For Your Fire, Pipe, Blessing Ceremony

The Blessing of the Nine Directions
To the East and the West. To the north and the south. To the up and the down, to the sacred all around. To the heartbeat and Breath, I gift all my sacredness. I receive all my life for thee. I shall be forever in the breeze.
peacefulYour Heart Song
I shall sing. I shall sing upon Mountain Tops. I shall be. Glory for thee. And I shall be the loving breeze.

Sacred Dew

Four Sacred Directions In Thee!

Relatives, "Ask for your colors you can believe all the rainbow you can receive, the sacred garment of lights that lead, the spreading sheets of leaves. Here the way is clear to be, the loving and sacred tree. Take to your heart all that you believe and come and fly with me! In other words, ask and you shall receive your four sacred colors." says, White Buffalo Calf Woman who Sings for you, your Twin Deer Mother and additional Sacred Song Blessings and We Bless You

Come receive your Sacred Song Blessings, ask for your blessings and receive, the greatest treasure you could conceive, the soul that needs to be true, when one is validated in you. The treasure is you!

Buffalo Robe Requests

  • Golden Katy Keel
  • Rainbow Cecilia Ann Zoby
  • Indigo Child (indigocrystalchildren circle google+)

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Southern Season Vision Crown of Thorns and White Buffalo Calf Woman Interpretation

That day I saw Jesus coming to me. (Since I was a little kid the figure Jesus had a big impact on me) He was suffering and had his thorn crown on his head. I became mad, really mad and even I knew it was going to hurt me I took the crown from his head and threw it on the floor.
Jesus started to laugh and pointed his finger. I had to look to the crown. The crown became a crown of flowers. He did put the crown on my head.

Since I was a kid I felt I came here not for me but for others.  I do not know where that feeling came from. So I started to care for others. I came onto this world and my mom did not had any pain. It was like I was absorbing the pain. No labor pain at all.
I was an easy baby. And as soon as my brother came I felt I had to take care of him. Later I became a bridge between a lot of friends. For some reason I was always with 3.

So this vision that I had... Jesus suffered and I took it from his head and it became a crown of flowers and I took it onto me... Now that I know I suffer for others it is easier to carry it... It is not the crown of thorns anymore but a crown of flowers. And now I can start working with it... As a mirror...

Southern Season Writes of Her Vision, green person, red robe  
Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy  Third Hoop,
White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets Vision and Sings, elder crystal person

1. Jesus is a crystal person, the door into heaven or earth, depending which way you are going. Crystal people all wear crowns, eldest color, not overlays.

2. Crown on head: is the suffering of people, those who wear the crown belong to the people, like you, who wears, the red (includes overlays, not all reds), lavender (includes overlays, not all lavenders) or crystal crown (all crystal people, but not with crystal overlay).  The unseen crown lies in dark space, Great Uncle (includes overlays, not all Great Uncles).

3. The Mirror. To Know, true wisdom. The yellow path is where the middle of the light spectrum is flowing like a dream. When our souls fly free, we fell Joy.  This color is often depicted as the third chakra, or 3.  The united mother, father, birth of child, the dream. Three is Joy, the reflection of light we share, the world and all it's air. This is the joy we need remember, to share the world together. The tools of light, for all is an earthly name. The tools of light, for this world is Joy. With each breath, we could know joy, for it's the vehicle towards, "a light from within". A mirror allows one to look outwards, the reflection.  A crystal person, allows one to look inward, the truth, the refraction.  To know the mirror is to know what you reflect.  The child (dream) does learn to wept, to bring tears home to glisten, to the open air it does listen (wind), to learn how to play and live life gloriously for always.

