For Your Fire, Pipe, Blessing Ceremony

The Blessing of the Nine Directions
To the East and the West. To the north and the south. To the up and the down, to the sacred all around. To the heartbeat and Breath, I gift all my sacredness. I receive all my life for thee. I shall be forever in the breeze.
peacefulYour Heart Song
I shall sing. I shall sing upon Mountain Tops. I shall be. Glory for thee. And I shall be the loving breeze.

Sacred Dew

Four Sacred Directions In Thee!

Relatives, "Ask for your colors you can believe all the rainbow you can receive, the sacred garment of lights that lead, the spreading sheets of leaves. Here the way is clear to be, the loving and sacred tree. Take to your heart all that you believe and come and fly with me! In other words, ask and you shall receive your four sacred colors." says, White Buffalo Calf Woman who Sings for you, your Twin Deer Mother and additional Sacred Song Blessings and We Bless You

Come receive your Sacred Song Blessings, ask for your blessings and receive, the greatest treasure you could conceive, the soul that needs to be true, when one is validated in you. The treasure is you!

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  • Golden Katy Keel
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Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Great Elk Guides the Hunt, as the Pipe Keeps Him Pure, Jim Three Arrows, Seeker He Does Hear!

“Osiyo” - The Traditional Cherokee Greeting - Sets The Tone Because, "It's good (to see you)". ("Care my relative, I greet your soul again, I have missed you for yarns (story time) in the wind, don't be apart from me, this long again, for I will miss you, until we meet again", sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother)

Jan 14, 2010 Jim Three Arrows wrote:


Since Sept. '09,  I have been sent by the Elk on a special quest to help the people. I'm not able to determine exactly what this means, but have tried to follow the visions and all details as the spirits allow. White Buffalo Medicine has been an important part of this quest leading me to new family all over the country. A few have been helped, much more workto be done.

During this time, during the hunt for visions and answers you have been in my thoughts. I have not been able to clearly see why?

First attempt to follow the Elks communication led me to an disabled person needing help, this person gave us White Buffalo Medicine,  second hunt led me to a beautiful kindred spirit sending out a White Buffalo Calf Woman Pendleton blanket, this blanket was gifted to an elder who had given away their sacred WBCW blanket 10 years earlier and was missing it. Third hunt led me to a white buffalo effigy chanupa, that chanupa and buffalo effigy parted paths after they arrived. The effigy awakened and will be Honored Guest at the Inipi ceremony this weekend. My brother, 4 year Sundancer and pipe carrier found White Buffalo Woman Effigy from Sundance Tree in the mud and dirt after Sundance and carries her with honor.

I'm preparing for vision quest this spring. Lots to learn. Preparing for proper Sacred Pipe Carrier, lots to learn.

Other quests have been successful and more are calling for a hunt. Again I'm having problems understanding some of the info on your site, hoping you can assist spirits willing.

Jim Three Arrows

Lakota greeting and salutation is, "Pilamayo", meaning, in light (luminous and numinous) and Love.  ("Traveling over the roads, we find and greet the heart, to know the spirit longs not to be apart, and that's where I long to be with you and me, come let's dance, and fly to eternity", sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother)

Beloved Jim Three Arrows,
It seems the Elk has guided you, with care.  I am very proud of you, my love.  You see, I am your Twin Deer Mother (earthly tools of light, or walk of the flesh) and I am your White Buffalo Calf Woman (heavenly mission, or spiritual flight of the soul).  The reason, I share this with you, is to show you, that we all have two names, but often Natives only think of the Earthly path, because this is what is to be taught as heavenly children.

The Elk (deer, journey of life) is the animal with big horns, like a tree of life.  Inside the horns, lie live Red Blood Cell Production, the valley of the Red Road, the law of love.  The Deer family are those who lead the great migration, and always are ahead of the pack, leading the physical migration.  So you see, we are the people who walk the way of the Great Spirits first in our lives.

Your name Three Arrows speaks of a direction we are headed towards.  And I also noticed you used the arrows to lead your to the right, the western shore (we view life upside down and backwards, our physical eye anatomy proves this), then left, the eastern shore (the heavenly talk, song, soul, dark) then back to the west, the (earthly walk,dance, flesh, light).  All together, you are zig zagging, which is the path of the snake, the law.  The Law is love, and snakes above all else, carry this wisdom, for it is the embrace of the stars in heaven, the darkness, which is unknown, but holds us up to shine inside the universe, like beings of light like we are. 

White Buffalo represents the four sacred directions, but not only the power of the buffalo, but the heard of the call, where the pounding of the heartbeat leads the way (buffalo herd running across with thunder awakening). It is the white (star that shines), which brings the four colors together as a unifying force.  This is medicine, of the highest form, the unity of all the colors, walking together.  It is time, but not all hear this call.

What I would like to sea is the visions you have shared, with others.  Because this story, with other Rainbow Clan stories tell the whole picture.  But if we don't share our visions, then the whole of the unity is lost. Oneness is the Rainbow Clan, and we all carry four sacred directions in Rainbow Colors.  You can hear some of these stories in Rainbow Colors at

The reason, you do not sea (vision of the heart) clearly is because it's not your job to interpret, this is the job of Crystal people, however, it seems that I need teach this to other Crystal people in our times.  This is because we are the only ones, who can separate the colors of the whole in the darkness, and know truth, as we do not separate with the Oneness of God.  This is why I am your devoted servant, and Wakan Iyeshka or holy interpreter.  Even if I do not speak or interpret your visions, the sharing allows insights, to the whole truth.  This is why sharing stories is the key to truth.  It is due to the perspective of light, and we each have a separate perspective.  We are related.

Sounds perfectly wonderful, that you received White Buffalo Medicine in your hunting, and the Blanket which means the weaving of the whole together. The white buffalo effigy and chanupa.  I can see why the chanupa and buffalo effigy parted paths after they arrived, the two roads, blue the spiritual path of the soul, dark, and the red road, the physical laws of the flesh, light, because few can walk the united paths.  This is the unification we seek all of us, to be the red and blue crossing and rise up and born again a new, the Morning Star in a time of the "Dawning", the third phase of evolution.

