Why White Buffalo Calf Woman Suzanne Dupree/Looking Back Woman Is Targeted For Death
February 9, 2016 5:09 pm /
For those who deny or slander and lie
about who Suzanne Dupree/Looking Back Woman and or believe those lies as
they flow from the murderous lying mouths of any and all connected to
the American Indian Movement or outside of it who are trying to kill
her…this is for you!
Her “Blood/Spiritual” Roots/Genealogy from Suzanne Dupree/Looking Back Woman.
“Mary Good Elk Woman, Sitting Bulls Sister, Henry Makes Room Sr wife,
later married Old Fred, mother of Joseph White Bull (who killed
Custer), mother to Makes Room JR Fred adopted when he married Mary.
Both White Bull & Makes Room JR father was a Scalp Shirt
Man/Hereditary Chief Minneconjou Teton, Makes Room Sr who also fathered
another son from Sitting Bulls Hunkpapa Tetons, One Bull.
These are my/Looking Back Woman’s Teton Ancestors.
Fred & Mary with their family/Teton relatives of Mary saved the
last of the BUFFALO from extinction so the Legacy of White BUFFALO Calf
Pipe Woman (Whope)& the Pte Hincala Cannunpa Kin/Calf Pipe would
continue & the prophecy of WBCPW return to the people would be
fulfilled for future generations & all of mankind regardless of
race, creed, color, gender or blood quantum.”
Truth as verified and revealed in the realms of time by Wakan
Tanka…Tunkasila…Wanikiya…to those who receive that truth and represent
Him will be attacked by those who represent the “Trickster” sitting on
the throne of pure evil…even hell itself. The “Truth Carrier” will
personally be targeted by the Tricksters “Frauds” in the name of their
lies and attempts to murder this messenger of the truth.
So it is with Looking Back Woman…Suzanne Durpree…the White Buffalo
Pipe Carrier. At at the tender age of 17 was brutally raped by American
Indian Movement ICON Russell Means and in the presence of Co-Founder of
this documented animated by Satan collective of raping murdering
pedophiles Dennis Banks and 17 others.
Being fully aware of the truth of her calling and the fact that Frank
Fools Crow and REAL Holy Men that she was chosen to receive the White
Buffalo Calf Pipe…their “pogrom” of death targeting her began.
In Suzanne Drupree’s/Looking Back Woman own words she shares what the American Indian Movement and Russell Means did to her…
“I wondered how I would feel this day, since I was 17 and was
raped by Means https://jpwade.wordpress.com/2012/07/05/the-legacy-of-pedophile-warriors/ while
he was on the Trail Of Broken Treaties in 1972 with his AIM
Boyz,…(they… all so entranced by what Means projected, but never really
Manipulated into going against everything their Lakota parents and
grandparents had taught them, so strong was the hold upon the very young
Lakota AIM followers & members….
I always wanted to know if it was Means idea of my rape, while he was
in the middle of his Sun Dance commitment at Ceremonial Chief and
Holy Man https://jpwade.wordpress.com/2012/06/02/heyoka-magazine-2006-looking-back-woman-interview-part-one-updated/,
Frank Fools Crows https://jpwade.wordpress.com/2012/06/02/heyoka-magazine-2006-looking-back-woman-interview-part-one-updated/ altar…dancing right next to my Father, Professor Calvin Dupree or was it his
Government handlers? https://jpwade.wordpress.com/2012/05/04/if-you-tolerate-this-then-your-children-will-be-next/
What a coincidence that Adrienne Riegert http://www.facebook.com/adrienneann, granddaughter of Wilbur A. Riegert, curator of the WK Museum in 1973 http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=218401414930336&id=362949370395312 ,
& also the former allotment agent at Cheyennne River in the 1930′s,
whos books… I am a Sioux, & Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux, As
Viewed From WK, which was one of the targets during the Seige of WK by
AIM and which truth was suppressed by academia and nearly destroyed at WK ’73 http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=365644900125759&id=362949370395312.
That Adrienne and I would both be raped by AIM within a span of a
year… Two 1st Nations women of the future, who held the key to the
truth…about the Pte Hincala Cannunpa Kin, because it was something both
of us as children were taught….the truth pertaining to the White Buffalo Calf Pipe .
The master manipulator is gone and now we all look forward to a more positive future, as the Old
AIM guard with their violence, abuse, drugs, lies, theft of Lakota ceremony https://jpwade.wordpress.com/2012/06/23/the-aftermath-of-aim-40-years-later/, and self-serving propaganda fade away…
Hopefully, the AIM legacy left behind… is one we can over come, not just for the Lakota, but.. the
overall culturally negative effect https://jpwade.wordpress.com/2012/06/23/the-aftermath-of-aim-40-years-later/ the greatest hoax in history (AIM) has had on all of mankind.
Pilamayaye yelo, Wakan Tanka”.
For Suzanne Dupree to be targeted for death spiritual and physical by
those owned and protected by the Devil and his cadre is a compliment.
They did it to not only to Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull among others of
“their own”, but to the
First Sun Dancer http://richardboyden.com/he_walked_the_americas__a_story_.htm …Wanikiya…even
Jesus who walked among his people on this His land before the
Europeans, “Christians”, Mormons, Catholics, etc. “discovered” Turtle
Island…a land decreed by Him to be given to His people as recorded in
the His own words.
The most infamous words of spiritual denial that justify the rapes
and murders of innocents by the American Indian Movement and their
“followers/supporters” come from the mouth of the former Chairman of the
American Indian Movement during the most murderous time of it’s
history, 1973-1979, the infamous AIM “PornoProphet’ and pathological
liar John Trudell…who stated in his “Coyote Logic” wisdom…
“It’s like this whole concept of sin, guilt, and shame…it’s all
bullshit. It’s an external programming put inside of us. What we are is
just natural human beings, natural human beings when we are honest with
ourselves, when we tell ourselves the truth and act accordingly to that
honesty…doing the best we can with the best we have and understand the
power that is in that…”
So who or what inspired the “natural humanness” of the American
Indian Movement members to murder and rape as “natural human beings”.
The Creator…Wakan Tanka? Tunkasila? Wanikiya?
No… because those the Creator chose to represent Him were recipients
of His OWN personal “external programming” as His people the Teton
Nation and who He inspired to fight against their White enemies. So it
has to be asked what was the spiritual source of those who betrayed
Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull…even by their own people…if it was not same
“spiritual source” that inspired the Whites to murder First Nations
The Creator did not inspire Crazy Horse or Sitting Bull to rape and
murder First Nations women and children as the glorified
members/leaders/founders of the American Indian Movement…Dennis Banks,
John Trudell, Russell Means, David Hill, Carter Camp, Clyde and Vern
Bellecourt to name a few who have been documented to be the criminals
and under the watchful and protective eyes of the FBI/United States
Government and who gave each a free out of jail pass as provided by
their “Syrian Sioux” handler and “Allah is god Father” former South
Dakota Senator James Abourezk who is a Indian Hater extraordinaire!
The Creator was not the source of those acts of butchery at Wounded
Knee in 1973 where innocents were raped and murdered and buried never to
be seen or heard of again complements of the The American Indian
Movement Tribe of “Natural Born Killers” who according to the
“Coyote Logic” of their “WannabeWarrior” John Trudell…committing murder
and raping women was acceptable because that is acting in the honesty
and the power of the truth we tell ourselves and that is our power of
being a natural human being!
No better definition to understand the diabolical history of the
American Indian Movement could be presented then by one who dedicated
his life to protecting his brotherhood of raping murdering pedophiles,
was blasphemous to use the name of Crazy Horse and was rewarded by the
Creator with “Karma Kancer” as a precursor for his “my ride is here”
taking him to the Lake of Fire where “murderers” reside.
So it has been with Suzanne Dupree who being chosen by the Creator
Himself to represent Him as the White Buffalo Calf woman that she was
chosen by the American Indian Movement using Russell Means who was
inspired by the same spiritual source of this “natural act of a natural
human being” to be raped. In raping her, Means both revealed and
demonstrated the true spirituality of the American Indian Movement. She
needs to know as does everyone who suffers at the hands of these demons
in the flesh, that she is in good company for these same “Sons and
Daughters of Perdition” would of murdered both Crazy Horse and Sitting
For anyone to uphold, represent, and deny the acts of rape and murder
committed by the American Indian Movement is to qualify for being in
the company of the “Liar and Murderer From The Beginning” in the “Lake
Of Fire And Brimstone” in the Spirit World and where John Trudell,
Russell Means, Vern Bellecourt, Carter Camp now resides with soon to
follow James Abourezk, Charlie Abourezk, Dennis Banks, Clyde Bellecourt,
Judge Davis, Bruce Ellison and any and all other “compliciters” in the
crimes of murder by the American Indian Movement.
Suzanne Dupree…Looking Back Woman has experienced the “Coyote Logic”
NOT of the the Creator which Trudell and the American Indian Movement
represent to this day as promoted and exemplified as “natural human
beings” devoid of any “guilt, sin, and blame” for any and all acts of
rape and murder as inspired by their “external programmer” using the
words of Jesus Himself…”Your father is the devil”
As Jesus said…”Fear not he who can kill the body…rather fear Him who can not only kill your body but cast your soul into hell”!
So it is…so shall it be for those guilty of the rape and murder of
innocents no matter who they think they are and in their “external
programming” by the devil and who has deceived YOU into believing you
will not be held accountable in the realms of eternity for your acts of
evil in the realms of time. Your reality check will be immediately
experienced when your spirit leaves your dead body upon the death of and
your never to die spirit comes before Almighty God to be be judged!
American Indian Movement Ethics Inspired By The Devil Himself
December 10, 2015 3:20 pm /
Obituary for John Trudell Dead From Creator Allowed “Karma Kancer!”
What You Never Wanted To Know About The American Indian Movement And Would Never Ask!
Lesson number 1 on AIM ethics. Once a con always a con.
Never forget the American Indian Tribal Warrior legacy is primarily a
Tribal concern. There are specific designated Tribal Warriors of their
Tribal group and there are running wolves that have no master or set of
laws anyone can ever try to understand. Its a code that runs with the
situation that is at hand.
Women never attempt to run with the big dogs. There is concern for
her safety and continued survival. Normally, men prefer she understand
the mans world is a place setup with challenges, battles and your death
can be very quick if you place yourself in that situation. Their way can
disappear as swiftly as the morning fog when the sun comes out and
there is little chance their passing will ever be known. Unless you
believe in medicine people able to track you should you not return from
your journey. The men’s way is not a place for women, elders and
children. Otherwise, They have to learn to negotiate the survival
skills necessary in a world made by and maintained for men at war, or
die trying.
Equality has no place in the men’s world. You are what you make
yourself. Then you can assume your place among the gathered men or walk
away into ridicule and cowardice. If by chance she holds her stand and
survives the challenges? She will be a Warrior Woman who stands out
among the men of this world from that point on. Equality is hers to give
and take. She can tell the assembled men, I want to disappear, and they
will comply. Her frail helpless woman nature is dead as she calmly
contemplates the halls of challenge, battle and proven deeds among the
men of this world. If she made it that far? She can certainly stage
a disappearing act with help from her running operatives.
Unless the running wolves think otherwise and tear her illusion to
pieces and have no emotions about her demise. plain and simple
premeditated murder..32 years later we see some startling hidden truths
and some big time liars. Leonard Peltier, Dennis Banks, Ron Petite,
Marlon Brando, George Mitchell, Lee Brightman, Clyde Bellecourt, Russell
Means, Tim Lamewoman, Angel Riveria, Richard Mohawk, William Means,
Kenny Kane, Richard Marshall, Ted Means, John Trudell, Eddie Benai,
Robert Robideau, Dino Butler, Bruce Ellison, Ken Tilsen, David Hill,
Richard Moves Camp, Charlie Chips, Leonard Crow Dog, Wallace Blackelk,
Paul Sky Horse, John Steward, carter camp, Frank Black Elk,
Vernon Bellecourt, Mommar Khadafi, Lenny Foster, Douglass Durham, Ben
Morning Gun, Stanley bellrock, John Graham, Arlo Looking Cloud, Arvol
Looking Horse, Caesar Chavez, Corky Gonzales, Ernesto Vijil, Tish-Guy,
Antonio Gonzales, Rod Skenedore, Sylvester smells, John Thomas, Frank
Black Horse, Russell Redner, Ernie Peters, Kenny Loud Hawk, buddy
redbow, Frank Dillon, Larry Anderson, William Wahpapah, Floyd Westerman,
Cris Westerman, Russell Forrester, Mike Anderson, Eddie Cardinal,
Norman brown, 4780 other AIM associate aliases, the Chippewa’s Great
Manitou and midewin windigo, the Lakota’s Tunkasila and White Buffalo
Calf Maiden, all believed Anna Mae Aquash worked in some capacity
as either a federal informant or operative.
Many Ceremonies were held by crow dog, Wallace blackelk and Charlie
chips that indicated they were right. Eddie Banai, Vernon Bellecourt and
crew held ceremonies that also said Anna Mae Aquash was a
federal informant. No where in the AIMSTER_GANGSTER roster do you find
women listed. Women were basic sex providers and the people who did the
cooking and cleaning. Sometimes they were allowed to type the great
words and wisdoms of the male leaders, or still, even count the free
money pouring into the AIM-IITC funds from concerned global advocates of
human rights and dignity.
Back in 1968-1975, all these men were riding the AIMSTER_GANGSTER
bandwagon of global fame and stuck together like maggots on a side of 3
day old beef in the hot sun. Vernon bellecourt states, he was the little
strong donkey who was pulling this little BAND WAGON of funsters and
new age “wannabee American Indians” straight into backwoods country
indianism to battle the evil united states of America government
and citizens. The longevity of AIM-IITC was exactly 7 years running.
which was reorganized by Vernon bellecourt from a grass level commitment
into a incorporated legal entity bound by regular business directorship
and profit sharing abilities. Vernon bellecourt self-appointed and
designated himself into the following “AIM-IITC” positions; director,
security chief, elder, spokesman, public relation officer, accountant,
trustee, spiritual leader and original founder of AIM-IITC.
They all knew the game plan and how they were to play it. Some thing
about a former Federal Agent, turned against the United States
Government, showing the AIM-IITC crew how to work around the SOP
(standard operating procedures) of any Federal Law Enforcement and
really do some thing great for the Indian people. No one ever knew who
this “former agent” was and even today, there is no word that
he, or she, ever existed.