Today we are experiencing the inner world that has always reflected, but now, we are feeling the inner world of the soul's mirror, or the crystalline stone river. This reflection is interpreted in visions, songs, stories, dancing and when we experience joy, we journey into new world, the outer world, the reflection of light, the shared.  This realization is what a mirror allows us to do, look within towards the outer world in a new and wondrous way.  Realization, is the mirror of knowing the soul. Once you find your power, or color ability, you can soar, to know joy.  The soul has been set free to travel on the light waves inside of thee, to bring us to the outer world we call paradise. This is where the third phase of evolution begins, to unite, the soul (blue road) with the flesh (red road), rising up to become the morning sun, the color of brotherhood, the golden path. And when we ride on joy (vehicle, feeling from the heart), reflecting all the sound, pure breath offers you light, to ride the waves. Together there is feeling, the breath to give it ability and together, a dream is born in time, the third phase (yellow or 3) of evolution here we come.

4. Crown of flowers, is what you can do with that pain. a flower is a blossom.  If a crowned one purifies, then pain turns to harmony, discomfort turns to joy instead.  Each rainbow color has this ability, to turn the shore (exchange and relieve other's pain), but the crowned ones, are the sign of the people, the river's flow (everyone).  When the people are not happy, then the crowned ones are not either.  The crowned one must use their power of the color they bare to purify the air, the wind we breath, the shore that relieves. But often the people don't know, what to do, or who, what, or where.  And this is beginning to learn, where visions gift you clues, to everyone. When we share we exchange the news, to bring in birth and harmony.  To help everyone, to live under the sun (thee light from within, for all to shine).

5. Love is the exchange: it is pain suffered for the ones we love. When you exchange, you feel loved.  This is the pleasure and the pain. But now we must choose another way. We need only learn how to pray, to bless our lives, clear out the inner spies (doubt). All we need is to blossom and yearn, to become the holy unburned (smoke from the fire blows through), to stay alive, while walking the red sky (this can only be done, when the blessings allow the holy temple, the buffalo home's four directions we call flesh, to provide protection).  The blessings provide protection, to allow the wind into and out the other door.  This is cleansing you've never seen before.  And it's time you join all the stars (white light of four directions, represented by Grandfather and the Bear, even the star person, color white), and cleansed your own home, the buffalo home that you adore (flesh, refraction of light), now it's time to learn more.  It's the soul, that want's to survive.  The inner darkness, the eternal lie (soul rests, in the heart).  To vision the soul, to offer it a glow (reflection of light).  Bringing harmony to everyone, blessings all under the sun. This is the love we choose.

Now it's time for everyone, to build a bridge from pain to share.  This is brotherhood, just like we should.  It's time for all of us everyone, to bring joy under the sun, to promise the sky, the love's embrace, that provides, a light (from within).

The End

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!

Below is an excerpt from the Third Hoop, "Songs of the Heart" To enter the Third Hoop, you must use your heart to enter, by asking and receiving a blessing from Otherwise, you are welcome to listen at the Fourth Hoop and subscribe to Songs of the Heart from Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy (blog), please visit (hoop entrance) or here (hoop entrance). Blog to access Colors of the Rainbow descriptions, please visit blog
from    White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
date    Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 11:57 AM
subject    Re: [whitebuffalocalfwoman:843] Re: Sharing Vision and Feelings


Starlily (Lily Golden Face, the Golden Warrior Views of brotherhood),

Let's look at what you did.
1. Standing up for yourself. had a hard time saying no to the boss and tenants now I do....I feel much better.
2. I stopped taking on other peoples responsibilities.. thought it was helpful but it was/is not.
3. I understand about standing up for yourself and what stresses it puts on your psyche and in turn your physical (life).

Response from White Buffalo Calf Woman, the Crystal Warrior Views actions of brotherhood.

1.  Saying no may have gotten what you needed.  However if we slightly look at it from a different perspective (bringing it closer to earth). Instead if we demand, that law of love is command.  Unite broken hearts. Which means we tell them what is right, and expect all to follow up what they said. Or do what you say! We need to stand up for them (holy as the mountain), to help them, relative in the wind.  We need love them more than ourselves, move into their hearts, rather than walking away. Get them to walk away first.  Then you are walking with Godly waves.

