This is White Buffalo Calf Woman. And today, we are sharing a story from Whispering River in the Sky an indigo child. This is her innermost color of four sacred directions, what we call the buffalo robe (four sacred directions in rainbow colors). She wants to tell you all a story. And I have to say, she is good at stories. So let us gift her the floor and let her adorn today a story of rays.....
Once upon a time long long ago, there lived a hermit. He lived there all alone. One day, when the sun was coming out, he stepped out to find it's rays. Often inside it was quite dark and he could not tell if it was day or night outside. But today, he found the rays of the sun peeking up over the horizon. He seem to find a spark inside of his heart. He could not fathom this feeling. It was deep and he often lacked the cohesion to bring these sparks in the darkness of his cave. This day an opening to his heart put a smile upon his face. All the trees looked like they were smiling down at him. He put his hands to his heart. Wishing for favor from the spiritual gods of the time. Long ago, when men were ushered into a new arena, a field of understanding people would get scared and often flee from their ideas. Many a men did have to become hermits in order to write down their conclusions for future generations. He was such a man.
Long ago when the fields grew dim the light from the sky did spark wide. Each night the crackle and the whip could be heard for miles and miles around. We thought about no other sound. Children died in fright because there seemed to be no end in sight. The long trails to happiness seemed to be filled with wails (crying pain). When there arose a magnificent ember of light. A SUN appeared. And behind it came a man who was enlightened. He had a glowing crown and could talk to any crowd. The people did fear him and did love him as well. It was confusion at it is best. In the valley of the crown where all the people did grow the many crops and many lambs. There were happy occasions too, when all the towns people would come to dance and be merry. The man from the mountain, the hermit was invited. The man from the Sun he too was invited. And when they arrived together the glowing from the dark and the glowing from the light shined upon all the people. There were no words. The people looked at each other to find each other in their eyes.
Then the two men looked into their eyes of each other. And bow men bowed in honor to each other. All the people witnessed the bowing of the great men of the sun and of the cave. How many people watched and imitated their reverence for each other. The little children began. They would bow to each other and then giggle. The older and wise too began to bow to each other and they too smiled, covering their mouths and then slightly turning away, almost like they were shy about their sweet love for each other. All the people could not take their eyes off of these men, children and old. It was as if it danced, spun in circles and gifted the romantic call of enlightenment even freedom. One by one, the people started to kneel on the ground. They were bowing to KINGS and to Risen SUNS. The hermit came to each person and touched their heads and prayed for them, while the Man from the SUN, he received all of them to get blessings in great songs. We did not know what we were doing, yet we did not know how to stop either. It was (as) if it was natural.
Later the two men found each other again and sat down together to drink wine/tea/hot beverage before a roaring fire. The table was in a dark room, lit up with many lamps and lanterns. All the towns people followed them inside to this cavern/tavern. The people started to bring in gifts from all the sectors of the land and the knews of these two men scattered far and wide. Some came from far off distant lands while others only had to travel across the great river divide. It was a lonely ride. Those who did not hail to the respectful wisdom of time seemed to shutter out the fame of what they did shame. Those who did hail to the blessings that sailed found gifts beyond measures. The people cried. Happiness set inside their eyes. Together these two men took a place in history. They created a monument of relativity, those who swam around in circles. Those who would journey far. And those who could build a community. It was a righteous time. And men were looking for the way home to their eternal salvation.
One night when the stars were bright a young woman came into the came. Her radiance was beyond measure while all eyes looked upon her. She was like a dove peaceful in grace and full of beauty. She was looking for the Sun the Man who came to gift peace to the world. People then would guide her (all females) to the site where all were received. She moved her scarf across her face and it it flowed around her clinging to her body curves (delicious). It was a memory of the flowing of the universe. Her purity did not allow for any man to call upon her shame. Even men who would take as treasure could find no measure. There she came to stand before the SUN of MAN. He was sitting down and bowed his head. He ushered her to come close to sit by him. She did as she was told. There child, he says, what can I do for you today?" She moved closer and closer to meet with his eyes, to whisper that no one else could hear.