After, several out-in-the-open killings, including federal agents and
operatives, the AIMSTER_GANGSTER brotherhood went into a immediate
preplanned dummy-the-hell-up reorganization mode. WHY? Their names
and way of life would be exposed as fraudulent if their criminal acts
were exposed to the public and they would no longer be warriors of the
people but the evidence, you give a fool a little authority and free
money? They turn into Jesus Christ rambos. It was not outside their
working AIM-IITC policy to give up lesser AIM-IITC members or associates
to federal prosecution, long as they weren’t the people who went to
prison or had to stand accountable for any AIM-IITC events that
challenged their content of character and position within any AIM-IITC
The volatile and exterminating situation on the Pine Ridge Federal
Reservation was such a place where pre-planned murder could occur and it
was well within the global accepted norms of the political and
sub-killing fields of America. no one would ever know what happened
since federal forces were in the area to “sustain, interrogate, document
and provide” necessary information of what occurred on the Pine Ridge
Indian Reservation according to their SOP’S and directives from the
chain of command coming straight from the United States Governmental
They all knew someone had made a big mistake when the spirits
wouldn’t work for them anymore or the “former federal agents'” inside
knowledge” of the FBI Bureau was misinformed. Then it became thee
biggest conspiracy for them to hide their knowledge of nasty deadly
deeds done, to, for and on behalf of the American Indian, and Canadian
first nations, and also attempt to blame, or supplant the idea, the FBI
or some other United States government agency responsibility for those
acts. They were running under FBI cloning and directives, which made it
a simple matter of “playing dumb reservation Indian” and any documented
subversive activity was explainable.
That’s the dumbest dayum excuse but it worked for 39 years. Maybe the
old swift Indian magic isn’t gone after all, or the “former federal
agent” mentioned as being relative in AIM-IITC secret “hidden”
directorship, is still alive and well. Whether, it is a male or female,
wasn’t really explicitly mentioned but it was mentioned, they formerly
held a valid working federal agent badge and credentials. They could
disappear in front of you and there wasn’t a thing you could do about
BTW? Who is Robert Brancombe? Is his wife really a working Federal
Agent for the united states government? Someone among them who had
considerable influence, or affluence, was able to control and
programmed their loyalty and allegiance to a dangerous level
of complicity.
They were extremely frightened, instigated by Vernon bellecourt
via Leonard peltier, Anna Mae Aquash would reveal the hidden secrets of
the American Indian movement’s non-Indian personnel directors and
financiers, active criminal histories, secret off-shore financial
accounts and long standing male-orientated prison oligarchy leadership
inclusive to only 3 people. Vernon Bellecourt, Clyde Bellecourt and
Dennis Banks. Eddie banai and George Michel were not fighters or street
brawlers. They had some instance of decency left in their minds when
they interacted with people. Russell Means and john trudell were puppets
on a string of unlimited marijuana supplies, cocaine, free AIM-IITC
donated monies, motels, women and unlimited AIM press conference
The AIM leadership had no control over Anna Mae Aquash or her views
for the real legacy of the north American Indian people and the facts
she did what she could to make the American Indian people stand out as
special people. She was an expert in making ribbon shirts to give to the
AIM-IITC leaders, braiding their hair and promoting her “t.r.i.b.e”
primary directives to teach the American Indian children about the
promise of a good life. She firmly believed and lived, American Indians
are not second class people.
They were primarily interested in self-orientated financial gains,
fame and not actually aware of the magnitude of the real destiny of the
north American Indian people. It was a reality far beyond their ignorant
knowledge and comprehension. They were oblivious to the extent of
representation for north American Indian integrity heading boldly into
the 21st century global politics of United States exploitation for the
much needed minerals and resources sitting smack dab on Indian
Every legal issue on American soil always has a pro and con duality.
Both sides would receive and use a lot of federal tax payers dollars and
donations. In the end, the issue is decided and life goes on till the
next legal issue arises.
Was it in Anna Mae Aquash’s own self-destiny to help the Indian fight
for their freedom and rights? She came from the Canadian Nova Scotia
Micmacs into the United States to do her part in reconnecting with our
Indian nationhood’s broken spirit. she knew where all this Indian
activism was going and how important it was to do what was right for the
coming generations of Indian people. Whether she was recruited as a
federal informant in Boston, or not, isn’t apparent but her former
husband, Jake Maloney, has nothing to say about the matter except he’s a
karate expert and “some times” works as a law officer. Anna Mae
Aquash’s daughter is also a law officer. She thought she was among
family in the American Indian movement. She walked blindly into the
criminal world of “wanna-bee Indians” trying to stay out of prison and
openly exploiting the frail American Indian identity, sovereignty
and integrity with a big freaking chip on their shoulder. She was far
from the raggedy-ass Indian village she was looking for.
When Federal agent David price exclaimed to Anna Mae Aquash, “we’ve
been looking all over for you”. At this time there were also 2 other
AnnaMaeAquashs’ running around in American Indian country. now? Which
one is the real Anna Mae Aquash we are all believing is the ” murdered
woman of innocent circumstances “?
Anna Mae Aquash was present when Ray Robinson was murdered in Wounded
Knee, South Dakota and probably even helped dig the grave to bury his
body with a golf club. One of the “bunkers” was eventually designated as
not “worthy” and made into a garbage pit specifically for burning
whatever was thought of as “bullshit”. a mister ray Robinson’s majestic
sacred burial pit. Direct connection of Wounded Knee AIM leaders “offing
and burying” Ray Robinson has been expressed by Wounded Knee Veterans. A
AIM-IITC security dude who popped the nigger in the knee commanded via
Dennis banks. which wounded knee veterans say eventually walked in and
“offed” the “fucking nigger” himself, after “the nigger wouldn’t behave
his fucking mouth or face”, talking that he worked for the
federal government and he could arrest them. Which must have impressed
Anna Mae Aquash.
However, substantiating the statements of those knowledgeable
Veterans is another impossible story in the Anna Mae Aquash versus the
AIM-IITC saga. Its safe to say, the majority of reservation American
Indians are extremely afraid of law enforcement association. In the
American Indian movement was a vicious hatred and strong dislike for
white Americans and especially African Americans. (except for
the several white women inside of wounded knee that were eventually
designated as “independent Oglalla nation” citizens by Dennis Banks.
Dennis banks could sure hand out citizenships to 13 year old white
women in wounded knee. he was dayum good at that) When you’re a leader
in the AIM-IITC, you can make such designations. whatever you ordered
was accepted or be ostracized from AIM-IITC as a “fed” or even worse, ”
goon apple”. Double whammy bad jacket!
Everyone who has implicated Dennis Banks or Vernon Bellecourt as cold
blooded killers always end up dead shortly thereafter. Dino Butler
could reveal who killed Joe Stunts but he is mortally scared too. His
explanation is simple. Lil Jo was gunned down by unknown federal force’s
bullets. He is extremely agitated when asked to reveal details about
any AIM-IITC events. After several authors and Indian news paper
syndicated writers mentioning his name affixed to certain AIM-IITC
events…he has become enraged and sought them out for “private talks” to
straighten out the matter. He has openly spoke many times of certain
people “putting him or his family in danger” and has gone out to
verbally confront and
threaten those people. like he did when he went after Douglas Durham,
Anna Mae Aquash and several other low-profile AIM-IITC full blood
Indians that questioned his “indianness” or that of the “bellecourt
Why? Dino knows how his running associates think and act. He will be
allowed to remain alive for as long as he can keep his mouth shut and
continue to give the designated explanation he has been mind programmed
to repeat. like a talking parrot. Rattle his cage and he will respond
with what he’s been mind programmed to say when you prompt him with
questions or “interrogational inquiries”. Dino will never tell what
he knows since his mind is totally institutionalized by “an unknown”
influence that you have to look deeply to perceive.
He has over 28 years of incarcerated history and his name “psycho”
isn’t just a tag but a working experience for those on the receiving end
of his rage. “lil jo” actually was considered (by members of the west
coast AIM crew) a “possible federal informant” as stipulated by none
other then Leonard Peltier, his bad-ass self. Dino knows this! The
prison ethics to play you enemies close at hand was a way of life for
them and when it was right; neutralize, punk them out or kill them. It
was a matter of finding the right place, timing and situation to handle
their dirty baggage.
Using LSD as a mind altering substance was one of their main stages
of allegiance and causing amnesia in wayward wanna bee AIM-IITC workers
or supporters. Leonard Peltier largely claims to have a “unique psychic
ability” to connect with and expose all known and unknown federal
operatives or informers by simply looking at them. Like how gay people
look at each other and know they’re both
gay. People who know each other in certain choice of clothes, words,
character, circumstances and previous life experiences. You had to have
been a federal informant to know and recognize another federal
It seems “strange”, lil jo would be the only AIM warrior killed
wearing a green fatigue coat stenciled “FBI” on the front right pocket,
shot between the eyes like 2 FBI agents at the same scene. (a big sign
to “the boys” he was a “fed”, already dead but staged to look like the
Federal forces killed him, and the federal officer who thought he shot
him has no clue he’s innocent.) Dino, bob and Leonard all swear it was
BIA police Robert Eccoffey that killed lil jo. WHY? Dino, Bob and
Leonard should be put on trial for murdering lil jo stuntz. How could
they know Robert Eccoffey at this time unless they personally knew
Robert Eccoffey and if they were that close to see Robertt Ecoffey shoot
lil jo in the head with the downed federal agents hand gun? STRANGE!
The federal judge gave them a “not guilty” verdict without this
Later in the future, Anna Mae Aquash gets assassinated and her hands
are cut off like the mafia do to their enemies who “rat” on them.
Whoever assassinated Anna Mae Aquash from behind was not a rookie and
probably has done that very act of murder more then once. Shooting some
one behind the head is an act of mercy and means instant death. The west
coast crew had a tremendous hatred for known or unknown informants
and believed only a bullet between their eyes would stop them from
further infiltration of their particular secular AIM group. And it is
INTO THAT CRAP!!! Players are players and suckers are suckers. They like
to leave a big trail and it disappears into thin air.
South Dakota’s Governor Bill Janklow had the same remedy for all AIM
people. Same mind directive programming. Hmmmm? Attorney Bill Janklow
was Dennis bank’s tiospaye (family) back in the rosebud
reservation legal training days. Jail house snitches are smart enough to
learn informant tactics, get out and stay out by being a part of the
low underlings of the ruling politicians or killers but they get their
privileges guaranteed for their
services.We can see further of this notion later in the dialogue here.
The West Coast AIM crew consisted primarily of John Trudell, Dino
Butler, Leonard Peltier and Robert Robideau. Anna Mae Aquash could
reveal the sixth person who was with Leonard Peltier, Joe Stuntz, Anna
Mae Aquash, Robert Robideau and Dino Butler, when the FBI agents
executions occurred on the Jumping Bull Camp. Which is why Theda Clark
and Jean Day “explicitly” remember “Anna Mae
Aquash” was in another area (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) with them. AS THEY
CLAIM. Anna Mae Aquash is not here to refute those lies. Yet? Jean Day
is listed as being at the jumping Bull shoot out list of camp people
being there. More smoke to further obscure and lead any inquiries away
from the truth. Don’t buy into that either.
Both Jean Day and Theda Clark are directly involved in this “Anna
Mae Aquash conspiracy”. They were players of the misinformation and
misdirectional AIM-IITC campaign utilized to control and suppress the
“Anna Mae Aquash conspiracy”. WHY?
Jean Day was alleged Leonard Peltier’s young 14 year old lolita back
in the days. Of course, you know Theda Clarks’ part in all this.
Its self explanatory but them AIM-IITC liked young girls and played the
elder women as “aunt” or “big sister”. We heard lil jo’s younger
brother, Virgil Stuntz, was never that far away as Mike Anderson said.
He testified Virgil was not in the area at the time but he could be
mistaken? Mike Anderson was 15 and scared out of his life from what had
happened and you think he could tell anyone the truth? Later he recanted
a lot of his “recollections” of what he “thought he saw” and
subsequently tried to live a life of a normal person. It didn’t
So, as it appears, we realize Both Dino Butler and Bob Robideau got
away with murder like a Hollywood script. Think about that. Mumia
Abu-Jamal, Leonard Peltier and other currently incarcerated law
enforcement shooters or killers will never get out of prison and will
die incarcerated, but Dino and Bob were special “circumstances”
people. wow! Some thing about a mixed Creek-Caucasian Indian woman
assisting them in their defense was the key. Is she the “mysterious
former federal agent” who can guide a virtual attack thru any law
enforcement SOP’s or investigations? You have to wonder?
Douglas Durham dies of cancer and now bob robideau “allegedly” dies
of cancer too? strange? both main players in the saga now that
the mainstream America human rights and dignity organizations are
getting into the hot bed of the AIM-IITC “Anna Mae Quash conspiracy”
Anna Mae Quash helped solicit, account and disburse AIM’s donated
funds account’s to the various AIM chapters and supporters. She knew
private information to the total of those donated funds and who donated
them. Both Vernon Bellecourt and accountant Russell Means were the main
men to AIM-IITC’s secret off-shore banking accounts scenario for
by-passing, escaping detection and revealing AIM-IITC’s finances to the
United States American Government.
Where and why do you think the money laundering program titled,
International Indian Treaty Organization, came into operation and what
exactly was its real purpose for the American Indian people? Like good
business minds will always find a shelter to secretly stash their big
bucks and make it look like they’re doing good for the poor people while
maintaining a public image they are a shoe-string moms and pops
organization. good deception! Entice a few “uncle jos” and some “grandpa
chieftains” to hang about and you got a winning combination for a big
business to live freely generated from the pity and donations of
good hearted people in the world. It doesn’t hurt to drive a old
reservation rent-a-wreck also.
Anna Mae Aquash discovered the private lives of the main AIM leaders
and how they operated outside the group specific AIM policies and
events. Anna Mae Aquash witnessed sexual abuse by those same AIM Leaders
and Spiritual Leaders far too often of the young AIM women and Gay men.
Anna Mae Aquash had seen the sexual predators, homosexuals and
pedophiles within the AIM leadership and they were very frightened of
her being privy to their secrets. Common place prison ethics being
Vernon Bellecourt was trying to bury his past as a prison homosexual
but some times certain people who investigated him would bring up his
sordid past. Since he was sore ass over that part of his life, he often
went out of his way to make those people’s lives very miserable and
attacked them in many indirect manners accessible to him due to his
associates within the real “invisible” leadership of the American Indian
Movement. Vernon Bellecourt was able to control the naive grass level
people without their knowledge and he was directly behind the attacks
or investigations of those people. As long as the grass roots people
were told it came from the AIM leadership, they blindly obeyed.
Sitting there as he explained, “yeah, i cant do anything but i guess
that’s what we have to do because that’s what they said.” No one ever
accepted Vernon Bellecourt as a real serious AIM leader but more like
one of the lost causes people. He was too “gay” and played quietly
behind the scenes hidden as the evil homosexual master mind who was
behind AIM’S “inner circle leaderships'” unrealized
subverted activities. which we now see what he really was doing.
