me!"  Madeline can insist others bless themselves, to feel better.  Holiness Gayle can rescue Madeline, if she asks Holiness Gayle.  Teach Madeline to ask Holiness Gayle, to help the one who is in pain.  She can ask no other, except Holiness.  "I feel pain, follow my heart and send love" she would ask to a Holiness, a lavender person.  Madeline feels the pain of others and often thinks it's her own.  This is quite common with everyone, and that's why we need to bless, to cleanse our holy temple, like we cleanse our own houses, every single day. Get the dirt out, with blessings.  It's like taking a shower, a spiritual bath.  Madeline, is always pure, but feels everything and knows everything, but cannot speak about it with intelligence at her age, more like a feeling or heart knowledge we call wisdom.  When you can walk towards the seemingly hateful ways of a crystal person with love, then you have walked into the House of God and through the "Pearly Gates" or "the front door".  Learn to be humble to the crystal person, your daughter, and your sister White Buffalo Calf Woman.  We live our lives to serve, and we belong to you, as servants.  Blaming us for anything, is blaming yourself, because we turn into you, the soul we twin upon, the book of life, whether it be heavenly or earthly entities.

bp: It may sound trivial, but is is actually quite troublesome in our home.  I would like to facilitate peace between these two girls.

cw:  Then you get Delilah to go to Madeline and say, "I love you", or "I am sorry, I did not bless" (management of self space) and then ask Delilah to ask Madeline, if she would bless with her or even bless her.  Madeline can bless her with song, but Delilah needs bless with fire.  Get Madeline to sing to others, to guide them and help others, to offer them peace by teaching the fire ceremony and sacred blessings. Ask Madeline anything, and she will do it for anyone, you just have to ask, as she is the front door to the House of God, the crystal person. She is crowned peace and can bring peace to others.  Love brings peace and happiness.  Use love, it's the law.  Holiness David says, "There's a new law in town, and the LAW is LOVE!" It's really the old law, but evolution teaches us, as we migrate from the world of earth, to the world of heaven and earth, the third phase of evolution.

Knock and the door shall open.  Ask and you shall receive.

This is what the crystal person must bee.  This works anytime with a crystal person.  We wear the heavenly crown.  And soon everyone will be able to see it.  Indigos can see it right now, as they have the vision of sight, but must be standing in front of the crystal person.  And must be in the right position as dark and light space moves around.

cw:  Delilah must learn to look back at others and see what they need, rather than only doing what Delilah wants as an Aqua person.  She must learn the 360 dance.  Serving others is what Delilah does for herself, not for others. She must learn to turn around and ask.  Madeline serves others for others, not for herself.  Delilah needs a pat on the back, or ego lifted.  Madeline never needs her ego lifted (but it's good medicine to offer the embrace).  The servant, is the one who is caring for others first, before self.  This is true love.  Get Delilah to serve others first, rather than herself.  And get Madeline to teach of the holy blessings, to manage their (others) space, and to use song to relieve or bless others.  Just saying I bless you, does not work for Madeline, but teaching others to bless themselves, helps Madeline. Teaching Delilah to asking others before leading, helps her to be a good leader, by serving others first.  This offers Delilah, real application of her innate ability to lead people with a heart, rather than with intelligence.
cw:  *The hoop dance teaches you not to run away but to run back.  Here we are safe in the completion of the sacred circle.  The universe unfolding the gentle waves of the returning!  The green grass has come home embraced. This is especially needed by the Indigo or Indigo overlay persons, as they deliver the reflection, then often departing.  There is much misunderstanding to this knowing.  The perfect soul of the Indigo is freeing themselves with the Soul and not the Body.  The 360 "hoop" dance will offer them a true escape, from delivering the arrow of reflection. But I would like to offer others the Great Teaching of the Indigo Prophet and to recognize that each of us have the Perfect Soul.  And with this knowing, we can fly the sacred circle "hoop" and back in a moment of time. We have forgotten our Soul, the spiritual being within us,  due to the Veil we created.  To bring vision back into your lives, all we have to do is practice who we are.  Be you, perfection, the loving being that feels with a heart.  Sing joy together and gather! It's the running back which offers the wisdom of the heart, and allows application to unity, rather than separation. This is the law of love, the 360 dance!

bp:  We did the blessing, and it felt wonderful.  I bless myself and I bless this space.  Daily, hourly, thank you for your wisdom.  I really appreciate your insight and friendship.

cw:  I am not your friend.  I am your relative.  Friends come and go.  Relatives stay for eternity. We are relatives. Thank you for Blessing your space, and teach all to do the same.  This one thing, shall save them, when darkness folds with lightness. this is the very shift we need learn.  True life application of our learning.  Blessings and purification, walks sacred.

