For Your Fire, Pipe, Blessing Ceremony

The Blessing of the Nine Directions
To the East and the West. To the north and the south. To the up and the down, to the sacred all around. To the heartbeat and Breath, I gift all my sacredness. I receive all my life for thee. I shall be forever in the breeze.
peacefulYour Heart Song
I shall sing. I shall sing upon Mountain Tops. I shall be. Glory for thee. And I shall be the loving breeze.

Sacred Dew

Four Sacred Directions In Thee!

Relatives, "Ask for your colors you can believe all the rainbow you can receive, the sacred garment of lights that lead, the spreading sheets of leaves. Here the way is clear to be, the loving and sacred tree. Take to your heart all that you believe and come and fly with me! In other words, ask and you shall receive your four sacred colors." says, White Buffalo Calf Woman who Sings for you, your Twin Deer Mother and additional Sacred Song Blessings and We Bless You

Come receive your Sacred Song Blessings, ask for your blessings and receive, the greatest treasure you could conceive, the soul that needs to be true, when one is validated in you. The treasure is you!

Buffalo Robe Requests

  • Golden Katy Keel
  • Rainbow Cecilia Ann Zoby
  • Indigo Child (indigocrystalchildren circle google+)

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Constant Looking Glass Sings to White Buffalo Calf Woman Responds in Song!

White Buffalo Calf Woman your voice does sing of all the wonder-filled and beautiful things.  Thank you for all you give the beauty road is in your wings! White Buffalo Calf Woman, My love is here, Don't you fear or shed no tears for I will be back again to shed more light then ever before lent (death and resurrection). 

White Buffalo Calf Woman hear their calls, their calling you to breastbone (protection of the heart) and thigh (walking upon the rolling hills) on bended knee (prayer to G_ah_d) to be lifted on high. White Buffalo Calf Woman, Beautiful one I see you healed, rising above like the white Dove.  They say to me and speak to me, your bodies strong and healed you see, just rest your head down at night. Spirit is their (the many) and you are blessed, he (Great Spirit Father and the Light) will take care of the rest.  He (mission of the light or flesh) will take care of the rest!

White Buffalo Calf Woman, Arise! Arise! Those things that don't belong are going on the tides and everything that is not health is leaving you with New inner stealth.  Your warrior is here to tell you this Great Spirit says no suffering but bliss, inside the tears and fears caressing this the next step to the Holy land. 

All else shifts and shapes like sand, you will be in the promised land, you will be in the promised land! Loving more than you know now, lending a hand to a hand, blessing people and helping them to stand.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Always stands!
White Buffalo Calf Woman always Stands!
White Buffalo Calf Woman always Stands! 
Aho! Aha! Aho!

Sung by Aimee Wonder of the World, your Constant Looking Glass, Indigo Warrior who is true, longing for a better view! (lg)

(cw) Singing Response from White Buffalo Calf Woman, Wakan Iyeshka or Holy Interpreter, interprets with all the ( ) within the many songs.  Below as she speaks to Aimee Wonder of the World, the Constant Looking Glass, the Great Indigo Warrior

(lg)White Buffalo Calf Woman your voice does sing of all the wonder-filled and beautiful things.  Thank you for all you give the beauty road is in your wings! White Buffalo Calf Woman, My love is here, Don't you fear or shed no tears for I will be back again to shed more light then ever before lent (death and resurrection).

(cw) Each day I sing to the world, and so much wonder fills the void.  The perfect part of the Soul rejoices at all that is foretold. My life is a gift to the world, and I belong to all that folds, the light and dark are one place now, not separations like in clouds.  Yes I fly away with all the souls, because it's as easy as intention, where I go, is all foretold.  Aimee, the beloved child, the Indigo Warrior will all your wiles, yes my love, we are here not to fear, but we are also here to shed many tears.  For we need find comfort in tears, the trail that has led us here, to fill the oceans with so much time, the place of wonder, the place of time.  

