For Your Fire, Pipe, Blessing Ceremony

The Blessing of the Nine Directions
To the East and the West. To the north and the south. To the up and the down, to the sacred all around. To the heartbeat and Breath, I gift all my sacredness. I receive all my life for thee. I shall be forever in the breeze.
peacefulYour Heart Song
I shall sing. I shall sing upon Mountain Tops. I shall be. Glory for thee. And I shall be the loving breeze.

Sacred Dew

Four Sacred Directions In Thee!

Relatives, "Ask for your colors you can believe all the rainbow you can receive, the sacred garment of lights that lead, the spreading sheets of leaves. Here the way is clear to be, the loving and sacred tree. Take to your heart all that you believe and come and fly with me! In other words, ask and you shall receive your four sacred colors." says, White Buffalo Calf Woman who Sings for you, your Twin Deer Mother and additional Sacred Song Blessings and We Bless You

Come receive your Sacred Song Blessings, ask for your blessings and receive, the greatest treasure you could conceive, the soul that needs to be true, when one is validated in you. The treasure is you!

Buffalo Robe Requests

  • Golden Katy Keel
  • Rainbow Cecilia Ann Zoby
  • Indigo Child (indigocrystalchildren circle google+)

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Reader June 2012

Songs for the Ghost Dance
Grandmother Comfort in the Wind at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 20 hours ago
* **Tap tap tap, just listen to that! It is little feet at play, bringing in the sacred rays. The little ghost that has hidden for so long, call her out my love, let her sing her new song. Bring in the joy, bring in the games, bring in the fire that cleans up all the shame. It has been so many years, we have forgotten in all our tears, that this is for what we have always longed, that this sacred soul is to whom we do belong. God help us to tap tap tap, let us all know just how to place our feet, bring us round again and we shall all be holy and pure, love unending without sor... more »

Pretender, Don't You Want to Fly?

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 1 day ago
Red cross the Blue, Yellow Hues. Let your dreams come true!*Pretender, don't you want to be free, living inside of harmony?* * * [image: MySpace] [image: Facebook] [image: Twitter] [image: Digg] [image:] 06112012_Pretender.mp3 * * *Relatives of the Rainbow,* today's song in the wind. Enjoy, sometimes hard to hear. Sometimes what to arrears, but always part of the cheer. We bow and bless the sacred nine directions. Your devoted servants, *White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star Drums*, ... more »

Window of Love Seas Children of the Stars

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at WARRIORS OF HEAVEN - 1 day ago
Drum begins with Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star your Father Red Hand *White Buffalo Calf Woman:* Your name is? *Window of Love:* I am called the *Window of Love*, I bring to the heart full of doves. Peace to you and all my enemies, because I know heaven is bowing on our knees. Today I ask for a Sacred Song Blessings. I have brought a gift for you. A hand crafted box, I hope you will enjoy it (about 5 in" by 4in" by 6", lid slides off, exposing a chamber, carved wood ornate design, a box by the bed, small keep-sake box). Thank you *Holiness Running Eagle*, I bow to the ... more »

Rise Up and Take Hold of Your Destiny

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 1 day ago
Photo of water sparkling by Grandmother Comfort in the Wind, but imagine standing before a night sky full of stars, a sea of diamonds!*Rise up and take hold of your destiny. Gift away your heart and you will find the leaves. Forgive those who trespass against you, they know not what they dew, because love has not imbued. How about you gift your love away, teach those who only know to portray, separation and running away, that's not what real says. Come stand next to me, then I can rise up. Come stand next me, then I can say my heart stuff. Come stand next to me, I will feel your str... more »

Thunder Feel My Feet

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 days ago
Underwater Lava River*Whay whay, whay ho ho whay. Thunder feel my feet whooh. Thunder feel it deep whooh. Down in the river where the lava flows in me, I am here gifting to please (down deep red road). Where my heart lifts the world. And over the song I am filled. Glory to the mountain rising in the air. I want the waters to find my glory out hear. Whoah, whoah, whay............y. Whoah, whoah, whay..................y. And now I am calling to the birds taht are falling, it's time to live our lives into the winds down in my feet I begin.* * * *Where I flow my heart does wave. Down i... more »

Strength of Angels Circle Prayer

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at We Bless You - 4 days ago
*For You all my Children, * * * *I bless this food we are about to share, to break bread and dare to consume the life that gifted to us twice, the flesh to live our lives. I am devoted to all the sacred, the divided lands we share. Can all the children find happiness, instead of always finding glare. Give me true my little children of a view, the sunshine in their smile. I gift my heart to you awhile, because you are my child. And as we bow our heads today, in grateful gratitude, we the devoted children, long to embrace and please. Thank you for all you gift to the world, each rainb... more »

Face Painting Colors

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Rainbow Streams - 6 days ago
*COLORS While early 19th century Seminoles would paint their face and hands for special occasions, this practice was no longer done in public by the late 19th century. Note that it was done on special occasions only, to augment one's appearance and power. All face painting should be done sparingly, and with high regard for the occasion. It might not be out of place at a battle re-enactment or for a serious ceremony, but would be entirely inappropriate for an encampment or for a casual demonstration. A reenactor would be misplaced if he painted himself while he lounged around camp, ... more »

Heaven's On Her Path With Crane Wings At Last

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 1 week ago
*"I bow and bless the nine directions. I take the breath from the pipe for holy smoke to rise. Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star is beating the drum tonight"* says, White Buffalo Calf Woman. *Here we flow down the road, into heaven it's snowing on the boards. Up and down on the sad roaming hills, I have much to share, just have to fill. Where I go to the show of heaven's reign, it's a whisper of love that I gain. Come and whisper heaven's on her path, the place of magic the garden will last. Thank you for all we say and dew, the place of miracles that come true. I think he... more »

Bow to the Holy Arc of Heaven

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 1 week ago
*Today I come to grieve my heart to bow to the holy arc. Heaven help me to understand, the perils of human man. Can we notice miracles dew shine, when our hearts learn to bind. But all the wisdom does turn out to sea, all the hearts inside of man who lives for liberty. Come dance with me, upon the wishing well breeze.* * * *Today, I come to rain, upon the window pane. I can sea clearly please, on my knees. There is time to play, just make room today. Find a will to dance, because holy is in a prance. Dance with the beat, inside your heart sow sweet. Devotion come out of me, to rise u... more »

Give Me Humble Blessings

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 weeks ago
*Give me humble blessings, to give my heart a demand. I will show you true love the path of the single dove (i will fly to you, where ever you are). Come brave soldier, come into the fairy land, where magic is a true heart that stands. And like a mountain grieving, the soul needs to leap with faith, to bow down to the valley, where all is planted with the grapes (blossoming fruit on a vine, we are intertwined). * * * *We are mighty children, when we remember the soul within. We shall be like ghosts, the holy place of sins (relativity of dream space). But as we learn to cleanse our ... more 

Circle Prayer by Thunder Horn, Dakota Brother

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at We Bless You - 2 weeks ago
*I bow my head for smoke to rise to purify my eyes. I give my heart for all to start, the rainbow colors disguise (four sacred directions we call the hide/skin). And there we blend together again, one circle one tribe. I bless the children who learn to swim and dive into heavenly eyes. I bow my head for all to see about the dream we share for liberty. Ho-hay **(miracle grow, dream descend with the seed of life) **under way. Ho-hay (miracle grow) here we sail into the winds of time. In the heart that smiles. Whoa-chee hay-mee-hoh (the river flows, the grass will grow) the sun is ri... more »

Google Page for Alightfromwithin.Org

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at ALightFromWithin.Org Presents - 2 weeks ago Manage Pages Webmaster Tools *A light from within, is the sacred dance of the eternal wind. It brings judgment, to the valleys, where the shadows learn to sing. Human blessings, will ensure that we take care of everything under the sun. And those who follow the heavenly kingdom, we shall walk into fertile grounds. Over rolling hills we do flow, where the sunshine will... more »

Alightfromwithin.Org Give-A-Way Hoops

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at ALightFromWithin.Org Presents - 2 weeks ago
** *A light from within, is the sacred dance of the eternal wind. It brings judgment, to the valleys, where the shadows learn to sing. Human blessings, will ensure that we take care of everything under the sun. And those who follow the heavenly kingdom, we shall walk into fertile grounds. Over rolling hills we do flow, where the sunshine will be within our hearts, and even if weare blind,we will follow with faith and wisdom, the soul that knows and I will oblige, to be the heart that survives. Inside of my heart lives a fellow, that is greatness, beyond compare. And we are going to b... more »

The Gospel of the Hebrews

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Rainbow Clan With Red Man Leading the Way, Pushing the Door Open to the Soul Today!! - 2 weeks ago
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 8:06 PM, Grandmother on the Hill wrote: white buffalo calf woman, a song for you so true. *"He who seeks will* * not give up until he finds;* * and having found,* *he will marvel;* * and having marveled,* * he will reign;* * and having reigned,* * he will rest."* The Gospel of the Hebrews Grandmother on the Hill blessings and bows On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 5:45 PM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother wrote: *Aiyo (in the valley) Grandmother Upon the Hill,* *and the hoops know where to go, four directions around the sound, swoop ..... it's down (ano... more »

Love Blossoms in Thine Heart

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 weeks ago
*Love blossoms in thine heart.* * * *I've lost my heart to someone.* *I've found my happiness my dream.* *A bond that touches my heart. Drawn to me.* *Closer to thee, closer to you. * * * *God. Closer to you, you set me free.* * * *Intoxicating are you, the whole new world you bring. Nature rejoicing. Nature does sing. * * * *Come universe be so kind, shine, sow divine. * *Feelings for you, drawing me to you. Closer to you.* * * *God fill me with your love. * *Closer to you, my soul lingers to the truth. * *Love is there to bind.* *Laughter is our identity.* * * *Rainbow Warriors of Prop... more »

The Clouds That Dance (New Moon Ghost Walk)

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 weeks ago
Gather around a mountain (sacred circle, all around). Look to touch the sky (fly with the rainbow colors). Know in your heart there is wisdom, the caring and open wide. Come sisters bring your shoulders (cry near, sisterhood embraces all). Come brothers bring your swords (cry far, brotherhood protects all). WE will be one family. We will stand among all the leaves (relatives of heavenly blue road, the soul within wants to be set free). We will sail to the freedom reign, heavens come home again. There is a sea, a bounty of love, where we gather to know God's heavenly doves (gatheri... more »

Paint the Bullet Many Splendid Colors

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 weeks ago
*(talking) Imagine painting the world with color. Imagine singing out praise to this world. Don't you think it would come back to you as observed. This is the conclusion, that it's a reunion of what we need to reorganize in our thought waves. We are like (paint) guns with a trigger, which needs to blow out the right way. Sow I send to you in color all the majestic breeze (bullets of color). I send to you in color, the wonder of every k/nee/d. I know there is a conclusion, but it's not the magic wave. And if you think it's a bounty, then you know it's coming back your way. Just beca... more »

Listen to a Story Children, That Was Written Long Ago

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 weeks ago
*Listen to a story children, that was written long ago, by a master of the design fields. Come my children hold my hand. Listen to a story children, that was written long ago, by the waves of masters says, the written law was made. Come my children hold my hand now, we will go to where it began, upon a story that was written to hold us to the miracles of a band. Listen to the music, that lives in the air. Listen to the music, to bring our hearts sow fair. Listen to the heartache, the squeaking clean does reign, let my window pane be filled with glory, flowers and shane ("God is gr... more »

Rainbows Grow From the Fire of Love I Adore

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 4 weeks ago
*Rainbow Children come to me, to share the heart of harmony. Come my children raise your hands, there we will be a place to better understand. Love is coming to bow in the winds, showing us the waves again. We look at rainbows promise to thee, we have to make our hearts fly with liberty. Sing praises. Sing praises, my heart knows the way. Sing praises. Sing praises, my soul is longing to display. Sing praises. Sing praises, I'm going to the land of love. Sing praises. Sing praises, my holy brethren rule like doves.`````````````` * ** *And each and every rainbow sings, how wonderful ... more »