Dennis banks was out chasing little girls, Russell, john and Clyde
being to busy embezzling locally donated small funds, procuring and
using drugs. The AIM-IITC off-shore safe was wide open for sticky
fingers. All this content of character openly cloaked behind the
seemingly apparent nature, Vernon Bellecourt was a fashionable and very
legitimate “hair salon beautician”. Like Richard Simmons turning
into son-of-Sam when he wanted too.
This “new” Vernon bellecourt we now see is not the “old” Vernon since
he knows he’s too old and could care less about what happened now. He
firmly believes he is “the one” to spread the word about
Indian genocide. He’s playing the “too old to prosecute Theda Clark and
Vernon bellcourt American Indian” card. same old card and same deck.
they always forget about the joker in the deck. I remember the joker
explained as half crazy and the other 50 %, a flat out fool! they kill
people without regard to consequences. John Graham was already
“stationed” at the twin cities being Vernon bellecourts body guard or
otherwise, being on call.
When Anna Mae Aquash came to assist at the little red school house
and is where john graham “allegedly” met Anna Mae Aquash. John Graham
was recruited from the Pine ridge crew as a serious man about business
he is paid to do. His mother is a pine ridge enrolled Indian. Russell
Means doesn’t know this? Which brings up this notion, when did he
become a Canadian citizen? that dude has more names than a espanic
coming to America. He grew up on the pine ridge reservation. Who the
hell is Chris Richards? I bet John Trudell would love to know that.
Russell Means doesn’t know this either?
Them Pine Ridge people have more names then the pope has masses to preform.
You will also note no where during all the heavy traffic conflict
activism (after the multi-million dollar foreigner countries money
donations secretly sequestered in off-shore AIM-IITC bank accounts) does
Vernon Bellecourt ever risk being involved in the front line AIM
warriors. He is never found within 1200 miles of any actual
confrontations of the AIM and the law personnel battle lines. He would
appear only when the planned AIM-IITC public relation events was a press
conference or a high profile reservation event that had many
innocent elders and people attending. He was seriously watching his
Anna Mae Aquash had the primary information to the hundreds of
millions of dollars donated by foreign countries to the AIM-IITC funds,
and who controlled or assumed those funds. Again it was Vernon
Bellecourt at the home office and his inner circle members; Russell
Means, Ted Means, William Wahpapah, John Trudell, William Means, Dennis
Banks and Clyde Bellecourt receiving stipend monies from those
Carter camp was so brilliantly stupid at this time, he had no clue
about this and he was AIM national chairman. With the smaller donated
money embezzlement’s: like when Russell Means and his little brother,
bill “kill” Means, stole the $68,900.00 that was to finance the Longest
Walkers way back home in 1978. Russell snatched the money bag, handed it
to lil brother bill. bill ran out of there with it like a professional
football fullback clutching the football and making a winning touch
down. The AIM leaders laughed about it as they were eating at a fine
restaurant nearby the fine motel they were staying while the longest
walker crew ate “donated foods” and slept at the green belt park.
They ordered the Longest Walker’s rookie public relations people to
solicit more Washington D.C. churches for more donation money to
refinance the Longest Walkers journey home to their reservations. Their
taunt in the face was they believed white and black America owed the AIM
long over-due monies for land rent and restitution, and without “their
AIM”? any American Indian activism was non-existent. Pay the AIM or be a
active participant on the next AIM project called, the longest swim,
which specifically targeted all non-Indians in the united states.
It was funny watching the AIM leaders get all jacked up over control
of “the money and the easy babes”. Like 6 caged gorillas fighting
over bananas. They readily believed they could use extortion and force
to make “white and black America” pay up.
It had been understood Vernon Bellecourt also made a deal with Anna
Mae Aquash. So she, and her husband, Neegoshik Aquash, received monthly
stipend money payments from the AIM office as directed by Vernon
Bellecourt in accordance she would keep her mouth shut about those
foreign country donation totals.
Anna Mae Aquash routinely witnessed several AIM leaders meeting with
Federal Officers under the excuse they were “Parole Officers” meeting
with the AIM leaders who were on “life-long paroles”. HMMMMMM? and they
were fighting the United States of America?
Anna Mae Aquash discovered the real informants and federal level
operatives within the AIM leadership. Which was a bad thing for her.
Anna Mae Aquash witnessed certain AIM Leaders routinely used donated
funds to buy drugs or otherwise, simply embezzle those funds.
Anna Mae Aquash witnessed the private inner ex-convict “AIM leader
warrior” circle that had virtual control of anyone who “joined” AIM.
(she had a “pretty good” idea it was that way. Put up your dukes or
behave.) If you were an ex-felon? You had a much better chance of being a
member then a “supporter”. If they thought you would kill on command
and hold to prison ethics? You were “in”. As an ex-convict, any federal
handler can control you. it was about control. Anna Mae Aquash knew all
the placement of AIM leadership body guards. which prison they were
recruited from. which of them had actually committed murder or other
criminal acts to “protect” the AIM leadership.
Anna Mae Aquash watched many of the AIM leaders entrap or
deliberately order a newly recruited AIM person into committing a
criminal act to show they were “real AIM material” and belonged inside
the AIM infrastructure. One of the boys! Anna specifically knew all the
lies and cover stories issued from AIM-IITC in regards to many “touchy”
situations and events that happened inside the AIM-IITC inner
circle. Truthfully analyzing the AIM former leadership crew, we see a
tremendous amount of criminal acts enacted by them. Whether its
epitomized in the united states
government’s laws or the Indian communities Indian leader character references?
The major leaders all have murder, theft, perjury, extortion, drugs and sexual
predator attached to their names. Several examples, John Trudell,
Russell Means, Leonard Peltier and Dennis Banks. They have close
connections to someone being murdered while they were in the area or had
clean sweeping alibis when someone they knew was murdered. Or one
of their body guards went to prison for their actions. That in itself is
not justification they are dirty players but the fact remains they are
all part of a tightly associated group of people who may have very well
pulled off the biggest hundred of millions of dollars scam in Indian
They know who murdered who and why in all instances of the American
Indian Movement card. They were all recruited because they were players
of a different caliber and could be trusted to be tight-lipped if
situations did not go according to plan and in the case of Anna Mae
Aquash, this was certainly the case and they have all had total
Amnesia about someone named, Anna Mae Aquash ever since. They were all
on ground level zero during the “hit” on 2 Anna Mae Aquashs.
You can not ignore they planned every event AIM was sponsoring and
also the hidden activities that the “inner circle” routinely did. They
knew they would have to play the game of misdirecting and misinforming
anyone other then themselves to keep certain criminal acts from being
revealed and in their paranoid drugged up minds?
Anna Mae Aquash was that person who would send them all back to
prison or forever exposed them as the self-selected, illegitimate and
unqualified “wannabee” Indian Leaders they were.
Whatever Dennis Banks was originally imprisoned for in the early
1960s (theft) doesn’t compare to his real identity that unfolded as he
became accustomed to some very sinister out-in-the-open deviant
behaviors with total immunity and public scrutiny affixed to being a
“militant AIM leader”.
Dennis Banks started having a sexual affair with Darlene Nichols, aka
Kamook, when she was merely 15 years old (maybe even 14). Dennis banks
was 34. Dennis Banks was a slick pedophile hiding within the AIM. They
had their first child when she barely turned 17 and shows he was in a
sexual relationship with her at 16. Since the Lakota people say a man
with “elk power” is allowed to do that, Dennis has a “tribal legal”
operation commitment and acceptance of his “sacred sun dance powers”.
Which establishes he did knowingly abuse his leadership position
to commit child sex acts with the very impressionable young females
attracted to the American Indian Movement. The long list of females
under the age of 18 which Dennis has had sexual contact with and
resulted in a child is legendary in Indian country. Think i am
bullshitting? Count his kids and figure out when theywere born and how
old Dennis banks was at the time? All 42 of them. Its surprising!!
He has never been questioned why he continuously violated the trust
of the Indian parents to their children’s chastity and virginity. Why
hasnt the United States Government done any thing with this fact? Does
Dennis Banks have immunity from the united states government?. Even if
the victims say, it wasn’t a violation since South Dakota’s statues
explicitly state, 16 years of age is the legal age of consent. Jean Day
explains it like this, neither Dennis or Leonard peltier broke any laws
in South Dakota because both jean day and kamook banks gave their
consent for sexual relationships with Leonard and Dennis. even if they
were both under 16 years of age. Hmmmm?
Dennis Banks can look you in the eye with total humility and lie
beautifully as any underhanded scam artist you will ever meet. His trick
is simply by hiding out in the open. staging another “World Peace Run”
or quietly counting his money. He’s that slick! Hiding out in the open
is his favorite trick. Dennis Banks did his share of “bad jacketing”
many good Indians simply because they noticed his habit of child
molestation and sexual predator skills. He always has 2-6 big gorillas
around him playing body guard to a “self-made sacred Ojibwa warrior”.
The many secret memos he has send out concerning innocent and
naive caring people who came to assist the AIM and not to become
entrapped into forced adulation of the very flawed AIM leadership is
very real and thousands of people have experienced this on a person to
person level with the Minneapolis crew.
Today, Dennis Banks is quietly hiding and trying to out-live the
terrible betrayed acts he did while he was sabotaging the good spirit of
the real AIM in the Indian people. To keep his pedophile self out of
prison. He keeps in strict contact with his “Federal Parole Officers”
these days. No more “acting” needed for him running off like a common
plantation slave and pretend the “feds” are after him. We all know he’s
still very pissed concerning his leaked memo of his hatred and complete
denial of Anna Mae Aquash’s cousin and subsequent investigator of her
murder, Robert Brancombe. Dennis Banks hates Robert Brancombe. He will
never admit it even on his death bed.
If there’s a AIMSTER profile of a very real possible federal
informant working in the AIM structure? Dennis banks is your man. Why
would the United States Government allow him political asylum in the
state of California if South Dakota demanded extradition? When The
united states “special interests” Government “groups” spend billions to
insure all Native American reservation resources are
in your command?
A small fry operative like Dennis Banks is essential if you have
spent millions of dollars on his “cover” within the specific
secret operation of taking command of the American Indians reservation
resources. You have to look deep to see the reality of that question.
He’s there! It was a great cover story. People who work for Honeywell
usually have some sort of national security clearance and “specialized
training”. Air Force Intelligence? Is Dennis banks really capable of
killing “sugar ray” Robinson?
The defenders inside wounded knee had no guarantees they were going to
live. Murder and child molestation inside were freebies.
Russell Means decided in his book, “Where white men fear to tread”,
wanted the acknowledgement he started and arranged the wounded knee
saga. Unfortunately, you can’t change the memories of the old Lakota
people and the defenders of wounded knee as easily as you can manipulate
intentions and falsehoods by staging a reality not in character of a
great nation or people.
If Russell Means was the Lakota AIM chapter Leader, then he also knew
“the United States Government Special Warfare Interest Groups” were
stealing over 36 trillion dollars worth of uranium during his grand
standing at the Wounded Knee occupation. Raw Uranium is worth 2,000,000
times the price of oil. The yellow brick roads of weapons grade uranium
is paved with dead people, both before and after discovery of the deadly
The Uranium theft was authorized under the “Homeland Security Act”.
Where do you think the united states of America’s massive nuclear arms
came from? There were many special Governmental political groups
activated and organized to assist the United states Government
accomplish the theft of the weapons grade raw uranium located in the
National Badland park.
If they could force “Indians” to sign away the badlands area, as they
did to non-indigenous plains Indians on the Fort Laramie treaty and the
gold, the raw uranium would be theirs by another simple bogus land deed
sign off and its always the stupid Lakota, or crow, who get picked.
The raw uranium was discovered by infrared scanners operating on the
orbiting NASA satellite station. The Navajo, Northern Cheyenne and crow
tribe also had nuclear extraction from their reservation boundaries and
they didn’t even know. A special forces detachment came to “safe-guard”
the operation on the Northern Cheyenne land, under orders, shoot to
kill. All natural resource developments on Navajo land had explicit
legal language if “any other secondary minerals” were found in the coal
mining area they had signed agreements on, they were the property of the
mining company.
Uranium was found on their land and the thousands of tons of uranium
tailings are still buried on their “sacred four corners land”. They
blamed a little mouse with the “hanta virus”. When it was simply uranium
poisoning evident on the wild life environment. None of the tribes ever
got restitution or payment of their raw weapons grade uranium from the
united states government or special interest groups.
The wounded knee occupation was a sufficient enough global smoke
screen whereas the United States Government stole the uranium so swiftly
and easily.
The 268 pine ridge deaths, 2000 Federal Agents being trained during
that era within the Pine Ridge Agency, an estimated 300 Indians being
initiated as Federal Informants and any thing else that occurred on the
Pine Ridge Reservation was under Russell Means AIM chapter
jurisdictional watch. The pine ridge reservation got no money or special
considerations unless you call murder a choice destiny!!
The man knows more then he is acknowledging about certain events that
transpired on the Reservation. He’s operating under the family unity
protection mentality and will not give up his brothers or sisters to the
truth but would rather lie or redirect any allegations incriminating
him or his family. He will lie directly to your face and redirect
whatever thought you may inquire into another myth of “Indianism”. Which
will all lead back to how great he is and Lakota people consider him to
be Crazy Horse’s reincarnation. Or that he could conceivably, quite
possibly, be Jesus Christ himself. Largely depending on how goofy or
naive his listeners are. He’s a real rascal to talk too!
I think this California bred street hustler does not understand what
it means to tell the truth as a sundancer and a true Lakota. It seems
all the AIM-IITC sundancers lie and smoke the sacred pipe all to
frequently (and casually).
Russell means says, he had no knowledge if arvol lookinghorse, or
arlo lookingcloud, is the man who was at anna mae aquash’s killing, or
if any Lakota patriots were involved since he was the local AIM chapter
leader. Only after he heard, Robert branscombe was going to name “arlo
lookingcloud, john graham and Theda Clark” as suspects did he boldly
step forward and say what he had to. However, on the reality side, he
knew this was going to happen sooner or later and as long as it wasn’t
arvol lookinghorse, he was a player to protect his tiospaye.
Just for old time psychological ambush sakes. what if arlo
lookingcloud was a patsy for arvol lookinghorse and the AIM-IITC are
afraid of the consequential damage this would impact the sacred white
buffalo calf medicine bundle? which would be big conspiracy lie number
712. Think about that? its probably irrelevant both names sound so
similar and yet, its strange. Anyone could make a mistake about that.