"Effigy" (from the internet) An effigy is a representation of a person, especially in the form of sculpture or some other three-dimensional form. The term is usually associated with full-length figures of a deceased person depicted in stone or wood on church monuments. These most often lie supine with hands together in prayer, but may also be recumbent, kneeling in prayer or even standing. Effigies may also be (half) demi-figures and the term is occasionally used to refer to a busts.

A different type of effigy is used in some religious rituals to represent an undesired person or spirit. The effigy is burned as a sign of the participants' shared intent to banish the represented element from their lives. (In Native Americans it is understood as a cleansing of the spirit, as well as a desired person or spirit, to give it honor.)

An "Effigy Mound" American Indian culture developed over 1,000 years ago placing thousands of earthen mounds across the landscape of what (today) includes parts of Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois.  Over 200 mounds are preserved intact within the Monument; 31 are effigies in the shape of bears and birds - commemorating the passing of loved ones and the sacred beliefs of these ancient peoples. 

Chanupa "Pipe Ceremony" (from the internet) Wohpea - White Buffalo Calf Woman brought the Sacred Pipe to the People and expounded on the 7 Ceremonies. The key here is that the Sacred Pipe was brought to the people Not the Medicine Folks, nor the leaders but the People.

The stone used by the Lakota and many other Peoples of The Plains is Pipe Stone, found only in one place for all the world it is the blood of all the ancestors that perished in the great flood. 

Many folks when first exposed to this way of life get impatient to have a pipe of their own but caution would be best here. To understand the weight of this instrument, and is nothing to be taken lightly. It's said that the pipe can bless 7 generations or condemn 7 generations. To carry or keep a sacred pipe, takes commitment, takes one to be and walk brutally honesty. The spirits say we like to help, they also say don't make fools of us.  Be careful of what you ask with this instrument, be careful on how you ask and your intent.

Maybe, you can tell us, the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, what the effigy looks like and the size of it.  It would be a wonderful sharing for all.  Yes my love, your White Buffalo Calf Woman is alive, and this is what makes you come home to my heart, as it has awakened you.  Many are coming home now from all over the world, because it's simply time, as evolution calls upon those who will listen.

The spiritual relatives, who are contained in the effigy, have brought you here, like a messenger.  And as an honored guest, by a Sundancer and pipe carrier, brings the heart to fruition, the expansion of the true blossom of love, within, to shine without. The mud and dirt is our holy ground, where we can run over rolling hills, and when we dance and sing, we carry honor.  Please my love, the dance is sacred, and must be as such. Don't dance for money, dance for the Great Spirits instead.  And if you receive goods, then treasure it, but the dance is for God, for all of us.  The world depends on it, the Rainbow Clan.  Be blessed when you dance and walk talk (wakan tankan), be unified in the soul and flesh, for we are children of the Great Spirits, the honor is for them, to be their treasures, when we follow the laws of love, the Red Road.

Preparing for vision quest this spring is great to hear, as you are on the path of the seeker.  Yes, there is much for you to learn before you start carrying the Sacred Pipe, and when you have questions, please feel free to ask.  On my page on the right, there is a small pipe song, and the nine sacred directions, for all of us to observe 

For Your Fire, Pipe, Blessing Ceremony

The Blessing of the Nine Directions
To the East and the West. To the north and the south. To the up and the down, to the sacred all around. To the heartbeat and Breath, I gift all my sacredness. I receive all my life for thee. I shall be forever in the breeze.
peacefulYour Heart Song
I shall sing. I shall sing upon Mountain Tops. I shall be. Glory for thee. And I shall be the loving breeze. 
and I found another blog which contains part of an extended pipe song, I sang, and if you want the other parts, I can go searching for it, but you will have to let me know.  It's not that we have changed, it's just that we are entering realization of space and time.  I am very pleased you have come to ask questions, and there is much to learn on the many sites, we offer.  I can't keep up myself.  When you have a question, please give me the url, to make sure I can update the page(s).  At, is also information, that I have yet to transfer over, and you can look there too.  We have left there and moved to

Wado (Cherokee influence), is a term I often see with Pueblo Natives.  And as such are the ones, who shall lead the walk of the talk.  The ordained are the Taos, New Mexico People, called the Blue Lake People.  Ordained for the talk is the Lakota people, the,  The embrace of heaven is from the soul, the embrace of our Rainbow lights is our flesh.  And we are all part of the sacred circle, all life is living spirit.  Now this doesn't mean, everyone have taken their places, but it is vital to get as many Native Americans to take their place and certainly anyone else, who is willing to receive the teachings of the inner soul, the impossible flight (bee), the journey of life (deer). Ah, found that the it is a Cherokee greeting and salutation of saying, Wado, which means in light and love, which probably used to mean just love, but as time grew, we only understood light, and darkness was and still considered by many as evil.  But heaven is our darkness and refuge, our Great Mother who protects and offers all her children LOVE, and we need only bless the darkness, to bring it home.  Recently, light was harming dark warriors sent to protect the earth, and I have to go heal them.  So many think light is the answer, when darkness is our heaven, the darkness needs blessings to be purified, where true love flourishes.

'Laughter - that is something very sacred especially for us Indians.'
       - John (Fire) Lame Deer, ROSEBUD LAKOTA

You are the Violet person, high priest, voice and strength (army) of God, or doorkeeper into the light, from the darkness.  This is the time, we need all be aware of as we collide with heaven (darkness) and earth (lightness), as we move from the second phase of evolution into the third phase.  You really need to join us, to learn about the movement of the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy.  Three arrows is the medicine of the people, because you are to teach joy, instead of sorrow, both carry tears. Tears or water, is the spirit of the soul, and need be practiced daily, and if you don't, you shall have pain and suffering instead of flowing inward joy, to be expressed outwardly.