2. Make others live up to who they are. Like I need to demand some of us be the colors written on the book of life, rather pretending to be other colors and jobs.  We can only do our part and it's written across the heart.  And if we live up to this (soul, darkness of heaven), then we do remember to kiss (unite hearts). Do blessings everyday, and teach others how to pray.  Bring our relatives home, to the golden way (abundance for all, even our hearts), the brotherhood way.

3.  Standing up for other, is what is written in the Torah.  It means we are all relatives (leaves on the tree of life, related), your neighbor (next door) and your friend (helper).  We all belong together, it's called Oneness in the wind.  And if we stand up for them, then we should all win, to be together in every way, to bring harmony so we can pray, and then learn how to play.

We want everyone to come on home with us.  I know Lily Golden Face wants to bring this all to an end, the hate that fills our lives, because others don't think of others or think twice.  We do need to have a sacred view, remembering that they all belong to you.  Related are we to everything, that we need learn to walk right on in, to the heart that needs you this day. To bring warriors who stand up and say.  We love you, and we expect you to bee (dream the impossible dream), who you are, the perfect part, the color in the sky, that learns to harmonize (Rainbow colors, buffalo home, holy temple, flesh).  And if we learned to walk into others hearts, rather than thinking about only ourselves, then we learn to be the seeker who thrives, bringing brotherhood with all our knives (dividing and sharing).  We are warriors who believe, that we are perfect and only need conceive, that you have your job and I'll do mine, then we will all know perfect chime (bells do ring, down evolution's chains). Harmony for yours and mine! (peace of mind)

your devoted servant, says, let us all pray.
white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother sings away...
elder crystal person

ps. Great ideas being passed around, good to see this with everyone.  Sharing is the exchange, we need to make things change. rainbow warriors of prophecy
the third hoop, "songs of the heart"

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 11:21 AM,
Starlily (Lily Golden Face, the Golden Sun) wrote: Hey Tania (Southern Season),
Have you tried juicing your veggies and fruits? refined wheat or sugar, fasting and cleaning out the colon.

I understand about standing up for yourself and what stresses it puts on your psyche and in turn your physical..
I was the same way. I manage a 20 untit historical building and had a hard time saying no to the boss and tenants. Now I do....I feel much better. I stopped taking on other peoples responsibilities...thought it was helpful but it was/is not.

Heart smiles to you and yours and I hope you feel better soon.
Starlily (Lily Golden Face, the Golden Person)
reply-to    Third Hoop "Songs of the Heart"
subject    [whitebuffalocalfwoman:832] Sharing vision and Feelings
On Wed, Jun 30, 2010  Tania Southern Season wrote

Beloved Relatives,
I have had a chat with our Beloved Mother (White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother) yesterday and a lot more became clear to me. Because of that a vision came in my head again. One that I wanne share and tell more about my feelings around it.

That day I saw Jesus coming to me. (Since I was a little kid the figure Jesus had a big impact on me) He was suffering and had his thorn crown on his head. I became mad, really mad and even I knew it was going to hurt me I took the crown from his head and threw it on the floor. Jesus started to laugh and pointed his finger. I had to look to the crown. The crown became a crown of flowers. He did put the crown on my head.

Since I was a kid I felt I came here not for me but for others.  I do not know where that feeling came from. So I started to care for others. I came onto this world and my mom did not had any pain. It was like I was absorbing the pain. No labor pain at all. I was an easy baby. And as soon as my brother came I felt I had to
take care of him. Later I became a bridge between a lot of friends. For some reason I was always with 3.

I stepped into social profit and studied to work with people with a disability. I did that for years, in between my kids came and stopped working as a care person for elder and sick people after I became ill.  It became
really bad working with these people. They felt better afterwards, I felt worse...Twin Deer Mother (White Buffalo Calf Woman) and I talked more about the illness. I feel pain all the time and feel tired a lot. Do not have much energy. I see now that I carry pain from others. I suffer for them. And my pain is worse when people around me are not in balance. When they don't live from the heart.