YES! I agree, arlo lookingcloud is a innocent person and the big
pay-off would be for him to take the “fall” for a “big time spiritual
leader” like arvol lookinghorse to walk away clean from his part in the
Anna Mae Aquash killing. I believe all the AIM-IITC people know this
fact. They do not and will not
implicate arvol lookinghorse as the man with john boy Patton graham
simply because they feel it would bring the “legendary sacred white
buffalo calf pipe” legacy to a spiritual low reality for the people.
Only john graham knows and asking arvol lookinghorse means having 200
attorneys and 1100 Lakota people to deal with. which still doesnt
guarantee arvol lookinghorse will talk about “hispart in the Anna Mae
Aquash conspiracy”.
His hiding place is secure behind the “sacred canupa”. No evidence?
No witnesses? He can whistle all the way to hell. His invoked American
Indian civil rights, “innocent till proven guilty”, will protect him.
hmmm? what happened to the “we are a sovereign nation” declaration?
This side-track info will derail the united states legal references,
if AIM-IITC veterans will step up and talk the walk of a real sovereign
American Indian nation. This would allow john boy Patton graham to
boldly evade extradition and the Minneapolis AIM-IITC would be “clean of
the Anna Mae Aquash conspiracy”. Arlo lookingcloud would be set free
and whatever case about the Anna Mae Aquash killing would disappear like
smoke in the wind.
SO? Once again. true to colors, AIM-IITC mastermind another story to
hide the real facts. How much money would arlo lookingcloud want, to
spend a few years in prison for his “services rendered”, for the boys?
John Trudell has had trouble sleeping over this fact for many years and today, lets talk about him.
John Trudell has a mysterious past since his “alleged espanic mother”
died, his Santee father didn’t claim him and he surfaced out of nowhere
at the Alcatraz Island occupation. Did he ever claim to be a full blood
Indian? What is he really?
After questioning he revealed he was part Indian and espanic. He does
have a street gang he runs with and its still running with him today.
His wife, children and mother-in-law were all killed by alleged “federal
forces hit man-Chris Richards”. Every where John Trudell goes, follows
him an environment of sudden death and paranoia someone is out gunning
for him. Why?
The man is mysteriously paranoid and probably has done a few acts
that would make him precipitate death to be his running destiny. No one
is completely safe around John Trudell and yet, he draws all the new age
people to him and his re-organized style of bad boy lobo “Johnny
John Trudell was appointed AIM co-leader, by none other then Vernon
Bellecourt, during all the “inner circle” murders and silent acts of
internal sabotage of the AIM. John Trudell ran with the West Coast AIM
crew that hated and wanted dead all acknowledged or suspected Federal
Informants and Operatives within AIM.
In recent years, John Trudell has developed a strange story about
“his now friend” Anna Mae Aquash that he helped interrogate as a
suspected Federal Informant. John Trudells’ lame amnesiac acknowledgment
of Dennis Banks and the Minneapolis crew is equally as strange since he
now doesn’t know where they were at during the “inner circle” murders.
The AIM local chapters had ousted the drugged-out sycophantic
Bellecourt brothers (Vernon and Clyde) and (pedophile) Dennis Banks from
AIM Leadership. No one in lower AIM chapters knew of several hundred
million dollar off-shore AIM-IITC bank accounts except the AIM “inner
circle” crew. They had lost the keys to their money wagon and wanted it
back in their control.
John Trudell was quickly placed as AIM Co-National Chairman with
Carter Camp during this time since Carter Camp was elected from grass
roots AIM chapters. William Means was given exclusive authority over
IITC (International Indian Treaty Council). Why? Because he was Russell
means little brother. No other qualifications were necessary. (Like
Vernon and Clyde). Vernon Bellecourt neutralized George Michel and Eddie
Banai’s share of the original Franklin Street AIM patrol authority.
Dennis Banks was given the task of neutralizing Russell Means and
resulted in Dennis slapping him up a little bit. Clyde Bellecourt
neutralized Carter Camp’s AIM influence and leadership by staging
a direct physical conflict with Carter Camp where Clyde Bellecourt first
assaulted Carter Camps younger brother. Carter Camp had no choice but
to retaliate and actually shot Clyde in the buttocks as he was running
away from carters vicious assault.
Some place in this time line, John Trudell’s family were
assassinated. June 1979 he burned the united states flag on the steps of
the FBI headquarters. He states he was AIM-IITC national chairman
1972-1979. His explanation that he quit when Carter Camp went to prison
but not that his family had been murdered. Anna Mae Aquash was already
listed as dead back in 1975. No worries, man!
Which gave John Trudell 100 % authority to any and all AIM
leadership. This wholly orchestrated lone-AIM-chairmanship political
move went into immediate withdrawal phase to initiated the AIM policy of
never selecting and electing AIM leaders from the rank and file
membership. Dismantling and omitting the very powerful “AIM National
Chairman” title entirely to never ever be used again. WHY?
It gave the grass roots people control over the AIM-IITC and would
quickly phase out the OLD_AIMSTER_GANGSTERS and subsequently, expose
their “hidden multimillion dollars donation” secret. It also prevented
any national AIM chairman from being held liable for any actions
AIM-IITC did in the course of any criminal acts as epitomized within the
Frame of reference of the United States Federal Government’s laws and
statues, but it was certainly OK to allow a singular AIM-IITC supporter
or helper to be prosecuted for their involvement of any AIM-IITC events.
All ordered under the authority of 15-day National AIM Chairman
appointee John Trudell and his secretive conspiring Minneapolis
co-horts. Today he claims to have been AIM National chairman for 7
In the background, Vernon Bellecourt went into high gear in his
“black ninja panty hose” and “incorporated AIM” into the National
American Indian Movement (NAIM). Thereby eliminating any selected and
elected AIM leadership from the grass roots people’s AIM chapters never
ever happened again. Dennis Banks and Clyde Bellecourt were both
instrumental in this secret phase as they prevented any sub-political
associations of NAIM to local AIM chapters by making physical threats
and actual secret memo contacts to trusted “AIM allies” in the grass
root AIM chapters.
“Bad jacketing” anyone who spoke out against their coup-de-gra of the
AIM organization they founded and subsequently lost to the grass roots
Indian activists and members. Those “secret AIM-IITC allies” have been
surfacing as the new “selected leaders” in the AIM-IITC NAIM home office
in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Usually held under a tight rein by both Vernon and Clyde
Bellecourt. It was the hidden millions in off-shore bank accounts they
were after.
Since John Trudell was now running with the Minneapolis crew, the
Bellecourts and Dennis Banks were suddenly back in control of the
National AIM leadership and the secret off-shore bank accounts of the
donated millions of dollars to AIM-IITC by foreign countries and foreign
leaders who hated America. They donated millions of dirty bucks to
finance the AIM terrorization of the globally hated United States
American Government.
Which brought into focus, many AIM members never suspected what they
thought they were making a stand for in behalf of the American, or
Canadian Indian people, was also actually a bid of extended “mercenary
services” contracted out by the AIM-IITC from those foreign countries
financial “considerations” to AIM-IITC. Why do you think Russell means
claimed to mobilize a AIM-IITC special forces group to south America and
at the same time, was in “collusion” with his chums, the Bellecourt
boys? (Always wanted to use that Russell means vocabulary
word just once.)
Read Vernon Bellecourt’s many interviews concerning all the speeches
he has made about representing AIM-IITC as a catalyst that all American
and Canadian Indians were openly attacking “the united states
government” and he was the leader. You will see where Vernon Bellecourt
has been to give his speeches at many subversive organizations that
openly use “terrorist tactics” against the United States government. Why
the United States government hasn’t arrested him is a big mystery.
Many AIM members never knew of the hundreds of millions of dollars
bank accounts the AIM-IITC had in off-shore bank accounts setup by
Vernon bellecourt and Russell Means. Vernon Bellecourt needed a team
player and someone who would play ball the Bellecourt way.
John Trudell was such a team player for the Minneapolis AIM crew and
John Trudell has suddenly developed an awful case of “Minneapolis AIM
amnesia” in these later days. Its really strange realizing all the
people that are killed around this man and he always has a ready made
alibi of his where abouts. He has all the bases covered and there are no
witnesses to his paranoia.
It is said in Indian country, when someone murders another tribal or
family member? The murderer wears a stench and paranoia around them
where ever they go. They have the control over the “spirit” to the
person they killed and as such, must wear and feed that “spirit”. It
eats away their karma and their own dharma eventually Kills them. Two
spirits can not live in one body without normalcy being disrupted.
Perhaps John Trudell is of this nature and his reason for paranoia is
a matter of survival. However, watch John Trudell, should he decide to
turn his back on the Bellecourt brothers. We will surely see what he
“shares” as to his innocence in all hidden AIM-IITC matters of
embezzlement, murder, rape and child sex abuse.
NO SIR, John Trudell was no safety refuge for Anna Mae Aquash. He was
a main player in the AIM secret subversive agenda to the real American
Indian Movement Leadership of America. Many west coast AIM members say
they could have saved Anna Mae Aquash but didn’t? They were the ground
level zero special AIM_IITC task force that existed at that time and
there job was simple.
Eliminate informants and federal government operatives. why? I often
wonder exactly how much money Vernon, Dennis and Clyde gave to ole
Johnny for his services in all this inner circle murder period?
Today, Johnny Trudell is down in tinsel town rubbing elbows with
movie stars and other very drugged out “in-vogue” actors and actresses.
He is heralded as “speaker of the Indian poets truths”. Hollywood
awarded him a “living legend award” back in August 22, 1998. An ex-navy
If all these “allegations” John trudell was part of the killing team
that murdered Anna Mae Aquash are true? Will Hollywood die of shame?
Leonard Peltier is a very common smallish thug character you find at any
Indian bar-room gathering. They are part Indian but will go to any
length to prove they are as Indian as anyone there. They will not be
left out of the “inner circle”.
Vernon Bellecourt personally appointed Leonard Peltier as “Informant Locator and Interrogator”.
Leonard Peltier developed a running crew the likes of any mobster
boss in the inner urban city environment. Leonard Peltier selected no
rookies but all seasoned tough and equally capable killing men as
himself to do the job.
John “lobo” Trudell, Dino “psycho” Butler and Robert “razor” Robideau were his main crew.
So it is not strange they would all be there at many of the AIM most
controversial situations within its inner infrastructure conflicts and
situations. When you watched Leonard Peltier and his crew operated? You
were going to find many fights and violent situations because Leonard
Peltier was a thug and had very little intelligence. Leonard Peltier
believed he could read a persons psychic aura and know if they were
federal informants or if a woman wanted to make love with him. The boy
was strange. It bordered on the edge of insanity but the real fact was,
Leonard Peltier could hit you or let you stay in AIM depended largely on
whether you recognized him as a full blood Indian, or not, and if
Vernon Bellecourt thought you were subversive to the AIM.
Leonard Peltiers association with many of the legendary AIM tough guy
crews only strengthened his resolve to also hide behind the “sacred
pipe” for his acts in the “brotherhoods murderous history”.
Taking your criminal acts into the sacred Sundance and hiding them
there under its cloak of secrecy and sacred acknowledgment is a common
practice of the AIM-IITC. Leonard Peltier did it. John Graham did it.
Clyde Bellecourt did it!! Russell means did it!! Who else can you name?
Sealed with a “vow” over the “sacred pipe”. Now we all know why
Leonard Peltier keeps saying my Sundance brothers are jealous of my fame
and have left me here in prison to die, but we made a sacred vow on the
sacred pipe.
In this time and era, we are realizing them warrior acts as
deceptions of cowardice or disinformation. We now know he killed the
federal Agents and several other people inside the AIM group but he will
never admit it. why? He’s a natural born liar with no respect for the
“sacred pipe” and we know he believes if he “snitch’s on telling the
truth? He’s a twelve time loser and will get himself killed by ex-felons
that play for keeps. That is the laws them boys play by.
However, many AIM members were openly afraid he would beat the hell
out of them, or kill them, if they told. Or? One of “his boys” would do
the job for him. Which is why his statement, “we will take care of our
own”, is no mere idle threat but a guaranteed promise.
Ever wonder how many people were involved when Anna Mae Aquash was
actually killed? We now know its a massive conspiracy involving Leonard
Peltier, Dennis banks, Russell Means, Clyde Bellecourt, William means,
John Trudell, Ted Means, Dino butler, Charlie Hill, Vernon Bellecourts,
certain Lakota AIM women, secretive white Jewish attorneys and some
special recruited allies from south and central America. MS13? Maybe?
Its a beautiful lie of deception they have been telling us.
It is highly doubtful if Leonard Peltier will ever tell any truths
concerning the AIM. He is into lying about his acts too deep he cant
back out now. No one believes him anymore. He has rotted in prison and
will die incarcerated as a prison homosexual. Leonard Peltier doesn’t
know any thing about how certain AIM Leaders used him to do the dirty
deeds they wanted done to cover their acts of betrayal to the American
He was played, punked and he didn’t even suspect a thing. He’s too
egocentric about his own sense of value for decency and still so dense
in the head to know the Minneapolis crew ordered and played him for a
dumb fool. They left him to rot in there forever now. Even Jesus
couldn’t get Leonard Peltier out of prison.
So, that brings out some little questions about who, or what, was the
dark and sinister invisible mind force behind AIM’s most disastrous era
when killing “AIM members” was not an option but a reality? Who is
sneaky enough to stage all the acts of the AIM as attributed to certain
people and never to themselves? Who would think they could use the AIM
activities to mask and hide their personal agendas? How much of the
“secret hidden off-shore bank accounts” did the referenced “former
Federal Agent” routinely get a percentage of? Why the big AIM agenda
about Federal Informants and Operatives? Could those federal informants
and operatives recognize the “former Federal agent”? What did the AIM
have to hide, or who in the AIM leadership had some thing to hide?
If you’re a American Indian leader, you’re obligated to be of good
content of character and able to meet with other sovereign nation
leaders. Including leaders of the United States government and people.
We have treaties and legal agreements with them people, you know what i
mean? Why try to undermine the very basis of our existence as a people
by disavowing our ancestors agreements and testament of their passage
thru time of the invasion of other people onto our lands? It doesn’t
make sense.
Vernon Bellecourt! Ask Vernon Bellecourt! He knows!..Arlo Lookingcloud-2000
He did hide the AIM-IITC millions in off shore bank accounts in
Panama, Spain and Geneva, Switzerland. Or perhaps after the disagreement
with Russell means, he has switched locations and account names. Some
one mentioned they have always had them accounts but were now in Germany
and Italy. one thing is certain, he would have some problems bringing
that much money into American banking services without reporting it or
finding a legal operation to do such a venture.