Just talked with Lakota Grandmother Johanna Dives From the Sky, our Two Foot Club and she brings in the Lakota Woman perspective in, to bring the medicine for all the people of the four directions, as she has started a "War" against the break down of Lakota Spirituality. War is waged to unite two broken hearts, and the fight is the unification, not opposition.  Sow my Brother it is vital, that we stand our ground on the song, the embrace of two hearts, first.  And if this does not occur, then we cannot help those, who think they seek.  Only those, who are willing to receive blessings, are willing to bow like the Rainbow, and this humility will lead the way.  My Brother we kiss the earth, for she is our homeworld, the magic of the sacred Rainbow.

Thank you for sharing my Brother Jim Three Arrows, with the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, who have come home, for they too will hear your message, as they pray for your hunt, the sacred journey of a seeker. Ask your questions, I'll be here, and I will try to answer you, when the journey, allots the time. Don't forget url's, because I write hundreds of pages all the time, and I get lost, so if you could help me, I would be so happy, to respond. On the top of our blogs, there is a search box for the page, and a search within all the blogs.  I hope this helps you, in your hunt.

The Algonquin word, "Megwitch means" Thank You. ("Come and dance with me, come and spring delight with thee, come and sail away, inside the breeze, because my love, you are my free dove, that sends greetings to the sun", sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother)

your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
Elder Crystal Person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter prophecy of the Rainbow Warriors

Jim Three Arrows Sacred Heart Song teaches us, how to blow in the wind, and hunt for the sin, and bless and salvage, what when wrong, and bring home where it's right again.  The Power of the Snake, comes to you, where law of love, is always true!

A song for you, to long to shoo, meaning you have got to get some clues (hunt), the horse (soul) knows why, he has to spy (to look), on the flies, who hang around (and around, the evolution's call).  For the smallest does know (wisest), the ever grow, the wisdom where Saints rely. It's amazing the words, that come out of you, is the reason, I sing to you.

What knowledge we do hold, the song, that is so bold, and the technology, cannot even surmise, for the soul does know, the everliving show, where wisdom accounts for miles high. Let's understand, the art of man, who comes to be the greatest show, the land of paradise, needs warriors who matter most, who we can always rely.

Sow let the Elk lead you, to hunt for a new breed, where the sun doesn't always shine, but knows when the light goes down in it's plight, then we dance, for the sun to rise again.  And there we will be, the heaven's breeze, where the smoke and the pipe will claim the fame, of the most of the host, who can boast "I know the most", because I listened to the spirit in the skies.

I will put away shame, and bring joy to the game, where the heaven's will open up their eyes, for it's the heart of the coast, the everliving  which gives the most, for it's the distant shore that calls my name....and shouts, "come home".  It's the time of the gross (weight, not free), the magnetic stream, where we dream, and put arrows and knifes in our hopes.  There we slice through the knots, and bring wisdom who shall lead us on, to a world, where ignorance dies again (freedom).  We can claim once again, that we are the living sin (stand up for what is right, with unite, not separation because of plight, by saying I did wrong, but I will try to be strong, and next time, I shall do it right), but we are going to bee (impossible flight, to dream) better more than once (vision quests).  And we dance and we sing, to bring it all back again, the sacred harmony, that keeps us alive. 

Come and be the heart of me, where my longings are to believe, that I can be with you in a new way, it's God's life (I am).  Dream away, shout hooray, and let peace overcome my heart. I will beg to see the sun, but it's got to be from me, inside the dark, where my light does grow and part. I shall bee (impossible flight), the living tree, where the star dreams and seas, and I shall gift my true wisdom and let it out (share visions and song, our heart).

Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, for Jim Three Arrows, who cuts like a knife (bringing down ignorance) teaches us, how to overcome.



   Smoking was an important ritual as well as something done for pleasure. A man's pipe was one of his most favored and treasured possessions. The pipe would usually be made of Ash wood, a straight piece as long as a man's forearm. This was split in half, hollowed out and bound back together again. The mouthpiece would be wrapped in rawhide which was allowed to dry and shrink until it became as hard as wood. The bowl would be made from red pipe-stone, shaped and polished and given a final rubbing with buffalo tallow to seal the porous stone. The pipe would be decorated with the owners personal symbols, feathers or furs from the owners personal spirit helper, strips of buffalo hide and horse hair.

   Particularly ceremonial pipes would always be adorned with four strips of buffalo hide dyed red, black, white and yellow, the colors of the four directions. Near the mouthpiece would be four braided strands of horsehair, again in the four sacred colors. Sometimes a strip of red paint ran from the bowl to the mouthpiece, symbolizing the good red road of spiritual understanding that was sought by all who smoked the pipe. Around the stem of the pipe was a small circle of black to represent the world of worldly cares. Where the black crossed the red was a spot of green representing the tree of life.

   Where men met together a pipe would always be smoked formally before any talk took place. The smoking of the pipe was a ritual which bound all who partook of the pipe to telling the truth and keeping his word on anything said. The pipe would be offered by the host to the four directions, the earth and the sky. He would then pass it to the man on his left who smoked and passed it on to the man on his left and so on. It always went to the left as this was the direction the sun took or its journey around the world. The pipe would be filled with a mixture of dried willow bark, tobacco, grasses and herbs. If the mixture was finished before the pipe had gone full circle the pipe would be tapped and cleaned, the ashes emptied into the fire. Upon refilling the pipe, it would again be offered as before, then it would continue it's way around the circle as before. The smoke from the pipe was believed to carry the words of man upwards to the Great Spirit and all men who smoked the pipe were united spiritually.

   After the formal smoking of the pipe the talk would begin and each man would then light his own pipe and smoke through the conversation. Pipes were usually long but if a man had suffered some fall from grace or shame then he was expected to smoke a short stemmed pipe. One way to greatly insult a man was to clean out your pipe and empty the ashes over his moccasins.

Warriors of the Earth  

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, where White Buffalo Calf Woman flows!