Because of this situation I learned a lot about emotional pain, mental pain and now I still have to learn about my physical pain. I need to make contact with my temple and ask what it wants. My body might help me to step more into my Path, the Red Way . It shows me my boundaries. Where there is friction, tension around me.

So this vision that I had... Jesus suffered and I took it from his head and it became a crown of flowers and I took it onto me... Now that I know I suffer for others it is easier to carry it... It is not the crown of thorns anymore but a crown of flowers. And now I can start working with it... As a mirror...

Blessings to all
Southern Season,
the green person
Third Hoop "Songs of the Heart"
Blessed Song I give to you, to know the Sacred Blue.  The home that we long to know true, the loving Blue (heart knowing relatives).  Where distance is just a call, when you need all that's water fall (tears) and spring will light up inside your heart to find the blue, red illumination's call (finding your spirit)...aho, may your spirit fly!

- Buffalo Magic Rumble Roar writes: Thank you for sharing your vision and insights, Tania Southern Season.
May I inquire as to the type of illness you are suffering from?  I would love to offer any assistance or reference to help. Buffalo Magic Rumble Roar
- Southern Season writes:  Hi Buffalo Magic Rumble Roar, The box were they put me into or the name they gave it is fibromyalgia...Here in Belgium not recognized at all... But if I look at it. It is a Blessing that I got. I learned already so much from it! I had to change my life 180 degrees. And because of that I had to go inside... What brought me to here eventually! So yes it is a Big Blessing! Southern Season
- Buffalo Magic Rumble Roar writes:  I feel thankful when I see how positive your outlook is. :) Buffalo Magic
- Southern Season writes: Hello TSS' Starlilly (Lilly Golden Face) here, I also am working on this fibrimyalgia thing..what seems to help is; one bite of black licorice per day or black Licorice root, sun on your eye lids daily, multiple vitamins and minerals daily, adreanal support, B-5 panthonec acid, sberian ginsing, vitamin c, massage it helps.

- Buffalo Magic Rumble Roar writes:  Thank you for sharing your vision and insights, Tania Southern Season. May I inquire as to the type of illness you are suffering from?  I would love to offer any assistance or reference to help. Buffalo Magic Rumble Roar
- Southern Season writes:  Hi Starlilly! I get a drip every two weeks with vitamines in it and other immune building things. Daily walks (being outside) is a must and I get energy from the garden... If the energy around me is too tight I get out and spent time over there... Stand my ground is also important.  For years serving others without getting something back drained me totally. People tend to do that with me because I did not stood ground.  So I just kept on going without taking care of my body...Osteopath treatments is also needed. My husband said today he is going to bring ginsing from work! I use also some alternative medicine... Like homeopathic stuff.

- Buffalo Magic Rumble Roar writes:  As far as adrenal support goes, one tip would be to not unduly stress the adrenals.  Excess fat in the diet causes adrenal fatigue, ultimately leading to diabetes.  Vitamins and minerals are most abundantly found in fresh fruits and vegetables.  They are also in complete form and intact with their symbiotic relationships.  I strongly caution against the use of man-made, isolated vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C is abundant in most fruits. Buffalo Magic

- Cup of God writes: Beloved Southern Season, What a beautiful insight you have. I wish you all the best - of course much health and at least no physical pain. Blessed be *** Cup of God

- Southern Season writes:  Hi Buffalo Magic; For now my body doesn't take anything out of my food. I need to bring it in straight into my bloodstream for now. Until  my body gets better. I do need to work on more fresh food and more fruit. Am working on that. Some days it goes really well, other days it goes a bit worse.
Am already aware of it and that is the first step..