Which is why he was always traveling out of country when ever AIM had
a direct armed confrontational occupation going in the United States or
Canada. His famous habit of calling the AIM security and saying, “I
cant be with you, brothers, but I am there with you in spirit! hoka hey!
its a good day to die!”. “I got you all some donations, here’s where to
pick them up at or so-n-so will be arriving to hand them to you.” “Hoka
Hey!”. Yeee haww! Yeee haww!!..Click!
Then dear old Vernon Bellecourt would go out soliciting more
financial contributions supposedly for the current American Indian
conflict but if any came in? they went directly into the AIM-IITC secret
bank accounts and those donations were never mentioned or held
accountable since he lied so beautifully about any such donations ever
happening. while the American Indian people were defending the American
land and people, Vernon was in another country soliciting millions of
donated dollars to the AIM-IITC American Indian activism cause. Figure
that and say, no way!!! Windigo monies “for the Indian cause”.
Recruiting, grooming and mentally challenging lesser intelligent, “I
want to belong to AIM” candidates, to kill the person who would reveal
how, and when, he stole the AIM-IITC donated hundreds of millions of
dollar funds was easy. Money was a strong enough reason for Vernon
Bellecourt to sabotage the AIM. It never was about Anna Mae Aquash
revealing Leonard Peltier as the premiere AIM hit man or the notion of
“Informants or Operatives” inside the AIM.
Yes, its true Leonard Peltier feared Anna Mae Aquash would tell how
he bragged about killing the FBI agents. He was instructed to kill Anna
Mae1 Aquash where she stands in Farmington, New Mexico but that was
never revealed till later.
Then “another Anna mae2 Aquash” surfaced after the Farmington “anna
mae1 aquash” incident and they were back to square 1 and who was this
“anna mae2 aquash”?
Only after Vernon bellecourt commanded John Graham to do some thing
about the “Anna Mae aquash2 problem” was “AnnaMmae2 Aquash” addressed.
John graham had always worked for Vernon bellecourt and got paid very
well for his efforts and successes. Then the “works” were in the making
and it was going to be over in a few days.
Its not too “stupid” to think Leonard Peltier and karate expert,
Charlie hill, were the men that knocked out Anna Mae Aquash’s teeth.
Why? think about it. Anna Mae Aquash was a Canadian woman who knew
nothing about American prison ethics and how ex-convicts operate after
being released.
There are many AIM warriors Vernon has approached and asked to murder
someone he hates or had problems with. In the near future we will meet
his, and Dennis Bank’s, “secretive California espanic-indian killing bad
DAVIS CALIFORNIA. The great Wanka Tanka is on their side. A mini version
of “Wanna Bee Indian” jihad. A holy war with the Europeans. Unless they
escape back south to Mexico, the central or south Americas.
How do we know Clyde Bellecourt in not doing the same recruiting and
grooming an entirely new AIM-IITC hit squad at the Pipestone Sndance he
states that he started because he had a vision? Maybe too much LSD since
he was found guilty of selling 500 hits of LSD to Indian kids. Maybe
the United states government can find several of them to question and
Its likely both Clyde and Vernon will either commit suicide or fall
down crying about the hidden hundreds of millions of stolen dollars
being exposed. Its quite possible they are as smart as john graham and
probably have rehearsed a course of action over the 32 years since Anna
Mae Aquash’s killing. Then when that actual moment happens they’ve been
dreading and planning for? They don’t remember what they had planned and
reveal themselves as the idiots they are.
Vernon, Dennis and Clyde used thousands of donated dollars and drugs
to post-released ex-felons recruited AIMSTER hit men to do their dirty
work. The United States prisons systems is still full of the AIMSTER
warriors they used and left to rot in prison. They may be in serious
danger if them lifers ever get a hold of their old asses in prison at
this stage of their game.
Their conspiracy lies are all falling apart.
Vernon Bellecourt is a thief.
His baby brother, Clyde Bellecourt, is a thug and a thief.
Dennis Banks is into denial and an inspiring lying-walking-running
pedophile. A walking dream of insanity and always planning “hits”
against people who say he’s a pedophile. Think i am lying? Look at the
court records of what kamook said and what Dennis remembers. CHILD
ABUSE! Time line is the clue.
Ego-maniac Russell Means still has no clue about integrity but
trained as an accountant. The boy lost his brains and still cant
understand lying is not a content of character for an American Indian
leader or maybe his accountant
training is more powerful then he believes.
Lobo Johnny Trudell is a drug-fried “paranoid” can of spam. His buddies
“Quiltman” and Dino Butler seem to be his only touch of reality with the
21st century.
NOTE AND CREDIT TO: Susan Dupree “LookBack Woman.

The Dark History of John Trudell and The American Indian Movement
January 2, 2015 6:47 pm / 4 Comments on The Dark History of John Trudell and The American Indian Movement
What You Never Wanted To Know About The American Indian Movement And Would Never Ask!
Rapists, Pedophiles, Drug Dealers, and Thieves Who Have Blasphemed The
Creator and Desecrated All Things American Indian!
Lesson number 1 on AIM ethics. Once a con always a con.
Never forget the American Indian Tribal Warrior legacy is primarily a
Tribal concern. There are specific designated Tribal Warriors of their
Tribal group and there are running wolves that have no master or set of
laws anyone can ever try to understand. Its a code that runs with the
situation that is at hand.
Women never attempt to run with the big dogs. There is concern for
her safety and continued survival. Normally, men prefer she understand
the mans world is a place setup with challenges, battles and your death
can be very quick if you place yourself in that situation. Their way can
disappear as swiftly as the morning fog when the sun comes out and
there is little chance their passing will ever be known. Unless you
believe in medicine people able to track you should you not return from
your journey. The men’s way is not a place for women, elders and
children. Otherwise, They have to learn to negotiate the survival
skills necessary in a world made by and maintained for men at war, or
die trying.
Equality has no place in the men’s world. You are what you make
yourself. Then you can assume your place among the gathered men or walk
away into ridicule and cowardice. If by chance she holds her stand and
survives the challenges? She will be a Warrior Woman who stands out
among the men of this world from that point on. Equality is hers to give
and take. She can tell the assembled men, I want to disappear, and they
will comply. Her frail helpless woman nature is dead as she calmly
contemplates the halls of challenge, battle and proven deeds among the
men of this world. If she made it that far? She can certainly stage
a disappearing act with help from her running operatives.
Unless the running wolves think otherwise and tear her illusion to
pieces and have no emotions about her demise. plain and simple
premeditated murder..32 years later we see some startling hidden truths
and some big time liars. Leonard Peltier, Dennis Banks, Ron Petite,
Marlon Brando, George Mitchell, Lee Brightman, Clyde Bellecourt, Russell
Means, Tim Lamewoman, Angel Riveria, Richard Mohawk, William Means,
Kenny Kane, Richard Marshall, Ted Means, John Trudell, Eddie Benai,
Robert Robideau, Dino Butler, Bruce Ellison, Ken Tilsen, David Hill,
Richard Moves Camp, Charlie Chips, Leonard Crow Dog, Wallace Blackelk,
Paul Sky Horse, John Steward, carter camp, Frank Black Elk,
Vernon Bellecourt, Mommar Khadafi, Lenny Foster, Douglass Durham, Ben
Morning Gun, Stanley bellrock, John Graham, Arlo Looking Cloud, Arvol
Looking Horse, Caesar Chavez, Corky Gonzales, Ernesto Vijil, Tish-Guy,
Antonio Gonzales, Rod Skenedore, Sylvester smells, John Thomas, Frank
Black Horse, Russell Redner, Ernie Peters, Kenny Loud Hawk, buddy
redbow, Frank Dillon, Larry Anderson, William Wahpapah, Floyd Westerman,
Cris Westerman, Russell Forrester, Mike Anderson, Eddie Cardinal,
Norman brown, 4780 other AIM associate aliases, the Chippewa’s Great
Manitou and midewin windigo, the Lakota’s Tunkasila and White Buffalo
Calf Maiden, all believed Anna Mae Aquash worked in some capacity
as either a federal informant or operative.
Many Ceremonies were held by crow dog, Wallace blackelk and Charlie
chips that indicated they were right. Eddie Banai, Vernon Bellecourt and
crew held ceremonies that also said Anna Mae Aquash was a federal
informant. No where in the AIMSTER_GANGSTER roster do you find women
listed. Women were basic sex providers and the people who did the
cooking and cleaning. Sometimes they were allowed to type the great
words and wisdoms of the male leaders, or still, even count the free
money pouring into the AIM-IITC funds from concerned global advocates of
human rights and dignity.
Back in 1968-1975, all these men were riding the AIMSTER_GANGSTER
bandwagon of global fame and stuck together like maggots on a side of 3
day old beef in the hot sun. Vernon bellecourt states, he was the little
strong donkey who was pulling this little BAND WAGON of funsters and
new age “wannabee American Indians” straight into backwoods country
indianism to battle the evil united states of America government
and citizens. The longevity of AIM-IITC was exactly 7 years running.
which was reorganized by Vernon bellecourt from a grass level commitment
into a incorporated legal entity bound by regular business directorship
and profit sharing abilities. Vernon bellecourt self-appointed and
designated himself into the following “AIM-IITC” positions; director,
security chief, elder, spokesman, public relation officer, accountant,
trustee, spiritual leader and original founder of AIM-IITC.
They all knew the game plan and how they were to play it. Some thing
about a former Federal Agent, turned against the United States
Government, showing the AIM-IITC crew how to work around the SOP
(standard operating procedures) of any Federal Law Enforcement and
really do some thing great for the Indian people. No one ever knew who
this “former agent” was and even today, there is no word that
he, or she, ever existed.
After, several out-in-the-open killings, including federal agents and
operatives, the AIMSTER_GANGSTER brotherhood went into a immediate
preplanned dummy-the-hell-up reorganization mode. WHY? Their names
and way of life would be exposed as fraudulent if their criminal acts
were exposed to the public and they would no longer be warriors of the
people but the evidence, you give a fool a little authority and free
money? They turn into Jesus Christ rambos. It was not outside their
working AIM-IITC policy to give up lesser AIM-IITC members or associates
to federal prosecution, long as they weren’t the people who went to
prison or had to stand accountable for any AIM-IITC events that
challenged their content of character and position within any AIM-IITC
The volatile and exterminating situation on the Pine Ridge Federal
Reservation was such a place where pre-planned murder could occur and it
was well within the global accepted norms of the political and
sub-killing fields of America. no one would ever know what happened
since federal forces were in the area to “sustain, interrogate, document
and provide” necessary information of what occurred on the Pine Ridge
Indian Reservation according to their SOP’S and directives from the
chain of command coming straight from the United States Governmental
They all knew someone had made a big mistake when the spirits
wouldn’t work for them anymore or the “former federal agents'” inside
knowledge” of the FBI Bureau was misinformed. Then it became thee
biggest conspiracy for them to hide their knowledge of nasty deadly
deeds done, to, for and on behalf of the American Indian, and Canadian
first nations, and also attempt to blame, or supplant the idea, the FBI
or some other United States government agency responsibility for those
acts. They were running under FBI cloning and directives, which made it
a simple matter of “playing dumb reservation Indian” and any documented
subversive activity was explainable.
That’s the dumbest dayum excuse but it worked for 39 years. Maybe the
old swift Indian magic isn’t gone after all, or the “former federal
agent” mentioned as being relative in AIM-IITC secret “hidden”
directorship, is still alive and well. Whether, it is a male or female,
wasn’t really explicitly mentioned but it was mentioned, they formerly
held a valid working federal agent badge and credentials. They could
disappear in front of you and there wasn’t a thing you could do about
BTW? Who is Robert Brancombe? Is his wife really a working Federal
Agent for the united states government? Someone among them who had
considerable influence, or affluence, was able to control and
programmed their loyalty and allegiance to a dangerous level
of complicity.
They were extremely frightened, instigated by Vernon bellecourt
via Leonard peltier, Anna Mae Aquash would reveal the hidden secrets of
the American Indian movement’s non-Indian personnel directors and
financiers, active criminal histories, secret off-shore financial
accounts and long standing male-orientated prison oligarchy leadership
inclusive to only 3 people. Vernon Bellecourt, Clyde Bellecourt and
Dennis Banks. Eddie banai and George Michel were not fighters or street
brawlers. They had some instance of decency left in their minds when
they interacted with people. Russell Means and john trudell were puppets
on a string of unlimited marijuana supplies, cocaine, free AIM-IITC
donated monies, motels, women and unlimited AIM press conference
The AIM leadership had no control over Anna Mae Aquash or her views
for the real legacy of the north American Indian people and the facts
she did what she could to make the American Indian people stand out as
special people. She was an expert in making ribbon shirts to give to the
AIM-IITC leaders, braiding their hair and promoting her “t.r.i.b.e”
primary directives to teach the American Indian children about the
promise of a good life. She firmly believed and lived, American Indians
are not second class people.
They were primarily interested in self-orientated financial gains,
fame and not actually aware of the magnitude of the real destiny of the
north American Indian people. It was a reality far beyond their ignorant
knowledge and comprehension. They were oblivious to the extent of
representation for north American Indian integrity heading boldly into
the 21st century global politics of United States exploitation for the
much needed minerals and resources sitting smack dab on Indian
reservations. Every legal issue on American soil always has a pro and
con duality. Both sides would receive and use a lot of federal tax
payers dollars and donations. In the end, the issue is decided and life
goes on till the next legal issue arises.
Was it in Anna Mae Aquash’s own self-destiny to help the Indian fight
for their freedom and rights? She came from the Canadian Nova Scotia
Micmacs into the United States to do her part in reconnecting with our
Indian nationhood’s broken spirit. she knew where all this Indian
activism was going and how important it was to do what was right for the
coming generations of Indian people. Whether she was recruited as a
federal informant in Boston, or not, isn’t apparent but her former
husband, Jake Maloney, has nothing to say about the matter except he’s a
karate expert and “some times” works as a law officer. Anna Mae
Aquash’s daughter is also a law officer. She thought she was among
family in the American Indian movement. She walked blindly into the
criminal world of “wanna-bee Indians” trying to stay out of prison and
openly exploiting the frail American Indian identity, sovereignty
and integrity with a big freaking chip on their shoulder. She was far
from the raggedy-ass Indian village she was looking for.
When Federal agent David price exclaimed to Anna Mae Aquash, “we’ve
been looking all over for you”. At this time there were also 2 other
AnnaMaeAquashs’ running around in American Indian country. now? Which
one is the real Anna Mae Aquash we are all believing is the ” murdered
woman of innocent circumstances “?
