For Your Fire, Pipe, Blessing Ceremony

The Blessing of the Nine Directions
To the East and the West. To the north and the south. To the up and the down, to the sacred all around. To the heartbeat and Breath, I gift all my sacredness. I receive all my life for thee. I shall be forever in the breeze.
peacefulYour Heart Song
I shall sing. I shall sing upon Mountain Tops. I shall be. Glory for thee. And I shall be the loving breeze.

Sacred Dew

Four Sacred Directions In Thee!

Relatives, "Ask for your colors you can believe all the rainbow you can receive, the sacred garment of lights that lead, the spreading sheets of leaves. Here the way is clear to be, the loving and sacred tree. Take to your heart all that you believe and come and fly with me! In other words, ask and you shall receive your four sacred colors." says, White Buffalo Calf Woman who Sings for you, your Twin Deer Mother and additional Sacred Song Blessings and We Bless You

Come receive your Sacred Song Blessings, ask for your blessings and receive, the greatest treasure you could conceive, the soul that needs to be true, when one is validated in you. The treasure is you!

Buffalo Robe Requests

  • Golden Katy Keel
  • Rainbow Cecilia Ann Zoby
  • Indigo Child (indigocrystalchildren circle google+)

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Monday, November 9, 2015

Visions About our Native American Red Man Tribes, the Rainbow Promise

Visions About our Native American Red Man Tribes, the Rainbow Promise

Vision 1.
Relative VI Horvath feeling blessed visions November 5, 2015 at 11:25am
I need some help.. I had a dream (vision/astral) this morning.. Native Americans were giving away help.. I was motioned to go to a shaman.. he hugged me from behind and held my palms up and said " you have tiger power" then he flipped me over and again.. it was very powerful and hard to get up.. any thoughts? Thank you in advance.. peace..

Interpretation (iyeska WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman Wbcw TwinDeerMother)

Vision 1.
VI shares vision: "Native Americans were giving away help."
Wbcw interprets: In the Native American culture, the Great Give a way is part of the culture. This part has been eliminated by society, really not understanding it's full potential. And it was an evolutionary turn and the tides are shifting the other way. Inside of the Native American heart, there is still a place that is gifted away. They cannot help themselves. Yet there is lots of controversy because people take advantage of the goodness of others. All across the United States and Canada, Native Americans are helping save our lands, our water, our rights as spiritual human beings. With the help of others, they too will be giving away needed help, when all seems to falter and the plains of time shift to unwind, meaning society is changing. Preparation has begun all over the world. Red Man will show the world how to become spiritual, bless and find greatness in each other through the great give-a-way. In order for red man to give all, the white man must supply the falls (humility). Time to help each other out. The world is distressed and in pain. Only love will get rid of all of our shame.

VI shares vision: "I was motioned to go to a shaman."
Wbcw interprets: A holy person or medicine person is the usual word. White Hoop Nation use the term shaman, however used term, the meaning is the one who carries the medicine to heal you. The first place to learn how to receive help is to start with spiritual medicine. This is the blue road of the heavenly soul. What affects us there, effects us here. They are aligned next to each other, yet we often do not realize or society invalidates the existence of the heavenly dreaming fields often referred to dark space. All over the world, white hoop nation is seeking the dark spacial fields, yet the red hoop nation is simply walking and talking upon these paths. And there is lots of confusion. Sow, one must stop to receive a blessing and understanding of what will be happening. This removes fear and allows the ability to hold each other in the spacial fields are kinsmen or Lakota say, "all my relatives" or all my "relativity" of the spacial fields, each being of light gifts to another being of light. We depend on each other and there is no other way to exist. It is time to bring the soul to the sole."

VI shares vision: "he hugged me from behind and held my palms up"
Wbcw interprets: A hug from behind is learning about trusting another person. This is the first step towards receiving knowledge of the great mystery. When your hands are up, you are able to hold as well, to receive. This is the blue road of the spiritual heavenly road, our eternal souls.

