Cup of God Chats: Namaste beloved Twin Deer Mother (White Buffalo Calf Woman),
Monday night dream: I was playing and hugging my Mother's black dog - he was hugging me, became bigger and bigger until I recognized that this animal is actually a bear - looking directly into my eyes - face very close - the hugging got stronger - I started to feel pain in my left shoulder and woke up.
Tuesday night dream: I was outside with some people - left to me: wilderness/nature - right to me: a rather big barn. In the wilderness I saw first a fox - told the people to be careful. Then I saw a wolf - the wolf being a danger to the fox - then a small bear - being a danger to the wolf - then came a big bear and we all - including the other animals - ran to the barn. All the people ran inside - I stood at the barn entry side - being afraid - and the fox kind of looked at me: I am afraid too - let me in. Then I looked outside and the big bear had killed the small bear - how strange and weird?
What can this mean?
Magenta halls of consciousness - Cup of GoD
White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets:
Monday night dream.
Black represents heaven.
Black Dog a warrior from heaven.
Hugging, bigger and bigger: Healing and filling you up, as you expanded.
A bear represents the star of heaven
The black dog, helped you breath and journey spiritually to become the sacred four directions, the star of heaven.
Cup: I am listening/reading...thank you
Calf: Interpretation continues . . .
The star of unification of four directions offers us light, to view. vision right into your eyes, often people say it's the road to the soul. But the star of heaven, was offering you the dream of the unity of four colors and directions, where heaven is contained, the buffalo home, contains the soul. The inner darkness flow, the crystalline stone river.
Stronger hugging, can actually harm some of us, when power is concerned. Have you seen a child hug a cat, and if the kitten is small, the hug could literally kill the kitten. Our strength often is not known. We must measure it, with our vision, of the four directions and colors, this means, you serve others and listen offers you the best way to lead them, by following them.
You (Cup of God) carry aqua, the sky in your rainbow colors. You are the embrace of the world, with the aqua overlay. Your hold can at times be too tight, the bear was teaching you to relax and trust the black dog warrior, of the heavenly soul that leads the flesh, by listening and reverberating and validating.
Tuesday night dream: "I was outside with some people - left to me: wilderness/nature - right to me: a rather big barn. In the wilderness I saw first a fox - told the people to be careful. Then I saw a wolf - the wolf being a danger to the fox - then a small bear - being a danger to the wolf - then came a big bear and we all - including the other animals - ran to the barn. All the people ran inside - I stood at the barn entry side - being afraid - and the fox kind of looked at me: I am afraid too - let me in. Then I looked outside and the big bear had killed the small bear - how strange and weird?"
Calf : Interpretation Continues.
Some people, a gathering.
To the left is the use of intelligence!
The reflection of light, rather than heavenly truth of the soul.
To the right is the nature, the soul, is refreshed by the embrace of love, offered by the green, spiritual flow.
Cup: in my dream nature was left...wilderness/nature
Calf: Oh I read this wrong, Okay.
Left to me, embrace of all light. Oneness of God. Still offered by the green spiritual embrace. Left is outside, our flesh, really is west, where the sun does rise in the spirit world, here, we look upon the outside world, where light shines. It is the green world, we see with our eyes, that offers us, the embrace. To the left is the conscious awareness of Oneness.
You said, "Right to me, a rather big barn"
Right is the inside world, our soul, really is the east, where the sun sets into the heavenly world.
Here you enter a rather big barn. A barn usually is shaped with four sides and a roof. Often the pitch of the roof has many angles, more than other structures representing the crystalline stone river flow, heavenly above and heavenly below and heavenly all around. We are part of the oneness and the river's flowing. Inside the darkness we collide with our souls. We hide or illuminate and reflect the light from within in order for it to shine.
You said, "In the wilderness I saw first a fox - told the people to be careful. Then I saw a wolf - the wolf being a danger to the fox - then a small bear - being a danger to the wolf - then came a big bear"
Fox is a dog warrior and very clever, who knows how to travel alone, among others and find an avenue to be alive. The wolf is the devoted servant, the fierce warrior who protects your breath.
The fox is small. The Wolf is larger. But danger is known, because of size here. However, this is vision with the eyes. But if heaven is known, vision with the heart, we recognize that the smaller is more able to be invisible. Sometimes, when we are not recognized, we feel invisible, but we survive.