Listen to the Wind

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 4 weeks ago
* * [image: MySpace] [image: Facebook] [image: Twitter] [image: Digg] [image:] 05122012_ListenToTheWind.mp3 White Buffalo Calf Woman flutes and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums. *Relatives*, we bless and pray for all your days. Long live the heart of the world, where the winds have sails to soar. Aho and may your spirit fly, your devoted servants, White Buffalo Calf Woman and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, elders of the hoops with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy * * * * *... more »

Yes, Heaven Loves Me

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 4 weeks ago
*Hear I come to leap my soul to linger on to onwards know (I am listening to the winds), the place within does make me shine, love and laughter is sublime. Yes, heaven loves me, deerly (journey) I sea (envision). Yes Heaven loves me, open all my heart to bee (dreaming impossible dreams). Can you sense a heart so full, the place upon my world in view. I seek a hand of destiny, to hear what you know this day (tell me your story). Give to me a shuttered sound (singing in front of a fan, tweeting like a bird, reverberation), the kind that makes me go round and round, to be the place my... more »

Beauty Inside, Look and Smile

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 4 weeks ago
"Overcome Your Fears" by William Washburn*Rhythm and rhyme. Come into my heart to chime. Let me feel the waves of time cross over me. I come to bow and praise, but others seem to turn away. How can I find my path, if others don't look to last. Within my soul I keep, the treasures oh sow deep. I want to share with you, the rushing of the view. Come into me sunshine find me liberty/glee. Come into me and help me feel the breeze. Hold my hand and you will know the reasons why. Heal my soul, just because I know you are wise.* * * *There is a beauty inside of you gushing forth. I just wan... more »

Inside of You a Soul Rises Up

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 4 weeks ago
**Twin Peaks*Take a partner (the feminine principle, the soul that feels). It's inside of you (your soul on the heavenly blue road). Take a partner to help you choose (listen to your heart). The soul inside you come out to play. There is a judgement from yesterday (you have not forgiven yet). Bow down to grace and loving hands, then you will know just how to understand. * * * *Come into my heart and leap with love. Come into my heart and feel the dove (flocking together). Gather with the souls of men. The blue road (true blue) is on the waves (crystalline stone river) again. Sooner o... more »

Dancing Clouds in the Mighty Seas

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 5 weeks ago
Fill the heartbeat up today, lift my soul to portray, God is full of loving waves, come into the place we pray. Sacred wisdom find my heart. I want to share with you a holy ark. We are witness to the salvation of time, awakening to the sacred rhyme. Sing music from your heart, the way you know the peaceful arc. Sing wisdom from your heart, ages and ages, come sailing to dew their part. My soul is awakening true and blue, just like humanity, they are knew. It's beginning to look like time well spent, the making of heaven and earth in lent (awakened). We rise up from our darkened so... more »

Grandmother Missionary Steams

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 5 weeks ago
** *Come and be faithful in this place, My heart is grateful for your human face, but I can see and feel the world. There are spirits living inside of this chill. And when the heat rises up to seek. loyal and those who were gentle and meek come hold our hands, we are going to a place that understands. Share your heartbeat with me child. Listen to the roar of your smile and comes sweet, melody. And all you share with this world for awhile. Come and fill this heart with your smile and come glean on me. Fill this tree.* * **There we shall be one river shining for all the sea. And tender... more »

Dancing Tree Spirits

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Dreams and Visions - 5 weeks ago
[image: Watermelon_vine Pictures, Images and Photos] "Trees have from time immemorial been closely associated with magic. These stout members of the vegetable kingdom may stand for as long as a thousand years, and tower far above our mortal heads. As such they are symbols and keepers of unlimited power, longevity, and timelessness. An untouched forest, studded with trees of all ages, sizes and types, is more than a mysterious, magical place - it is one of the energy reservoirs of nature. Within its boundaries stand ancient and new sentinels, guardians of the universal force which ha... more »

Sky Tore Apart, Heaven Come Appeased

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Dreams and Visions - 5 weeks ago
the red arms of the cross mean the strength of a warrior i dont need secured mail servers From: Grandmother Upon the Hill Date: Thu, May 3, 2012 at 6:20 PM Subject: a gift that shines in vision To: dear white buffalo calf woman , i send my blessings to you and your's a song of knowing i share for you this is the one vision you look for so, a gift you ask of me,? yes ,i bless the sacred nine directions and bow to the truth ok i will gift to you my vision, share with the children what does it mean? when the sky tore apart i was ... more »

Spirits of the Fire

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 5 weeks ago
*Greetings Relatives,* * * Yesterday we gathered together with Thunder Roaring Stream (yellow child, Father), Melody Many Ghosts (orange child, Mother), Gabriel (blue child), Dylan (yellow child) and Italy (red child). This is White Buffalo Calf Woman (crystal child) who joined also with Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star (lavender child) to do this Sacred Song Blessings for the Spirits of the Fire. We hope you enjoy listening to it. While I was singing, I had a vision of a lava path. And each molecule was a fire full of magic just wanting to get out to share the world aroun... more »

Singing With Angels

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 5 weeks ago
*Singing With Angels* * * White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star Drums * * * * *Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy* *Pray With Elders around the World* *Sacred Song Blessings Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy* *Crystal (flesh) Indigo (soul) Children (dream) ** * *Learn Warrior Skills with the Peaceful Wisdom Prayer!* *My computer is protected* *Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a... more »

Ark of the Covenant, Promise of the Rainbow
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 5 weeks ago
*(Sound file below lyrics, start, listen and read along)* * * *Paint a picture in the sky. Show me how I'm going to know the willing and wise. Paint the picture in the sky. I'm here to know, how to bow and be wise. Bow to be true. The clouds are imbued. Love is the place in time we know. Grab your partner, the soul inside you, bring it out to the world to show surprise. * * * *I will bow with you this day. Each a rainbow color displayed. I will be with you this ray. Ark/arc of the covenant, dew (cling to) display. Holy smoke arises as steam bringing our hearts for all to gleam. We're ... more »
Grandmother Missionary Steams
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 5 weeks ago
** ** *Come and be faithful in this place, My heart is grateful for your human face, but I can see and feel the world. There are spirits living inside of this chill. And when the heat rises up to seek. loyal and those who were gentle and meek come hold our hands, we are going to a place that understands. Share your heartbeat with me child. Listen to the roar of your smile and comes sweet, melody. And all you share with this world for awhile. Come and fill this heart with yoru smile and come glean on me. Fill this tree.* * * *There we shall be one river shining for all the sea. And te... more »

You Are Part of This Journey and Great dream
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 1 month ago
** *Whisper to me and to you, inside my heart is the (true) blue. Come capture me and fly away. There we will be happy to play. Sea shore to breeze, my heart will need to be filled with love all the waves. And I will be free, because you are near me, come hold me closer to fulfill. Rapture me with your love. Come greatness and gratitude like a dove. Sailing on over with the twigs (doves carry over the ocean journey to rest upon) of life like clover (the four directions), the sailing seas (wind blowing free), where I want to be, sitting and singing close to thee.* * * *"Have and to ha... more »

Ghost Walk Song of the New Moon April 21, 2012

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 1 month ago
*Carry on for me in the light that's in need, come and breath with me in the dark. Let us light a spark divine shards delight. Come and bring our hearts delight. Let us do the Ghost Walk. Let us do the Ghost Walk. Carry on forever yarns, it's the strands of life. We inside the souls that command the lives of all that gifts a spark (a light from within), the Ghost Dance, spark my soul to romance.* * * *See you told, the ever bold, for the soul to rise in the wind. When it's dark and dank (needs purified), all we need to do is sank (bow down), down below inside where it's heavenly d... more »
Sacred Sage and Feather Blessings Give-a-Way!
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at ALightFromWithin.Org Presents - 1 month ago
Blessings to all my Relatives, Let me show you how it's done, just roll up your arms and dive on in, with open arms and a warm smile, you will be okay in awhile. I am Grandmother Comfort in the Wind and I am here to share our souls again. Once we walked and shared our heart. Now it's time for us to begin this walk and impart. Share your story with the heaven sent. Share your heart where ever you went. Share with the world, prophecy has arrived. It's time for us to say good night. Dream and think of me holding you when you need, for I will rock you to bed to sleep. Dream of far off... more »
Whispering of a Display Shows Us as Bright Beauties
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 1 month ago
*Sunlight says about Whispering of a Display,* "*Her beauty is untold, but her heart is of gold. She brings many sought after treasures to share. I deem them quite rare. She wishes to receive a song, to help her get along. Her place within the stars have been told, but her life is never the less much more bold."* A Sacred Song Blessings for an Elder Whispering of a Display. ** * * *She sings melodies in the wind. To show the world we are to begin. Come leap into heaven that sings. You will find the melody rings. All aboard, that action for a ride. We are going sailing to the heaven... more »
Listen to a Story Children, That Was Written Long Ago
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 months ago
*Listen to a story children, that was written long ago, by a master of the design fields. Come my children hold my hand. Listen to a story children, that was written long ago, by the waves of masters says, the written law was made. Come my children hold my hand now, we will go to where it began, upon a story that was written to hold us to the miracles of a band. Listen to the music, that lives in the air. Listen to the music, to bring our hearts sow fair. Listen to the heartache, the squeaking clean does reign, let my window pane be filled with glory, flowers and shane ("God is gra... more »
For All "Beloved" Grandmothers, the Gray Children of Heaven
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 2 months ago
*Relatives of the Rainbow Clan (that's you too), * It's time to share our hearts once again, to sea through the eyes of Grandmother, always feeling through the vision of all of Dream Space, each and every child seen or unseen. It's profound. And here, we send our song to be heard. From the Heart of Grandmother Comfort in the Wind,* "For All Grandmothers".* Present and accounted for, Grandmother Comfort in the Wind our Sunshine Glory (gray child), Golden Kobe our Sacred Horn, Rainbow Eddy our Wisdom River Shines, Melody Many Ghosts (orange child), White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings (cr... more »

The Spokes of our Lives, the Sacred Circle Returns
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 months ago
*Take my hand, it's the dream land. Take my hand, it's about to be one band. Rainbow land, come and shine inside of me, it's a dream land. There my heart will be free .... ..... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... .... .. ...... (waves in the breeze). There is sun that shines over the river on the other side. I want to get there if only I could fly. How will I find my way to the other side to say, "I love you, more than all the airwaves". I want to share a heart a river with you. But you don't want to lift out from your hole (inside the spokes) inside without a view. How can I push you ... more »
Pass Through Me with the Pass Over Prayer 2013
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 2 months ago
*Pass Through Me* [image: MySpace] [image: Facebook] [image: Twitter] [image: Digg] [image:] 04062012_PassThroughMe_aDrumDuet.mp3 Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star Drums the Buffalo Drum, White Buffalo Calf Woman tympani's the Hand Drum and Sings.** *Pass Over Prayer 2013, April 6, Friday Evening.* *Today April 7, 2013 Morning Prayer* *Here I stand just like a mortal man. Here I stand to feel the winds. Hear I stand to feel the Song again. Hear I stand to begin. I'm on the blue road (relative true blue, sound... more »
The Great White Buffalo Riding Free Like a Stallion
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 2 months ago
Sacred Song Blessing: The Great White Buffalo Riding Free Like a Stallion: Version f 04032012_RidingFreeLikeAStallion.f.mp3 url: The Buffalo represents the four sacred directions in rainbow colors, the soul is represented by the horse, in this case the Stallion. Running Free together in the Breeze. We are honored to take flight, with all our might. Aho Relatives of the Rainbow *ssssssacrednessssss* *ssssssacrednessssss* Part 1 Subject: Gathering with White Buffalo Calf Woman, Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, Thunder Roarin... more »

Black Eagle Watching

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Dreams and Visions - 2 months ago
Indian Black Eagle (*Ictinaetus malayensis*) On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 10:35 AM, Thunder Roaring Stream wrote: My beautiful white buffalo calf woman and holiness David running eagle shooting star, At last the vision of a black eagle perched in a tree over watching... Great change is upon us NOW :) -THUNDER ROARING STREAM, YOUR WHISPERING IN THE WIND, YELLOW CHILD On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 12:35 AM, White Buffalo Calf Woman wrote: *Aho Thunder Roaring Stream,* The black eagle gleams, to show us how to swing, from one ...more »

Oh To Find the Trueness of the Heart's Arc

Grandmother Comfort in the Wind at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 2 months ago
*Aho my beloved children and grandchildren of the hoops, my heart sings to you all day long,* *I have a new toy*, it is so grand, It is a wand that gifts me a helping hand. You should see it, glowing with marvelous grace, he is so happy, just doing his sacred race. This magic flows so free, it is for you and for me, for the healing of the band, and the comfort in all the land. When did I forget that life was so wonderful? How did I cease to find my own heart? When did I forget that love was the healer, to all the sacred darts?* *Now, I am remembering,* *just a little every day. I am be... more »

The Great White Buffalo Riding Those Waves

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 2 months ago
*Relatives of the Sacred Rainbow, * Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy and all of the Rainbow Clan, including you! This song *"The Great White Buffalo Riding (four directions) Those Waves"*was inspired by our Relatives on the Hoops. To learn more about the Hoops you can visit After we shared our hearts in an exchange of knowledge, we share our hearts in song. The Neal family are elder souls of the rainbow, with their rainbow colors closest to the center, making them elders of the Rainbow Clan (blue, green, yellow, orange, red colors). Each of us participating come... more »

Sword of Justice

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Wisdom River Shines - 2 months ago
* * *Here I lie beneath the snow (crystalline stone river), the blessings of my heart do show upon the window seal(it with a kiss)/sill(envision) of love, I gift to you the sacred dove!*

Golden Light Eliminates Fright, Love Lives Near Inside Without Fear

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Sacred Horn - 2 months ago
*Hear the sound of the roaring horn, the sacred place inside the thorns. But if you listen with your heart, you will heal the sacred start, the horn that shines all towards the throne. Sacred Horn shows us the way home!

Rainbows Grow From the Fire of Love I Adore

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 2 months ago
*Rainbow Children come to me, to share the heart of harmony. Come my children raise your hands, there we will be a place to better understand. Love is coming to bow in the winds, showing us the waves again. We look at rainbows promise to thee, we have to make our hearts fly with liberty. Sing praises. Sing praises, my heart knows the way. Sing praises. Sing praises, my soul is longing to display. Sing praises. Sing praises, I'm going to the land of love. Sing praises. Sing praises, my holy brethren rule like doves.`````````````` * * * *And each and every rainbow sings, how wonderful... more »

Throne of Sands

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 2 months ago
Tunisia Oasis, Grandmother Rocks Us To and Fro*Relatives of the Rainbow,* Hearing the winds always tells a story. You can hear all the crows tell us about Grandmother Dream space, the journey within all of us that we share. Here the web of all life stands before us. Having the throne thrust onto all of mankind means the coming of brotherhood, the golden age (two rolling hills behind, to rolling hills ahead, we stand between that ages of time, sands chime). We share our dreams together and sing to the winds, what our hearts know inside all the sins. Yet, we pray for our hearts to find... more »

Grace Gifts Her Heart Today, for All the Children Who Need Praise!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 months ago
*Lifting my heart up to the world. I feel the wonder and abundance that fills. I have to gift my soul to live, to the Greatness God commands. Come my soul lift me up to the world, sow I can know which way to find gold (field of dreams). It's a dream that finds me inside of this girth, the place of paradise, all that is worth. Heaven lead me into harmony (sacred wheel of life) that stands, the willing of what God demands. I have much in my heart to speak this day, but I know it's company that must display. I serve my family in what they need, because they are the children of what is ... more »

Great Joy of the Universe

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 2 months ago
*Relatives of the Rainbow Clan (that includes you, the clan of the Oneness), * We hope you enjoy our sharing today, a song for your praise (praising for you)! Sacred Song Blessings: Great Joy of the Universe White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings (crystal, yellow, green, gray), Holiness David Running Eagle Drums (lavender, yellow, aqua, gray), Wisdom River Shines Sounds (rainbow, crystal, green, gray), Sacred Horn Rattles (golden, yellow, green, gray), Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Storms with Rattle, Crystal Wand and Background Singing (gray, blue, magenta, gray). Requested by Deep Dar... more »

Heaven Shines the Sun Within

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Sacred Horn - 2 months ago
*Lift my heart for the world. I have so much to tell it's sure/shore. Come and gather by my feet. I will tell you a story so sweet. Fill the nations with your whine/jubilant time. Fill the glory of every hill (wave form). Take my hand and you will understand, heaven on earth is a place to make a band (One clan, the Rainbow Clan). Come and shine to glory this day. Open up your heart and fill the waves. Ride that tornado in the sky (swirling dream space). Then you will know just how to be surprised. We are children running free, glory majesty. We are learning just how to be free, c... more »

Golden Grace From Heavenly

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Dreams and Visions - 2 months ago
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 2:22 PM, Golden Grace wrote: PSS Spell-correct took over my second dream . . reposting here #2 i entered the dream as a person, a female, but looked nothing like me and was very *fast (haha not fat)* - i am sloth-like in comparison. I had like gold/blondish hair, long and was dressed in black. i was with another person, a male, (human form), he was in front of me. But nothing sexist or anything like that . . . no monkey business here! we were running through buildings and stuff, fighting. We were warriors or something like that. This world was very dry, w... more »

Persecution of Relatives True Blue

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at ELDERS MIGRATION VOICE - 2 months ago
*Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy and Relatives of the Rainbow,* Many of you feel persecuted. Thus, we wonder if we are on the right path to enlightenment. We know our hearts feel the wrath of others who do not understand the law of love and that heaven reigns over all the kingdom. With the advent of evolution and it's rolling over in time, we are learning to become the great salmon who return home to spawn. Together we can help guide the world, towards LOVE, true love. We who care, make efforts to help those who are willing to receive and stand righteous through validation and true em... more »

Brotherhood Stand Free

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 months ago
*Dance with me, I want to feel that tree (of Oneness). Hold me closer to the stars that show their worth. Dance with me. I want to play in the breeze. I feel the snow (blessings) coming upon our sacred toes (where we walk). I want to know glory around me (blue hoops of heavenly), I have chose (the true blue). Feel the street (flowing dream), it's open and leaning on love this day, but others don't know how to play or even how to pray. I want to save, all my brothers who show us the way, but they don't want to know about glory praised. Sow I stand here, upon the mountain without ... more »

Lift Your Heart Up to Seek

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 months ago
*There is a valley below, to touch the heart and make it glow. There is a valley long ago, come around the bend to bow. There is a valley tall and wide, inside of heaven that makes us smi/te **(smi: sincere, like a sun**, brotherhood)/**(smite: a forceful feeling)**. The place within our heart dew sing, to bring about everything. And if we choose to find our love, then we roll over to be a glove (fit together closely, aligned and at peace). When we choose love that fills our heart, we are seeking the royal part (kingsmen, kinsmen, relatives on the tree of life). The song that leads... more »

Sweet Dreams Rainbow

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 months ago
*Come my sweet dream. Hold onto me. Come my sweet dream, let us roll on free. We are the salvation, of what we are looking for. We are the greatness of the sinning we are learning to adore. Every fold has it's lesson (rolled over into treasures). Each a teacher in the wind. Every song does righteous, binding again (together in the sacred circle). I must dream, to hold you close to everything. I must dream, to fold you close to my whims. * *These arms are for hugging, oh yes, they are for loving this great tree. Hear my heartbeat. I am sweeping forth to make complete. I am gift... more »

The Wind Blows Free

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 2 months ago
Aho ... may spirits and hearts fly right into the heavenly skies, bowing down like rainbows, the arc that brings all the surprise. Little creature you make me smile, small and bright holding on so tight, winds blowing with glee, the yearning in each heart for the flight of the free. Hold on to your branch with joy little one, the happy heart on the run, screaming with delight, OH! SUCH FUN! Love your Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Sacred Horn takes two big breaths. Wisdom River Shines takes two big breaths also. ** *Hear the winds blowing free. Hear the winds blowing free. Fe... more »

Thank You Love (it is the Law)

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 months ago
*Come and feel righteous with me. I can feel the wonderful breeze. Ear, I am hearing you. Putting my window to the breeze. Listening to the solid ground. Hoping all will be sound, the place within that shines. Ho (descend my soul), I am here to bind. Listen to the story in the trees. My heart is listening to thee. Feeling the righteous winds. Now they think they will come on in. Can you feel wonder everywhere. Hope that joy fills your tears. We are going home, to that place on the phone (winds). * *Hear my heart beating. I can feel oh so sweet, the ringing of your heart. You are th... more »

Spring is Born

Running Eagle Shooting Star at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 months ago
White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings Aho Relatives, Today I felt a pressure on my chest, the world needed love. This song Spring is Born is only half of the whole song. I decided to record it as I was singing. At least we are able to hear part of it. The law is love and the world is learning about what love really means, like a parent who scolds, to help us mold into our Greatness. We bow to the heavens and the earth. Aho nine sacred directions, it's time to chime. Harmony in all to bring, relatives who spring. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother sings. http://white-buffalo-calf-woman-si... more »

Elders Pipe Songs 03212012

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED PIPE SONGS - 2 months ago
Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Pipe Song (gray child)** *Dance with me, this sacred day. I got to open my heart to pray. I want to sing glory in the wind. Why don't you come on in. Listen to the will of the human race. We are making it a perfect place. And if you dance with me, upon this shore, you will find we all adore. Love rules the airwaves. Love rules this daze. Love rules the human face, because heaven is on her waves. There you stand to hold the smoke clear, let the soul rise up without any fear. And we shall find, a ruling heart that binds, to bring us together once aga... more »

Sacred Song Blessings for Dreams, Those Who Dance to the Heartbeat

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 2 months ago
*Dance to the steps in my heartbeat. I know it's going to be sweet. All my nightmares are lifting, because I send love to you in the air. Dance with me in your dreams. I want to share all you need this day. We are going to the place that is free. Come my brother hold me near (love has no fear). Stand with me, upon this mountain. I want to shine each and every day. We are going to play faithful, because we dance in the rays. Rainbow come to me, hold my hand and will be free. Step, beat, to the land that's sweet. Step, beat, to the land we meet. Step, beat, feel the heart complete. W... more »

Plant the Seeds of Destiny, the Circle of Life Grows, Thunder Roaring Stream Knows

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Thunder Roaring Stream - 2 months ago
*Take my hand and shove it into the clearing for a view (put your hands to work and share your heart in the dirt, Mother Earth's soot or carbon, the crystal form allowing one to see or have a vision). I will dig a hole, right there for you. And I will dig deeper, to know your heart. I will show you how to shove it into the whole part (be part of, as we fit together in the great mystery). We are a sacred circle and we must dance (to feel the love). We are sacred circle and Great Spirit (wanka tankan greatness) hold to me to prance. I know we got to live our waves (rainbow colors), ... more »

Sweet Dream

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 2 months ago
Contributed by Cup of God and Sacred Horn *Sweet dreams always in our hearts. Feeling the greatness of the holy arc. Rainbows come inside of me, to feel the blessings in the breeze. Sweet dreams, hold me close to thine, my heart is feeling like it needs to chime. And with this, my soul is everlasting faith. I know my heart will stay in the chase (inside the rainbow).* *We flow, to know where to go, to wake up inside of heaven's cup. And then we can dance and flow eternity. Sweet dreams, hold me close to thee.* White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting ... more »

Orange Cleaner

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at HEALING-MEDICINE - 2 months ago
Patricia Delconte (WhiteBird) shared March 13, 2012 Orange peels, vinegar in a quart jar, let sit for 10 days or so...strain out the liquid and use as an all-purpose cleaner. Easy, cheap, natural, smells good!

One Step at a Time

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 2 months ago
01292012_OneStepAtATime_2.mp3 White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star Drums *Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings t... more 

Stars of Heaven

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 months ago
** ** *Join us to be a clan, one hand (one clan). And the sound is rampant mad, one hand (laughter). You think you can't hear us, but we are a band. Loud and noisy to share our plans. We are the beginning of a new land. And we are beginning a new band. Rainbow trees everywhere. We are going to be there. Lean on love this very day, to shine up in the hey, hey, hey hey hey. Wave your hands to and fro. Be a wave that all can see and grow. (I, White Buffalo Calf Woman, can see from heaven down upon the earth, waves like grass in the wind). Join us together, to sow a divine world. We a... more »

Hey Ho, I'm On the Gold, the Path to My Soul

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 months ago
*Hey Ho, I'm on the gold, the path of love that has been told. Hey Ho, I'm on my way to the place we long to play. Can you feel the solid ground, where the soul is confound (the place I walk). If I choose to be the wise, I will receive with both of my eyes (walk my talk). Hey Ho, I'm on the gold, the path to my soul, I awaken to know woe (to stop in your tracks, something you would say to a horse, representing the soul). * * * *Here we flow down this road, take the reins and come on in. Let my soul reach inside, to bring a lot of whistles and cries (hoop and holler). Hey Ho, I'm on m... more »

Standing Leaf Shines Divine, One Family in the Sky

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Green Grass Home - 2 months ago
SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 2012 Standing Leaf Shines Divine, One Family in the Sky Sacred Song Blessing for Standing Leaf (whole song is waving up in sound and low in sound, riding the waves) Where is the arc in heaven? I find it on the tree. Where is the arc of heaven, it's in my heart I believe. Come and share the wind with me. Come and share divinity on the tree. Come and share my heart that is aware. You need love to care. When my soul lifts up to seek. I think love could be real meek (bowing in belief). We are children of the loyal clan, why don't you take my hand? Heaven has got me... more »

Great Joy Come To Me

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 months ago
Can you feel the ocean breeze? Can you feel the harmony. I will share my heart in liberty if you down about around my knees. Let us pray together this day, let us share our hearts display. We are going to the great parade, heaven guide me here today. I want to show all the world, how it's wonderful to be filled, with joyous love, with joyous love. Can't you feel the heart overflowing? Can't you feel all is real. I want to share my heart so rare, with those who are willing to pair. Every season has a reason. Every cloud in the sky, knows we are going to a place, inside what we ca... more »

Grandmother Dana Shines This Daze, Dreaming Paves!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 2 months ago
Leap into my heart and sea the world. Come and believe it's a tree. Hold me close to paradise. I will beam a light of love, for all to gleam, over the entire dream. Feel the heaven's flow inside of me. I will be there to embrace all you seek. And when you remember our hearts do love, oh my child of God, you must do your part. Whence the flower did bloom. We are going home soon. We are planting the seeds. Watch us grow and we will beam. Where you think we are, not done. I say heaven is on it's holy rungs. And when you think we have all we need, then you are about to plant that se... more »

Dream Pools in Paradise

Grandmother Comfort in the Wind at Wisdom River Shines - 2 months ago
Here I lie beneath the snow (crystalline stone river), the blessings of my heart do show upon the window seal(it with a kiss)/sill(envision) of love, I gift to you the sacred dove!
Images by Wisdom River Shines
Wisdom River Shines at Wisdom River Shines - 2 months ago
Here I lie beneath the snow (crystalline stone river), the blessings of my heart do show upon the window seal(it with a kiss)/sill(envision) of love, I gift to you the sacred dove!

Marty's Song For All to Get Along

Grandmother Comfort in the Wind at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 2 months ago
*Marty just passed, a relative of Grandmother Comfort in the Wind. We send blessings to his journey, aho. *Whishing you were hear, I find my soul in fear, but as I flow on by, I know God is wise. So much to learn and dew. So much to learn to chew. Sow much to share with you.* *My family who took my muse. I gift to all you say, but I did not know always the way, but still you loved me, to share the soul in the breeze. Oh I am lucky to have a family. And whishing you were here. My soul is longing to be with out fear. And finally you see, such careful/careless liberty, we must choos... more »

Dream Images

Grandmother Comfort in the Wind at Sacred Horn - 2 months ago
* Hear the sound of the roaring horn, the sacred place inside the thorns. But if you listen with your heart, you will heal the sacred start, the horn that shines all towards the throne. Sacred Horn shows us the way home!*

Grandmother Jasmine Heals the Crown, to Help All the Down (soft feathers or children)

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Jasmine - 3 months ago
*Beloved Grandmother Jasmine *(gray, yellow, blue, gray)*, * Blessings to you two (together). It's been more than a week since you wrote, eleven days (crystal stone), bow and praise, the day of peace (eleventh day) comes into haze, the dreaming state you embrace. I am sorry I cannot answer you quickly, like you would have liked. But it seems for you, it can be a problem for you, that others do not get back to you quickly. And I will tell you why. You see, you are a Grandmother, the gray child (soul's position), this is a female color. You are also a female (flesh body). Now this mea... more »

One Joy Wishing Well Finds the Golden Tree

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
*Gather in my heart, the place the perfect part. WE have to make a start, to know the perfect part. We are children learning to run. Gather in my heart, to feel the perfect part, where hills and valleys pour out every door. There inside of me, the great disbelief, but as time moves on, I have to sing my song. There inside of me, I know the song is free, healing every part, just to make a start.* * * *WE are children on the rainbow arc. We are learning to heal all parts. And my soul is reckoning to feel the bracing of the free and I need to hold you close, just inside of me. Feel... more »

Stand Up Dreams Holds the Steam

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
*Lean on me, I just want to seek. Lean on me, I just want to be meek. Lean on me, I just wanna be a friend. Don't you understand sin? We must be good to everyone. even the things inside the sun (the great dreaming). We must be a great big tree, falling over (to bow) to sense liberty. Thank you God for everything, holding me close to all the sin. Even when my eyes do bow, I must show the world to sow (plant seeds of love).* * * *I think love needs to be on trees (money doesn't grow on tree, but love does). Growing happy and so free, but inside my heart leaks a tear, because you don'... more »

I Dreampt of a Dinosaur

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Dreams and Visions - 3 months ago
On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 3:36 PM, Grandfather Star Callum wrote: > *Greetings White Buffalo Calf Woman,* > Here is a dream that I can remember vividly from when I was two, > I was at my preschool Waikanae Montessori and it had been invaded by > dinosaurs! > I tried to sneak to the plaground, a bigish dinosaur with a orange head > and a black body saw me and started chasing me I ran to the playground and > scrambled up the ladder somehow the dinosaur followed me and i ran across > the bridge and down the slide. Once down the slide I ran behind a board of > wood and the dinosaur was sti... more »

Sacred Song Blessings for the Whole World

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Jasmine - 3 months ago
*Let us find a place to feel oh sow real. **Let us beam a light of love that we feel. **Heaven grace me with your love and I will know your name. * ** *Heaven come to me and show me all their pain. **We are blessed. We are children. **We are all from heaven. * ** *We are the ones. **And the whole world needs us to be from heaven. * ** *The whole world needs us to be the living suns.* ** * * Come and gather today to know the perfect rays. *Come and gather today to know of brothers and sisters place (go and gather with them, be together). * *We are going to a heaven upon this world we ha... more »

Sacred Song Blessing for Doctor Satan (Ghost at a Fort Worden)

Grandmother Comfort in the Wind at Sacred Horn - 3 months ago
Thursday, March 8, 2012 There is a river inside of me. I wish I could feel the sea. But my brothers left me, inside this stable comfort in the breeze. They though I would be happy inside this place, but I have to tell you, it's no grace. And if you could follow the world in me, you would know the sadness of the leaves. (relatives.) We are together in a place call Earth, but we don't know the sacredness of this girth. If only we could place a happy face, then sharing would not have to be disgrace. Could you please send someone to me, who could know of the loving breeze. Could you... more »

Rainbow Eddy Math

Grandmother Comfort in the Wind at Wisdom River Shines - 3 months ago
Get Grandmother Dana to look at this post. Notes on chat with Grandmother Comfort in the Wind. On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 3:38 PM, > 3:14 PM me: The email is places lv, las vegas. > shoe 2. second one horn. > 3:15 PM 1.shoe > 31 1+3 > 3:16 PM June 31 2012. > top. > 1+2 =3 > 11+20=31 > 3:17 PM 3 to 4 (11+20=31) > 3:18 PM Time is eleven (11) > one week four days. > June 6. > 6+6 is 12. > 6 month is June. > Solstice of the Sun > 3:19 PM Highest point of the sun, longest day. > 3:20 PM homeland security in June star of heaven. > 3:21 PM 11 days and 4 days is one week. > 1... more »

Rainbow and Crystal

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Wisdom River Shines - 3 months ago
*I am the rainbow mother. And I am the law. And you must you do as I say, whether you like it or not!* (stick your tongue out) Wisdom River Shines, rainbow child *LAW is LOVE* (red buffalo robe) *Here I lie beneath the snow (crystalline stone river), the blessings of my heart do show upon the window seal(it with a kiss)/sill(envision) of love, I gift to you the sacred dove!*
Hair of Holiness David Running Eagle
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
* * * * *Let me show you how it's done, just roll up your arms and dive on in, with open arms and a warm smile, you will be okay in awhile. I am Grandmother Comfort in the Wind and I am here to share our souls again. Once we walked and shared our heart. Now it's time for us to begin this walk and impart. Share your story with the heaven sent. Share your heart where ever you went. Share with the world, prophecy has arrived. It's time for us to say good night. Dream and think of me holding you when you need, for I will rock you to bed to sleep. Dream of far off distant shores, where a... more »

My dream

Grandmother Comfort in the Wind at Sacred Horn - 3 months ago
*Sacred Horn says that my mother, Grandmother Comfort in the Wind, is the beautiful fairy creature. Our Rainbow Eddy Dragon Warrior is the Green Dragon.* Hear the sound of the roaring horn, the sacred place inside the thorns. But if you listen with your heart, you will heal the sacred start, the horn that shines all towards the throne. Sacred Horn shows us the way home!

The River Inside Your Heart

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
*There is a river inside our hearts, if only we could learn to do our part. Every color in the majesty is growing up to feel the leaves (relatives on the tree of life). We are open to the mighty winds. Don't you think we are moving in. Everything you want to show this day, is an open parade. Presiding inside your heart today.* * * *Open the river wide to sea, the miracle of the breeze. Hold our hands together strong, for love to know the bonds. Can you feel the river inside, the waking heart of what is why? I know it's a time for us to learn, how to gift the holy urn. Purify your he... more »

Come Bow With Me

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
I bless the sacred nine directions! Make my heart feel the beat. Wake up to the solemn sweet. It's a miracle inside of you. It's a place where we see it true. Come and hold me close to you, there my heart will know the news. Make it sweet, hold the beat. Come and greet me on the open plains, there my heart will learn to heaven gain. I will show you how to make an arc (bow). Love your neighbor it's a total mark. We are coming to the hill once more, upon the mountain lives the stores. We can make it through all the winds. If we lay down and practice less sin. We are sweet, feel th... more »

Sacred Song Blessing for Doctor Satan (Ghost at a Fort)

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
There is a river inside of me. I wish I could feel the sea. But my brothers left me, inside this stable comfort in the breeze. They though I would be happy inside this place, but I have to tell you, it's no grace. And if you could follow the world in me, you would know the sadness of the leaves. (relatives.) We are together in a place call Earth, but we don't know the sacredness of this girth. If only we could place a happy face, then sharing would not have to be disgrace. Could you please send someone to me, who could know of the loving breeze. Could you send a happy face to te... more »

Great Joy Come To Me

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
Can you feel the ocean breeze (true blue)? Can you feel the harmony. I will share my heart in liberty if you down about around my knees. Let us pray together this day, let us share our hearts display. we are going to the great parade, heaven guide me here today. I want to show all the world, how it's wonderful to be filled, with joyous love, with joyous love. Can't you feel the heart overflowing? Can't you feel all is real. I want to share my heart so rare, with those who are willing to pair (twin). Every season has a reason. Every cloud in the sky, knows we are going to a place... more »

Gather With the Sun

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandfather Star Callum - 3 months ago
*Grandfather here to hear your woes, to help you know how to make it snow (crystal blessings). And all you have to do is call, because I am here after all. My love will embrace you and hold you close. Just have to call out and I will be there North (shining like a star). And when you are down and out, think of me, I will help you up (on my shoulders) to help you sea (let's envision a new world).*

Open Your Heart

Kristofer Schell at Green Grass Home - 3 months ago
*Open your heart and let your river flow. From the Mountain tops to the valleys below. Let your love flow for everyone to know. Listen to Earth so full of Love. It is time to fly. It is time to see. Love is the key. Open your heart and set yourself free. Bless and forever shall you be. I bless you all with love for eternity.* *Standing Leaf *your* Strands of Living * red child, law of love enforcement rainbow warriors of prophecy *Kristofer Trinity Schell* *Rocky River On The Run *Red/Yellow/Green/Gray *Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy* *Pray With Elders around the World** * *Sacred S... more »

Sacred Song Blessings for the Whole World

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
** *Let us find a place to feel oh sow real. **Let us beam a light of love that we feel. **Heaven grace me with your love and I will know your name. * ** *Heaven come to me and show me all their pain. *** *We are blessed. We are children. * * We are all from heaven. * * We are the ones. And the whole world needs us to be from heaven. ** The whole world needs us to be the living suns. * ** * * Come and gather today to know the perfect rays. *Come and gather today to know of brothers and sisters place (go and gather with them, be together). * *We are going to a heaven upon this world we ... more »

The WebAlias Network presents: Water Car Run on WATER Fuel. Hydrogen Save Gas=FREE ENE at

Kristofer Schell at Green Grass Home - 3 months ago
The WebAlias Network presents: Water Car Run on WATER Fuel. Hydrogen Save Gas=FREE ENE at Tell me where the song does lead, into the heart of those who bleed, because we suffer for true love, to shine forever, just like the doves. Let peace know greatness in all your daze, because it's dreams that lead the waves! Join in hands, know it's true, you are Greatness, like me and you (together forever). Tell me where the song does lead, into the heart of those who bleed, because we suffer for true love, to shine forever, just like the doves. Let peace know greatness in al... more »

Tom Ogle carb. |

Kristofer Schell at Green Grass Home - 3 months ago
Tom Ogle carb. | Tell me where the song does lead, into the heart of those who bleed, because we suffer for true love, to shine forever, just like the doves. Let peace know greatness in all your daze, because it's dreams that lead the waves! Join in hands, know it's true, you are Greatness, like me and you (together forever).

Willow Walking Where? In the Heart that Dares!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
*Willow dream (seeds take root), upon the seams (at the edges of the universe, at the shores of each other's hearts). There I ride the sky so blind. If I see, I need to bee, inside (gulp) the great living stream. And there I hide to realize, the waking of what I need to be. If only dreams, could be seen, then a moving picture inside of me, could be believed, could be conceived.* * * *Walking upon the shore upon the mighty door, I want to know more in you. And as we go this wave, to make a mighty save, let the world come to this chore. And we are genuinely happy when you rise up, to ... more »

Running Wild and Free

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
*Can you feel the echo of time? Lifting our hearts up and sublime? Great is the calling of the mighty winds (deep dark blue, heavenly blue road where our souls ride the winds). We are together again. Running free across the fields (hoops) bringing home all that real (dreaming together). Come mighty storm (energy of the cleansing), lift up our hearts, then we could find the way to impart (share our hearts).* * * *Listen to the bellow of the mighty winds. Look upon the heart of what is within. Great is the calling of the mighty soul, we are but a gust of solid gold. Come and breath to... more »

Heal My Heart This Day, to Lift My Sadness Away

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Rainbow Mother Laughing Matriarch - 3 months ago
Life is full of trials and tribulations, says Holiness David, never give up! * * *Heal my heart this day, to lift my sadness away. Come and let me know, the perfect show. Let the sun come in and bring it to the wind. I will shine for you to know of the gifted we choose. Where we go this day, learn to float away into the seeds of dust, that long to feel. I will look upon the state of what is wrong, to bring us home this day, to lift the world.* * * *Come share my heart it feels the waves. Come share my heart to feel it's daze. I know I want to feel the right way, but my soul won't fade... more »

Thine is the Rainbow of Many Brilliant Cues (Braid Together Now)

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
*Talking to the river in the snow (Star of David, crystalline stone, a blessing, a child is born). Got to make my heart really go. Lifting up to Jesus (aka Bread of Life, crystal, yellow, blue, gray, the crystalline light, into the heavenly door), tell me a story to know (give me a parable). There is a place in our time (evolution period of the dawning). Got to let the rhyme (flow, inside that's stowed away, release my heart). I will seal the deal, just make it real. Heaven knows my name, I will build. Talking to the river of the suns (four directions in rainbow colors). Making foo... more »

Sacred Song Blessings for the World

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*Gather together my soul will sea, the buoyant world to bee (great dream). There our hearts will lift to the galaxies, there we can be free. That is the place I want to bee. That is the nearness of liberty. Can you feel the waves upon our souls, waking up all untold. There is a house upon the seas, the waiting trailing for all to bee. Come and greet our enemies, then they will know the sound of sweet company. Hail to wisdom, let is shine. Know the world is really blind. But inside this righteous path we take, hold on fast to human's race I am inside this face.* * * *We are the child... more »

Wisdom River Shines Drawings

Grandmother Comfort in the Wind at Wisdom River Shines - 3 months ago
Here I lie beneath the snow (crystalline stone river), the blessings of my heart do show upon the window seal(it with a kiss)/sill(envision) of love, I gift to you the sacred dove!

The Beautiful Human Body

Sacred Horn at Sacred Horn - 3 months ago
Hear the sound of the roaring horn, the sacred place inside the thorns. But if you listen with your heart, you will heal the sacred start, the horn that shines all towards the throne. Sacred Horn shows us the way home!

Star of Heaven Shines, to Heal and Bind!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*Come bring me a shadow, a place in the snow, where women are sheltered and love feels and grows. I want to know of heaven, inside of my heart. Let springtime be forever, let us not be apart (separated). I think we are leaning on love in the wind, but often we feel like it's only a sin. Can we open up our hearts, to beam a real light, the true and fabled, deliver us from plight.* * * *Oh heaven come into this day. Remember our hearts are here to praise. I know it's hard to leave a life, but heaven always helps to relieve plight. I wonder how we could be free. Come to the land of des... more »

Sacred Horn Shines, To Heal the Hearts of Thine!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*Great is a river, great indeed. I am going to flow there, to help all the leaves. My Grandmother (Audrey) needs me more than I can say, but I will stand beside her, all along the way.* *We are one big family, gifting under the sun. I want to be faithful even under the gun. We are children of heaven born to live and give, to the heart of meaningful, where we start to lift.* *I am going to the land of God, where we sing "Rescue Me". I am going to the place of heaven on their knees. We are just a people who need to hold each other's hands. WE are a living people, who are here to make... more »

Loving Encouragement in the Wind

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*My Dearly Beloved Relatives... * *Warriors of Rainbow Prophecy on the Hoops and in the Winds,* * * This is an loving encouragement and an embrace from your Grandmother(s) from Heaven. *I flew by early this morning, * *did you hear me in the breeze?* *The sky was pure dark,* *with the night still upon her knees.* *I felt such joy,* *to soar upon the winds,* *Blessings upon Blessings,* *to all relatives within.* *You, are a part of me ~* *I, a part of you,* *when I hold real still inside,* *there's such delight for the glory of your view.* *The quietness in my heart,* *brought peace to... more »

Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Shares with White Buffalo Calf Woman Prayers in the Wind

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*My beloved White Buffalo Calf Woman, my mother, sister, granddaughter/sun, **(elder crystal child)* *I bless you with all my heart today and thankfulness fills my breast,* * * *to know that you are true,* *and you are lovely,* *and so warm to those of your nest (rainbow clan on the universal hoops).* * * *I am thankful today for all that fills my view,* *for all that looms I will be true (many splendid colors, blankets of prayers, each beautiful and rare).* * * *My heart has been heavy and so forlorn (long suffering for love's beck and call),* *for the grandchildren that will not hear ... more »

Loving, Greeting and Blessings

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
** *Aho my beloved children, grandchildren and relatives of the hoops,* I just wanted to send a loving greeting and blessing to all today. My heart bows down to all the blessed play. When I send my gaze to see the land, my heart is truly blessed when I understand the loving band. You hold my heart within your beat, there is no where I would rather be, than within the sacred keep. The wind doth lift our souls so perfectly, it touches that which is deep inside, our own saving grace, each a pure variety. When I see all that glory, my own heart does shine, to be part of the all, ... more »

Photo Album: Fire Blessings

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
You are invited to view Comfort in the Wind Sunshine Glory Shines's photo album: Fire Blessings Fire Blessings Oct 8, 2010 by *Comfort in the Wind Sunshine Glory Shines* View Album Play slideshow Message from Comfort in the Wind Sunshine Glory Shines: * * *Aho beloved warriors in training, children and grandchildren,* * * *A while ago, (last year in fact) Golden Ed, our Star of Heaven, Golden Kobe Superman, our Sacred Horn, Rainbow Eddy Dragon Warrior, our Wisdom River Shines and myself were doing fire blessings together. I asked if I might take pictures of the fire spirits that were... more »

Golden Kobe's Dream

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
** ** *"It starts with a body of water that is perfectly still but there is a whirlpool in the middle then it is dark, then he sees a little bunny that is oh so sweet. but this little bunny is in disguise. and it becomes bigger and bigger with great teeth, and Kobe wakes up in a terrible way, Sat it was like he could not get out of the dream state I had to keep calling him to me and we put him in a nice shower to help. his cries of terror were awful. he finally went back to sleep and when the dream started again he blessed and called on warriors... all who he could think of white fea... more »

Winter Rest On Me

Grandmother Comfort in the Wind at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*Let me show you how it's done, just roll up your arms and dive on in, with open arms and a warm smile, you will be okay in awhile. I am Grandmother Comfort in the Wind and I am here to share our souls again. Once we walked and shared our heart. Now it's time for us to begin this walk and impart. Share your story with the heaven sent. Share your heart where ever you went. Share with the world, prophecy has arrived. It's time for us to say good night. Dream and think of me holding you when you need, for I will rock you to bed to sleep. Dream of far off distant shores, where all will ... more »

My Golden Mother Audrey

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Comfort in the Wind Sunshine Glory Shines wrote:* * Aho my beloved, I am asking for a prayer from you (White Buffalo Calf Woman) and Holiness (David Running Eagle Shooting Star) for my mother to help her make her transition. She is not much of this world anymore, and the Hospice nurses say that she may have only 12 - 24 hours left for this earth body. We are praying and singing and blessing (fire) for her. We are not sure how to help her along but just to sing and pray that she will find her own song. That heaven wil... more »

Human Collage

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*Human Collage 1. * *by Sacred Horn (Golden Kobe).* *large image google editor* *painter* * * * * *Human Collage 3. * *by White Buffalo Calf Woman* *large image google editor* *original 1000x800 * *corel painter-x* *Human Collage 2. * *by Sacred Horn (Golden Kobe). * *image large google editor , this image is in the upper left field and 3/4 of the field is white and empty.* *corel painter-x* ** *Human Collage 4. * *by White Buffalo Calf Woman* *large image google editor* *original 1000x800 * *corel painter-x* *Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy* *Pray With Elders around the World** ... more »

A Song for the Blue Heart

Grandmother Comfort in the Wind at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*Aho my beloved children and grandchildren, Rainbows glowing in all your fine showing,* * I have felt the blue of your hearts, the world is being torn apart, for anger runs hot and forgiveness is just a shot in the dark. I pray that you will find relief for all of your sacred grief, that hearts might find the winds to fly and holiness just doesn't pass on by. I pray forgiveness to have it's merry way, so we can find the will to bend and pray. Bowing now, it is hard at first, but it gets easier when we do birth (berth) (bring forth life and hold on tight!). Love is in the flow, p... more »

Golden Rings

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*Let me show you how it's done, just roll up your arms and dive on in, with open arms and a warm smile, you will be okay in awhile. I am Grandmother Comfort in the Wind and I am here to share our souls again. Once we walked and shared our heart. Now it's time for us to begin this walk and impart. Share your story with the heaven sent. Share your heart where ever you went. Share with the world, prophecy has arrived. It's time for us to say good night. Dream and think of me holding you when you need, for I will rock you to bed to sleep. Dream of far off distant shores, where all will... more »

Wisdom River Shines Heals our Hearts to Bind

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*Heal my hands to help me understand, how we find wisdom when we loose our lives. I want to live forever, just like the wind outside, but I know we are transforming to live in heavenly life. Go into the mountain to stand big and tall and down beyond the valley, there is where we fall. And we are always faithful to God's loving hands. We are always clinging to the heart of each and every man. Children of the Rainbow, come shine a glorious wave, because my Grandmother (Audrey) died today, to help her along her way.* *Can my Mother (Comfort in the Wind) find her, to shine up in the clou... more »

Space and Time

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*Time and Space our Throats, the great voice box. God, the utterance of heavenly transmission.* *Time is to echo out. Space is the distance of the echo out. Exact center of the fold.* *Let me show you how it's done, just roll up your arms and dive on in, with open arms and a warm smile, you will be okay in awhile. I am Grandmother Comfort in the Wind and I am here to share our souls again. Once we walked and shared our heart. Now it's time for us to begin this walk and impart. Share your story with the heaven sent. Share your heart where ever you went. Share with the w... more »

I Do Give Thanks, My Little Child, For All of Who You Are!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*Aho my Beloved Children (of the Rainbow) and Grandchildren of the Hoops,* I was watching an older movie last night ('Gypsy Girl' with Hayley Mills and Ian McShane) and the town congregation sang this hymn. I knew a couple of the phrases from the books by James Harriot, 'All Creatures Great and Small' and 'All Things Bright and Beautiful', but did not realize they came from an old church hymn. I thought that this was lovely and wanted to share with all of you, my children of the hoops, the Rainbow Clan. * * *All Things Bright and Beautiful* ** *Cecil F. Alexander, pub.1848* * * **... more »

Ft. Worden Camping-October 2011and Nevada Desert-August 2011 Albums

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
You are invited to view Comfort in the Wind Sunshine Glory Shines' photo album: Camping - October 2011 Camping - October 2011 Ft Worden, WA - Oct 17, 2011 by *Comfort in the Wind Sunshine Glory Shines* View Album Play slideshow Message from Comfort in the Wind Sunshine Glory Shines: *Aho beloved Relatives and children of the hoops,* * * *Just a few pictures of the last camping trip here in WA state. There were so many beautiful colors in the skies as day passed upon another. Some were taken in the morning sky as the sun first shed her light.* * * *Love in the breeze... happy as you pl... more »

Heal My Heart

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*Greetings Relatives,* Take a journey with me into paradise. Each day before Holiness David Running Eagle goes outside and to other places, we share a song or two in order to arm himself with peace and joy in his heart. You know cultivation of the heavenly blue road, instill happiness or else end up with sadness that's blowing in the wind. We don't want it (impure winds) settling in us, instead cultivation of blessings keep our sanctuary spaces. Knowing how to heal the world takes trusting your heart and this way you can speak to the whole world in the wind. This song blew in the w... more »

In the Winds, the Sacred Parade of the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
Humming Bird by: Grandmother Comfort in the Wind *Beloved Children and Grandchildren (of the universe, the rainbow clan),* * * *Into the winds we go, * *flying to and fro, as far as sea can see,**we are all God's family. * *Full of peace and joy, * *knowing our hearts employ, perfect souls, every one... glowing, twirling and having fun. * *Being the garden, the tree of life, flowers unfolding, gifting us flight. * *The seed flying out, drifting in the breeze, coming to rest upon the golden, those that believe. * *The dream come true to all who dare, shifting and changing to be aware, ... more »

Feather Color Meanings

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
FEATHER COLOR MEANINGS WHITE White feathers symbolize purification, spirituality, hope, protection, peace, and blessings of the Moon. RED Red feathers symbolize physical vitality. Also courage, good fortune, and life. Corresponds to the 1st or root chakra, and the musical note C BLUE Blue feathers give mental abilities, health, connection with spirits, peace, knowledge, communication, and protection. Also psychic awareness. corresponds to the third eye, the 5th and 6th chakra, and the musical notes A and G. YELLOW Yellow feathers give Intelligence, playfulness, cheerfulnes... more »

Feathers and Their Meaning

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*FEATHERS Feathers! Magical, mystical, incredible feathers! Feathers of all shapes, sizes, varieties, colors. Throughout history, feathers have served as spiritual symbols for shamans and priests, as symbols of royalty for kings and chiefs, symbols of healing, or symbols of sacred power for cultures as far back as ancient Egyptian, Asian or Celtic eras. These cultures possessed abilities to communicate with nature in ways that have been overlooked or forgotten in our own time. Yet feathers are more than history. For many, they are mystical signs, messages, or opportunities. They a... more »

Grandmother Hold Me Near, For Love Has No Fear

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*Well equipped am I, because I know how to cry. I can bow and pray this day, because others have lost their way. But I am here to show the gain, how to love even in the pain. They will learn someday to bow, to heal their hearts, just like the cows (rainbow colors sacredness). * * * *Dance with me inside the sin, all the glory will begin, for my Mother she leans me. I know I can feel her breeze. And when my Sisters bow to pray, help them find a new devoted wave. For it's time to shine again, inside the sacred and the wind. We are together, you and me, for it's sacred weather in the ... more »

Golden Child Set Yourself Free, When Love Rides Gallantly

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
* Aho and over the Rainbow!* * * *Come shine with me, come shine with me, the heart that lives in the breeze. My soul is here, my soul is hear, I know it's what is really rare. The seeds of love that begets the gloves, the hands of God that hold us up. And when we sing, it really brings, the glory of the sunshine again.* * * *We the daze, come into haze, where butterflies know which way to hide. And in the spring, when love does shine, the heart of seeds find realize. But as we slope into the dope (haze/daze), of what others think it's suicide, but we know true, the heavenly blue, wi... more »

Grandmother Shines, to Show Us the Bind, Greatness That Chimes!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
*Come and receive heavenly where my heart does bind. I want love to rescue me, all this very time. But I know it's what we must dew, to lean on love this day. I want to share forever, cause God is the cause waves. Come glean with me, upon the sailing breeze. Come glean with me on the river of love. Where we shine for love, the grateful as a dove, there we find the peace aligns, with heavenly bind.* * * *There my river of justice, claims a sword or two, to cut into the impure, to make it all come true. And we are going to salvation, where river of love do grow, because we are greatfu... more »

Winter's Blessings

Grandmother Comfort in the Wind at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
Aho my little Children and Grandchildren of the Rainbow, I do bow that I might know thee someday, somehow, Where does the snow go mommy (Great Spirit Mother) when the sun shines so bright? Where doth the water hide when we need it for our great plight/flight? Where shall we look, when the earth is dry as dust, and we can't remember when we thought we trust(ed). Shall we remember the winter's storm, shall we remember the rain so sweet, or shall we fall down also, to all the purifying heat. Let us bow and bless now, to remember the sacred waters flow. Let us bless and bow, to the... more »

Yellow Child - Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Grandmother Comfort in the Wind at Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Gives Praise to Everything! - 3 months ago
For our Beloved Little Crow, our Yellow Child, and all the yellow children of the Rainbow, Aho my dear relatives of the hoops. Just wanted to share some images of the yellow child with you. Some include other rainbow colors of course, but these seem to all belong together. The little Corgi is Toby, whose name means God is Good. He came to us almost 6 years ago now, having been abused and was lost... or maybe not so lost. He became part of our family and has given us much laughter and joy. He has the most loving heart and sweet eyes. Altho the cats will beg to differ, because he... more »

Human Collage Five

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Sacred Horn - 3 months ago
*Hear the sound of the roaring horn, the sacred place inside the thorns. But if you listen with your heart, you will heal the sacred start, the horn that shines all towards the throne. Sacred Horn shows us the way home!*

Where I Move My Feet, I Greet

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
*Hear the footsteps to the world. Rushing by to help us fill the dynasty to which is willed, the horns (embracing) of God, the place fulfilled. Take hold to justice, to where I step. To greet the heart and there I lept to meet the soul that need me sow, to bridge a gap for us to grow. There is a mighty wind that blows, to capture all of our sacred toes. It's where we step now, to where the winds flow, to grab some shelter, for heaven blows.* * * *There in the wind swept place I keep. My soul is lurching*(rolling rock, one who bows/arches like the rainbow and leading from the end of t... more »
Wisdom River Shines at Wisdom River Shines - 3 months ago
Here I lie beneath the snow (crystalline stone river), the blessings of my heart do show upon the window seal(it with a kiss)/sill(envision) of love, I gift to you the sacred dove!

Grandfather Star Callum Dreams Golden Grass Vane, Four Directions Again!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Dreams and Visions - 3 months ago
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 12:37 AM, Grandfather Star Callum wrote: Greetings White Buffalo Calf Woman, Please could you tell me more about the following dream? Aston, Jasmine and I were in a big field of yellow grass about 1 metre high. After a long time walking, we came to a kind of steep hill. We got to the top and a few seconds later we heard this loud a HISSSSSS, and I said...RUN!!!!! So Jasmine and I run and jump into the grass to our right and then I think oh CRAP, forgot Aston. So I sprint back to Aston and put him on my shoulders and run yelling (like a warrior) b... more »

Rainbow Sun

Sacred Horn at Sacred Horn - 3 months ago
* *

Human Collage Border

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Sacred Horn - 3 months ago
* * *Hear the sound of the roaring horn, the sacred place inside the thorns. But if you listen with your heart, you will heal the sacred start, the horn that shines all towards the throne. Sacred Horn shows us the way home!*

Google Profile

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Sacred Horn - 3 months ago * * *Hear the sound of the roaring horn, the sacred place inside the thorns. But if you listen with your heart, you will heal the sacred start, the horn that shines all towards the throne. Sacred Horn shows us the way home!*

Center of the Universe

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Sacred Horn - 3 months ago
* * * * *Hear the sound of the roaring horn, the sacred place inside the thorns. But if you listen with your heart, you will heal the sacred start, the horn that shines all towards the throne. Sacred Horn shows us the way home!*

Human Collage Three and Four

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Sacred Horn - 3 months ago
* * * * * * * * * * * * *Hear the sound of the roaring horn, the sacred place inside the thorns. But if you listen with your heart, you will heal the sacred start, the horn that shines all towards the throne. Sacred Horn shows us the way home!*

The Force of Love, Sacred Horn Beams!

Running Eagle Shooting Star at Sacred Horn - 3 months ago
*Relatives of the Rainbow*, This Song "The Force of Love" is being sung briefly by myself, White Buffalo Calf Woman. However the flute is being played by Golden Kobe Sacred Horn. This is part of a larger song. There was too much interference from the telephone for the rest of the song, however this section sounds pretty wonderful. Sacred Horn shows us the beat to the Law of Love, a force to be reckoned with. Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star on the buffalo drum. Grandmother Comfort in the Wind on rattles and dancing for the hoops and last but certainly not least our Rainb... more »

Human Collage

Running Eagle Shooting Star at Sacred Horn - 3 months ago
Human Collage *Human Collage 1. * *by Sacred Horn (Golden Kobe).* *large image google editor* *painter* * * * * *Human Collage 3. * *by White Buffalo Calf Woman* *large image google editor* *original 1000x800 * *corel painter-x* *Human Collage 2. * *by Sacred Horn (Golden Kobe). * *image large google editor , this image is in the upper left field and 3/4 of the field is white and empty.* *corel painter-x* *Human Collage 4. * *by White Buffalo Calf Woman* *large image google editor* *original 1000x800 * *corel painter-x* *Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy* *Pray With Elders aroun... more »

Human Collage One and Two

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Sacred Horn - 3 months ago
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2012 Human Collage *Human Collage 1. * *by Sacred Horn (Golden Kobe).* *large image google editor* *painter* * * * * *Human Collage 3. * *by White Buffalo Calf Woman* *large image google editor* *original 1000x800 * *corel painter-x* *Human Collage 2. * *by Sacred Horn (Golden Kobe). * *image large google editor , this image is in the upper left field and 3/4 of the field is white and empty.* *corel painter-x* ** *Human Collage 4. * *by White Buffalo Calf Woman* *large image google editor* *original 1000x800 * *corel painter-x* *Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy*... more »

Share Our Hearts With the World

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
*(talking) We are the children. We are the apostles (important mission from God). We are the hoops of life that we share. We are the collision and the mission to bring in LOVE that's real (reel them in). We are the thoughtful. We are the righteous. We are the *****blarney stone (I'll bend over backwards for you, success), that makes it's mark. We are the treasure, that will measure, the song that lives upon your heart. We are that making. We are the staking (stand forth united). The place inside where heaven reigns (pulls her string of pearls/diamonds in the sky). We are tear fille... more »

Sending Kisses to the Foreheads

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
** ** *Relatives of the Rainbow,* *Come share this day and drink a cup of tea, to pass the time away. To dream of better days to come, to live in rainbow rays. There we find a river wide, the treasures upon the shores. I knock and enter, the place of the sweltering waves. And we must share this hardship, the enduring for the cleansing, to shine and feel better all our daze, the dream that holds us close inside always.* * * *Sending kisses to the foreheads, in order to know Twin Deer Mother is caring in her heart for all the childs, each a treasure, on a great ride. Let the tides be r... more »

Care About What You Do!

Running Eagle Shooting Star at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 3 months ago
Solstice Sun*(singing) We are part of the magical world of the divine. Come let our hearts shine. Come be a grateful song in the wind. Here we stand to chime. Let the bow break (upon the crashing waves) and the song sea, the winding (curved road) path ahead. Listen to all of the world, come share the songs we sing today, to be inside the gray (Grandmother Dream Space, embracing atoms). I say to you, be part of the blue, where we are family. Come shine anew, to gather with the true. My heart is closer to you. We are sent from above, to land down to the ground, to shoot into the earth... more »

Rainbow Show

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 3 months ago
02162012_RainbowShow.mp3 *Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings to Let You Know!*

White Hoop Cleansing Song

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at ELDERS MIGRATION VOICE - 3 months ago
*Aho Relatives of the Rainbow,* This is a Purification Song cleansing the White Hoop. Just wanted to share and let the HOOPS know we are nearby, singing in the winds for you. We love and praise all the wonderful waves. your devoted servants, Elders of the Rainbow Elders Agenda Meeting February 15, 2012 White Hoop Cleansing Song Active-Indigos Hoop 1, Elders White Buffalo Calf Woman an elder crystal child and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star an elder lavender child, hoop relatives 02152012_WhiteHoopCleansingSong.mp3 *Elders gif... more »

And There's a Dream

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 3 months ago
Entering the Dream, Yellow Gold*Relatives of the Rainbow,* Short and sweet. This was part of a larger song. Ejoy. Your devoted servants, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother (crystal child sings) Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star your Father Red Hand (lavender child drums) Elders of the rainbow,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy [image: MySpace] [image: Facebook] [image: Twitter] [image: Digg] [image:] 02112012_AndThere_sADream2.mp3 *Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy* *Pray With Elders... more »

Sharing Twin Hearts (green and blue equals yellow)

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 4 months ago
*Sharing Twin Hearts ** * *Dreams to take us by the hands, let us understand, the gifting to the upper hands (reaching for heaven). Become hardened to the place (have not forgiven) of the gifts (bounty of all) the place we don't hurt anyone (paradise we dream). Take a plan to live to gift the upper hand (rise up, serve others) to those who need to understand, the love of laughter for all to gain. It's what we are going to please the gaining surprise (looking forwards towards), the gifting in all we surprise, the gifting to even our demise (till we die, love rules our lives). Gain... more »

Black horses - Now we are free

Kristofer Schell at Green Grass Home - 4 months ago
Tell me where the song does lead, into the heart of those who bleed, because we suffer for true love, to shine forever, just like the doves. Let peace know greatness in all your daze, because it's dreams that lead the waves! Join in hands, know it's true, you are Greatness, like me and you (together forever). Tell me where the song does lead, into the heart of those who bleed, because we suffer for true love, to shine forever, just like the doves. Let peace know greatness in all your daze, because it's dreams that lead the waves! Join in hands, know it's true, you are Greatness, li... more »

Black Dream - Black Stallion Music Video

Kristofer Schell at Green Grass Home - 4 months ago
Tell me where the song does lead, into the heart of those who bleed, because we suffer for true love, to shine forever, just like the doves. Let peace know greatness in all your daze, because it's dreams that lead the waves! Join in hands, know it's true, you are Greatness, like me and you (together forever).

Faraway Island (Instrumental Arabic Music)

Kristofer Schell at Green Grass Home - 4 months ago
Tell me where the song does lead, into the heart of those who bleed, because we suffer for true love, to shine forever, just like the doves. Let peace know greatness in all your daze, because it's dreams that lead the waves! Join in hands, know it's true, you are Greatness, like me and you (together forever). Tell me where the song does lead, into the heart of those who bleed, because we suffer for true love, to shine forever, just like the doves. Let peace know greatness in all your daze, because it's dreams that lead the waves! Join in hands, know it's true, you are Greatness, li... more »

Prayer for Ether or Nothing

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 4 months ago
The near-infrared image of the galaxy, captured by the Cosmic Background Explorer mission (colour) matches very closely the X-ray data collected by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (contours), suggesting the X-ray emission is generated in the same place as older stars (Image: NASA/GSFC/RXTE/COBE /M Mevnivtsev et al) [image: MySpace] [image: Facebook] [image: Twitter] [image: Digg] [image:] 01312012_PrayerForEtherorNothing.mp3 ** White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings, Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star Drums, Rainbow Wisdom... more »

Two Two, Tu Tu, Chu Chu, Let the Winds Blow By!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 4 months ago
*Two two, tu tu, we are on the chu chu (train). Chu chu, chu chu we are on the train/trail, flowing river going to gain, down a river full of pain.* *Chu chu, two toot. I'm on my way to the flue/flew. Grand deer (stars of heaven on the great journey) hold me near. My hand is taken to stand (wave to you). Chu chu ooo_ooo_ooo_ooo_ooh. **Chu chu ooo_ooo_ooo_ooo_ooh. Chu chu, it's two the road imbued (together again). Come greatful is your song, two two (binded together in four directions).* * * *Feel the running river the place in time. Feel the running river the place we chime. Two tw... more »

Morning Walk

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 4 months ago
*As I rise up to sea, the wonder of God's gifts to me. I find the light waiting for me to shine, upon the royal earth divine. Capture me to be free. Love is gathered out from the seas. I wake up to find a love that binds. Come children watch over me. Come children find your dream. And when you rise up this day, look at the Morning Star and say. I love you my Sun. I love you each day. I gift my heart to you, for bringing me here this daze. * * * *I see your glory and haze, the morning with it's craze....y. And I know it's another day, to bring my love your way. If only you could unde... more »

Loyal Trees, Beloved Relatives On Their Knees!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Green Grass Home - 4 months ago
*Where are the reckoning? I want to know. Where is the sun that bows? I want to know. If we place our hands on God, together we will pray out loud. Where is the reckoning? Our shout. Time is dancing here and out, the place that I know I shout. Inside, the hall of fame delight. We are going to the southern winds, oh my Brother let me in, where red river flows, my heart does growoooooooooo. That's where I know the reckoning flows. Twinkle in mine eyes upon you. You sing a song that bellows true. When you bless with me, I will shed thee, all my sins that know I got to go. We are han... more »

Hillside Slide Into Our Hearts

Helen at Dreams and Visions - 4 months ago
Vision/Dream 16 January 2012 I was living with my ex husband in a lovely house on a hillside. It was beautiful hill with lots of trees. The house had a BIG corner window for easy viewing of the glorious surroundings. This one day it had been raining VERY hard, and as my husband and I were looking out at the view through this window, we saw the house two doors along start to disintergrate and slide away down the hill. I said "I hope there is no one inside the house". It was a very unnerving experience and could feel my heart in my mouth. I decided to go and investigate and see if th... more »

Singing in the Breeze, All Those Boys On Their Knees!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 4 months ago
*Let the boys out, the rainbow colors that they shout. Come hang in the garden of love, for I know you gift the hug. Share all the things we swing, from vine and limbering we sing. We are devoted to true, the circle of love that is imbued.* *Hear, woof, woof, woof, the warrior who knows the hood. For he is ruffled and rare, the place that is uncompared. All those colors that swim, inside the sacred wind. And we are genuinely rare, the place we save there. Come let the boys out, they are the ones who will shout, come glory let me ride that wave, to a sacred daze.* *We are the wolve... more »

Great Father Sings For Our Liberty

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 4 months ago
*(drum beats) beat, beat beat (the buffalo drum).* * * *Pouring my heart, I feel all the children start. There's a beat, my heart sow sweet. I can feel the steps of the glory I meet. Sun shine find me, that's where I'll be. Children behind me, glorious seas. Sharing, that's the daring. Holding for love is the race of time. And I want to tell you all my little children, you must race to the arms of each other. There's little time to behold, to learn the sacred told. then we will unfold to bee . . . Oh I hear you always calling after me,. "Oh rescue me. This is your Great father in th... more »

Do You Hear at Holy Spirit Sails Across the Seas - 4 months ago
*Do you hear* *the scream of the storm?* *the cry of the winds?* *the sound of the waves?* *the singing of the birds?* *the call of the deer?* *the quiet footsteps of cougars?* *or the rattling rustle of a snake?* * * *the voice inside of you?* *that drowns all that out* * * *the voice* *that guides you* * * *the voice* *that holds you* * * *the voice* *which carries you* * * *the voice* *that speaks to you* * * *every day* *hourly* *every minute* *every second* * * *oh what are seconds, minutes, hours, days* *they belong to a system* *which was only put over me* * * *I do not care* *beca... more »

Brother Hold My Hand, Thunder Roaring Stream Understands!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 4 months ago
*Relatives of the Rainbow,* This is a story for those who have suffered and need understand how love binds us to the Greatness that is called, "I AM". And it's you, who needs a view, of how great indeed it's true. Thunder Roaring Stream, a yellow child, who brings love into this land. And devoted could be inside of you, when you share the stream of blue (true blue of heavenly). And we are united in souls, this phase, the yellow rolling hill will show the way. And until that day occurs, let us learn to find a world. We are together, you and me. We are together eternally. And there is... more »