Anna Mae Aquash was present when Ray Robinson was murdered in Wounded
Knee, South Dakota and probably even helped dig the grave to bury his
body with a golf club. One of the “bunkers” was eventually designated as
not “worthy” and made into a garbage pit specifically for burning
whatever was thought of as “bullshit”. a mister ray Robinson’s majestic
sacred burial pit. Direct connection of Wounded Knee AIM leaders “offing
and burying” Ray Robinson has been expressed by Wounded Knee Veterans. A
AIM-IITC security dude who popped the nigger in the knee commanded via
Dennis banks. which wounded knee veterans say eventually walked in and
“offed” the “fucking nigger” himself, after “the nigger wouldn’t behave
his fucking mouth or face”, talking that he worked for the
federal government and he could arrest them. Which must have impressed
Anna Mae Aquash.
However, substantiating the statements of those knowledgeable
Veterans is another impossible story in the Anna Mae Aquash versus the
AIM-IITC saga. Its safe to say, the majority of reservation American
Indians are extremely afraid of law enforcement association. In the
American Indian movement was a vicious hatred and strong dislike for
white Americans and especially African Americans. (except for
the several white women inside of wounded knee that were eventually
designated as “independent Oglalla nation” citizens by Dennis Banks.
Dennis banks could sure hand out citizenships to 13 year old white
women in wounded knee. he was dayum good at that) When you’re a leader
in the AIM-IITC, you can make such designations. whatever you ordered
was accepted or be ostracized from AIM-IITC as a “fed” or even worse, ”
goon apple”. Double whammy bad jacket!
Everyone who has implicated Dennis Banks or Vernon Bellecourt as cold
blooded killers always end up dead shortly thereafter. Dino Butler
could reveal who killed Joe Stunts but he is mortally scared too. His
explanation is simple. Lil Jo was gunned down by unknown federal force’s
bullets. He is extremely agitated when asked to reveal details about
any AIM-IITC events. After several authors and Indian news paper
syndicated writers mentioning his name affixed to certain AIM-IITC
events…he has become enraged and sought them out for “private talks” to
straighten out the matter. He has openly spoke many times of certain
people “putting him or his family in danger” and has gone out to
verbally confront and
threaten those people. like he did when he went after Douglas Durham,
Anna Mae Aquash and several other low-profile AIM-IITC full blood
Indians that questioned his “indianness” or that of the “bellecourt
Why? Dino knows how his running associates think and act. He will be
allowed to remain alive for as long as he can keep his mouth shut and
continue to give the designated explanation he has been mind programmed
to repeat. like a talking parrot. Rattle his cage and he will respond
with what he’s been mind programmed to say when you prompt him with
questions or “interrogational inquiries”. Dino will never tell what
he knows since his mind is totally institutionalized by “an unknown”
influence that you have to look deeply to perceive.
He has over 28 years of incarcerated history and his name “psycho”
isn’t just a tag but a working experience for those on the receiving end
of his rage. “lil jo” actually was considered (by members of the west
coast AIM crew) a “possible federal informant” as stipulated by none
other then Leonard Peltier, his bad-ass self. Dino knows this! The
prison ethics to play you enemies close at hand was a way of life for
them and when it was right; neutralize, punk them out or kill them. It
was a matter of finding the right place, timing and situation to handle
their dirty baggage.
Using LSD as a mind altering substance was one of their main stages
of allegiance and causing amnesia in wayward wanna bee AIM-IITC workers
or supporters. Leonard Peltier largely claims to have a “unique psychic
ability” to connect with and expose all known and unknown federal
operatives or informers by simply looking at them. Like how gay people
look at each other and know they’re both gay. People who know each other
in certain choice of clothes, words, character, circumstances and
previous life experiences. You had to have been a federal informant to
know and recognize another federal informant.
It seems “strange”, lil jo would be the only AIM warrior killed
wearing a green fatigue coat stenciled “FBI” on the front right pocket,
shot between the eyes like 2 FBI agents at the same scene. (a big sign
to “the boys” he was a “fed”, already dead but staged to look like the
Federal forces killed him, and the federal officer who thought he shot
him has no clue he’s innocent.) Dino, bob and Leonard all swear it was
BIA police Robert Eccoffey that killed lil jo. WHY? Dino, Bob and
Leonard should be put on trial for murdering lil jo stuntz. How could
they know Robert Eccoffey at this time unless they personally knew
Robert Eccoffey and if they were that close to see Robertt Ecoffey shoot
lil jo in the head with the downed federal agents hand gun? STRANGE!
The federal judge gave them a “not guilty” verdict without this
Later in the future, Anna Mae Aquash gets assassinated and her hands
are cut off like the mafia do to their enemies who “rat” on them.
Whoever assassinated Anna Mae Aquash from behind was not a rookie and
probably has done that very act of murder more then once. Shooting some
one behind the head is an act of mercy and means instant death. The west
coast crew had a tremendous hatred for known or unknown informants
and believed only a bullet between their eyes would stop them from
further infiltration of their particular secular AIM group. And it is
INTO THAT CRAP!!! Players are players and suckers are suckers. They like
to leave a big trail and it disappears into thin air.
South Dakota’s Governor Bill Janklow had the same remedy for all AIM
people. Same mind directive programming. Hmmmm? Attorney Bill Janklow
was Dennis bank’s tiospaye (family) back in the rosebud
reservation legal training days. Jail house snitches are smart enough to
learn informant tactics, get out and stay out by being a part of the
low underlings of the ruling politicians or killers but they get their
privileges guaranteed for their
services.We can see further of this notion later in the dialogue here.
The West Coast AIM crew consisted primarily of John Trudell, Dino
Butler, Leonard Peltier and Robert Robideau. Anna Mae Aquash could
reveal the sixth person who was with Leonard Peltier, Joe Stuntz, Anna
Mae Aquash, Robert Robideau and Dino Butler, when the FBI agents
executions occurred on the Jumping Bull Camp. Which is why Theda Clark
and Jean Day “explicitly” remember “Anna Mae Aquash” was in another area
(Cedar Rapids, Iowa) with them. AS THEY CLAIM. Anna Mae Aquash is not
here to refute those lies. Yet? Jean Day is listed as being at the
jumping Bull shoot out list of camp people being there. More smoke
to further obscure and lead any inquiries away from the truth. Don’t buy
into that either.
Both Jean Day and Theda Clark are directly involved in this “Anna
Mae Aquash conspiracy”. They were players of the misinformation and
misdirectional AIM-IITC campaign utilized to control and suppress the
“Anna Mae Aquash conspiracy”. WHY?
Jean Day was alleged Leonard Peltier’s young 14 year old lolita back
in the days. Of course, you know Theda Clarks’ part in all this.
Its self explanatory but them AIM-IITC liked young girls and played the
elder women as “aunt” or “big sister”. We heard lil jo’s younger
brother, Virgil Stuntz, was never that far away as Mike Anderson said.
He testified Virgil was not in the area at the time but he could be
mistaken? Mike Anderson was 15 and scared out of his life from what had
happened and you think he could tell anyone the truth? Later he recanted
a lot of his “recollections” of what he “thought he saw” and
subsequently tried to live a life of a normal person. It didn’t
So, as it appears, we realize Both Dino Butler and Bob Robideau got
away with murder like a Hollywood script. Think about that. Mumia
Abu-Jamal, Leonard Peltier and other currently incarcerated law
enforcement shooters or killers will never get out of prison and will
die incarcerated, but Dino and Bob were special “circumstances”
people. wow! Some thing about a mixed Creek-Caucasian Indian woman
assisting them in their defense was the key. Is she the “mysterious
former federal agent” who can guide a virtual attack thru any law
enforcement SOP’s or investigations? You have to wonder?
Douglas Durham dies of cancer and now bob robideau “allegedly” dies
of from a “fall”? strange? both main players in the saga now that
the mainstream America human rights and dignity organizations are
getting into the hot bed of the AIM-IITC “Anna Mae Quash conspiracy”
Anna Mae Quash helped solicit, account and disburse AIM’s donated
funds account’s to the various AIM chapters and supporters. She knew
private information to the total of those donated funds and who donated
them. Both Vernon Bellecourt and accountant Russell Means were the main
men to AIM-IITC’s secret off-shore banking accounts scenario for
by-passing, escaping detection and revealing AIM-IITC’s finances to the
United States American Government.
Where and why do you think the money laundering program titled,
International Indian Treaty Organization, came into operation and what
exactly was its real purpose for the American Indian people? Like good
business minds will always find a shelter to secretly stash their big
bucks and make it look like they’re doing good for the poor people while
maintaining a public image they are a shoe-string moms and pops
organization. good deception! Entice a few “uncle jos” and some “grandpa
chieftains” to hang about and you got a winning combination for a big
business to live freely generated from the pity and donations of
good hearted people in the world. It doesn’t hurt to drive a old
reservation rent-a-wreck also.
Anna Mae Aquash discovered the private lives of the main AIM leaders
and how they operated outside the group specific AIM policies and
events. Anna Mae Aquash witnessed sexual abuse by those same AIM Leaders
and Spiritual Leaders far too often of the young AIM women and Gay men.
Anna Mae Aquash had seen the sexual predators, homosexuals and
pedophiles within the AIM leadership and they were very frightened of
her being privy to their secrets. Common place prison ethics being
Vernon Bellecourt was trying to bury his past as a prison homosexual
but some times certain people who investigated him would bring up his
sordid past. Since he was sore ass over that part of his life, he often
went out of his way to make those people’s lives very miserable and
attacked them in many indirect manners accessible to him due to his
associates within the real “invisible” leadership of the American Indian
Movement. Vernon Bellecourt was able to control the naive grass level
people without their knowledge and he was directly behind the attacks
or investigations of those people. As long as the grass roots people
were told it came from the AIM leadership, they blindly obeyed.
Sitting there as he explained, “yeah, i cant do anything but i guess
that’s what we have to do because that’s what they said.” No one ever
accepted Vernon Bellecourt as a real serious AIM leader but more like
one of the lost causes people. He was too “gay” and played quietly
behind the scenes hidden as the evil homosexual master mind who was
behind AIM’S “inner circle leaderships'” unrealized
subverted activities. which we now see what he really was doing.
Dennis banks was out chasing little girls, Russell, john and Clyde
being to busy embezzling locally donated small funds, procuring and
using drugs. The AIM-IITC off-shore safe was wide open for sticky
fingers. All this content of character openly cloaked behind the
seemingly apparent nature, Vernon Bellecourt was a fashionable and very
legitimate “hair salon beautician”. Like Richard Simmons turning
into son-of-Sam when he wanted too.
This “new” Vernon bellecourt we now see is not the “old” Vernon since
he knows he’s too old and could care less about what happened now. He
firmly believes he is “the one” to spread the word about
Indian genocide. He’s playing the “too old to prosecute Theda Clark and
Vernon bellcourt American Indian” card. same old card and same deck.
they always forget about the joker in the deck. I remember the joker
explained as half crazy and the other 50 %, a flat out fool! they kill
people without regard to consequences. John Graham was already
“stationed” at the twin cities being Vernon bellecourts body guard or
otherwise, being on call.
When Anna Mae Aquash came to assist at the little red school house
and is where john graham “allegedly” met Anna Mae Aquash. John Graham
was recruited from the Pine ridge crew as a serious man about business
he is paid to do. His mother is a pine ridge enrolled Indian. Russell
Means doesn’t know this? Which brings up this notion, when did he
become a Canadian citizen? that dude has more names than a espanic
coming to America. He grew up on the pine ridge reservation. Who the
hell is Chris Richards? I bet John Trudell would love to know that.
Russell Means doesn’t know this either?
Them Pine Ridge people have more names then the pope has masses to preform.
You will also note no where during all the heavy traffic conflict
activism (after the multi-million dollar foreigner countries money
donations secretly sequestered in off-shore AIM-IITC bank accounts) does
Vernon Bellecourt ever risk being involved in the front line AIM
warriors. He is never found within 1200 miles of any actual
confrontations of the AIM and the law personnel battle lines. He would
appear only when the planned AIM-IITC public relation events was a press
conference or a high profile reservation event that had many
innocent elders and people attending. He was seriously watching his
Anna Mae Aquash had the primary information to the hundreds of
millions of dollars donated by foreign countries to the AIM-IITC funds,
and who controlled or assumed those funds. Again it was Vernon
Bellecourt at the home office and his inner circle members; Russell
Means, Ted Means, William Wahpapah, John Trudell, William Means, Dennis
Banks and Clyde Bellecourt receiving stipend monies from those
Carter camp was so brilliantly stupid at this time, he had no clue
about this and he was AIM national chairman. With the smaller donated
money embezzlement’s: like when Russell Means and his little brother,
bill “kill” Means, stole the $68,900.00 that was to finance the Longest
Walkers way back home in 1978. Russell snatched the money bag, handed it
to lil brother bill. bill ran out of there with it like a professional
football fullback clutching the football and making a winning touch
down. The AIM leaders laughed about it as they were eating at a fine
restaurant nearby the fine motel they were staying while the longest
walker crew ate “donated foods” and slept at the green belt park.
They ordered the Longest Walker’s rookie public relations people to
solicit more Washington D.C. churches for more donation money to
refinance the Longest Walkers journey home to their reservations. Their
taunt in the face was they believed white and black America owed the AIM
long over-due monies for land rent and restitution, and without “their
AIM”? any American Indian activism was non-existent. Pay the AIM or be a
active participant on the next AIM project called, the longest swim,
which specifically targeted all non-Indians in the united states.
It was funny watching the AIM leaders get all jacked up over control
of “the money and the easy babes”. Like 6 caged gorillas fighting
over bananas. They readily believed they could use extortion and force
to make “white and black America” pay up.
It had been understood Vernon Bellecourt also made a deal with Anna
Mae Aquash. So she, and her husband, Neegoshik Aquash, received monthly
stipend money payments from the AIM office as directed by Vernon
Bellecourt in accordance she would keep her mouth shut about those
foreign country donation totals.
Anna Mae Aquash routinely witnessed several AIM leaders meeting with
Federal Officers under the excuse they were “Parole Officers” meeting
with the AIM leaders who were on “life-long paroles”. HMMMMMM? and they
were fighting the United States of America?
Anna Mae Aquash discovered the real informants and federal level
operatives within the AIM leadership. Which was a bad thing for her.
Anna Mae Aquash witnessed certain AIM Leaders routinely used donated
funds to buy drugs or otherwise, simply embezzle those funds.
Anna Mae Aquash witnessed the private inner ex-convict “AIM leader
warrior” circle that had virtual control of anyone who “joined” AIM.