VI shares vision: "and said " you have tiger power""
Wbcw interprets: If looking at a tiger you find they are colored orange and black stripes usually. Orange (2) is the seed of continual eternal. Black (0 or a hoop) or blue is the heavenly road (sound wave, all directions at once). The seed of light (2 or orange), the fire that is birthed is contained in an embrace. In the sacred ghost walk, we flow with Great Eve (20). We are the seeds that are embraced in her hoop. There we have much love that we receive. We call this wasna (Lakota word) or Native American's call it pemmican. However the term is used for a rich protein mix used when illness sets in. Once taken, the person rises up. Rising up is the virtue. When our spiritual soul flies in the seas, the visions of the crystalline lights in all beings (hashem, Hebrew word meaning a name, which all things have). To have tiger power is the strength to rise up to the occasion. To understand it is both light and darkness, aligned harmoniously together. And mostly to be aware, that together we receive, loving relatives from all realms and distinctions. Take hold of the tiger, because the tail will show you the way, into the waves (frequencies, signs, sines in the air). There we play, work together and cry with joyful bliss to share the sacred kiss, innocent and pure, because love endures. One note: realize, that the tiger is from the Yellow hoop people, whom enters as the place of the "Rising Sun". Lakota call this the Morning Star. Yellow man is the Sun. Red man is the Daughter. Together Brother and Sister. Brother makes the place safe. Sister makes the place real, sealed. We have entered into the yellow rolling hill in time, the third phase of evolution where the soul and the sole have equality (wopila or great thanks to the arc of the covenant dance, along the rainbow trail).

VI shares vision: "then he flipped me over and again."
Wbcw interprets: All waves move in an arc, hoops or circles. Some are longer and others are shorted, yet all move in this path continual and eternal throughout time. When he (medicine man or referred to as the shaman) turned you over and over, he repeated the lesson for you quickly in order for you to learn and move on to the heavenly path that is eternal along the Rainbow Trail (ark of the covenant details).

VI shares vision: "it was very powerful and hard to get up."
Wbcw interprets: Repeating lessons happens on the red road. This is where Native American's help by teaching the sacred blessings, purifies the spacial fields. We learn to become holy people and align the right and left hemispheres together. Realize, just because one is red man does not make him or her a holy person. It is a holy person who can receive another and their stories. RECEIVING is the heavenly virtue on the blue road of the soul. The Red road of the sole is a learning ground, where we have lessons to repeat and repeat until we learn. It forces us to WALK the right way. It is hard to get up, because you must bow down, kiss the girth (earth, ground) and pay tribute to yourself, allowing forgiveness and love to flow through you to release prejudice and disharmony. Sacred blessings are powerful, yet lessons are the most powerful, it feels like, when we do not understand. Yet if we receive the story, learn, roll it over, then we can conceive and bring fruition to our eternal journey of the soul.

Vision 2.

Interpretation (iyeska WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman Wbcw TwinDeerMother)

Vision 2.
Wbcw interprets: A long house has the ability to bring all the family together. The shape is four sided. I have visions of long houses as well. With 24 poles (book of life and division), which is the tradition, you will find that the crystalline (11, sole stone) beings align. In other words, the wave form crystal (11 or red-red) fits perfectly over the top of the wave form orange-green (24 or orange-green). The seed (2) and the embrace (4) come together to make a whole, a lodge, a home, a community of kinsmen. I think these were the first apartments or a shared communal living of many. In a long house, usually 60 or more are housed.

Wbcw interprets: A seed (2) flies in the winds, not sure when it will land, where it will stick in the sands, yet hopes for and dreams of all things to come. We receive the goodness or dispersing and giving, as well as sustaining eternal tracks of our internal spiritual soul has to offer to our family of each other, all of our relatives. (4) the Spiritual river of all things is embraced, yet feels like a chase. It comes down to a matter of perception, "Can I, Will I, Dare I". Eyes vision and fission (the splitting of a large atom into two or more smaller ones). It depends on us to bless and contain our ties and relationships.