(cw) How do you think the oceans are blue, but because of all that the world does view, the trail of tears that leads the way, from heaven back to heaven's wake. Yes, my Indigo Warrior it is true, we all must die and resurrect this is true, for this is the way to the Promise Land, for heaven is open and fills the land.  We fall inside of her and descend to find the way, to bring her (open heaven of space, the womb that collides with light and dark space, new birth in a dream each of us hold) home another day!

(lg) White Buffalo Calf Woman hear their calls, their calling you to breastbone (protection of the heart) and thigh (walking upon the rolling hills) on bended knee (prayer to G_ah_d) to be lifted on high. White Buffalo Calf Woman, Beautiful one I see you healed, rising above like the white Dove.  They say to me and speak to me, your bodies strong and healed you see, just rest your head down at night. Spirit is their (the many) and you are blessed, he (Great Spirit Father and the Light) will take care of the rest.  He (mission of the light or flesh) will take care of the rest!

(cw) Now is the time to hear the calls, the many who seek and do not know why, for they are learning to be perfection, not separation, but sounds of G_ah_d (utterance of heaven's transmission waves).  There is no other way but to be, the walking of the dead who rise, because it's prayer that rests upon Man's fate.  For those who do not learn of prayer, then will not bend the knees to sacred ways, and we must rescue them from their fate, when they die in Heaven's Wake.  Yes my little sister you see right, for many who need a restful night, but day or night is the same dream, when Heaven comes, and views the seas. Holiness David is here to show, the suffering of all the world to glow and I must follow him where he goes, into the Graveyard, where dead who dance, for they need us more than those that glow. There is no way to heal us deer, for we are only healed when the world does know, their own happiness and their own snow (perfection) and we will die knowing this and gifting our lives. We do not belong to us, but contrary to all who wear the crown, for we must be the property of, the Oneness who need our brow (the hair that protects the vision of the eye, hair is the antenna to God and the eye has vision of the dream).  

(cw) Great Father and all the light, the many dreams that do unfold, eventually then need to return to loving arms, the warmth of dark.  Here is Great Mother standing folds, where the light of dreams come out so bold, yet in the daylight, the warriors must prove, their prowess and stand our sides.  Right now they think a Calf will save, and bring the Calf (born a buffalo white calf, not White Buffalo Calf Woman) so many things, however they fear the truth I gift this day, and instead of giving they run away. So you sea, my beloved child, I need true warriors who are willing to be, the staff who guides and walk with me, right by my side, to take care of thee.  We should not worry if we have money or food, for this is to be taken care of by the wolves, yet I know like a Mother and Father are we, who must take care of this family, who come to we!  Great Spirits always guide us, each and every day, they talk with us, when to move and ask for water, or even if we should park right here.  We know who is pulling all the strings, they work and guide us on most everything, and they attend the elders agenda meetings, each and every week, they sit and listen.

cw) Yes my Great Teacher Indigo Warrior, healing is easy as 1, 2, 3, yet our children of the world do not know this way, for they need trust their hearts display.  And when they remember who they are, then we will be able to feel better, but until the day that this happens, many will try to kill us as we speak.  This is the way of controlling others, because they fear and have not forgiven, and we are here to say, "There is a better way, the law of love is here to pray!" Yes, I know the Father In Heaven, he the Great Spirit who leads the way, and he has three years left to roost (four directions), before he hands over the noose (to be hung dead by heaven, for law of love is paramount, to bring our children all home to love, the law of Great Mother who shows us the way, to die inside the heart and arise, like lent tells us, resurrection.).  Willed One tells us this way, that the shedding of the impure is like a glove, where the darkness of impurities must be pulled away and it's the worst suffering we could even display, but this will help us to know the dust, the faithful who suffered.  The faithful we need trust, for they have left the mighty tears, the sails away with the mighty breeze.