She took a knife out of her scarf wrapped tightly around her body. She then proceeded to try to kill the Sun of Man. He did not move. The knife, the woman and all fell right through the space. It was if he was a ghost. She stabbed fiercely over and over again to no avail. No harm could come to the Man of the SUN. She finally stopped and started to cry. She says, "Why oh why don't you let me die?" The man of the SUN appeared, as twine (cohesive). He picked her up and held the knife giving it to another to dispense of. And with her in his arms, he took her to lie down near his spacial field bedding (chair, pillows, formed in a half circle to receive an audience). He patted her head and said, "There, there, I know you had a long journey. And too many have not been able to touch you. They fear you. Yet in your troubles, it is your great fear to be touched. You strike out because of the pain. I know, it will wane (subside). Tomorrow will be a better day. Rest child. Drink and be merry. Listen to the songs. Remember who you are. Cleanse the soul within you and find the peace you seek. Then walk the way you wish, to embrace each kiss. Tell the story of your great worry. The people will listen to you. They will embark a new destiny, when you gift them your love. Yes, they will fear, all those tears. But you are a strong warrior. Your spirit is great and your fight is to find the peace among men's hearts. Trust yourself child", he says. And she laid there for the evening, learning and listening to be more like the embrace of love this Sun of Man shone.
As the young woman started to depart the Man of the Cave (hermit from the mountain) came by to wish her good tidings. He had more revelation to seek upon the meek. His voice carried the knowledge of the ages. While the man of the sun came to walk holy. The man of the cave came to talk holy. Together they worked miracles for the towns people. Then one day, the Sun of the Man and the Sun of the Cave (hermit) both decided it was time to move along down the river. They were to retreat once again to their own homelands. One in the mountain. One in the valley. And all the stones of the people remembered the story to tell to their children. The young woman reveled in all the Sun of the Cave told her. She was with child and it did make her smile. It was a time of great confusion, yet a time of great change as well. The hearts did learn to swell.
The young woman went back to her village and told the story to her children and her grandchildren. Her husband came to her side and called all the children to abide, for it is hope that brings us together now. We must choose to find faith when others do not relate. And because we find vengeance we learn to overcome with loving embrace. To help others remember they are great and to move further to the place of peace inside the one's heart. As for the hermit, his vision of the rays of the sun did shine bright. And the Man behind the SUN, did show how to bring peace upon the hearts of a community. They all found what they were looking for, each other to adore.
Whispering River in the Sky: I wish that my family around the world would know that these men live near your hearts. This young woman with child lives in your neighborhood. And the children and grandchildren hear your stories. I wish that hope and peace find you. I bless you with all my love nine sacred streams and four holy directions that bind us to each other to fill us up with holy perspective of each other. I send my peace, hope and love to you. This is Whispering River in the Sky. I tell you this story today, because we don't seem to know about each other. And how great we are. If only we could find the eyes of the soul, our relatives could find their gold, the dreams foretold. I love you. All my love. Whispering River in the Sky, an indigo child. I am fourteen years old. I go to school every day to learn from you!
White Buffalo Calf Woman: Thank you Whispering River in the Sky. This is White Buffalo Calf Woman. Sounds to me, like the Man behind the SUN is the crystal child, the eldest sun. The Hermit, the man in the cave is the violet child, the third sun (the man in the cave is usually known as the crystal child and the hermit on the mountain the violet child and these stories get crossed. It is the violet child who is high priest to the king, the crystal child and they often walk/talk hand in hand. the violet child leads men from the darkness and into the holy light, which would be the gate into paradise, represented by lavender second daughter). And the young woman with child is the Rainbow Mother, the rainbow child. A rainbow mother and a crystal sun represents a spacial field (a Stone, star of David or Morning Star). Violet sun represents the voice of this field, what we often call God, as the violet child represents a priestly office for the collective we call God. It is the voice from within dark within a cave where the voice, the spirit is known and sown, the soul is allowed to groan. Here/hear in this story, treachery was turned into golden measures, eternal treasures. This tale speaks about how we must honor each other. Show respect to the fields. To dig deeper to find what is shown, the birthing of something we had known (a great light within lives, a breathing soul wanting to take flight to a pure heart). And to share the voice of God with everyone. We bow down with the knowledge of our Great Teachers, indigo children around the world. Your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Gifted by Alightfromwithin.Org/donation, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Angel Services Locally and around the World. Please help support Elders and Warriors to bring the Law of Love to your neighborhood, uniting all the fields together once more! Let us learn to open the doors.
Ghost Walk (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon.
Image of many fields streaming by Rainbow Mother Yaniv, streaming stones among the mountain tones and buried bones, the Suns are born (children of the rainbow clan, all our relatives, the spacial fields).
Official Title: Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony”

Dance when heat and cold (mist/smoke of the ghost) find each other bold, binding to bring in the new, the ghost dance comes to infuse, the soul has risen, awaken and driven, the heavenly soul does reign. Renegades put on your shelter (warriors uniform, buffalo armor, rainbow colors purified), because it's turning to helter skelter (confusion and frenzy, bubbling up the soul does reign). White Buffalo Calf Woman sings
Image by Aunt Daneen Seasons That Sing, Silver Child
Paradise gleams, the field in the trees, dew in the breeze!
Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!