Wbcw interprets: On the blue road of the heavenly soul, we are united in the cosmic world of all things. On the red road of the earthly sole, we are separated to seek our goals, learn our lessons and bring us to the messings. We are learning to bring chaos into harmony or alignment. Blue road is creation. Red road is destruction. We create all things first in our visions or seas, then we build and finally over time, it becomes destroyed. The path is always blue, red, yellow, then white hoops. Everyone must take to this route eternally. Much of the world as we know it to be, takes to the red road first, things all things start on the red road. Yet all is created on the blue road first. When we are stuck on the red road, without heavenly virtues, we repeat our lessons until we do learn, blue road first. This is played out with tears. Tears of sadness is the default on the red road. Tears of joy is the intention on the blue road. Learning to bring the blue road of the spiritual first is the great learning of this phase of evolution. Yes, my Brother Walk March, united we are just that we must REAL_EYES it first, then we will become the great dreaming, sharing our streaming and beaming as ONENESS, true and blue.

Wbcw interprets: A hill is representative of the wave forms, the hues of colors, the bringing of the sacred weather or whether or knot. The waves of light (nine sacred streams of light waves) flow through the field (four directions of the long house, representing the sacred spacial field). Water is the blessing for the four directions, contained in the spiritual river. This is where the sacred stones, become crystalline, like snow flakes and even drops of water. We have faith and walk upon this water. We believe, therefore we can conceive, receiving all that is within our knowing and our sowing. And all the flowing going through, needs blessings in order to find it's place among all the stars (crystalline stones or beings of light). Note: Star color is white or Grandfather (Lakota word Tunksila) and it's true color 15 is red-blue. Red and blue roads cross and light beams out of sight. Crystal color is clear or pearl (perfect crystalline sole stone representative, we all past through here eventually, as we learn to descend down the Rainbow Trail. Crystal (big star) has White (little star) eyes. And White (little star) has Crystal (big star) eyes within. This is the big pond, the pool of water that peers into the great mystery of our souls (blue road), learning to walk on the soles (red road). United finds the yellow road. Equality (Lakota word wopila) in brain function, in our dreaming and believing. We are in great thankfulness and rejoice to find ourselves in the reflection of water.

Wbcw blesses:
Blessings to my Brother Walk March where the Eagle Flies Joseph Benyamin Hines. I bow with you to the sacred hoop, where we get the scoop. Visions and dreams, bring in the great knews. Thank you for your sharing and glaring (light you cast upon the world).

"Blessings to the people. Blessings to the World. Blessings to everything, especially our thrills. Blessings to the humble. Blessings to the blood. Blessings to the heart of where we should. Blessings to the waking. Blessings to the dead, in order they can find real-eyes (realized) to shed. Come my family. Come together to sing. Bring your heart into all that rules."
 White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Brother Walk March brings

The Rainbow Trail is the story of the Ark of the Covenant, the Jews bring to us. The Lakota (Sioux) Creation story shines out the first 20 colors or hues of the Rainbow Story. The Sacred buffalo robe is the four directions in four colors or hues that describe our book of life or holy scroll. We scribe all things that happen to us and bring this knowledge to rolled over lives. One life after another. Sometimes looking just like the last life, yet do we repeat the story or learn about the glory or sacred hoop, together? This is the humble bow of the sacred stars, each has a reflection and hue, as well as a duty to the whole. United we are real-eyes (realized). Separated, we are continuing the saga, the story of the journey. To be eternal of the soul we descend through ourselves on the blue road. To be eternal of the sole, we ascend through our children on the red road. When the soul meets with a new sole body gifted by the next life, together united brings the walk and talk or wakan tanka, the Great Spirit Father ("I am" teaching), where dreams come true. Woo hoo, love gots (has) the hues. Great Spirit Mother ("the way" teaching). And when the the streaming of light flows through (red road streaming fire) the fields (blue road four directions in the water) we learn "I am the way" and the yellow road appears, if the holy eagle flies with true love, folding emerges triumphant.