(lg)White Buffalo Calf Woman, Arise! Arise! Those things that don't belong are going on the tides and everything that is not health is leaving you with New inner stealth.  Your warrior is here to tell you this Great Spirit says no suffering but bliss, inside the tears and fears caressing this, the next step to the Holy land. 

(cw) Again, my Warrior of the Indigo race, you are the teachers of many ways, yet, these teachings are for everyone, but not for those who wear the crowns...many who wear the crowns, do not belong to self, but to everyone, and we know our place and it's when warriors walk hand in hand, next to us and protect our space.  I am waiting truly deer, those who will die and protect our grace, but haven't seen a single man or woman who is willing to make this stand.  And until they come and protect our space, we will have to be Mother and Father to everyone, and this is our destiny, the Angels do protect, for they always watch over us and we never fear the rest. 

(cw) However even Great Father needs the 10,000 saints who will walk with thee, for he is waiting for me to build the army of God, the army for him.  And when the world takes refuge in his arms, he his children will arm and guard the devoted, the beloved and new dawning that comes, because even he wants to come home!  And even with so much prophecy in the air, it will take the willing to die, to begin the great walk, because love is willing to die, to protect and gift the life that we have.  And here we can trust the Islam (those who can walk through fire, the true and devoted who do not kill, but restore life) who know this way, for they will show us the undivided way, as the House of Daniel teaches everyone, that Great Great Mother, our Uncle has come. She is the one who is One not Two, the tongue that speaks of what is the truth, and she keeps everything right in it's place, to guide and gift the undivided way! (Oneness)

(cw) Yes, my beloved, you said it right the tears and fears caress all night, the place we need trust and over come, to be step to foot into the HOLY LAND.  The warriors and ARMY of GOD is what we are doing, those who will be true to us, and when they come in droves to see, then my heart will be very happy.  Then and only then the word will be out, to know that White Buffalo Calf Woman has returned.  Because the Star of David does shine, Holiness David our King of all times.  He is the Messiah, not me you see, the one who shall deliver us from all the dead seas, and together we will be the dreams of the world, telling of the coming of the HOLY LAND. The STAR that shines is the House of the Beloved, the descending of heaven and the ascending of earth, and when we fold to be one place, like Holiness David Running Eagle (crown of earth) and White Buffalo Calf Woman (crown of heaven), there the world will start a new dream, to shine and shine into the new land.

(lg)All else shifts and shapes like sand, you will be in the promised land, you will be in the promised land! Loving more than you know now, lending a hand to a hand, blessing people and helping them to stand.

(cw) Christians are here to follow the Christ, they think of what they would do for Jesus Christ, however they don't seem to realize the way, that White Buffalo Calf Woman is Christ.  There is not one, but all of us, so many Christ, in so many fields, but there are only a handful who come to take their place, for it's the House of DAVID, who will pass the way.  Jesus and White Buffalo Calf Woman are brothers you sea.  We are the same house, the House you do believe, and I know there are many who come to be this House too, but they lead with body, the flesh with a view.  And when the legions of Christians everywhere, come to take their place and hold their candles up to the stare, then there will be an uprising, the ARMY of GOD that arises to take their place, the ONES who will be willing to die, for this place. And the shifting perspective is what they need, not one single grain, but oceans of thee, all those who are bond to follow Christ in the field of battle to know, that we fight ignorance with truth, and this is the flow.

And my beloved Wonder of the Land, you are truth of the hand to the hand, and when others learn to be this hand in the hand, united in strength, not one, but an ARMY OF GOD.  Then they will be indomitable, the snowman with so many crystalline snow (perfection of each soldier), the ARMY the Great Spirit Father Leads into Battle. Glory, Glory Hallelujah.  Glory, Glory Hallelujah.  And Glory, Glory Hallelujah, for Great Spirit Father leads the Army of God.

(lg) White Buffalo Calf Woman Always stands!