bp: Love,
Blossoming Petals

cw: your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
elder christal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter prophecy of rainbow warriors

[DAVE G says this.] A fundamental aspect of Michael's wisdom is that the meaning of existence is in a nutshell -- life.  There is nothing else. The experiences we gather from living day after day, lifetime after lifetime, constitute the essential components necessary to grow spiritually.  There are no secret rituals, special meditations, or any other esoteric practices required. Life itself is the only lesson plan needed in order to move forward. From this continual dance, we eventual learn the following tenet: we are here to learn how to choose, and to choose how to learn.

cw:  [White Buffalo Calf Woman says this.] This whole concept is pure ignorance.  We are not here to learn to choose, and to choose how to learn.  We are here to experience life, to be "I am".  This is Godly.  The only law to being, is the law of love.  There is no choice. Our lives are predestine before we got here.  God has it all planned out.  You take your place and learn about love.  Or you get to do again and again, until you do take your place and learn about love. There is no choice, except do I use love today, and/or this moment. There is no other choice. You live up to yourself, not to anyone else or anything else. Forgive and bee free or hate, feel misery and repeat.

cw:  We are here to learn rituals, special meditations and practice spirituality, and that's why we have religion. How does one throw away eons of religion?  This is big time lack of knowledge and wisdom.  All has it's place.  It's called purification with fire and water, the holy blessings. Life itself is not the only lesson plan, in order to move forwards.  The only way to move forwards is using love and purification acts of ceremony, gathering and serving others. Humility is the humbleness of the sacred Rainbow Clan. Evolution comes from these actions, and the warrior who fights to keep these laws (rituals) alive.

cw:  This is certainly not wisdom of Micheal, but reflection of many entities, heavenly and earthly. Holiness David says, "Why are you listening to Micheal channelings, when you should be listening to God".  I continue on to say, "Which is everyone and everything".  Service to others.  Truth can only bee told by a crystal person, the rest of us, need to realize, this is the purpose of crystal people. Like a crystal rock, when light shines through it, the many colors divide and can bee seen perfectly. Others who are not crystal people, cannot do this, nor know truth, it's a reflection of the truth. Although it can be knowledge. We all have purpose, to serve the whole we call God.

cw:  Michael channelings are not truth.  When you talk with God, you are directly talking to someone. Just like when you talk with your relatives or person, you met on the street.  Channelings are from someone, who is listening to someone else.  There is no truth.  Only a crystal person can hear truth, because they are not channeling, they are speaking to a spiritual being, like talking to them.  You get to hear the conversation, because they become the soul of the spiritual entity.  Others must listen, interpret, then write or transcribe, then you get to hear it.  By the time you hear the data, it's second hand knowledge.  Why don't you simply pray, and talk with God directly, like we do with people every day?

cw:  I will give you an example.  When I sing a song, it comes out of me, a crystal person, without premeditation.  It just comes out of me, as if I was speaking for another.  I become their soul, the twin heart.  I never know what is going to come out of me. I never sing the same song twice. Each song is unique and without fore knowledge or reinterpretation.  It just is (although, I do interpret the songs, afterward, so others do understand the meaning as your sacred interpreter). Others cannot do this.  Only a crystal person can do this.  When channeling, you must perceive.  Crystals don't perceive or use intelligence.  It's just happens.  Now sometimes, other Rainbow Clan members appear to do this also, but what happens, is there is a reflection, like looking under water, and must interpret what is heard or said, to speak it out.  Crystal people do not do this.  There is no interpretation or reflection, because it's from the darkness of the soul, or heavenly existence.  Others are reading the light, which is the flesh and intelligence, the reflection of the darkness of heaven. And therefore not truth.

cw:  Michael entity claims to be a collective of 1050 souls. Evolution is the incarnation of existence, when one is the living being, whether heavenly or earthly. 1050 is not Oneness or a whole of anything, only a perspective or reflection of parts. Those who are not of earth, are children, learning to descend upon Earth.  They are the soul children of heaven.  We are the soul elders upon Earth. You must evolve from heaven, to walk upon Earth, through descending of the soul.  This is what all spiritual beings from heaven look to attain.  We need to take our place, and start to take care of our heaven, as children they are.

cw:  Channelers, are hearing or seeing other realms.  They are experiencing communication with heaven.  This is part of our evolution.  And it's happening to everyone.  Don't think you can't do this too.  When we pray, we are channelers. We are talking to God, and we certainly don't need others to talk to God for us.  We all have the ability to talk with God.