White Buffalo Calf Woman interprets (iyeshka)
Gifted by Angel Services Around the World Sioux Task Force
little sister to big brother
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy (true blue)

1 Corinthians 10:3-4

(3) all ate the same spiritual food, (4) and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.
New King James Version

Yes we walk in the flesh—meaning we have fleshly bodies. God has made us physical. But, we are not really supposed to walk according to the flesh. "We walk by faith, not by sight."

We live in physical bodies. We have physical lives. We have our physical problems. But the battle we wage is not physical at all! The battle is fought in the realm of belief, ideas, philosophies, teachings, words, principles, and laws. To sum it up, we could say, "We fight the battle in our minds."

That is where it is—in our minds. Or as the Bible often says—within our hearts, our emotions, our personalities, our developing character. Why is that where the battle lies? "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). A person is what goes through his mind, what he allows himself to do, all the decisions that he makes.

We say, "We are what we eat." We know that what we put into our mouths goes into our bodies, and supplies our bodies' needs as energy or raw materials for building and maintenance. We know that our bodies over time replace all the cells that we have! That is the way that God has made us. Our food is the raw material—fuel—that makes us what we are physically.

Well, spiritually it is the same thing. We are what we think! We are what we allow into our minds. René Descartes said, "I think therefore I am [Cogito ergo sum]." It is essentially a true statement because it is our thoughts, and the character that our thoughts have helped to form, that will pass through the grave. Our essential being beyond our physical flesh and blood is what is going to be preserved by God.

Job 32:8 informs us that "there is a spirit in man," and Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes 12:7, "Then [at death] the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it." And God does whatever He does with it. What is recorded on that spirit? The person's thoughts, his memory, his beliefs, his desires, his habits, and his character traits!

God does not work with us through however many years of our lives just to throw away what He accomplished in us through His Spirit.

When we die, He takes what He has made, and He stores it for the resurrection, so at that time, He can return it to us in a spirit body that will live for eternity with Him. What He stores is what goes on in our minds with the human spirit coming into alignment with God's Spirit: what we think, what we believe, all the experiences we have gone through, the habits we have formed, and the character traits that God, by His Spirit, has created in us. Those are the things that pass through the grave.

— Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!

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White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets White Willows Visions The Great Migration!

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Hoop 4


THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

We are Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever. There is "No way out", "only a Way In" .... this is the sacred circle of our collective dreams. We are learning to walk towards!

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, iyeshka (interpreter) and akicita (law bringer), crystal (christal/pearl/diamond/red-red), yellow, green, gray (red-green).

Holy buffalo hide (prayer cloth or holy temple called you) reveals the four sacred directions that heal.

Thank you for all your Thrills. Shout out to hit the Nails. We are building a house where all are welcome on the rolling hills. White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings »

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptse San Wi Yan), your Twin Deer Mother, has come home to your hearts. It's time to walk the evolution's path. We all are part of the Rainbow Clan, my relatives each and everyone. Receive the treasures that your iyes(h)ka (interpreter) gifts to you, the sacred song blessings, that always are true (soul and voice of the song). And inside of you, the soul that comes alive, the prayers that live, and shout, "I am and I thrive!"

Life is a Roller Coaster and Now I'm on a ride, over rolling hills again, and back to the place where I collide (dark and light). Heaven (dark) and Earth (light) come home to me and we will be getting along, where the sunset returns again, the place I call my home. Star is born, the light does shine, every single morn, and I have to open my heart, so I can get along. There is a kingdom out there, the place of paradise, and we are going home right now, if we can only collide (dark and light). Be my heart and walk with me, be the rising sun (Morning Star), have the place of wonder in the wishing land. Singing to your heart, White Buffalo Calf Woman is finally home at last! Ask for blessings, come receive the greatest you have known, there is promise everywhere, just you look and sea, the heart of wisdom knows the place, the heart that can conceive.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