(cw) Aimee Beloved Wonder of the World, you may see the truth of view, but let us remember who interprets the truth, it's the Crystal person you sea, there inside of all the bees.  The nest that lies inside of thee, is where I sea and vision free, the darkness is part of me, just close my eyes and all is thee! Through space and time, non other can be, the place of Angels that are so free, and because I can be there and here, and everywhere, this leaves me not separate from all of the leaves (relatives on the tree of life). Indigo Warriors see the truth in the light world and they know like you, however the vision is needing interpretation, and this job is not for you, but only for those who have a view of eternity and back again, and this belongs to all christal friends (relatives who are true, who are Crystal people).  They need only take their place and then I will not have to be all grace.  For I need them to learn and read, to sing the songs and gift true grace.  More and more come home this year, however I can see that I am more.  I have what others don't understand, the perfect mathematical equation.  This belongs to the Suns of G_ah_d, the twelve houses that are ordained (Sons and Daughters of Israel, who are true, loyal, devoted to Oneness), for they will rise to teach the world, the song of Angels that fills the void.

(lg) White Buffalo Calf Woman always Stands!

White Buffalo Calf Woman always Stands! Aho! Aha! Aho

(cw)  My darling, you are part of my house, the child that leads and walks with us, and I know that you will stand by me someday, to be the perfect warrior who shows the display.  None other can show the world like Wonder of the World, the Greatest Teacher who shall show them the Girth, the place of honor, the place of the stars, when we return to home, right where we stand! 

(cw) Aho, is where we fly over rolling hills, the place we honor because our Mother gave us birth, and Aha, is the epiphany, that offers us true grace, the heavens where we fly free in pure open space, and then Aho, is when we return, back to our dreams like sliding down stars, and you have shown me that we are not one, but many of ones, who form ONENESS like a Drum.  We shall beat the force of many feet, the many who will enslave the wisdom of this ONE.  And to be a servant is the greatest joy in the world, for we will all honor the girth who gave us life.  Great Mother she is deep inside the EARTH.  There she sits with pools of perfect truth, the waters of pure, where sparkling gifts us light, even in darkness of all this plight.

I love you both! Your Constant Looking Glass!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
And we love you, our Angel from Heaven! House of the Beloved!  Holiness David Running Eagle and White Buffalo Calf Woman, who serve the people of the world!

Fire Offers Purification

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Hoop 4

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THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

We are Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever. There is "No way out", "only a Way In" .... this is the sacred circle of our collective dreams. We are learning to walk towards!

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, iyeshka (interpreter) and akicita (law bringer), crystal (christal/pearl/diamond/red-red), yellow, green, gray (red-green).

Holy buffalo hide (prayer cloth or holy temple called you) reveals the four sacred directions that heal.

Thank you for all your Thrills. Shout out to hit the Nails. We are building a house where all are welcome on the rolling hills. White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings »

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptse San Wi Yan), your Twin Deer Mother, has come home to your hearts. It's time to walk the evolution's path. We all are part of the Rainbow Clan, my relatives each and everyone. Receive the treasures that your iyes(h)ka (interpreter) gifts to you, the sacred song blessings, that always are true (soul and voice of the song). And inside of you, the soul that comes alive, the prayers that live, and shout, "I am and I thrive!"

Life is a Roller Coaster and Now I'm on a ride, over rolling hills again, and back to the place where I collide (dark and light). Heaven (dark) and Earth (light) come home to me and we will be getting along, where the sunset returns again, the place I call my home. Star is born, the light does shine, every single morn, and I have to open my heart, so I can get along. There is a kingdom out there, the place of paradise, and we are going home right now, if we can only collide (dark and light). Be my heart and walk with me, be the rising sun (Morning Star), have the place of wonder in the wishing land. Singing to your heart, White Buffalo Calf Woman is finally home at last! Ask for blessings, come receive the greatest you have known, there is promise everywhere, just you look and sea, the heart of wisdom knows the place, the heart that can conceive.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