But the wolf make notice to his prowess and stand up for all to know. If the wolf, stands up, for what is right, we become the star of heaven, united in four paths.
The bear is the star of heaven, united in four roads. A small bear is danger to wolf, again, due to vision of size, the light. When we look with our soul, vision of the heart, we see the united star of heaven, embraces the wolf, who stands up. The danger is hugging too much or holding on. we must let others journey along their own path.
We give what others need, by first being clever as the fox, stand up for what is right as the wolf, and unite the four directions, the buffalo home or holy temple our flesh, to become the bear, the star of heaven that shines. We grow and expand, when we become brighter and brighter. To become the larger bear.
Our shining inwardly, is from the recognition of self, the soul. We grow and expand, but only by contracting or inhaling. You need both inhale and exhale to fly. This is the vehicle or merkaba the breath. And the soul rides the breath in song. We become the shining star in heaven, when we lead others towards their own soul, within, in order they too may shine, inwardly, to expand to the outer world.
It is a united world, soul (blue) and flesh (red). And when this dream comes alive, the sun dance does arise (yellow ), once we begin this dream to stand up, we unite and rise into the darkness, the heavenly realm of stars, like Grandfather Holy Spirit.

And we means, all together there is oneness.
Ran into the barn, because it's the stream of life, the crystalline stone river, the place to hide is within the buffalo home, the holy temple of the crystalline form.
You stood at the barn entry.
You said, "I stood at the barn entry side - being afraid - and the fox kind of looked at me: I am afraid too - let me in"
Cup: Yes, it was dark in the barn and everybody ran somewhere else...
Calf: This is when others pass through the halls of passageways, you hold them. You feel them. You hear them. Think of a hall way, what all happens in this place. We hide our deepest secrets.

Calf:You have the knowledge to read the book of life, but only the table of contents, just enough to guide others along their own course.
Each being is a book of life. You are the great librarian, as the magenta person. The fox is the clever warrior who knows when to hide, but can be danger, because he does not stand up. The fox will survive, be being on the inside, the crystalline flow of heaven, knows where to go. The smaller you are, the more you rely on instinct. When the fox feels fear, you too feel fear. But this is not your fear, but a tool, to know, where to guide them. If one is fearful, we bless them and pray to keep them safe.
Cup: mmhh?
None need ask to enter in, by saying, "Let me in". But they are wondering if it's safe to journey down the halls of the stone river. You wear the red robe, offering the path of love. Your duty is to bless, those who are afraid. And when they ask, you bless them, embrace them and lead them to the place that is safe, in the world of eternity, God's kingdom.
You said, "Then I looked outside and the big bear had killed the small bear"
A large bear gobbles a small bear. A large star system, will gobbles small star, to unite and shine brighter. Destruction is like eating. We receive energy, by eating smaller things usually than ourselves. The heaven's too must ensure eternal life, by the natural flowing of light and darkness...We are entering a phase of the third phase of evolution. And we depart, "creation and destruction", to the yellow phase, "destruction and creation". We must destroy to cleanse the world. We destroy to have a renewing harvest.
We destroy, to purify with fire. And it's the red road, the path of love that flows and grows. There is no more hiding, because heaven's doors are open. The halls of consciousness, must see the many flee to find their way. Each is searching for it's own personal evolution. We are inside a larger oneness evolution too. We are being gobbled up, by the larger bear. We being the smaller bear.
While we move towards our own evolution, the soul seeking. We bring heaven's path the blue road, home first. This is the negative, the bad, the lesson. And when we embrace it with love, then we find a treasure was hidden beneath all that hides.
A soul did give birth. Heaven did start to reign. And darkness is the embrace. If you don't follow this law, and let the light flow. Embrace and let go, then we do not practice love.
Love is the law, destroy what is not needed. Destroy the path, that is ignorance, sever with the sword and bring the truth of man to his soul. We are eternal paths of personal evolution. WE journey in a larger path of oneness evolution.
To flow with the smaller rings, amongst the larger rings, we must journey the four directions at one time. We are the glorious sun dance, inside the buffalo home.
Cup: you are teaching me patience...