About Jeff (meaning peace) [He is the Singular (mission) father (leading) that goes around town (evolution's call to the circle of life). We call him the Golden Light of Sound, he is the chosen one, to view the world, but he needs to come home to call. There he will find a home where all will know his knives (sharing and dividing). Without a place to trumpet, he does not have a home. He longs to find a home where all can find a lid (roof, sanctuary, green grass home). Jeff Golden Light of Sound is the House of Cones (light reflection in evolution), the blossom, that reigns forth. Don't be alarmed, he should go away. But be sure his heart will stay. He is the bishop to your pawn (blessing you). You can rise up to his call. Blow billows of sunshine in the air. He will be standing in the streams so fair.]

Jeff Golden Light of Sound said, "I dreamed of the White Buffalo Calf Woman, she pointed to her heart and Buffaloes of all colors formed a circle, the White Buffalo went to the heart and all other Buffaloes followed."

White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets: The heart is the path into heaven, where our souls do hide. We all belong to the Circle of Oneness, the Rainbow Clan. For we are all related and of God. A Buffalo represents the tools of light, in four rainbow colors, to assist your heavenly mission (heavenly name). This is our holy temple, our flesh, the Buffalo Home. White Buffaloes are like the stars, those who shine, united four roads, the blue, red, yellow, then white, the star. Grandfather light (white person, in their tools of light, rainbow directions) naturally shines like this, the white light of unity, who is humble, and bows like the Rainbow to receive blessings. The rest of us, must learn to walk this humble path, to shine like stars. These are the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy who unite! A White Buffalo is the Star of Heaven, who shines upon Earth, walking and talking (wakan tankan, the Great Spirit Within) the united four roads. These are the White Buffaloes who are able to walk through the door of heaven, the crystalline heart of White Buffalo Calf Woman, to greet thyself (mirror to the soul, the heart of the crystal person), the soul seeking a way out, to illuminate and shout, to be validated, for who I am! The Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, learning to become the White Buffaloes (stars of heaven, that shine), begin the Great Migration home. We enter the Third Phase of Evolution, the yellow rolling hill in time (dawning of brotherhood), where dreams do come true. Heaven and Earth, Welcome Home!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings: When pointing to the heart, the direction that imparts, the wisdom of the path of the inner light. Here we are many rainbow colors, all part of the same vision of the sacred circle of life. We are relatives, who need to come home twice. Once in the flesh (red road), and once in the soul (blue road), then we know, that we have binded (bound) our whole. When we follow the path of the heart and the soul, all other buffaloes will flow, for rainbows of latter (ancestors), the buffalo homes that have been shattered (separated and divided), will carry us home, to a brand new day, when we look for the heart that leads the day (to flow together, as one shining river).

The tools of light, do shine, like the holy temple of the mind, the flesh that does hold a soul inside. We call the tools of light, the buffalo home. For it's four sacred directions, that gift to us eight directions, the four colors then reflection, to gift our lights. Then we are the Rainbow Colors, the clan that does show reason, when we understand, that we belong to each others, by demand. For it's God's children, we hold the upper hand, for it's sacred in here, where the buffalo steer, the trembling of the hooves who do gallop away. We are here to lead the great migration day.

The circle of buffalo were the sacred rainbow colors, parts each of us, to be whole again, when we join together, in the wind. And as we join together, we follow the fortunate weather, it's inward, the heavenly route, the soul that flies, all inside. And heaven is what leads us, where all buffalo do feed us, to go home again. To feel the wind again. We are going home. To be under the sun.

And it's time for us to gather, to listen to our hearts talk. To walk the path of righteousness in the wind. And when it's all over, we will journey together, the path of love, the holy days, of eternity. Oh blessed bee, let us dream together and be free. Rejoice, Rejoice, the Green Grass Grows!


THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever.
No way out, only a way in .... this is the sacred circle.

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child (crystal/christal/pearl/diamond)
crystal, yellow, green, gray (holy buffalo hide reveals)

White Buffalo Calf Woman public figure (Facebook)