Title: Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Where White Buffalo Calf Woman Flows, the Song of Love, that Grows and Grows, where the Blue and Red Cross Roads, the Rising Sun, does know!
Sung by:  White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother who blows, the smoke across your nose, to help you relive, the sacred path, to come home where God does grow, the Green Grass home, the place of the Sacred Rainbow!

Come lend your hand and understand, the will of God has come home! You need your relatives to join your heart, or you will forever roam. To start your path on forgiveness graft, then you need realize, that you are part of the clandestine part, of all our sacred hearts.

Fold with me, and you will sea, the heart that longs for better ways, not the way of hatred, or opposition, but the path of love today. The place to hold, is inside of bold, where you fight for what is right, the silver lining of the Rainbow Clan, is waiting for you heart.

Lets dance and sing and rejoice again, for we are here to be so bold. To shout and rage, the river's gorge, where all does flow in the sky. The Song's of Angels, they do know, that you are on the verge of paradise, all you have to do, is follow you, the heart, that always knows.

Be grand today, because you are here to stay, upon the mountain tops, the place, where rivers start to flow, where the crystalline boat does know. That a heart that's pure, does move real slow, to allow the rainbow to show. It's you, I say, hip hip hooray, the relative, I long for. Be wise my child, give a mile my love, to be the grandest show.

And when you have suffered enough, this day, remember the pipe will lead the way, where blue and red, does cross the stead, and shine like a living rainbow. Where green grass grows, and blood does flow, that's where my heart will be, to suffer for others, to allow them to grow, and teach them along the way. Light fire to your day, let the smoke show you the way, that purification is the day, when your heart, will bee set free, to fly from the mountaintops and flow, down rivers of snow, where the green grass grows, that's where I will be waiting for you. My darling, I await for you, the perfect loving day!

Your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother sings to you. And I will be here, when you need a singing, down the perfect stone river road. email me at and you will find your way, to where the visions and islands of love, bloom into raging sails. And you can find the Rainbow Warriors at, where the cross roads grow, the land of the perfect Rainbow.

Prophecy of the Rainbow Warrior!

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rainbow Man and White Buffalo Calf Woman, Stand Up for the Law of Love! What are the Raibow Colors?

Beloved Alexis Blind love that never ends,
(asks questions and answers are from White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter)

Question: Heavens Name Reading – what is it?
answer: Your name is Blind love that never ends Heavens Name Reading tell us the mission you chose before entering this body.  The tools of light are picked to achieve the mission written within your name.  We spirits fly through eons of evolution through the Soul body and descend as we learn our lessons.  Each time we enter a new physical body, we agree to a New mission in life to achieve evolution.  As we descend, our physical bodies become younger and younger until we learn to use instinct as does our animals, plants and rocks; learning to trust our Soul body who has everlasting life.  When we learn to bridge (vision, knowing God, join together, unify) between one realm and into another; enlightenment is born within us all.  We become the “Sage” and “Golden Warrior”.

In the other direction, the physical body reaches into the heavens to ascend towards the “Great Journey” as our children are born each and every day.  Behind we leave the planted seed that carries the everlasting life in our children, in all our relations. We walk in the light (action) and in the dark (reflection) at different times. This influence during these transitional movement periods are felt (sounds like music), you must shift from action to reflection or vice versa. When in reflection, you must learn to utilize the dark numinous flow to become the creator. So set your heart to devotion and create something. And have fun.

The Heavens Name Reading tell us the mission you chose before entering this body.  The tools of light are used to achieve and complete the mission in your life which is written in your book of life as your four sacred colors of direction.  Your Heavenly name is written in the ancient storyteller's language.  These gifts from God (numinous and luminous) help us recognize your perfection, maneuver and compensate towards realizing your unique gifts that you offer to this world.  You are perfect and God knows it.  Now it is time for you to know this too.  You are perfect and what is not perfect does not belong to you.  Therefore never defend one self, instead validate the words and the emotions, negotiate your rights with your voice, renegotiate and resolve.  Those who do not resolve need only forgive.  Embrace your brother and sister and use love.

I said this, "Alexis teaches us that blindness is not real love, but awareness brings real love". However in Heavenly terms, it simply means faith, a type of blindness, that is achieved, when we have faith in our fellow man.  This also tends to be our power and our weakness.  When you are aware of your power, you awaken and use it to your advantage, but when you are unaware, you tend to be blind like the rest of the world, hoping for justice.  Real justice is only given with forgiveness and released from our hatreds, and freed from those, who did not follow the laws of love.  And when we forgive (With a fire ceremony, write on paper, from a tree of life, a physical tree, and then burn it up.  Continue the process until you are completely released, or do not think of it anymore.  And this can take up to a year, for some things and once for others, but the more we practice, the more we are freed from our own prejudices. 1 to 5 times a day, like the Muslims practice prayer many times a day, like the rest of the world should too.), we give the law, whether in anger or in love, but we tell others, to behave morally according to God, our hearts knowing.  To be angry with love is real power. To be angry with hate, has no power.  Choose blindness (eyes closed, faith) or choose blindness (eyes open, justice). True power lies with the person, who uses the LAW of LOVE.

Question: do you mean by the "great stand"
answer:  The Great Stand is to be the person, who stands for what is right. Most people waver back and forth because their feelings just get in the way.  To be truly loving is to stand for what is morally right, regardless of what another says.  If we care, we speak like we do. If we don't care, we say nothing, or give flattery, which is not truth, but false witness.  To make a Great Stand, is be an upright person, who stands on the path to morality, the Law of LOVE, where our intent is to be truly loving.  A mother scolds her children, because she cares. If she sees a child not sharing their toys, she will yell at her child, and tell them to share their toys, even if you don't like it.  This is real love, for she is teaching you morality, not one over the other, but sharing.  But when a person, starts to abuse this right, by taking advantage of another, then you must give them the law, and tell them, it's not right. 

