Remember from whence you came. From the darkness of destruction will arise the ember of colors that bind and purify as they fly in the winds. We are rainbow colors each of us in four directions. Change does not use blame and shame, instead forgive the driving force in the world LOVE, the law of the sacred circle. We are changing, it's part of evolution. We are returning home to our spirit once more, celebrate and dance to the music! Dance for the new moon's darkness, she births beginnings. Ghost Walk with us each new moon, from the darkness we arise a heavenly child. (2014, solar and lunar calender align, January 1, a cycle of renewal)
All my Relatives,
I had a vision of a cut tree. It's roots could still reach for heaven, but not upwards and outwards, but down deep within. Hear lies the heavenly soul, the song that chimes with others. Many voices shared their sounds, but they did not sing together, like a forest, but each as a cut tree, seeking within to chime with the song that blows in the winds.
You are not dead, when a tree is cut down, many new sprouts will grow and even continue on to help in one way or another, as it's contribution to the whole, even unknowingly. We are like the cut trees, seeking our within to shine once more.
This inner light is an expression of our soul but moves in/on/sailing sound waves (water), rather than light waves (fire). Meaning sound moves all around, while light is directional. We call this the blue road (sound, water, a round), because it's wave rises from the heart, which more like a tree of life. Meaning the roots grow downwards and the branches/leaves grow upward. As they start to grow and get heavier/denser, the motion moves like a donut shape, just like the tree of life, streaming inwards and outwards. The image portrays at least one tree lives, the TREE of ONENESS.
We are learning each of us to dew our own part. When we learn this, we are still like in a cocoon. When we rise up to grow like a tree of life, we use our heart through the song to greet all our relatives, each molecule gifted to us each day. We are learning to be grateful, but it starts with death. Yes many trees have been cut down, but we are at the height of evolution's second wave, the orange hill. We have planted the seeds, now we are ready to watch them grow. When they rise up again, we will be rooted together and our branches will touch each other, both in our physical world (color, fire, red road) and our spiritual world (sound, water, blue road).
As we come closer and closer to our destruction, realize a birth can happen when we rise out of our fog and awaken to it's collision, where our breath is gifted for all to behold. You are a bit of heaven on earth, if you hold. Embrace the purification cycle, for renewal is nearing, when the seeds will sprout forth and a new dawning will reign brotherhood again.
Third rolling hill we bow to you, the yellow phase of time, when dreams of twins do chime! (soul and flesh, pass the test, harmonize). Love and blessings to the sacred nine streams and four directions, we bow, all together, it's a holy cow (bison wear a prayer cloth on them, but all gift in some way).
The sacred path that lasts and lasts, four directions that leads us on towards our blast, the first sign of love that bows, then we know we are the sacred rows, trees that overflow, gift love above and below, for us to really know.
your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child,,
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
iyeshka (interpreter) and akicita (law bringer)
WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother
Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 12:58 PM
To: Hoop 4
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Facebook Circle
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Blessed be ♥
left in this world that won't let this happen!
That would mean you are dead. I prefer to accept the pain and grow from it.
Stephanie Gifford So true.
Renée Luna Amen
Stacey Winther Very true!!! Blessings....
Laura Matson Hope we don't have to wait that long :)
Charlotte Poage Hartman That is so good. Those are reasons
for having our garden and driving our Prius.
this is happening and make an effort as a world community to
change the way in which we're going.
Bonnie Cavaleri Personally I'm looking foreword to the end of the
world on the 21st of December especially if Romney is elected.
Tatjana Doci ♥♥♥
the land, the land does not live off of us. Think about it...When our climate
conditions deteriorate, we lose our crops, which feed us and the animals
we slaughter for food. When there is a storm, we stay indoors & sometimes need
to close down our businesses, which does take a huge toll on our economy...But
there's nothing to do to stop it...Where I live, a few years ago we decided to clean
up our main river. PCB (a chemical waste product of paper production) was our main
concern because it affected our wildlife; especially birds whose reproduction was
greatly affected for it softened their eggs, so when they sat on them, they would
break...Now there's an overabundance of birds! I love birds, but now squirrels are
becoming a rarity, due to birds of prey, & pesky insects are EVERYWHERE because
they're eating spiders!!!...Which wouldn't be a problem if we hadn't endangered
and eliminated our predatorial animals. All of our environmental salvation efforts are
just to buy us more time now...We've messed things up beyond fixing...
река била затрована и последња риба је ухваћен ћемо схватити
не можемо да једемо новац.
what he cant have anymore.
order to modify that darkness of future not so far.
Emmy Lake Money comes from trees HAHA! We won't have
money either!
killing our koalas. Nothing wrong with planting trees to help the planet,
but they must be planted using a real scientific understanding, not
just because it "sounds right".
It's poisoned like everything else...
Jeff Mars I'm stealing this, lol..I mean sharing this.
Pamela Jean Griffin Isn't that the sad truth,
Pte San Win Wbcw http://
Ghost Walk with us each new moon, from the darkness we arise a heavenly child. (2014, solar and lunar calender align, January 1, a cycle of renewal)
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Stump House seeks Refuge |
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