- Buffalo Magic Rumble Roar writes:  You sound like you are taking response-ability for your health.  My thoughts and prayers are with you. Buffalo Magic

- Southern Season writes and White Buffalo Calf Woman responds inline cw:
Hi Beloved Mother (White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother),
cw:  Greetings Southern Season, the Wind that Blows, our Song of Heaven,

Just to get some things clear...Is it... that's why I find it difficult to say no to people?  If they ask me something? There is a difference I guess between "just do what they ask" and "do what they ask if that doing, doesn't take away their own power".  In that way it is better to say no isn't it?

cw:  Sounds convoluted like a snake who brings the law of love, along the red road. However, let's simplify this, shall we. You don't say no to others, not ever do you stop helping others.  Love is an exchange.  When the exchange doesn't occur, the one who walks the path of love, usually suffers.  This is love. This is why we are told not to judge.  This right only belongs to Holiness, the lavender people, because they are pure light, birth of light, the purified fire of love, the red brilliance of a sun.

But now things are changing.  We need walk into another heart who beckons.  When they don't exchange what's needed, you stand your ground and think twice.  Did they want to be part of the clan.  Do they pull their own weight somewhere?  These are what we need, to be part of something, we call God (oneness, a tribe).  

Alright, let's simplify and think twice. We don't judge others. We validate to hear their hearts, to unite.  This is the law of love. We stand our ground and demand what you feel you need to please, even if it means your life.  Speak your heart, tell your part, and make them listen to you.  If they walk away from your space, remember you can only bless them until they return.  But you have not said no.  You have given all you could.  You did stand your ground.  And they backed off.  And even then we blessed in the wind, hoping someday they return, but law of love will stand the ground again. We are the holy wind.

Then when one knows their power, to send love, along the Red Road, we send our swelling hearts, to bless them towards the fall, the humble bow of the sacred rainbow, the blessings, the prayers that bring them home! 

On the other hand I did everything alone for a long time. Saying that  I had to do it alone in order to be strong.  Now I see my strength will be in asking people to take care of me. It is sooooo difficult to do for me.  The asking part is so difficult because I created a pattern of doing everything all by myself.  Have to find everything by myself.

I start to see in asking people to help me there is an act of love. I know what it is, I know how it feels to help another person and how it gives satisfaction and still I am not able to let someone in and help me.

That is the lesson that I get right now. My mom asked to iron for me. She demanded and it was so difficult to give it to her. Because I wanne do it alone. My body says give it give it and made me feel even more tired. :-)

I need to listen more and surrender more to what comes in life. If help is offered why should I refuse to take it??? Stubborn me!!!! :) :)

So standing ground does not mean stand up for yourself but stand up for what you are, your path... The Red Road . Standing up for love... Is that right?

Blessed Be, Southern Season

 Fire Purification
 Below is the Original Google Chat between Tania Southern Season and White Buffalo Calf Woman 

from    Tania Southern Season to white buffalo calf woman, your Twin Deer Mother

date    Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 1:28 AM
subject    Chat with Tania Southern Season, our Song of Heaven

Tania Southern Season: Blessings to you beloved Mother
cw:  Blessings  Did you have a question? posting your rainbow bridge poem right now. 

Tania Southern Season: I am trying to find out who I am trough the song blessing and the other information I am going to ask questions to the hoop.
cw: Did you have a question? I am here now. 

Tania Southern Season: I felt before I belong to the people but did not find out yet in what way what I am doing here a person who give myself 100% to others but then I became ill, so am asking myself what I did 'wrong'  
cw:  yes, is this your question? 

Tania Southern Season:  yes
 me: giving is what we do when we love.  And when we love, we follow the red road. The crowned ones belong to the people, like you and me.  This means we feel the heart and flesh of their world. We become their suffering. We are their pain and sorrow. We belong to the people.

Tania Southern Season: so the pain that I feel is from the people
cw:  This is why they need take care of us, then they feel better in the whole of the world. You are also the crown of the red color Red is the color of the law. Law of love. Red Road,  physical world, suffering for love, loving others who do not know how to love themselves.