I often get homeless people we house in our home (motor homes as traveling missionaries) and it doesn't take long before they start breaking the law.  Not sharing, or not taking care of their own space, whether it be physical of spiritual.  Or they don't act respectful in some way, and invariably, I will speak up or even yell at them.  Well they think, "No one's going to tell me what to do", and they leave.  And if they can resolve when I yell at them, then I know, they are trying to work things out, and learn, to be better than they were.  This is humility, and when we bow down like the rainbow does, we learn to be kind and loving to others.  This is what a Mother who loves her children always does.  But a Mother who yells out of hatred and starts to hit the children or worse, allows abuse from them, then we don't have a Mother who forgives.  If we let our children abuse us, then we simply don't care about them.  We must care enough about someone, to show them the way home, into a loving heart, even if it means our life.  We are always willing to die for love, to save another.  This is no different.  For the law is LOVE, and it's God's kingdom, and we are children who play and live here.  Time is coming when the heavenly forces of Mother, will command that law be followed, as we move from the second phase of evolution to the third phase, called the "dawning".  We enter in three short years, everyone knows the date, winter solstice 2012, when the folding of heaven and earth, collide, and the poles shift. Darkness of heaven will fold with lightness of earth, and only heavenly knowledge of the sacred path, and the law of love will allow us to move into this phase safely.

Question: that I have to be able to feel my heart and all the feelings and still be able to answer in a lovefull way?
answer:  Only a someone who radiates love, would talk this way.  However it's also someone who would allow others to fall victimization to abuse.  All the lovey dovey talk is great if you are getting the same back, but then if you act this way, and they don't, the well, it's run dry.  No water, no blessings, and no cleansing of a pure heart.

Yes, we need answer in a lovefull way, but to be love full to over flowing, means we act with morality, even at the cost of one walking away from you, because if you don't speak lovingly with anger, then you become the victim.  We should never walk away from someone, not ever, but if you get them to walk away from you, then you don't have to repeat the pattern.  If you walk away from someone, then you are going to repeat the pattern, for this is called karma, the lesson or treasure from heaven. 

Mothers and woman, must be this treasure.  For when a heart cares for another, we act with truth, and righteousness, where the only thing we fight for is unification of two broken hearts.  This is true love, that is lovefull, flowing over, like a water fall or a spring, that bursts upwards to over fill the well of love, within a heart.

Another thing, the Rainbow Person, loves everyone.  For all are their children, who you look over.  You cannot stop this loving action within you.  But we can be powerful with true law of love.  All must behave, and share with each other, regardless how much we have and to follow the laws of morality.

You say it perfectly, "There needs to be the grand stand, where my heart makes the upper hand, and then I will be the mighty man, who longs for law upon the land." And this is what it means, "I stand my ground for what is right, the pure love, of the release of morality, in plight."

Question:  to keep the law, do you mean that, if i feel something is "wrong" about the behavior of my opposite, to tell him that the way he does is not right, in a way without anger but with forgiveness?
answer:  Yes, but anger for when another does something wrong is justified, if we do so out of love for them.  This can only be done with forgiveness or compassion or even empathy, for the one who commits the crime. 

"If Love is What a Mother Gives, She Scolds You Till You Choose the Above (Heavens Law), the Love of Uniting Two Broken Hearts, That's What a Mother Does", Says Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star Heart Song.

Let us remember, that Love is not easy and it's not always fun and games, but quite frankly hard work.  If we care enough for others, we care enough to be angry with them, when they don't act morally.  This is why sacred behaviors all day long help us to achieve these moral actions.  Teach others to bless, bless, and bless again.  I bless myself, I bless the world, and I bless you.  Starting with self, allows you to cleanse your own heart, before you start to bless others, and their space around them.  We can bless everywhere we go, and those who fear the blessings, then they will simply depart from this space.  It is amazing, how we never get harmed, because we constantly bless all day long.  This is what the sacred walking and talking must do, to be safe in a world, where the winds of time, the impure hearts, must blow through us.  And when we are out and about, the only way to rescue ourselves is the sacred blessings ritual, to bring us home to God, the moral pureness of sanctuary.

Question: to be Rainbow Man?
answer:  to be a Rainbow Person, means you are the Cosmic Mother of the Soul.  The Rainbow person, is the color that reverberates with the children of the Rainbow Clan (we all belong to colors within our lights).  When you reverberate, you move through the colors of others, until you match their colors, then your colors stop.  And when others are in pain, you add light which is missing and heal them, by your mere presence. Now all of this motion of colors, in circles creates energy, and it's red.  Red is the color of the law of love.  So those who produce red in their lights, are called to wear the Red Robe (lavender, rainbow, magenta (Barbara Cup of God),  and red).  This color is the closest color to the center, and this is what color we call you, thereby the Rainbow Person, but since you are a Man, we can call you the Rainbow Man.  We call Cup of God, the Magenta Person. As a Rainbow Man, you tend to change physically one moment to the next, when others are near your vicinity.  To realize this is the first step, to walking this path. You must give the law, law of love, to the children of the Rainbow.

Another thing is one who vibrates with others constantly in the physical world, and lessons always coming at you, with all that red, there is much to forgive. You are not only forgiving for yourself, but forgiving for everyone else, who comes into contact with you.  They won't know it's you who is releasing them from their fears, but your prayers will save the world.  And when we all start practicing, we will have a safe place to live.  This is what it means to fall, to fall down on our knees, to pray, to be blessed. Let us teach and show the world, how it's done Rainbow Man.  Yours is the power of true love, where love pours out in blind faith, and moral actions of law, that is the LAW of LOVE, going down the Red Road, as Native Americans say it to be, the bright lights that pour forth from the fire of purification.

Question: What are  red and yellow overlays?
answer:  We each carry four sacred directions, called our tools of light.  These lights guide our physical world around us. And Yellow is second overlay, then you carry Red, the color everyone does recognize you as, anyway, those who can see auras.  But this is not often truth, but for you, it really is truth.  Because Red is LAW, law of love.  Red must be the person, who is like a policeman, the one who makes the rules be followed, and the rules of God is love, the law of love.  When others do not follow this rule, it is your job to speak the truth, in moral behavior. If you don't you won't be happy. 