(she had a “pretty good” idea it was that way. Put up your dukes or
behave.) If you were an ex-felon? You had a much better chance of being a
member then a “supporter”. If they thought you would kill on command
and hold to prison ethics? You were “in”. As an ex-convict, any federal
handler can control you. it was about control. Anna Mae Aquash knew all
the placement of AIM leadership body guards. which prison they were
recruited from. which of them had actually committed murder or other
criminal acts to “protect” the AIM leadership.
Anna Mae Aquash watched many of the AIM leaders entrap or
deliberately order a newly recruited AIM person into committing a
criminal act to show they were “real AIM material” and belonged inside
the AIM infrastructure. One of the boys! Anna specifically knew all the
lies and cover stories issued from AIM-IITC in regards to many “touchy”
situations and events that happened inside the AIM-IITC inner
circle. Truthfully analyzing the AIM former leadership crew, we see a
tremendous amount of criminal acts enacted by them. Whether its
epitomized in the united states
government’s laws or the Indian communities Indian leader character references?
The major leaders all have murder, theft, perjury, extortion, drugs
and sexual predator attached to their names. Several examples, John
Trudell, Russell Means, Leonard Peltier and Dennis Banks. They have
close connections to someone being murdered while they were in the area
or had clean sweeping alibis when someone they knew was murdered. Or one
of their body guards went to prison for their actions. That in itself
is not justification they are dirty players but the fact remains they
are all part of a tightly associated group of people who may have very
well pulled off the biggest hundred of millions of dollars scam in
Indian history.
They know who murdered who and why in all instances of the American
Indian Movement card. They were all recruited because they were players
of a different caliber and could be trusted to be tight-lipped if
situations did not go according to plan and in the case of Anna Mae
Aquash, this was certainly the case and they have all had total
Amnesia about someone named, Anna Mae Aquash ever since. They were all
on ground level zero during the “hit” on 2 Anna Mae Aquashs.
You can not ignore they planned every event AIM was sponsoring and
also the hidden activities that the “inner circle” routinely did. They
knew they would have to play the game of misdirecting and misinforming
anyone other then themselves to keep certain criminal acts from being
revealed and in their paranoid drugged up minds?
Anna Mae Aquash was that person who would send them all back to
prison or forever exposed them as the self-selected, illegitimate and
unqualified “wannabee” Indian Leaders they were.
Whatever Dennis Banks was originally imprisoned for in the early
1960s (theft) doesn’t compare to his real identity that unfolded as he
became accustomed to some very sinister out-in-the-open deviant
behaviors with total immunity and public scrutiny affixed to being a
“militant AIM leader”.
Dennis Banks started having a sexual affair with Darlene Nichols, aka
Kamook, when she was merely 15 years old (maybe even 14). Dennis banks
was 34. Dennis Banks was a slick pedophile hiding within the AIM. They
had their first child when she barely turned 17 and shows he was in a
sexual relationship with her at 16. Since the Lakota people say a man
with “elk power” is allowed to do that, Dennis has a “tribal legal”
operation commitment and acceptance of his “sacred sun dance powers”.
Which establishes he did knowingly abuse his leadership position
to commit child sex acts with the very impressionable young females
attracted to the American Indian Movement. The long list of females
under the age of 18 which Dennis has had sexual contact with and
resulted in a child is legendary in Indian country. Think i am
bullshitting? Count his kids and figure out when theywere born and how
old Dennis banks was at the time? All 42 of them. Its surprising!!
He has never been questioned why he continuously violated the trust
of the Indian parents to their children’s chastity and virginity. Why
hasnt the United States Government done any thing with this fact? Does
Dennis Banks have immunity from the united states government?. Even if
the victims say, it wasn’t a violation since South Dakota’s statues
explicitly state, 16 years of age is the legal age of consent. Jean Day
explains it like this, neither Dennis or Leonard peltier broke any laws
in South Dakota because both jean day and kamook banks gave their
consent for sexual relationships with Leonard and Dennis. even if they
were both under 16 years of age. Hmmmm?
Dennis Banks can look you in the eye with total humility and lie
beautifully as any underhanded scam artist you will ever meet. His trick
is simply by hiding out in the open. staging another “World Peace Run”
or quietly counting his money. He’s that slick! Hiding out in the open
is his favorite trick.
Dennis Banks did his share of “bad jacketing” many good Indians
simply because they noticed his habit of child molestation and sexual
predator skills. He always has 2-6 big gorillas around him playing body
guard to a “self-made sacred Ojibwa warrior”. The many secret memos he
has send out concerning innocent and naive caring people who came to
assist the AIM and not to become entrapped into forced adulation of the
very flawed AIM leadership is very real and thousands of people have
experienced this on a person to person level with the Minneapolis crew.
Today, Dennis Banks is quietly hiding and trying to out-live the
terrible betrayed acts he did while he was sabotaging the good spirit of
the real AIM in the Indian people. To keep his pedophile self out of
prison. He keeps in strict contact with his “Federal Parole Officers”
these days. No more “acting” needed for him running off like a common
plantation slave and pretend the “feds” are after him. We all know he’s
still very pissed concerning his leaked memo of his hatred and complete
denial of Anna Mae Aquash’s cousin and subsequent investigator of her
murder, Robert Brancombe. Dennis Banks hates Robert Brancombe. He will
never admit it even on his death bed.
If there’s a AIMSTER profile of a very real possible federal
informant working in the AIM structure? Dennis banks is your man. Why
would the United States Government allow him political asylum in the
state of California if South Dakota demanded extradition? When The
united states “special interests” Government “groups” spend billions to
insure all Native American reservation resources are
in your command?
A small fry operative like Dennis Banks is essential if you have
spent millions of dollars on his “cover” within the specific
secret operation of taking command of the American Indians reservation
resources. You have to look deep to see the reality of that question.
He’s there! It was a great cover story. People who work for Honeywell
usually have some sort of national security clearance and “specialized
training”. Air Force Intelligence? Is Dennis banks really capable of
killing “sugar ray” Robinson?
The defenders inside wounded knee had no guarantees they were going to
live. Murder and child molestation inside were freebies.
Russell Means decided in his book, “Where white men fear to tread”,
wanted the acknowledgement he started and arranged the wounded knee
saga. Unfortunately, you can’t change the memories of the old Lakota
people and the defenders of wounded knee as easily as you can manipulate
intentions and falsehoods by staging a reality not in character of a
great nation or people.
If Russell Means was the Lakota AIM chapter Leader, then he also knew
“the United States Government Special Warfare Interest Groups” were
stealing over 36 trillion dollars worth of uranium during his grand
standing at the Wounded Knee occupation. Raw Uranium is worth 2,000,000
times the price of oil. The yellow brick roads of weapons grade uranium
is paved with dead people, both before and after discovery of the deadly
The Uranium theft was authorized under the “Homeland Security Act”.
Where do you think the united states of America’s massive nuclear arms
came from? There were many special Governmental political groups
activated and organized to assist the United states Government
accomplish the theft of the weapons grade raw uranium located in the
National Badland park.
If they could force “Indians” to sign away the badlands area, as they
did to non-indigenous plains Indians on the Fort Laramie treaty and the
gold, the raw uranium would be theirs by another simple bogus land deed
sign off and its always the stupid Lakota, or crow, who get picked.
The raw uranium was discovered by infrared scanners operating on the
orbiting NASA satellite station. The Navajo, Northern Cheyenne and crow
tribe also had nuclear extraction from their reservation boundaries and
they didn’t even know. A special forces detachment came to “safe-guard”
the operation on the Northern Cheyenne land, under orders, shoot to
kill. All natural resource developments on Navajo land had explicit
legal language if “any other secondary minerals” were found in the coal
mining area they had signed agreements on, they were the property of the
mining company.
Uranium was found on their land and the thousands of tons of uranium
tailings are still buried on their “sacred four corners land”. They
blamed a little mouse with the “hanta virus”. When it was simply uranium
poisoning evident on the wild life environment. None of the tribes ever
got restitution or payment of their raw weapons grade uranium from the
united states government or special interest groups.
The wounded knee occupation was a sufficient enough global smoke
screen whereas the United States Government stole the uranium so swiftly
and easily.
The 268 pine ridge deaths, 2000 Federal Agents being trained during
that era within the Pine Ridge Agency, an estimated 300 Indians being
initiated as Federal Informants and any thing else that occurred on the
Pine Ridge Reservation was under Russell Means AIM chapter
jurisdictional watch. The pine ridge reservation got no money or special
considerations unless you call murder a choice destiny!!
The man knows more then he is acknowledging about certain events that
transpired on the Reservation. He’s operating under the family unity
protection mentality and will not give up his brothers or sisters to the
truth but would rather lie or redirect any allegations incriminating
him or his family. He will lie directly to your face and redirect
whatever thought you may inquire into another myth of “Indianism”. Which
will all lead back to how great he is and Lakota people consider him to
be Crazy Horse’s reincarnation. Or that he could conceivably, quite
possibly, be Jesus Christ himself. Largely depending on how goofy or
naive his listeners are. He’s a real rascal to talk too!
I think this California bred street hustler does not understand what
it means to tell the truth as a sundancer and a true Lakota. It seems
all the AIM-IITC sundancers lie and smoke the sacred pipe all to
frequently (and casually).
Russell means says, he had no knowledge if arvol lookinghorse, or
arlo lookingcloud, is the man who was at anna mae aquash’s killing, or
if any Lakota patriots were involved since he was the local AIM chapter
leader. Only after he heard, Robert branscombe was going to name “arlo
lookingcloud, john graham and Theda Clark” as suspects did he boldly
step forward and say what he had to. However, on the reality side, he
knew this was going to happen sooner or later and as long as it wasn’t
arvol lookinghorse, he was a player to protect his tiospaye.
Just for old time psychological ambush sakes. what if arlo
lookingcloud was a patsy for arvol lookinghorse and the AIM-IITC are
afraid of the consequential damage this would impact the sacred white
buffalo calf medicine bundle? which would be big conspiracy lie number
712. Think about that? its probably irrelevant both names sound so
similar and yet, its strange. Anyone could make a mistake about that.
YES! I agree, arlo lookingcloud is a innocent person and the big
pay-off would be for him to take the “fall” for a “big time spiritual
leader” like arvol lookinghorse to walk away clean from his part in the
Anna Mae Aquash killing. I believe all the AIM-IITC people know this
fact. They do not and will not
implicate arvol lookinghorse as the man with john boy Patton graham
simply because they feel it would bring the “legendary sacred white
buffalo calf pipe” legacy to a spiritual low reality for the people.
Only john graham knows and asking arvol lookinghorse means having 200
attorneys and 1100 Lakota people to deal with. which still doesnt
guarantee arvol lookinghorse will talk about “hispart in the Anna Mae
Aquash conspiracy”.
His hiding place is secure behind the “sacred canupa”. No evidence?
No witnesses? He can whistle all the way to hell. His invoked American
Indian civil rights, “innocent till proven guilty”, will protect him.
hmmm? what happened to the “we are a sovereign nation” declaration?
This side-track info will derail the united states legal references,
if AIM-IITC veterans will step up and talk the walk of a real sovereign
American Indian nation. This would allow john boy Patton graham to
boldly evade extradition and the Minneapolis AIM-IITC would be “clean of
the Anna Mae Aquash conspiracy”. Arlo lookingcloud would be set free
and whatever case about the Anna Mae Aquash killing would disappear like
smoke in the wind.
SO? Once again. true to colors, AIM-IITC mastermind another story to
hide the real facts. How much money would arlo lookingcloud want, to
spend a few years in prison for his “services rendered”, for the boys?
John Trudell has had trouble sleeping over this fact for many years and today, lets talk about him.
John Trudell has a mysterious past since his “alleged espanic mother”
died, his Santee father didn’t claim him and he surfaced out of nowhere
at the Alcatraz Island occupation. Did he ever claim to be a full blood
Indian? What is he really?
After questioning he revealed he was part Indian and espanic. He does
have a street gang he runs with and its still running with him today.
His wife, children and mother-in-law were all killed by alleged “federal
forces hit man-Chris Richards”. Every where John Trudell goes, follows
him an environment of sudden death and paranoia someone is out gunning
for him. Why?
The man is mysteriously paranoid and probably has done a few acts
that would make him precipitate death to be his running destiny. No one
is completely safe around John Trudell and yet, he draws all the new age
people to him and his re-organized style of bad boy lobo “Johnny
John Trudell was appointed AIM co-leader, by none other then Vernon
Bellecourt, during all the “inner circle” murders and silent acts of
internal sabotage of the AIM. John Trudell ran with the West Coast AIM
crew that hated and wanted dead all acknowledged or suspected Federal
Informants and Operatives within AIM.
In recent years, John Trudell has developed a strange story about
“his now friend” Anna Mae Aquash that he helped interrogate as a
suspected Federal Informant. John Trudells’ lame amnesiac acknowledgment
of Dennis Banks and the Minneapolis crew is equally as strange since he
now doesn’t know where they were at during the “inner circle” murders.
The AIM local chapters had ousted the drugged-out sycophantic
Bellecourt brothers (Vernon and Clyde) and (pedophile) Dennis Banks from
AIM Leadership. No one in lower AIM chapters knew of several hundred
million dollar off-shore AIM-IITC bank accounts except the AIM “inner
circle” crew. They had lost the keys to their money wagon and wanted it
back in their control.
John Trudell was quickly placed as AIM Co-National Chairman with
Carter Camp during this time since Carter Camp was elected from grass
roots AIM chapters. William Means was given exclusive authority over
IITC (International Indian Treaty Council). Why? Because he was Russell
means little brother. No other qualifications were necessary. (Like
Vernon and Clyde). Vernon Bellecourt neutralized George Michel and Eddie
Banai’s share of the original Franklin Street AIM patrol authority.
Dennis Banks was given the task of neutralizing Russell Means and
resulted in Dennis slapping him up a little bit. Clyde Bellecourt
neutralized Carter Camp’s AIM influence and leadership by staging
a direct physical conflict with Carter Camp where Clyde Bellecourt first
assaulted Carter Camps younger brother. Carter Camp had no choice but
to retaliate and actually shot Clyde in the buttocks as he was running
away from carters vicious assault.
Some place in this time line, John Trudell’s family were
assassinated. June 1979 he burned the united states flag on the steps of
the FBI headquarters. He states he was AIM-IITC national chairman
1972-1979. His explanation that he quit when Carter Camp went to prison
but not that his family had been murdered. Anna Mae Aquash was already
listed as dead back in 1975. No worries, man!
Which gave John Trudell 100 % authority to any and all AIM
leadership. This wholly orchestrated lone-AIM-chairmanship political
move went into immediate withdrawal phase to initiated the AIM policy of
never selecting and electing AIM leaders from the rank and file
membership. Dismantling and omitting the very powerful “AIM National
Chairman” title entirely to never ever be used again. WHY?