About Jeff (meaning peace) [He is the Singular (mission) father (leading) that goes around town (evolution's call to the circle of life). We call him the Golden Light of Sound, he is the chosen one, to view the world, but he needs to come home to call. There he will find a home where all will know his knives (sharing and dividing). Without a place to trumpet, he does not have a home. He longs to find a home where all can find a lid (roof, sanctuary, green grass home). Jeff Golden Light of Sound is the House of Cones (light reflection in evolution), the blossom, that reigns forth. Don't be alarmed, he should go away. But be sure his heart will stay. He is the bishop to your pawn (blessing you). You can rise up to his call. Blow billows of sunshine in the air. He will be standing in the streams so fair.]

Jeff Golden Light of Sound said, "I dreamed of the White Buffalo Calf Woman, she pointed to her heart and Buffaloes of all colors formed a circle, the White Buffalo went to the heart and all other Buffaloes followed."

White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets: The heart is the path into heaven, where our souls do hide. We all belong to the Circle of Oneness, the Rainbow Clan. For we are all related and of God. A Buffalo represents the tools of light, in four rainbow colors, to assist your heavenly mission (heavenly name). This is our holy temple, our flesh, the Buffalo Home. White Buffaloes are like the stars, those who shine, united four roads, the blue, red, yellow, then white, the star. Grandfather light (white person, in their tools of light, rainbow directions) naturally shines like this, the white light of unity, who is humble, and bows like the Rainbow to receive blessings. The rest of us, must learn to walk this humble path, to shine like stars. These are the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy who unite! A White Buffalo is the Star of Heaven, who shines upon Earth, walking and talking (wakan tankan, the Great Spirit Within) the united four roads. These are the White Buffaloes who are able to walk through the door of heaven, the crystalline heart of White Buffalo Calf Woman, to greet thyself (mirror to the soul, the heart of the crystal person), the soul seeking a way out, to illuminate and shout, to be validated, for who I am! The Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, learning to become the White Buffaloes (stars of heaven, that shine), begin the Great Migration home. We enter the Third Phase of Evolution, the yellow rolling hill in time (dawning of brotherhood), where dreams do come true. Heaven and Earth, Welcome Home!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings: When pointing to the heart, the direction that imparts, the wisdom of the path of the inner light. Here we are many rainbow colors, all part of the same vision of the sacred circle of life. We are relatives, who need to come home twice. Once in the flesh (red road), and once in the soul (blue road), then we know, that we have binded (bound) our whole. When we follow the path of the heart and the soul, all other buffaloes will flow, for rainbows of latter (ancestors), the buffalo homes that have been shattered (separated and divided), will carry us home, to a brand new day, when we look for the heart that leads the day (to flow together, as one shining river).

The tools of light, do shine, like the holy temple of the mind, the flesh that does hold a soul inside. We call the tools of light, the buffalo home. For it's four sacred directions, that gift to us eight directions, the four colors then reflection, to gift our lights. Then we are the Rainbow Colors, the clan that does show reason, when we understand, that we belong to each others, by demand. For it's God's children, we hold the upper hand, for it's sacred in here, where the buffalo steer, the trembling of the hooves who do gallop away. We are here to lead the great migration day.

The circle of buffalo were the sacred rainbow colors, parts each of us, to be whole again, when we join together, in the wind. And as we join together, we follow the fortunate weather, it's inward, the heavenly route, the soul that flies, all inside. And heaven is what leads us, where all buffalo do feed us, to go home again. To feel the wind again. We are going home. To be under the sun.

And it's time for us to gather, to listen to our hearts talk. To walk the path of righteousness in the wind. And when it's all over, we will journey together, the path of love, the holy days, of eternity. Oh blessed bee, let us dream together and be free. Rejoice, Rejoice, the Green Grass Grows!


THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever.
No way out, only a way in .... this is the sacred circle.

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child (crystal/christal/pearl/diamond)
crystal, yellow, green, gray (holy buffalo hide reveals)

White Buffalo Calf Woman public figure (Facebook)