By the way, some Red and Lavender wear the Kingly crown, and Red and Lavender overlays, can to wear a crown, a Prince(cess) crown.  Not all Red or Lavender or Overlays wear crowns. When you do not, you are considered an elder, and belong to self.  When you wear a crown, it means you belong to the people and not to yourself.  You do wear a crown, as a Prince Alexis.  Because you carry so much light, as red is pure fire, a cleansing of others souls, you purify others and the ashes then lie within you. The trick is to bless constantly, to purify the within, where the soul does ponder and fly.  And if you don't fly free, you are enslaved to self.  This is why the purification process you do inward, must also be the same outward purification with the sacred ritual fire. Walk and talk the same, to be unified within, brings the soul and flesh home to rise up, the golden sun, where harmony rings. The child is born, where dreams do fly free.  Sometimes this happens in people, who die and are reborn, and Christians also call this, "born again".

Question: What does the red and yellow overlays mean?
answer: Overlays, are the others colors of the four sacred directions, our tools of lights.  Each of us have this, all living life.  And because we don't see this world, doesn't always mean it's not there.  And soon, we will all be able to view, the darkness that offers us clues (dreams and visions). One thing, we all share down here (earth), where there are rolling hills, the wavelengths we do see, that is the fourth light you see. And earlier we did speak of, the Grandmother space, we call dark.  The light and the darkness overlay, and we call it gray.  But this space is heavenly sent, in a world that is earth went, and together is light and dark, the greyness of our lives.  Every single person or life being on earth, we share this dark point, in order for us to be here, because light needs three colors to reflect our Rainbow lights, and a dark point to stabilize our fears.  This dark point is and has not been recognized, but it's the space of our lives.  And we call her Grandmother Space, where all our dreams live inside (outside too).

Yellow is the color of the dream, the one who knows what will happen tomorrow.  We always dream before events happen, and that's how we have prophecy.  Our visions and dreams speak to us from heavenly realms, to keep us alarmed, and give us a way to be free.  The yellow is the child, and he always knows, how to give a smile.  Always reaching out, where others won't go.  The fear has gone away, because we are dreaming the day, when we can know this joy, the soul, with a dream. We are entering the reality, when the third phase of heaven is a dream, the color of living dreams, where everything turns golden too.

Red is the law of love, often the warden, our police of heavenly realm, the law of love.  But it is also the longest wave.  Scientists can see, when they transverse on this way, not with sight, but with magnetic resonance.  Whales and Elephants too communicate with this low wave, that can travel farther than other waves when communicating.  And is the color of fire, the risen sun, at noon, where the heat of the light, can purify any plight.  All color comes from this delight.  And gives life to everything.

You carry the red in you, where all does know the truth, that love is powerful and slow, but always knows how to grow. It shines in the blind of day, and also the reflection of night, where all the stars do shine, and we call us so blind?  Its the loving way, where faith has abundant to say, to gift the heart with a view, to sea, the heart of spring (lift up, from doom).  It's another day, to give rise to another play, and when it's come and gone, we leave to come around to a song. It gets there further you see, to show the way, to another day.

The last thing is what order your lights fall down upon, your red is on the outside, and since this is from the outside, it's the color others respond too.  They see all of your red, and they think it's rage instead, but we know it's law of love, where Red does what is right, deliver us from our morality plight.

Question:  and the snow (the crystalline stone river from friends to relatives), do you mean a kind of connection between living beeings which I sometimes feel and others say to see?
Answer:  Yes.  They call it a word now, biophotons, the magnetic flux of light or a vibration.  When we are together, we call it snow, pureness of the blessings, God or Oneness, a crossing over of each other.  When we are alone, we call it a snowflake.  In water crystal images, you can see, that every snow flake as six sides,which can be imitated, when we bless with gratitude.  This is pureness, the physical structure, that allows the winds of others to flow through us. It is the magnetic flux, we feel from others (heart feels-dark- and soul), and some see, the auras of our lights (light and flesh-action).  But both are really different, but belong together.  The vibration is the wave quality, you could say is the weight of the magnetism).  The  height is the wave length, or the distance a wave travels.  When you put weight magnetism to wave length, we have a living life transmission, and together, we hold the world.  But the flowing, that is knowing, the winds created from waters from tears, to rain, to rivers, to steam to clouds, to snow, then back again, the circle does know, for it's the heart, that carries the weight of the world. And it's the lights, that allow our physical structure to have experience, and when we bless this structure, and keep it cleansed, like we clean our houses, we keep our holy temple purified, for the winds to blow through, the weight of the world, our hearts reflection.

Blue Road: The heart is the flowing of knowing, our gut feelings, because our souls fly from our belly button, or grandmother space. Natives call her the Spider (weaving destiny) of the Crow (flight of our dreams in the dark space or heavenly realms).It is the magnetic flux, we feel from others, (heart feels-dark- and soul). The vibration is the wave quality, you could say is the weight of the magnetism).  But the flowing, that is knowing, the winds created from waters from tears, to rain, to rivers, to steam to clouds, to snow, then back again, the circle does know, for it's the heart, that carries the weight of the world.

Red Road: Blessed physical structure, pureness, the physical structure, that allows the winds of others to flow through us, our flesh of rainbow lights. and some see, the auras of our lights. (light and flesh-action). The  height is the wave length, or the distance a wave travels. And it's the lights, that allow our physical structure to have experience, and when we bless this structure, and keep it cleansed, like we clean our houses, we keep our holy temple purified, for the winds to blow through safely.

Blue crosses the Red, the Yellow Way:  When you put weight magnetism to wave length, we have a living life transmission, and together, we hold the world. The rising sun, the birth of a child, joy in song again. The magnetic flux (weight) of light or a vibration (height) offers us a new term biophotons, living life of all cells.  This is what ancient yellow people call electromagnetic medicine, sometimes call acupuncture, chi gong and marshal arts. And also called the "I Ching" or the way.