[Reflection] Micheal Teachings says this, "The Tao consists of an infinite number of sparks, or units of consciousness, that are at once wholly unified and individual, like the cells of our body. Some of these sparks are purely potential, and others have experienced varying degrees and kinds of realization in the universe and in the Tao itself. The Tao is the fundamental creator, and it created the universe to be its “workshop,” a place where it could manifest and further know itself. The Tao pervades the universe with love, which is the animating force, the fundamental impulse, in all creation. Our spark, being part of the Tao, shares in the Tao’s creativity. When we created our essence, we cast or extended ourselves from the Tao into the universe in order to expand the Tao. We explore, experience, and create in order to actualize more of the Tao’s potential and bring back to it a wealth of new knowledge about itself. Since the Tao’s nature is love, what we are really about, ultimately, is expanding love."

Comment from White Buffalo Calf Woman: Here the word Tao is conceived by the ying/yang symbology of the east meets the west.  This image represents the darkness on one side and the lightness on the other side.  There is a smaller dot within the swirled halves.  These dots represents the little bit of light in the dark.  And the little bit of dark in the light.  This is the modern day perception.  The heavenly knowledge knows, that Great Mother leads the darkness, our heavenly souls and Great Father leads our lightness, our earthly flesh. These are what the dots represent according to Heaven and Earth.  There is lack of knowledge according to the Asian philosophy of Micheal's Teachings, because there is a West greets East type of knowledge.  There is not a deep understanding of the Tao, but a superficial knowing of Asian medicine.  What is expressed here although is a facet of the Oneness, the reflection of the truth or mirror image upon the blue of me and you, the deep blue seas of our Earthly world.

[Truth] White Buffalo Calf Woman Says this, "The word Tao means to walk towards home", in which the Blue Lake People know and observe, where eternal knowing of the Blue Road walks.  It is also a mathematical evidence (Tao de Ching, walk towards home is the way) according to the Yellow People of Asia for thousands of years (united blue and red road, the yellow way, walking talking, the rising sun).  These two factors, do not conflict. Tao is not an infinite number of sparks, but a finite number, of mathematical viability. Tao is is the whole of sum parts, which belong together as Oneness.  This oneness is what is universal, where the Law is Love, called the Red Road
talks, where the Spirit of the Lake People (Lakota, Dakota, Nakota).  The longest and strongest wave form. Both light (earthly) and sound (heavenly) travel on this wave.  The animating force is called biophotons or electromagnetism (where the blue road of our souls, cross the red road of our flesh, bringing us the yellow way of unification, a light from within, our dreams come true), which offers life, or "I am", the path. We expand and contract, to bring life, we call breath, our vehicle to transport us from our souls to our flesh, the to and fro, of binding our lives to our relatives. Knowledge is the ultimate realization, we are servants, flowing both directions at the same time, where there is only one law, the whole of walking towards home, where we are harmonious, to the sum of all the parts.  Tao is the realization of "I am", where there is only one law, the law of love, to exist.

What is Truth?
By White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, elder christal (crystal) person

All things we know as truth, is consistent with everything else we conceive to be true. And continues to align with all observations and is mathematically viable, where truth is concerned.  When one of these does not exist, then it simply is not truth (then it falls through). It doesn't work.  Truth is always consistent with all other factors.  

God is perfect and true to the point of view. Trust the soul, that knows, to live in a perfect world. Truth comes when all belong together consistently, harmoniously and perfection is known. When there is chaos, incongruities, and then falsity becomes part of the unknown, we begin to seek answers for the truth. This is why we quest and look beyond, searching for truth. Trust your doubt and look out to the world, where answers must be sought and wisdom must grow from within, until truth is known. 

There is a saying by Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860), "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."  It is the self evidence in which truth is accepted knowledge of the soul.  When others recognize, their own truth, it goes through these stages until realization is known.  But when other factors bring us to changing our perspective, then it was never truth to begin with. Truth is always knowing, viable and sustainable, our eternal spirit grows.

Warriors of the Earth  

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!

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Thank you for your Comments! Come back if you want to see a response...bless you along the path of love.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets White Willows Visions The Great Migration!

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Hoop 4


THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

We are Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever. There is "No way out", "only a Way In" .... this is the sacred circle of our collective dreams. We are learning to walk towards!

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, iyeshka (interpreter) and akicita (law bringer), crystal (christal/pearl/diamond/red-red), yellow, green, gray (red-green).

Holy buffalo hide (prayer cloth or holy temple called you) reveals the four sacred directions that heal.

Thank you for all your Thrills. Shout out to hit the Nails. We are building a house where all are welcome on the rolling hills. White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings »

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptse San Wi Yan), your Twin Deer Mother, has come home to your hearts. It's time to walk the evolution's path. We all are part of the Rainbow Clan, my relatives each and everyone. Receive the treasures that your iyes(h)ka (interpreter) gifts to you, the sacred song blessings, that always are true (soul and voice of the song). And inside of you, the soul that comes alive, the prayers that live, and shout, "I am and I thrive!"

