Re: invisible people
You do realize that Social Security does not give enough to live. And many on the streets are living on Social Security, yet are houseless and without. Money is not the answer, true brotherhood is the answer. Evolution will take care of this, because many cannot take care or manage money. This is not of God, money!
We are missionaries on the streets and we take care of them, the street people and just about everyone else. We offer them anything they may need. but the most difficult problem many of them face is receiving love. Most of them will come to help you, but will not be able to receive help from others.
We have offered jobs to the street people for the last 6 years and not one has taken the job. You see they don't want to work. they have so many excuses. What they are really trying to learn is to receive. For they tend to be good at begging or pan handling, because this is receiving, which they are to be learning. but it's not money they need receive, but each other. The streets are full of hatred and misunderstanding, just like everywhere else.
Once I offered food to a woman, she wouldn't let me cook for her. She wanted me to buy her restaurant food. I did not buy her f
The criminals that I have found have always been the Police and Judges, not the parolees most of the time. They violate rights every single day. Soon, we will be acting on their behalf in court rooms across the world. Will you fight for your Brother's Rights? Then join us as Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, who arise to the calling at our Third Hoop Whitebuffalocalfwoman.ning.com.
your devoted servant,
white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother

Why can't we see the way of thee, the heartbreak that's inside of thee. My love is pure, I want to be, the one who is willing to set you free. Now if you choose to be the way, of loving grace in your display, then I will come to hold your hand and I will come to know your way. Please God above come down today, our children people need you so. When will it be the capture of the free (when the rainbow warriors of prophecy come home to the royal loyal blue in me and you, the relatives we share water and tears with. they shall capture them with truth to set them free), the place that I know where lives divinity. My hand is pure of loving grace and I know that I long to see your face. When will the day, be true to you and when will you be able to sail the blue (having direction within the blue of you and me, the waters that flow in the know, the heartbeat of the soul). My family, I love you so. When will you let the snow melt? (cold heart, for it is cold in heaven, the white, the father nation.)
invisible people
Posted: 17 Jul 2009 08:35 PM PDT
It was 116 degrees when I met Cliff on the streets of Las Vegas. The sight of him bothered me; he was so malnourished and skinny.
I really feel for Cliff. He’s 59 years old. He’s been living on the streets of Las Vegas for several years. Like many older homeless individuals , he doesn’t really have any job prospects at this point in his life. He sees no other options but to stick it out on the streets for the next three years until he turns 62 and qualifies for Social Security. That’s, he says, when he’ll finally get a “nice place” of his own.
We can do better than this.
Click here for my behind the scene story from InvisiblePeople.tv’s Road Trip, U.S.A
Road Trip U.S.A
Posted by invisiblepeople
On any given night, over three million people sleep without a home to call their own. In the past year, homelessness in America has snowballed into a full-fledged crisis. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, 80 percent of individuals and 90 percent of families are homeless due to economic reasons. Community-based homeless service organizations from California to Massachusetts are reporting sharp increases in demand. In many communities, there are not enough shelter beds to meet the need, contributing to the growth of tent cities and the transformation of motels into temporary homeless shelters.
The experience of being displaced and without a home is devastating. The experience of living in a shelter, on the streets, or in a tent city is humbling. And the experience of sharing one’s story is powerful. For those less impacted by the economic downturn, the experience of coming face-to-face with people who are often shunned by society is both eye-opening and deeply moving.
InvisiblePeople.tv Road Trip U.S.A.
This summer, InvisiblePeople.tv is traveling across America to capture the stories of people without a home. By visiting tent cities, motels, and other modern-day accommodations for people without a home, this tour will unearth the modern-day realities of homelessness while providing a venue for “invisible” people to tell their story, raw and unedited.
Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 5:35 PM