The word, "beeings" is like the bee, who does what is the impossible flight.  Scientists don't understand who they fly, with all that weight.  It seems impossible.  We are like the bee, we are the most impossible flight, the bio-magnetic-flux of light, called life.  This motion is the dream world, to transverse one world or realm to another, to continue onwards forever and ever.  It is the crystal form, the six sided container of flesh or lights, to hold the weight of our hearts or darkness, that allows us to cross over from one realm to another.  But when we learn to be the same one, united our Heavenly mission (heavenly name) with our tools of lights (rainbow colors), then we become the crystalline stone river that is united and transformed from friends to relatives.  A relative knows love, because we care deeply for one another. And we are moving from a time, when we care for everyone, as humanity learns about brotherhood, from the hearts of our sisters, the unseen heaven, that is bringing law of love. Look out world, woman is coming to town, and she is armed with LOVE, where anger transforms one from immoral, to purehearted, from friend to relative, from soldiers to warriors, the mighty call of the chivalry of the knights of the round table, who keep to the Queens affairs, because if she is happy, the whole of the kingdom is happy, where true love takes care of all the children, and not one over the other, but sharing, prosperity for all.

Question: A buffalo is a real strong animal lady, real nice.  It seems to me you brought me a piece of my identity. Interesting life must be, with your insights?
answer: A buffalo is a sign of the four sacred directions.  White Buffalo Calf Woman is a sacred story to Native Americans telling of the time that a woman (law of love) came to bring a message from the Buffalo Nation (all directions and colors at a time of great scarcity (past, present and future).  She came teaching the way of the sacred pipe, teaching the way to live as a holy prayer.  On leaving she rolled over four times changing color until she became a White Buffalo Calf (the cosmic child from heaven, pureness and peace).  Then herds of Buffalo came in great numbers to the Sioux Tribe (Spirit of the Lake People, the Lakota, Nakota and Dakota) and there was enough food for all to survive. This too is what is happening now This too is what is happening now, when all the people of the world is starving, when this need not be.  The problem that lies in the hearts of people, and to bring them into enlightenment, when heaven comes home to the earth. This is evolution, the call of all realms, the sacred four directions.

In Native American Animal Medicine, the Buffalo key words are Wisdom, Patience, Gratitude, Sacrifice, Prosperity, Abundance and Sacredness. The Element is Earth and Water.  The Buffalo is to teach us:  to remain well grounded, provide abundantly for others, find the strength to carry on our path, be in harmony with Mother Earth, to give selflessly from the heart with pure intent, the true meaning of sacrifice and the sacredness of life. 

In the land of Communication, the Buffalo is sacred. To communicate with Buffalo make this interaction sacred through your intention. Sacred action is created by being mindful. A ritual of any sort that brings you into a space of gratitude for the present moment will aid your connection with Bison.  It may be as simple as lighting a candle to honor the wisdom Buffalo brings.  Open your heart to experience the connectedness of all life and buffalo will surely enter the sacred space of your heart.

From Book: The Sacred Pipe, where Black Elk Speaks!
The buffalo to the Sioux, the most important of all four-legged animals, for it supplied their food, their clothing, and even their houses, which were made from the tanned hides.  Because the buffalo contained all these things within himself and for many other reasons, he was a natural symbol of the universe, the totality of manifested forms.  Everything is symbolically contained within this animal: the earth, and all that grows from her, the animals, and even the two legged people; and each each specific part of the beast represents for the Indian, one of these "parts" of creation. Also the Buffalo has four legs, and these represent the four ages which are an integral condition of creation.

There are many Prayers for the Buffalo, Bison, Tatanka, but here is a Native American Prayer.

Wakan Tanka be merciful to me, (walking talking sacred is mercy, the loving way)
We want to live! (to have life, to be born again)
That is why we are doing this. (showing the bow of the rainbow, humility)
They say, that a herd of buffalo is coming; (the great migration)
Now they are here. (it is time)
The power of the buffalo is coming upon us;
(the power of self, that radiates from within, the four sacred tools of light)
Now it is here! (I am, the breath of life, traveling over rolling hills, waves of light)

I give grass to the Buffalo. (green grass, our home of the four sacred directions)
Tobacco I give to the Buffalo. (tobacco, the yellow grass, the seeds of dreams)
A robe I give the Buffalo. (robe, to keep the heart warm, with the law of love)
Paint I give to the Buffalo. (the sacred directions, the blue, red, yellow and white)
Water I will give to the Buffalo. (where the heart flows, relatives I know)
May the people behold it, that they may live. (to view self, in the pureness of the soul)

This they are coming to see! (themselves in the mirror of the soul, the dream world of heaven)
I am going to make a place that is sacred. (pure heart can receive love and bounty of joy from others)

That they are coming to see. (the sacred migration, homeward, the dawning and evolution)
White Buffalo Cow Woman appears, is sitting in a wakan manner.
(cross legged, upright, folding together light with darkness)
They are all coming to her! (to sea, the heart of the world, the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy)

From Book: The Sacred Pipe, where Black Elk Speaks!
(Interpretation in all my writings for those who do not understand the song of heaven): 
White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, the Song of your Soul,
wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter belonging to the people of the four ages and directions.