Tania Southern Season: so it fits... The illness that I have is for the people. I did not do anything 'wrong'
cw: What you did was not wrong, but perfect. Now you understand, it has much meaning. But while going through it, it's no fun at all.
Tania Southern Season: I take it onto me because I can handle I can feel so much love  I cannot describe  if I open my heart
cw: Yes, the greatness and power of the law of red wave, like a tsunami, the wave below the wave

Tania Southern Season: people are afraid of it when I show myself
cw:  Too bad, you do not walk alone. Get used to it. Use your power. Now it's time to find your greatness, to use your power. I will love you and I will force you even walking the right way, watch me show you how to swell the wave of love. This is you.

Tania Southern Season: it is like they wanne put me down. Especially with this illness. They do not want to recognize that I cannot work a lot in the physical world but am working on other levels
cw: You are the law itself, the one who walks the beat, tribal police.. Tell others, walk right, then I can feel better.  You act loving, then I can feel loving.  I'm sorry you don't have relatives around you, but those who are around you are those who gift you what you need. Another thing about red is that it attracts lessons. This is a collision course. We in an evolutionary state are on this path.
Tania Southern Season: yes I experience a lot of lessons
cw:  Destruction to avert dangerousness, towards peace.
Tania Southern Season: am I also a crystal person?
cw: No you are not a crystal person, but often a crystal person represents a perfect body, the world of flesh. I can see what you feel, because you are the law that the crystal person brings. Crystal is a color, like green or red. Crystal overlays have no crown. Crystal people all wear crowns. Red people don't all wear crowns. Red overlays some wear crowns and others don't. Crystal person is often represented by physical structure our buffalo home or rainbow colors. Indigo is often represented by soul structure our inner heart or wind of the rainbow colors.

cw:  You are Green, the reflective crystal. crystal shines light and color divides. green as the reflective crystal, shines light and colors collide into one stream or river.

Tania Southern Season: I always said I wanne be like the moon. Because people can't look straight into sunlight but they can see the light from the moon. The reflecting sunlight.
You, red overlay crown, make sure what I, crystal crown, bring to the people is done. You enforce, law of love, red wave. Oh that's a nice way to see it, the shadows into the valleys, the green grass home. 
Tania Southern Season: so am the bridge between both have always been the bridging factor between a lot of people because I can feel them all. But now it is also being a bridge for Heaven and Earth
cw:   More like a bridge-way between lower heaven and earth. The green river flowing is not a bridge, but embrace. This is the job of the green person to embrace what is separated and make them oneness. Divided into one river flowing. 

Tania Southern Season: ok ... Embrace all that is
cw:   The red is lowest of earth, the wave between the lower realm of heaven we often call hell, the medicine people and earthly walk of the sacred want. Green yes, embrace all that is as Oneness.
Tania Southern Season: is it because of that that I do see monsters, reptilians. I had a vision ones. I came into a room full of reptilian beings.  They were angry that I saw them.
cw:  Yes, ancestors. 

Tania Southern Season: I opened my heart
cw:   Oh too bad for them.  Yes.
Tania Southern Season: and I started to turn
cw:   yes,
Tania Southern Season: purple energy wave floated around me like a tornado
cw:   wow. 
Tania Southern Season: their mouth opened up they could not understand then they took me by the shoulder and showed me a room full of tv's  
cw:  violet and lavender is the law of love, in motion.  yes.
Tania Southern Season: and showed me how they stepped into others live give them lessons food for them, lessons for   a way to talk with you as the mouth opened.  oh how interesting. like we are all on a time line,
Tania Southern Season: all is now, it is not linear, I saw it once 
cw:   too waves both directions at same time.  This is what their perspective is, yes, I understand
Tania Southern Season: I can tap into other lives now like it happens at the same time
cw:   yes, where I have a delayed motion in dark space, you are the light of the red wave 

Tania Southern Season: am happy that I found you and relatives not much people do understand me
cw:   the physical entity comes from the western shore, where the seed of the red illumination brings light towards the world. I am happy too, to have welcomed you home. Many are starting to remember. I would like to move you to the second hoop, where we can discuss more daily events and how to handle them. We have about 6 persons who will be joining soon.
Tania Southern Season: Thank you! I have so much to tell
cw:   Yes, and we need to help each other. The more you and others know from the second hoops, then you can assist others coming in. I have so many emails I can't keep up with it all. And really need others understanding how to be yourself. We must just allow love to rule. You will make sure it happens. If you have any problem, then you come to me directly. But none should really question you, but this is what you will be learning to become the power within you. Heart Walk, Buffalo Magic Rumble Roar and others will be joining us there. 

