From: White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
Beloved family,
This is White Buffalo Calf Woman, Elder Crystal person. Crystal Children are here and always have been, the difference is now we are getting an introduction into Heaven, and since Heaven is where crystal people come from, since you see the door or the crystal person, to get into Heaven. This is all evolution. There is a lot of misunderstanding about what a crystal child is and I have included truth here. I gifted and needed help, no response from many authors including the above. In fact most all the other authors too who covered the topic of indigo or crystal children, I went to, but since profits are the motivation and they are really speaking a reflection of truth or their point of view (I can pretty much ditch their truth as falsity and the above is simply vague. You want truth ask me!), they fear me mostly because I am not a child who can be abused, like crystal children can be. I'm wondering who is going to protect these children or Adults? For only a Crystal person can speak truth in light and sees truth in darkness. Only an Indigo person can speak truth in darkness and can see truth in light. This is what many are speaking about, the Perfect Soul and Perfect Body, which all of us have, but our lights do not radiate these particular colors Crystal or Indigo, but rather a Rainbow of Colors in our four sacred directions. I have come home to speak of the story of evolution and your Greatness. Blessings, Calf Woman
For you beloved family of Earth,
crystal_indigo_children and active-indigos AND you,
Send this article to every site that is linked with crystal and indigo articles or groups, this is fundamental and further white papers will be written to support our sacred journey of life written as our "garment of lights", "the four sacred directions".
The perfection of our soul and our body often called indigo and crystal, which are misunderstood words used today in our world. Many write that our children are just arriving. This is untrue, it is only we are recognizing ourselves in our children, we have always been here. We have always had four sacred directions as our "garment of light" as the Jewish Nation prayer this commandment.
We are only moving from the second hill to the third hill in evolution. Welcome home to Heaven and Earth. Only love and sacred blessings to all your related, as Red man states, will know the red road, the law of love.
Indigo: indigo represents the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the soul body. We can all fly, when we dream. All of us. You can learn to fly when awake if you practice. But remember, you don't leave your body (this only happens at physical death), you enter your body within. Close your eyes and meditate, be still and listen. Please be careful about using the word Indigo. The Indigo person is often a prophet and great teacher who lives with visions and conflict. Most of us do not live our lives like this. Again, the Indigo represents the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the soul body, which each of us have. But we are not all Indigo people. Instead use the word, perfect souls instead of indigo. This will help the world. Remember to teach this to everyone.
Crystal: crystal represents the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the physical body. We all have a body, we use every day. All of us. You can learn to run and dance when in dream if you practice. Many athletes use visualization in their training to prevail in the earthly realm. The ability of the body to perform so many acts of pain or joy is without limits. We all have a perfect physical body, not just the Crystal person. Please be careful about using the word Crystal.The Crystal person is reader of the book of life, the sacred four directions, your tools of light, who speaks directly with God and interprets the absolute truth. As you can see we are not all Crystal people, instead use the words, the perfect physical body.
We all are perfect with gifts from God, as the true Crystal person devotes their lives in helping you find this within yourself, so you may become the perfection of God, a powerful and loving being. The true Crystal person delivers the lesson, the "treasure".
What we are all learning about is that we each have a perfect soul body (represented by the Indigo person) and the perfect physical body (represented by the Crystal person). This union is what brings Heaven and Earth together within. This is a quickening we all are feeling as spiritual beings. We must learn that we are perfect, and unique. Just as each snow flake is perfect and unique, so are you.
Each of us have four sacred directions within us, and these are represented by our tools of light to assist us to find our way. Each of us have crystalline energy that lives outside and inside of us, which makes up all the worlds of God. As with God, who has four sacred directions so do we.
And we all live together in the four sacred rolling hills of time in Evolution. Now is the time, entering the third yellow rolling hill in evolution, to believe in your self, forgive others and practice love. For the rules are changing. We are no longer renegades on top of the hill. Now we have found the treasure within, peace on earth was all it said.
Many of you have received your four sacred colors (directions) from White Buffalo Calf Woman (twin deer mother), a crystal person, wakan iyeshka or sacred interpreter. Only those who can see into the darkness as a True elder Crystal person's light can read the book of life. For your auric colors validate the very being that you are when the Interpreter Speaks. Your mission in life is recognized, and realization begins to set inward. Each of us have four sacred colors just like the image of God, as we are learning to be God ourselves, the image of "I am a Dream".
We become the Servants who serve, rather than always asking for help, now we help others in the time of brotherhood, the yellow rolling hill in evolution through our contribution. the story of the blue in you and me, kinsmen and family is known in the laws of the heart (the blue road), the law of the red road (breath), the law of love that unites us together.
Aho (spirit fly), your devoted servants,
white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother, Elder crystal person
Holiness David running eagle shooting star, Elder lavender person
Lisping Wise One, your eternal bells, Elder blue person
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Posted by whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.com at 12:16 AM
Labels: crystal, crystal children, crystal indigo children, earth, evolution, ghosts, great spirit, heaven, indigo, jewish man, love, red man, spiritual
"Ask for your colors you can believe all the rainbow you can receive, the sacred garment of lights that lead, the spreading sheets of leaves. Here the way is clear to be, the loving and sacred tree. Take to your heart all that you believe and come and fly with me! In other words, ask and you shall receive your four sacred colors." says,
white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother,