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White Buffalo Calf WomanmeAho!Cup of GodBlessBlessBlessWhite Buffalo Calf WomanAho my little sister, I am here, I bow. My little brother...Cup of Godsow? I hope you and his Holiness enjoy perfect health and blessingsWhite Buffalo Calf WomanJust read your message, and started to write. You know it's about caring about someone. I just watched something on a public broadcast.Cup of GodI am listeningWhite Buffalo Calf WomanThey talked about the Jewish region of Israel, how everyone is like family. That total strangers would come up to you and correct you. This is because someone cares. Ultimately it's about happiness, your happiness, when someone cares. They share it with you.Cup of GodI should bee happyWhite Buffalo Calf WomanIn this program, the Jewish Brother recognized how the Jewish family were able to really learn, better than others in the community of the world. He recognized that the Jews were older physically, the Rainbow Clan. But he did not really understand, he did not have humility. Learning about humility is the great bow.Cup of Godwwhat does it mean exactly "older physically"?White Buffalo Calf WomanFor you to know happiness, you learning to receive what others say, only with a simple validation, I hear you, now here is my story. But Jews always want to have all the answers because they are the oldest of the rainbow. This recognition is what you are up against with me. I want you to be happy, to know the humble bow of heavenly virtues. However, what happens, you have all the answers. Learning to share answers means we receive each other, regardless of where you are in the great circle. If anyone can learn this sacred skill, it's a Jew. You my beloved, my beloved, the House of David, we want you to be happy.Cup of Godwith "older" meaning beeing there firstWhite Buffalo Calf WomanI know it's not easy being magenta.Cup of Godplease explainWhite Buffalo Calf Womanon the eastern shore, the rainbow stream ascends physically the red road, moves counter clockwise to sunset. Oldest rainbow colors robe (buffalo robe). on the western shore, the soul descends, the eldest souls. Jews are the oldest physical on the eastern shore, this is what makes them ordained. Did this answer your question?Cup of Godno, I don't understand it. are you talking about the sunrise east, but what means "soul descends"?White Buffalo Calf Womango down the page, till you get to the post. Do you see the image yet?Cup of Godat the very bottom? the changing one?
White Buffalo Calf WomanTuesday, June 5, 2012 Four Directions. Image says HOOPS. Let me know when you find it... Under search this blogCup of GodN, NW, W, etc.
White Buffalo Calf WomanYes. Okay, now let me answer while you are looking at this image okay?Cup of GodokWhite Buffalo Calf Woman"soul descends" and rotates clockwise. "flesh ascends" and rotates counter-clockwiseeast to west is the horizon. flesh arises on the western shore. soul arises on the eastern shore, in other words the soul is birthed and the flesh is oldest. east is where we start, when darkness comes. The day starts at darkness, the year starts with darkness, the dream begins in the darkness. east to west you are the magenta, all rainbow colors in this circle fly over both at dawn and dusk through you, this means the rainbow colors, ascending stream and descending stream. Do you understand so far? oh, over the horizon (east to west)Cup of GodwellWhite Buffalo Calf Womanfrom east, start here. look at east on the left of the image.Cup of GodyesWhite Buffalo Calf Womanmove up and over to the west, you are descending white to yellow to red to blue. this way the soul descends, clockwise on this image.Cup of GodyesWhite Buffalo Calf Womanstart from the east.Cup of GodyesWhite Buffalo Calf Womanmove down and over to the west, you are ascending blue to red, to yellow to white. blue and red is unseen. the darkness of rainbow colors. white and yellow is the lightness of the rainbow colors. you are the magenta from east to west. all streams go through you up and down. do you understand?Cup of GodE to W directly "red with light upon it" ?White Buffalo Calf Womanwell yes, it's like the red road. we all have to walk this, you are the magenta child, the red road with light upon it. at the horizon, where it's all awe and wonder. It's sow hard to see/sea clearly, because it's all beautiful. Right that's what you feel?Cup of Godsomehow yesOkay, now think of the whole circle as part of the rainbow clan. The blue (black) is the Mother Nation. red is the twin nation, yellow is the child nation, white is the Father Nation. If we rise up on the west with our rainbow colors (light rises up and ascends), the youngest would be the western shore, the physical child, this would be the Sioux.White Buffalo Calf WomanWhite Buffalo Calf WomanIf we rise up on the west and keep going we eventually get to the east, where we fall down, this is the oldest flesh, the Jew ready to enter the darkness, to rebirth the soul. Jews are the oldest flesh or rainbow colors on the red road.Cup of Godwho decides if we rise east or westWhite Buffalo Calf WomanThe fabric of space and time. arrangement of relativityCup of Godsoul and flesh never unite?White Buffalo Calf Womanyes, inside of us. together, a soul and flesh. You see, no matter where you are in the sacred circle, you are older in one way or another and younger in one way or another.Cup of Godand what is the difference between soulh heaven and soul earth? or flesh?White Buffalo Calf WomanSoul heaven or soul earth talks about the soul's placement in the sacred circle. Flesh, talks about the rainbow colors, the walking path of the red road.Cup of Godlike school level?White Buffalo Calf WomanWell it's more like age level. The soul rises up on the east, born with the Jew. They are, we are soul children (pertaining to Jews). The soul moves towards the spiraling towards the center. The rainbow colors moves outwards spiraling away from the center. When the soul descends we get older, the oldest soul is the Sioux, because they are at the western shore. Light above east and west is seen. Dark below east and west is unseen. rainbow is only half a circle. two rainbows show the whole circle, sometimes you can see this, but they are bent at the horizon showing two rainbows, instead of one circle or glory.Cup of Godbefore you said: If we rise up on the west with our rainbow colors (light rises up and ascends), the youngest would be the western shore, the physical child, this would be the Sioux.White Buffalo Calf WomanYes, the Sioux is the physical child, on the red road, their rainbow colors are youngest. The Jew is the oldest physical child on the red road, their rainbow colors are the oldest.White Buffalo Calf Womaneastern shore, Jew, physical (flesh) eldest, rainbow colors, red road. soul youngest, sacred songs, blue road.
White Buffalo Calf Womanwestern shore, Sioux, soul eldest, sacred songs, blue road. physical (flesh) youngest, rainbow colors, red road. We on earth think about the light, what we can see. We can see the rainbow, half of the circle. This is the red road, rainbow colors, the rainbow clan, we walk with each other, the garden of paradise, we all want to descend with our souls too/two/together. We are birthed on the western shore. we die on the eastern shore. The Jew knows about death and soul rebirth. But to get to heaven, actually on the blue road, down into the blue part of the circle, into the darkness, then one must bow. This bow is what Jews all over the world are learning to dew. But because we are oldest with the rainbow colors, we can accomplish great things with ease relative to the rest of the rainbow, and we are pompous and full of ourselves, rather than humble. Because we don't recognize our being the oldest in the whole world, who must take care of all the children of the entire world.Being the oldest means we have the greatest responsibility for it. Our hearts (soul) are young like babies, but our intelligence (flesh) is oldest. With this, we tend to depend on older knowledge, but it's now the time of the child. It's the child, the soul child who winds, rebirths and gifts wings to the world, when one can bow get on the blue road. It's happening right now in Israel. As I said, people will go up to strangers and correct each other's children and give advice, because it's a family. What are you going to do? We are learning to receive like children. All a Jew, really anyone, has to dew, but it's seem hardest for the Jew, because he wants to be old, rather than young, is validate. Just repeat what someone says. That's it. This one thing, helps us bow. We say, I hear your council. that's it.Cup of Godnow I have to repeat everything you said? haha
White Buffalo Calf WomanLaughing.Cup of GodI hear you
White Buffalo Calf WomanIf we reject, we are not listening or receiving. heaven is a circle all around, sonar. earth is directional, a. to b., color of light path.
White Buffalo Calf WomanReally validation is the key, but also to understand, who you are, you are old flesh, rainbow colors, and you are youngest soul, birthing to know of this great garden of paradise. As a Jew, this position is part of the sacred circle, each part has a duty to fulfill, or there is no dreaming or dreamspace. We are relatives on this circle, literally. and learning to understand the circle duties and placement, helps us navigate our lives. now, you don't like what I say, then instead of thinking shame or blame, instead say, I only need to validate. Jews still talk at each other. Learning to receive each other is true validation and real love of the rainbow that bows. A Jew that knows how to bow is a blossom inside the clouds! And I guide you and fuss at you, because I love you and want you to know your greatness. Just roll each lesson, with validation, then treasure appear, buried gold is near.Cup of Godwhy am I jew (oldest flesh)? why youngest soul?White Buffalo Calf WomanThis is where you are in your journey towards the center of the spiraling. I am where I am in the journey. You know, my love, I am ready to give all the colors out now. It sure would be great if you were involved. Number (wave frequency, color or sound) to one is center. Each number is a stepping stone or lesson, when we complete a lesson, move down the path towards the center.Cup of GodyesWhite Buffalo Calf WomanI am uploading another imageCup of Godyou always were looking for jews that share the numbers...(arc of the covenant)It's time now. updated images, on same page, just refresh. update again, more imageWhite Buffalo Calf WomanCup of GodI see, I go to bed now, here it is 01:00a.m.White Buffalo Calf WomanHow about you look again tomorrow, then you can ask more questions.Cup of Godi want to get up at ~05:20 to watch the transitWhite Buffalo Calf WomanBut for now, how about a song, my love.Cup of GodMay I ask for a song blessing?Aho, here we go, Holiness is happy to drum for you now. He sends his love to you.Ready...Cup of GodI send blessings to his Holiness (Sacred Song Blessing below by Image 7, top of article)
On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Cup of God flips over and pours out ;cupofgod@gmail.com; wrote:
Image two Greetings and blessings beloved White Buffalo Calf Woman,
yes - I forgot to adress people.
It's been a very long time since I "related" to you: a lot has happened and time passed by; sow when I wanted to share, I did not know where to start, because sow much had happened. As more time passed by, I even felt guilty and did not share, because sow much time had passed by...some kind of vicious circle.
I was very happy to receive Holiness David's message and wanted to share - but sow many things happened and time passed by....I guess you know the rest ;-)
I was thinking a lot about ~the Rainbow Clan~, but somehow did not manage "to take the time and write". I am having a tough time "formulating" (writing) what I am ~feeling&thinking...
This morning I thought: "Hey, let's use the VenusTransit energy and "re-connect"...sow I started small...
Now but when I read your message, I get this feeling again that you always have to " correct" me, to tell me what I can/can not do, what is right or wrong...that's what it feels like...me getting smaller...and I don't like it...this feeling. Maybe that is why I needed a break...and now I can phrase this issue. Help me, Big Brother - how can I/we deal with this? Is it just my perception? Or is it treally your task doing this and I just have to adjust my point of view of this situation?
I want to stress that I love you - I respect you and I bow to you. I honor your "criticism", as I am willing to improve. It just seems to me that you always have to criticize what I write or how I write it or how I do not write something...sow my motivation to "share" obviously needed a break.
I am back - looking in my crystal mirror *** what do I see?
Let there bee - pure and blessed
the nine directions - including West.
Cup of GOD, magenta child, cupofgod.blogspot.com
On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 7:56 AM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.com ; wrote:
Image three Beloved Cup of God,
We have been sending you love. But have you forgotten to address people on the hoops, including me. Remember to love thyself, it's eventually.Blessings the nine directions,White Buffalo Calf Womanelder crystal child
On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 9:28 PM, Cup of God flips over and pours out cupofgod@gmail.com; wrote:
Happy Venus Transit
Blesseed bee
Cup of GOD, magenta child, cupofgod.blogspot.com
Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts is united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, brotherhood)!
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