Calf: Great you are learning patience.
Cup: Thank you for the dream interpretation...puuh, so it's nothing to be afraid of...just do what I say - listen to others, validate and not defend and let them go their own path by not holding on to strong...isn't this what you are teaching me all the time...arrggh, when do I learn?
Calf: Yes, thats a sum up.
Cup: Am I the bear...hugging my present life too much...and not letting go of the past? Could there be more happiness? What is the right thing to do? I seek the right moments in life, not harming others too much, but my heart each day, feels the pull further and away from the ones I love.
Calf: When we travel two roads, it's said we travel two rivers. This means, you are not united, within and without. You are what often many say, having your cake and eating it too. This means, you devour a part of you. You feel conflict, because you are not unified, in four directions.
All your questions about the present, means you do not know. If you were in love with the world around you, you would not question, but find answers. Here you look for excuses rather than trusting your heart. You are like the big bear gobbling up the small bear. We are fragile beings.
What I sense in you is total separation, between your soul and your flesh. You are not dancing and singing, each day, now are you?
Cup: no
Calf: Okay my love, get to it, my great caretaker. You cannot be united, if you don't act united. This is your sacred ritual (as a magenta person), you must, not maybe, but MUST DANCE, to teach others the dance of life.
Cup: What can I sing?...Hey God, why can't I bee...just me...together with the world...that I love so much...I have to walk my path...There is no rhyme in it.
Calf: But there is Song! I have told you before, that Magenta people are often teachers of the spiritual Native American dancing. It's the dance and song, that makes us get along. This is what you must learn, not their way, but your way. Practice makes perfect. Trust you have all you need and practice. Do what is upon your heart, then all will be alright.
When you do the song and dance, you will find your way. It relieves your heart and will also relieve others too. We exert ourselves, to learn, to walk the path of love. We do this, when we sing the heavenly road, we turn the lesson into a treasure.
Okay, Cup of God, how about a song blessing for you today?
Cup: A song that teaches me how to sing...yes, please.
Calf: (Laughter) I'll do my best.
Title: Sing the Heart of Paradise Flow, When We Trust the Sacred Rainbow, Cup of God Does Know!
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Come and bring heaven home. Lift me up, for God to call home. I will feel their hearts, begin their starts, and hold them near inside my heart. Come and bring heaven home. Feel the soul, that wants to roam. Find the waves, that set me free, feel the winds upon my face.
I am forever, in God's grace.
I know the winds of time, shall bleed (red road). Others will suffer for knowing me. But my soul shall try to be bold, to hold the sacred love within me. Don't feel that I'm walking way. Instead, think, of all that I say. I hope you find love. I gift you my part. I feel the start, of where you do flow.
Tell me the place where the buffalo roam. We are looking into paradise a home. We are seeking harmony where we lead, if only we could feel the breeze, we would turn treasures over to sea. It's the heart of you and me. Come and hold my hand for a day. Remember we are all here to pray. Gift your soul and song to the wind, where we can catch the waves again.
I know God is inside of you, because I feel the heart of a muse (medicine). You heal me with love. you gift from all above, and now, I stand here to show you the way, the path towards love gravitates. And it's time, for us to realize. That God is here, to not know only why, but to look in each heart, to begin a sacred art, the being inside, who travels over light. We are souls, who are in fright. Let our inner light, fly free.
Over rolling hills we feel the breeze. Over waves of divinity. I give my heart to you towards destiny. I feel the path, that you do need. Giving you the heart of me. I will hold on and embrace thee, but I know, you are going over there, and My love, will travel over fair
Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother and Sacred Drum by Holiness David Shooting Star.
Listen to the Blessed Rainbow Colors of the Four Directions
Little children, trust and have faith. God will be with you, in all that is great. Look within your heart and bless every day, because it will be the only safe way. Bow like the rainbow and serve all of mankind, because it's heaven that bound to shine. And we can be warriors if we do believe, that God is living in each and everything. Come bring your children to sanctuary's home, the heaven upon earth, it's where we do roam. And when it's all over, the destruction at hand, we will make a new home, where all will be glad. Our hearts will fill with wisdom, our feet will touch the earth, because we trusted our faith and we were heard/herd.
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Welcome You Home!