Hear the Story of All the Suns!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings - 4 months ago
*Hear the Story of All the Suns!* * * *Relatives of the Rainbow and that means you, * * * This song was blowing in the winds, because we have lost our path, towards each other. We are the sacred path of each other. We ride the rainbow colors, into the divine unity or sacred circle only when we choose love and devotion. Help heal the world, send a prayer for all to hear. Then we will know which way to go, into the heart of the solid gold. Your devoted servant does pray, to heal all those who blow away, into the heart of the air, with each breath I know you are there/their. One sacred ... more »

Welcome To My Heart Where Dreams Come True to the Knew!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 4 months ago
*Where have you been? I have been waiting in the wind. Where have you been? I have been waiting sow thin. I watch you flow. We are here to grow. Think of LOVE this day, then wash your sins away, there you will find the harmony you desire. We are the SUNS of time, begin the drum (heartbeat) to chime. We are the suns, that shine within.* * * *Dancing and gleaming that's the great steaming. We are abundant, across the salvia* **road. Think upon thunder and watch all your wonder. Across time we feel the chime of destiny does rhyme. We could move mountains, through all the sound man (... more »

Download Free Avg Anti-Virus

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at MY COMPUTER IS PROTECTED - 4 months ago
Download NowTested spyware free *Welcome to the home of love, where your computer gets to know of hugs. Take the time to give it love, to ensure the spine stands, on the test of time (until you update protection files again). For only you can operate the golden rule, do unto your computer, who knows who to fool. But we do outwit the slyest fox, when we give love instead of gloves (put them up, combative forces). The greatest part of protection is clear, the smooth operation ... more »

Elders Pipe Songs 12212011

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED PIPE SONGS - 4 months ago
Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Pipe Song (gray, magenta, blue, gray - gray child, grandmother) *Dance with me into the breeze, my soul wanders eternally. I want to shine forever sublime, just have to call out, it's about time. Listen to me children of the sun, gather together even on the run. I light this pipe today to say, Go and get them and lead the waves. Here we flow like the clouds above, holding us close like we are doves. We only need learn to gather with thee, heaven on earth, one family. Where I dance I bring all in, the the whispers even the sin. But I know it's what we... more »

Elders Pipe Songs 12282011

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED PIPE SONGS - 4 months ago
Grandmother Comfort in the Wind Pipe Song *Dancing in the winds, I hold my fork in (snake tongue, divided yet together, blue and red roads, holding your forked tongue in). Yet, I must speak to let the world know how to keep (negative wave, lesson on thinking). Here I flow to know, it's a sacred snow. Yet blessings are for the rainbow, all hte children who want to blossom and grow. Where have you been? I want to feel you in the winds. Yet, you subside, just trying to hide. You stand there, leading me on, yet you make my yawn, because we don't really journey anywhere. Don't you know... more »

Elders Pipe Songs 01112012

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED PIPE SONGS - 4 months ago
Grandmother Comfort in the Wind pipe song (kinda of eerie) *Listen children to my roar, can't you hear the thunder snore. I adore you to the spill of every last drop of blood we kill. Think of heaven and it's suicide, how can we lift our hearts up to know wise. It's about cherishing everything. oh my children let it ring. Wince those tear drops and let them fall, down into the purgatory and in it's stalls. WE will bless you and know it's true, the heart inside of you, needs renew. Your heart, needs renew. I lift this pipe up today to say, come my children lean on loving waves. And ... more »

Many Kinds of Sacred Pipes

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED PIPE SONGS - 4 months ago
*Walking In Beauty* *Awake Inside a Sacred Dream I remember who I was I remember where I was going My heart was eaten by the winds My heart was torn into four parts I have gone all around myself I have gathered myself recovered myself I have heard them say it could happen in just this way* Some people have heard of the White Buffalo Calf Woman Pipe. This very sacred object is an ancient sacred pipe bundle belonging to a specific group of Sioux Indians of the Northern Plains. This particular sacred pipe is described very well in the book "Black Elk Speaks", which has been translated int... more »

Let Love Rule and Reign

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 4 months ago
*Standing on the hill today horrah, hooray. We going to lift the world to pray, horrah, hooray. And lifting us to those who need, will help the world learn how to bleed (suffer for love, let the red road rule the law). Horrah, horrah, hooray. Once upon a time ago, the waves did say, that we were going to migrate to another way, another wave. And here we stand upon the man, who's time is going to end again, horrah, hooray, horrah. * ** *Come children everywhere, it's winds we begin. The Great Migration is home to wind, up us on that hill. We plant the waving flag to say, down into th... more »

Dancing Orbs

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at Dreams and Visions - 4 months ago
On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 1:35 AM, Grandfather Helen W. wrote: * * *Blessings to you White Buffalo Calf Woman,* Last night when I got up to the bathroom, my whole vision was taken up with bright orbs hundreds of them and they were filled with rainbow coloured shapes. (straight lines, squares, triangles, and geographical shapes) They were all different and dazzling. I was 'told' they were for healing people. When I got back into bed it was like they were there surrounding me until I accepted them. I then felt like I was in the midst of a transformation, that I had to... more »

Thunder Horn Rides the Waves to Share the Rainbow Colors Hair

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 4 months ago
*Kiss my twice. I know my life. Gift me twice. I will be nice. Hold my hand and children of the rainbow understand. It's Rainbow Mother who rules the land. Kiss me twice, now be nice. Once on my right cheek. Once on my left. And when we are finished, love will be inside this nest. We will be beholden to the land. Roll over brother. Sister command. Know about faithful, we are part of this demand. And kisses upon the rainbow, it's where my life flows. I feel all the children, oh God hold me close.* * * *He ho, hee ho. Show nee upon the gold. Watcha, hick om nee pee. We are the teth... more »

Wake Up to the Distant Calling

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS - 4 months ago
*Can you feel the waking of your dreams? I know it's real because I feel the seams (edges of the universe). There you are glorious and a call, wake children to the distant fall. Here we flow from stars above and down below a stream of love. can't you feel it, it's wondrous above it all. Come share my witness to the bow (rainbow) and it's call (in the winds through our prayers). Bring home to you, the feelings of the blue, where heaven shines inside of sacred you. And when we fall down to praise this earth, let us bound to heaven's love upon this girth.* * * *When you woke up did yo... more »

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Hoop 4

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THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

We are Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever. There is "No way out", "only a Way In" .... this is the sacred circle of our collective dreams. We are learning to walk towards!

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, iyeshka (interpreter) and akicita (law bringer), crystal (christal/pearl/diamond/red-red), yellow, green, gray (red-green).

Holy buffalo hide (prayer cloth or holy temple called you) reveals the four sacred directions that heal.

Thank you for all your Thrills. Shout out to hit the Nails. We are building a house where all are welcome on the rolling hills. White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings »

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptse San Wi Yan), your Twin Deer Mother, has come home to your hearts. It's time to walk the evolution's path. We all are part of the Rainbow Clan, my relatives each and everyone. Receive the treasures that your iyes(h)ka (interpreter) gifts to you, the sacred song blessings, that always are true (soul and voice of the song). And inside of you, the soul that comes alive, the prayers that live, and shout, "I am and I thrive!"

Life is a Roller Coaster and Now I'm on a ride, over rolling hills again, and back to the place where I collide (dark and light). Heaven (dark) and Earth (light) come home to me and we will be getting along, where the sunset returns again, the place I call my home. Star is born, the light does shine, every single morn, and I have to open my heart, so I can get along. There is a kingdom out there, the place of paradise, and we are going home right now, if we can only collide (dark and light). Be my heart and walk with me, be the rising sun (Morning Star), have the place of wonder in the wishing land. Singing to your heart, White Buffalo Calf Woman is finally home at last! Ask for blessings, come receive the greatest you have known, there is promise everywhere, just you look and sea, the heart of wisdom knows the place, the heart that can conceive.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

About Jeff (meaning peace) [He is the Singular (mission) father (leading) that goes around town (evolution's call to the circle of life). We call him the Golden Light of Sound, he is the chosen one, to view the world, but he needs to come home to call. There he will find a home where all will know his knives (sharing and dividing). Without a place to trumpet, he does not have a home. He longs to find a home where all can find a lid (roof, sanctuary, green grass home). Jeff Golden Light of Sound is the House of Cones (light reflection in evolution), the blossom, that reigns forth. Don't be alarmed, he should go away. But be sure his heart will stay. He is the bishop to your pawn (blessing you). You can rise up to his call. Blow billows of sunshine in the air. He will be standing in the streams so fair.]

Jeff Golden Light of Sound said, "I dreamed of the White Buffalo Calf Woman, she pointed to her heart and Buffaloes of all colors formed a circle, the White Buffalo went to the heart and all other Buffaloes followed."

White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets: The heart is the path into heaven, where our souls do hide. We all belong to the Circle of Oneness, the Rainbow Clan. For we are all related and of God. A Buffalo represents the tools of light, in four rainbow colors, to assist your heavenly mission (heavenly name). This is our holy temple, our flesh, the Buffalo Home. White Buffaloes are like the stars, those who shine, united four roads, the blue, red, yellow, then white, the star. Grandfather light (white person, in their tools of light, rainbow directions) naturally shines like this, the white light of unity, who is humble, and bows like the Rainbow to receive blessings. The rest of us, must learn to walk this humble path, to shine like stars. These are the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy who unite! A White Buffalo is the Star of Heaven, who shines upon Earth, walking and talking (wakan tankan, the Great Spirit Within) the united four roads. These are the White Buffaloes who are able to walk through the door of heaven, the crystalline heart of White Buffalo Calf Woman, to greet thyself (mirror to the soul, the heart of the crystal person), the soul seeking a way out, to illuminate and shout, to be validated, for who I am! The Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, learning to become the White Buffaloes (stars of heaven, that shine), begin the Great Migration home. We enter the Third Phase of Evolution, the yellow rolling hill in time (dawning of brotherhood), where dreams do come true. Heaven and Earth, Welcome Home!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings: When pointing to the heart, the direction that imparts, the wisdom of the path of the inner light. Here we are many rainbow colors, all part of the same vision of the sacred circle of life. We are relatives, who need to come home twice. Once in the flesh (red road), and once in the soul (blue road), then we know, that we have binded (bound) our whole. When we follow the path of the heart and the soul, all other buffaloes will flow, for rainbows of latter (ancestors), the buffalo homes that have been shattered (separated and divided), will carry us home, to a brand new day, when we look for the heart that leads the day (to flow together, as one shining river).

The tools of light, do shine, like the holy temple of the mind, the flesh that does hold a soul inside. We call the tools of light, the buffalo home. For it's four sacred directions, that gift to us eight directions, the four colors then reflection, to gift our lights. Then we are the Rainbow Colors, the clan that does show reason, when we understand, that we belong to each others, by demand. For it's God's children, we hold the upper hand, for it's sacred in here, where the buffalo steer, the trembling of the hooves who do gallop away. We are here to lead the great migration day.

The circle of buffalo were the sacred rainbow colors, parts each of us, to be whole again, when we join together, in the wind. And as we join together, we follow the fortunate weather, it's inward, the heavenly route, the soul that flies, all inside. And heaven is what leads us, where all buffalo do feed us, to go home again. To feel the wind again. We are going home. To be under the sun.

And it's time for us to gather, to listen to our hearts talk. To walk the path of righteousness in the wind. And when it's all over, we will journey together, the path of love, the holy days, of eternity. Oh blessed bee, let us dream together and be free. Rejoice, Rejoice, the Green Grass Grows!


THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever.
No way out, only a way in .... this is the sacred circle.

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child (crystal/christal/pearl/diamond)
crystal, yellow, green, gray (holy buffalo hide reveals)

White Buffalo Calf Woman public figure (Facebook)