Tania Southern Season: I do need a lot to learn. and am happy to do that. I still need to remember a lot.
cw:   The most important thing to remember is that your soul is in charge, that's your heaven. Trust your heaven, when in question, do your blessings.
Tania Southern Season: white willow feels like a brother to me. I do feel connection.  ok!
cw:   use the fire ceremony, bless all your waters. 

Tania: that is what I felt lately. Have to give up my will and live according to soul. Trust heaven
cw:  Yes, he carries red robe. Red, Magenta, Lavender, Rainbow all carry the Red Robe. He is Magenta, White Willow.  Your soul is eternal. It carries all knowledge.
Tania Southern Season: yes,   have been studying emotions and thoughts the last years, feeling, experiencing, watching, observing in order to let soul in
cw:  Silent colossal, gigantic wave. Greatness! 

Tania Southern Season:: Thank You
cw:   you are welcome, how about a song for your now. 

Tania Southern Season: I do have the feeling my live will change in a major way
cw:   Where do you live?
Tania Southern Season: Belgium
cw:   Holiness asked. He is drumming for you now. 

Tania Southern Season: chaotic country right now but necessary. (Holiness David later asked about this, and I had asked him to write to her on this subject.)cw:   A song for you? 

Tania: thank you.   Yes
cw:  Okay, we are ready

1:26 AM Tania: Thank you both!  My heart responded am a bit dizzy now :)
1:28 AM me: You are okay, if so. Aho (may your spirit fly) and good night over here!

Tania: Good night! Here it is 10.30 am :)
cw:  1:29 am, good morning then.
1:30 AM PST Tania Southern Season: Thank you and blessings to you both...

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Hoop 4

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THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

We are Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever. There is "No way out", "only a Way In" .... this is the sacred circle of our collective dreams. We are learning to walk towards!

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, iyeshka (interpreter) and akicita (law bringer), crystal (christal/pearl/diamond/red-red), yellow, green, gray (red-green).

Holy buffalo hide (prayer cloth or holy temple called you) reveals the four sacred directions that heal.

Thank you for all your Thrills. Shout out to hit the Nails. We are building a house where all are welcome on the rolling hills. White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings »

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptse San Wi Yan), your Twin Deer Mother, has come home to your hearts. It's time to walk the evolution's path. We all are part of the Rainbow Clan, my relatives each and everyone. Receive the treasures that your iyes(h)ka (interpreter) gifts to you, the sacred song blessings, that always are true (soul and voice of the song). And inside of you, the soul that comes alive, the prayers that live, and shout, "I am and I thrive!"

Life is a Roller Coaster and Now I'm on a ride, over rolling hills again, and back to the place where I collide (dark and light). Heaven (dark) and Earth (light) come home to me and we will be getting along, where the sunset returns again, the place I call my home. Star is born, the light does shine, every single morn, and I have to open my heart, so I can get along. There is a kingdom out there, the place of paradise, and we are going home right now, if we can only collide (dark and light). Be my heart and walk with me, be the rising sun (Morning Star), have the place of wonder in the wishing land. Singing to your heart, White Buffalo Calf Woman is finally home at last! Ask for blessings, come receive the greatest you have known, there is promise everywhere, just you look and sea, the heart of wisdom knows the place, the heart that can conceive.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