It gave the grass roots people control over the AIM-IITC and would
quickly phase out the OLD_AIMSTER_GANGSTERS and subsequently, expose
their “hidden multimillion dollars donation” secret. It also prevented
any national AIM chairman from being held liable for any actions
AIM-IITC did in the course of any criminal acts as epitomized within the
Frame of reference of the United States Federal Government’s laws and
statues, but it was certainly OK to allow a singular AIM-IITC supporter
or helper to be prosecuted for their involvement of any AIM-IITC events.
All ordered under the authority of 15-day National AIM Chairman
appointee John Trudell and his secretive conspiring Minneapolis
co-horts. Today he claims to have been AIM National chairman for 7
In the background, Vernon Bellecourt went into high gear in his
“black ninja panty hose” and “incorporated AIM” into the National
American Indian Movement (NAIM). Thereby eliminating any selected and
elected AIM leadership from the grass roots people’s AIM chapters never
ever happened again. Dennis Banks and Clyde Bellecourt were both
instrumental in this secret phase as they prevented any sub-political
associations of NAIM to local AIM chapters by making physical threats
and actual secret memo contacts to trusted “AIM allies” in the grass
root AIM chapters.
“Bad jacketing” anyone who spoke out against their coup-de-gra of the
AIM organization they founded and subsequently lost to the grass roots
Indian activists and members. Those “secret AIM-IITC allies” have been
surfacing as the new “selected leaders” in the AIM-IITC NAIM home office
in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Usually held under a tight rein by both Vernon and Clyde
Bellecourt. It was the hidden millions in off-shore bank accounts they
were after.
Since John Trudell was now running with the Minneapolis crew, the
Bellecourts and Dennis Banks were suddenly back in control of the
National AIM leadership and the secret off-shore bank accounts of the
donated millions of dollars to AIM-IITC by foreign countries and foreign
leaders who hated America. They donated millions of dirty bucks to
finance the AIM terrorization of the globally hated United States
American Government.
Which brought into focus, many AIM members never suspected what they
thought they were making a stand for in behalf of the American, or
Canadian Indian people, was also actually a bid of extended “mercenary
services” contracted out by the AIM-IITC from those foreign countries
financial “considerations” to AIM-IITC. Why do you think Russell means
claimed to mobilize a AIM-IITC special forces group to south America and
at the same time, was in “collusion” with his chums, the Bellecourt
boys? (Always wanted to use that Russell means vocabulary
word just once.)
Read Vernon Bellecourt’s many interviews concerning all the speeches
he has made about representing AIM-IITC as a catalyst that all American
and Canadian Indians were openly attacking “the united states
government” and he was the leader. You will see where Vernon Bellecourt
has been to give his speeches at many subversive organizations that
openly use “terrorist tactics” against the United States government. Why
the United States government hasn’t arrested him is a big mystery.
Many AIM members never knew of the hundreds of millions of dollars
bank accounts the AIM-IITC had in off-shore bank accounts setup by
Vernon bellecourt and Russell Means. Vernon Bellecourt needed a team
player and someone who would play ball the Bellecourt way.
John Trudell was such a team player for the Minneapolis AIM crew and
John Trudell has suddenly developed an awful case of “Minneapolis AIM
amnesia” in these later days. Its really strange realizing all the
people that are killed around this man and he always has a ready made
alibi of his where abouts. He has all the bases covered and there are no
witnesses to his paranoia.
It is said in Indian country, when someone murders another tribal or
family member? The murderer wears a stench and paranoia around them
where ever they go. They have the control over the “spirit” to the
person they killed and as such, must wear and feed that “spirit”. It
eats away their karma and their own dharma eventually Kills them. Two
spirits can not live in one body without normalcy being disrupted.
Perhaps John Trudell is of this nature and his reason for paranoia is
a matter of survival. However, watch John Trudell, should he decide to
turn his back on the Bellecourt brothers. We will surely see what he
“shares” as to his innocence in all hidden AIM-IITC matters of
embezzlement, murder, rape and child sex abuse.
NO SIR, John Trudell was no safety refuge for Anna Mae Aquash. He was
a main player in the AIM secret subversive agenda to the real American
Indian Movement Leadership of America. Many west coast AIM members say
they could have saved Anna Mae Aquash but didn’t? They were the ground
level zero special AIM_IITC task force that existed at that time and
there job was simple.
Eliminate informants and federal government operatives. why? I often
wonder exactly how much money Vernon, Dennis and Clyde gave to ole
Johnny for his services in all this inner circle murder period?
Today, Johnny Trudell is down in tinsel town rubbing elbows with
movie stars and other very drugged out “in-vogue” actors and actresses.
He is heralded as “speaker of the Indian poets truths”. Hollywood
awarded him a “living legend award” back in August 22, 1998. An ex-navy
If all these “allegations” John trudell was part of the killing team
that murdered Anna Mae Aquash are true? Will Hollywood die of shame?
Leonard Peltier is a very common smallish thug character you find at any
Indian bar-room gathering. They are part Indian but will go to any
length to prove they are as Indian as anyone there. They will not be
left out of the “inner circle”.
Vernon Bellecourt personally appointed Leonard Peltier as “Informant Locator and Interrogator”.
Leonard Peltier developed a running crew the likes of any mobster
boss in the inner urban city environment. Leonard Peltier selected no
rookies but all seasoned tough and equally capable killing men as
himself to do the job.
John “lobo” Trudell, Dino “psycho” Butler and Robert “razor” Robideau were his main crew.
So it is not strange they would all be there at many of the AIM most
controversial situations within its inner infrastructure conflicts and
situations. When you watched Leonard Peltier and his crew operated? You
were going to find many fights and violent situations because Leonard
Peltier was a thug and had very little intelligence. Leonard Peltier
believed he could read a persons psychic aura and know if they were
federal informants or if a woman wanted to make love with him. The boy
was strange. It bordered on the edge of insanity but the real fact was,
Leonard Peltier could hit you or let you stay in AIM depended largely on
whether you recognized him as a full blood Indian, or not, and if
Vernon Bellecourt thought you were subversive to the AIM.
Leonard Peltiers association with many of the legendary AIM tough guy
crews only strengthened his resolve to also hide behind the “sacred
pipe” for his acts in the “brotherhoods murderous history”.
Taking your criminal acts into the sacred Sundance and hiding them
there under its cloak of secrecy and sacred acknowledgment is a common
practice of the AIM-IITC. Leonard Peltier did it. John Graham did it.
Clyde Bellecourt did it!! Russell means did it!! Who else can you name?
Sealed with a “vow” over the “sacred pipe”. Now we all know why
Leonard Peltier keeps saying my Sundance brothers are jealous of my fame
and have left me here in prison to die, but we made a sacred vow on the
sacred pipe.
In this time and era, we are realizing them warrior acts as
deceptions of cowardice or disinformation. We now know he killed the
federal Agents and several other people inside the AIM group but he will
never admit it. why? He’s a natural born liar with no respect for the
“sacred pipe” and we know he believes if he “snitch’s on telling the
truth? He’s a twelve time loser and will get himself killed by ex-felons
that play for keeps. That is the laws them boys play by.
However, many AIM members were openly afraid he would beat the hell
out of them, or kill them, if they told. Or? One of “his boys” would do
the job for him. Which is why his statement, “we will take care of our
own”, is no mere idle threat but a guaranteed promise.
Ever wonder how many people were involved when Anna Mae Aquash was
actually killed? We now know its a massive conspiracy involving Leonard
Peltier, Dennis banks, Russell Means, Clyde Bellecourt, William means,
John Trudell, Ted Means, Dino butler, Charlie Hill, Vernon Bellecourts,
certain Lakota AIM women, secretive white Jewish attorneys and some
special recruited allies from south and central America. MS13? Maybe?
Its a beautiful lie of deception they have been telling us.
It is highly doubtful if Leonard Peltier will ever tell any truths
concerning the AIM. He is into lying about his acts too deep he cant
back out now. No one believes him anymore. He has rotted in prison and
will die incarcerated as a prison homosexual. Leonard Peltier doesn’t
know any thing about how certain AIM Leaders used him to do the dirty
deeds they wanted done to cover their acts of betrayal to the American
He was played, punked and he didn’t even suspect a thing. He’s too
egocentric about his own sense of value for decency and still so dense
in the head to know the Minneapolis crew ordered and played him for a
dumb fool. They left him to rot in there forever now. Even Jesus
couldn’t get Leonard Peltier out of prison.
So, that brings out some little questions about who, or what, was the
dark and sinister invisible mind force behind AIM’s most disastrous era
when killing “AIM members” was not an option but a reality? Who is
sneaky enough to stage all the acts of the AIM as attributed to certain
people and never to themselves?
Who would think they could use the AIM activities to mask and hide
their personal agendas? How much of the “secret hidden off-shore bank
accounts” did the referenced “former Federal Agent” routinely get a
percentage of? Why the big AIM agenda about Federal Informants and
Operatives? Could those federal informants and operatives recognize the
“former Federal agent”? What did the AIM have to hide, or who in the AIM
leadership had some thing to hide?
If you’re a American Indian leader, you’re obligated to be of good
content of character and able to meet with other sovereign nation
leaders. Including leaders of the United States government and people.
We have treaties and legal agreements with them people, you know what i
mean? Why try to undermine the very basis of our existence as a people
by disavowing our ancestors agreements and testament of their passage
thru time of the invasion of other people onto our lands? It doesn’t
make sense.
Vernon Bellecourt! Ask Vernon Bellecourt! He knows!..Arlo Lookingcloud-2000
He did hide the AIM-IITC millions in off shore bank accounts in
Panama, Spain and Geneva, Switzerland. Or perhaps after the disagreement
with Russell means, he has switched locations and account names. Some
one mentioned they have always had them accounts but were now in Germany
and Italy. one thing is certain, he would have some problems bringing
that much money into American banking services without reporting it or
finding a legal operation to do such a venture.
Which is why he was always traveling out of country when ever AIM had
a direct armed confrontational occupation going in the United States or
Canada. His famous habit of calling the AIM security and saying, “I
cant be with you, brothers, but I am there with you in spirit! hoka hey!
its a good day to die!”. “I got you all some donations, here’s where to
pick them up at or so-n-so will be arriving to hand them to you.” “Hoka
Hey!”. Yeee haww! Yeee haww!!..Click!
Then dear old Vernon Bellecourt would go out soliciting more
financial contributions supposedly for the current American Indian
conflict but if any came in? they went directly into the AIM-IITC secret
bank accounts and those donations were never mentioned or held
accountable since he lied so beautifully about any such donations ever
happening. while the American Indian people were defending the American
land and people, Vernon was in another country soliciting millions of
donated dollars to the AIM-IITC American Indian activism cause. Figure
that and say, no way!!! Windigo monies “for the Indian cause”.
Recruiting, grooming and mentally challenging lesser intelligent, “I
want to belong to AIM” candidates, to kill the person who would reveal
how, and when, he stole the AIM-IITC donated hundreds of millions of
dollar funds was easy. Money was a strong enough reason for Vernon
Bellecourt to sabotage the AIM. It never was about Anna Mae Aquash
revealing Leonard Peltier as the premiere AIM hit man or the notion of
“Informants or Operatives” inside the AIM.
Yes, its true Leonard Peltier feared Anna Mae Aquash would tell how
he bragged about killing the FBI agents. He was instructed to kill Anna
Mae1 Aquash where she stands in Farmington, New Mexico but that was
never revealed till later.
Then “another Anna mae2 Aquash” surfaced after the Farmington “anna
mae1 aquash” incident and they were back to square 1 and who was this
“anna mae2 aquash”?
Only after Vernon bellecourt commanded John Graham to do some thing
about the “Anna Mae aquash2 problem” was “AnnaMmae2 Aquash” addressed.
John graham had always worked for Vernon bellecourt and got paid very
well for his efforts and successes. Then the “works” were in the making
and it was going to be over in a few days.
Its not too “stupid” to think Leonard Peltier and karate expert,
Charlie hill, were the men that knocked out Anna Mae Aquash’s teeth.
Why? think about it. Anna Mae Aquash was a Canadian woman who knew
nothing about American prison ethics and how ex-convicts operate after
being released.
There are many AIM warriors Vernon has approached and asked to murder
someone he hates or had problems with. In the near future we will meet
his, and Dennis Bank’s, “secretive California espanic-indian killing bad
DAVIS CALIFORNIA. The great Wanka Tanka is on their side. A mini version
of “Wanna Bee Indian” jihad. A holy war with the Europeans. Unless they
escape back south to Mexico, the central or south Americas.
How do we know Clyde Bellecourt in not doing the same recruiting and
grooming an entirely new AIM-IITC hit squad at the Pipestone Sndance he
states that he started because he had a vision? Maybe too much LSD since
he was found guilty of selling 500 hits of LSD to Indian kids. Maybe
the United states government can find several of them to question and
Its likely both Clyde and Vernon will either commit suicide or fall
down crying about the hidden hundreds of millions of stolen dollars
being exposed. Its quite possible they are as smart as john graham and
probably have rehearsed a course of action over the 32 years since Anna
Mae Aquash’s killing. Then when that actual moment happens they’ve been
dreading and planning for? They don’t remember what they had planned and
reveal themselves as the idiots they are.
Vernon, Dennis and Clyde used thousands of donated dollars and drugs
to post-released ex-felons recruited AIMSTER hit men to do their dirty
work. The United States prisons systems is still full of the AIMSTER
warriors they used and left to rot in prison. They may be in serious
danger if them lifers ever get a hold of their old asses in prison at
this stage of their game.
Their conspiracy lies are all falling apart.
Vernon Bellecourt is a thief.
His baby brother, Clyde Bellecourt, is a thug and a thief.
Dennis Banks is into denial and an inspiring lying-walking-running
pedophile. A walking dream of insanity and always planning “hits”
against people who say he’s a pedophile. Think i am lying? Look at the
court records of what kamook said and what Dennis remembers. CHILD
ABUSE! Time line is the clue.
Ego-maniac Russell Means still has no clue about integrity but
trained as an accountant. The boy lost his brains and still cant
understand lying is not a content of character for an American Indian
leader or maybe his accountant training is more powerful then he
Lobo Johnny Trudell is a drug-fried “paranoid” can of spam. His
buddies “Quiltman” and Dino Butler seem to be his only touch of reality
with the 21st century.
NOTE AND CREDIT TO: Sam American Horse.
reposted https://richardboydenreport.wordpress.com/?s=White+Buffalo+Calf+Woman&submit=
Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!