Life is a Roller Coaster and Now I'm on a ride, over rolling hills again, and back to the place where I collide (dark and light). Heaven (dark) and Earth (light) come home to me and we will be getting along, where the sunset returns again, the place I call my home. Star is born, the light does shine, every single morn, and I have to open my heart, so I can get along. There is a kingdom out there, the place of paradise, and we are going home right now, if we can only collide (dark and light). Be my heart and walk with me, be the rising sun (Morning Star), have the place of wonder in the wishing land. Singing to your heart, White Buffalo Calf Woman is finally home at last! Ask for blessings, come receive the greatest you have known, there is promise everywhere, just you look and sea, the heart of wisdom knows the place, the heart that can conceive.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

About Jeff (meaning peace) [He is the Singular (mission) father (leading) that goes around town (evolution's call to the circle of life). We call him the Golden Light of Sound, he is the chosen one, to view the world, but he needs to come home to call. There he will find a home where all will know his knives (sharing and dividing). Without a place to trumpet, he does not have a home. He longs to find a home where all can find a lid (roof, sanctuary, green grass home). Jeff Golden Light of Sound is the House of Cones (light reflection in evolution), the blossom, that reigns forth. Don't be alarmed, he should go away. But be sure his heart will stay. He is the bishop to your pawn (blessing you). You can rise up to his call. Blow billows of sunshine in the air. He will be standing in the streams so fair.]

Jeff Golden Light of Sound said, "I dreamed of the White Buffalo Calf Woman, she pointed to her heart and Buffaloes of all colors formed a circle, the White Buffalo went to the heart and all other Buffaloes followed."

White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets: The heart is the path into heaven, where our souls do hide. We all belong to the Circle of Oneness, the Rainbow Clan. For we are all related and of God. A Buffalo represents the tools of light, in four rainbow colors, to assist your heavenly mission (heavenly name). This is our holy temple, our flesh, the Buffalo Home. White Buffaloes are like the stars, those who shine, united four roads, the blue, red, yellow, then white, the star. Grandfather light (white person, in their tools of light, rainbow directions) naturally shines like this, the white light of unity, who is humble, and bows like the Rainbow to receive blessings. The rest of us, must learn to walk this humble path, to shine like stars. These are the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy who unite! A White Buffalo is the Star of Heaven, who shines upon Earth, walking and talking (wakan tankan, the Great Spirit Within) the united four roads. These are the White Buffaloes who are able to walk through the door of heaven, the crystalline heart of White Buffalo Calf Woman, to greet thyself (mirror to the soul, the heart of the crystal person), the soul seeking a way out, to illuminate and shout, to be validated, for who I am! The Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, learning to become the White Buffaloes (stars of heaven, that shine), begin the Great Migration home. We enter the Third Phase of Evolution, the yellow rolling hill in time (dawning of brotherhood), where dreams do come true. Heaven and Earth, Welcome Home!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings: When pointing to the heart, the direction that imparts, the wisdom of the path of the inner light. Here we are many rainbow colors, all part of the same vision of the sacred circle of life. We are relatives, who need to come home twice. Once in the flesh (red road), and once in the soul (blue road), then we know, that we have binded (bound) our whole. When we follow the path of the heart and the soul, all other buffaloes will flow, for rainbows of latter (ancestors), the buffalo homes that have been shattered (separated and divided), will carry us home, to a brand new day, when we look for the heart that leads the day (to flow together, as one shining river).

The tools of light, do shine, like the holy temple of the mind, the flesh that does hold a soul inside. We call the tools of light, the buffalo home. For it's four sacred directions, that gift to us eight directions, the four colors then reflection, to gift our lights. Then we are the Rainbow Colors, the clan that does show reason, when we understand, that we belong to each others, by demand. For it's God's children, we hold the upper hand, for it's sacred in here, where the buffalo steer, the trembling of the hooves who do gallop away. We are here to lead the great migration day.

The circle of buffalo were the sacred rainbow colors, parts each of us, to be whole again, when we join together, in the wind. And as we join together, we follow the fortunate weather, it's inward, the heavenly route, the soul that flies, all inside. And heaven is what leads us, where all buffalo do feed us, to go home again. To feel the wind again. We are going home. To be under the sun.

And it's time for us to gather, to listen to our hearts talk. To walk the path of righteousness in the wind. And when it's all over, we will journey together, the path of love, the holy days, of eternity. Oh blessed bee, let us dream together and be free. Rejoice, Rejoice, the Green Grass Grows!


THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever.
No way out, only a way in .... this is the sacred circle.

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child (crystal/christal/pearl/diamond)
crystal, yellow, green, gray (holy buffalo hide reveals)

White Buffalo Calf Woman public figure (Facebook)