About Jeff (meaning peace) [He is the Singular (mission) father (leading) that goes around town (evolution's call to the circle of life). We call him the Golden Light of Sound, he is the chosen one, to view the world, but he needs to come home to call. There he will find a home where all will know his knives (sharing and dividing). Without a place to trumpet, he does not have a home. He longs to find a home where all can find a lid (roof, sanctuary, green grass home). Jeff Golden Light of Sound is the House of Cones (light reflection in evolution), the blossom, that reigns forth. Don't be alarmed, he should go away. But be sure his heart will stay. He is the bishop to your pawn (blessing you). You can rise up to his call. Blow billows of sunshine in the air. He will be standing in the streams so fair.]

Jeff Golden Light of Sound said, "I dreamed of the White Buffalo Calf Woman, she pointed to her heart and Buffaloes of all colors formed a circle, the White Buffalo went to the heart and all other Buffaloes followed."

White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets: The heart is the path into heaven, where our souls do hide. We all belong to the Circle of Oneness, the Rainbow Clan. For we are all related and of God. A Buffalo represents the tools of light, in four rainbow colors, to assist your heavenly mission (heavenly name). This is our holy temple, our flesh, the Buffalo Home. White Buffaloes are like the stars, those who shine, united four roads, the blue, red, yellow, then white, the star. Grandfather light (white person, in their tools of light, rainbow directions) naturally shines like this, the white light of unity, who is humble, and bows like the Rainbow to receive blessings. The rest of us, must learn to walk this humble path, to shine like stars. These are the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy who unite! A White Buffalo is the Star of Heaven, who shines upon Earth, walking and talking (wakan tankan, the Great Spirit Within) the united four roads. These are the White Buffaloes who are able to walk through the door of heaven, the crystalline heart of White Buffalo Calf Woman, to greet thyself (mirror to the soul, the heart of the crystal person), the soul seeking a way out, to illuminate and shout, to be validated, for who I am! The Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, learning to become the White Buffaloes (stars of heaven, that shine), begin the Great Migration home. We enter the Third Phase of Evolution, the yellow rolling hill in time (dawning of brotherhood), where dreams do come true. Heaven and Earth, Welcome Home!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings: When pointing to the heart, the direction that imparts, the wisdom of the path of the inner light. Here we are many rainbow colors, all part of the same vision of the sacred circle of life. We are relatives, who need to come home twice. Once in the flesh (red road), and once in the soul (blue road), then we know, that we have binded (bound) our whole. When we follow the path of the heart and the soul, all other buffaloes will flow, for rainbows of latter (ancestors), the buffalo homes that have been shattered (separated and divided), will carry us home, to a brand new day, when we look for the heart that leads the day (to flow together, as one shining river).

The tools of light, do shine, like the holy temple of the mind, the flesh that does hold a soul inside. We call the tools of light, the buffalo home. For it's four sacred directions, that gift to us eight directions, the four colors then reflection, to gift our lights. Then we are the Rainbow Colors, the clan that does show reason, when we understand, that we belong to each others, by demand. For it's God's children, we hold the upper hand, for it's sacred in here, where the buffalo steer, the trembling of the hooves who do gallop away. We are here to lead the great migration day.

The circle of buffalo were the sacred rainbow colors, parts each of us, to be whole again, when we join together, in the wind. And as we join together, we follow the fortunate weather, it's inward, the heavenly route, the soul that flies, all inside. And heaven is what leads us, where all buffalo do feed us, to go home again. To feel the wind again. We are going home. To be under the sun.

And it's time for us to gather, to listen to our hearts talk. To walk the path of righteousness in the wind. And when it's all over, we will journey together, the path of love, the holy days, of eternity. Oh blessed bee, let us dream together and be free. Rejoice, Rejoice, the Green Grass Grows!


THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever.
No way out, only a way in .... this is the sacred circle.

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child (crystal/christal/pearl/diamond)
crystal, yellow, green, gray (holy buffalo hide reveals)

White Buffalo Calf Woman public figure (Facebook)