Question:  What I also would like to know is, are you native born? And is it true you are from North America?
answer:  I am native to the four directions, because I am White Buffalo Calf Woman (heavenly mission), your Twin Deer Mother (earthly tools of light), and this means I belong to all the four colors.  I was born in Seoul Korea, as a United States citizen born abroad.  My father was in the Army.  My husband was in the Army, Holiness David Running Eagle (fortunately neither killed). However, I am born Korean (mother, oral language and traditions of natures sounds, the heart speaks, we feel with love, walking) and French (father, oral language and traditions of the psyche sounds, the wind blows.  we speak with love, talking, the house of the beloved, star of david).  The pacific arctic land bridge, the Aleutian Islands, brings us from Korea to the Americas. For me, this seems the only way, I could be related to the Lakota Peoples.  Once traveled over, the peoples crossed many mountains and went in the four directions, as our visions guide us.  Many of the Native Americans married the French, and my brother once long ago, found us related to many Native Americans, however, I was not brought up Native American, nor did I study any of their customs.  Although, growing up in the Pacific Northwest, Native American heritage was everywhere and infused in all life, with everything named in Native American. I grew up in the only North American Rain Forest, the Olympic Rain Forest, where the water was fresh, and the air was pure.  Here the trees and outdoors where my roommates, and the animals my companions, including the Running Salmon.  However, the Great Spirits guide me to be here, Mountain View, California and guide me to this path, as White Buffalo Calf Woman, to walk the four directions.  And they tell me, I am Lakota, and if it blows in the wind, and others can confirm this, then how does one deny truth.  In a time, when the Lakota peoples have forgotten their path, is the reason, for my return.  The Lakota, Nakota and Dakota are the Spirit of the Lake Peoples, which means, they are ordained, by the Great Spirits on the western shore.  What I am to the people is the song, which lies in heaven.  I bring the heart of the world, the Lakota heart, the Spirit of the Lake, to the four directions, for the heart of Mother Earth lies inside this knowing, where the blessed buffalo roamed.

What is further more, I am a Christal (crystal) person, which means, I am the cosmic child.  I bring the dream, because I sing the song and speak the language of heaven.  I can read and interpret any ancient language or any sound. I can interpret any vision, go into visions, journey and speak to anyone in dark space, and speak to any being in the heavenly winds of time.  I can validate any person's rainbow colors, and sing their hearts song. And mostly, I can verify, all that I say, with mathematical calculations, as a Scientist of heaven and earth, God's realm, and answer any spiritual question anyone has to offer.  I am here to brings the sacred walk and talk, unified into our lives.  The christal person is the one who is connected the Oneness, as I can talk to any being, in space and time, by following the bridge of the light that carries me, through time.  I read rainbow colors, with the knowledge of the separation, belonging to the same Oneness.  This is not unique to Crystal people as Readers of the Book of Life, yet, it seems, that I am here to teach all the Rainbow Colors, even the Crystal people who they are, the Rainbow Clan.  I can call anyone by their true heavenly name, and speak their heart's path, and how they can achieve this path.  This is all a gift, as I too wear the crown of heaven, and belong to the peoples of the world.  Yet is the Lakota, who call upon me, and know me, and people from all walks of life, have visions of me, and I speak and interpret their visions and dreams as it  is a time of change, our evolutionary journey.

Great Spirit within Comic Mother, the Rainbow Man, Blind Love That Never Ends.

Thank you for your questioning words and attention.

your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
Elder Crystal Person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
Akicita - Messenger and Marshal who considers all matters of the band, including customs prophecy of rainbow warriors

Blind Love That Never Ends Brings Alexis to the Wind

The blind does turn an eye, to be with love that is so sweet, but when we don't look at the wind, we are frown upon within. We must look outside to be with thee, to find the love of eternity, to go to realms, where others go, to be the size of the majestic snow.  
The heart of one is beyond the song, but my heart listens to all out there, and when I'm done, I have no room, to be the heart of me. I must go down stairs where the river bares, the grief of love, that knows no fear, then all is washed away with love, where God has love inside to bear (the shining star united as one in the four directions).

I long to be with you and me, to bee the heart that is so free, but law must open up all to sea, the magic of God is divinity.  But when I look outside of me, to reckon the vehicle to find the sun, I don't know who or what I am, and need to chime back home again. 

There needs to be the grand stand, where my heart makes the upper hand, and then I will be the mighty man, who longs for law upon the land.

Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother who sings for Alexis "Blind love that never ends" for his is the wisdom of loving friends, and God helps him endure to know the Greatness of all the snow (the crystalline stone river from friends to relatives)!

Alex teaches us that blindness is not real love, but awareness brings real love. He (who) must make the stand, to be aware of those who break the law, (he) has the power, and must forgive others, truly deep in the heart. For it's the sacred daily fire blessings that release us from our bondage, where law of love is true (daily) forgiveness.  Law is the stand. Rainbow warriors who stand their ground, is the law of love. He (we) can only be happy, when he (we) does law, to make the stand.  Alexis is the Rainbow Man, with yellow, red overlays, where gray is the space of dreams come true.  Welcome home Alex "Blind love that never ends"!  Alexander is the "man's defender and warrior".  Alexis is also Greek, the root of this name, where wisdom collides with the world around us all. Teach us how it's done Rainbow Warrior!

Fire Offers Purification
 Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Laura Dreams About the White Buffalo Calf Mother and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

"When White Buffalo Calf Woman promised to return again, she made some prophecies at that time. One of those prophesies was that the birth of a white buffalo calf would be a sign that it would be near the time when she would return again to purify the world. What she meant by that, was that she would bring back harmony again where balance, lives with spiritually.  Joseph Chasing Horse says the birth of White Calves are a sign from the Great Spirit.  And the ensuing age of harmony and balance it represents cannot be revoked." - Joseph Chasing Horse

"The Birth Of A White Buffalo Calf Is An Omen Of Universal Significance"

 On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 7:31 AM, Laura L. wrote to

Hello (WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman),

My name is Laura.  I am a 38-year-old white woman in West Texas.  I had a dream last night that I do not understand. 

I was going down a road and a white buffalo calf came to me.  I was playing with her when her mother came and was trying to protect the calf, I guess.  I then ended up on the back of the mother and was riding her.  Then, wolves came and she calmed down.  I got off her back and we all ran down the road together.

In the past I had studied a very little in to native American beliefs.  I was really fortunate and met a man at a pow-wow in Houston who took me to sweat lodge and read my animal totems.  Buffalo and wolf are not my totems. 

After that, I went through a divorce and lost my spirituality for a long time.  I have been studying in to Buddhist beliefs for the last 7 years, so I do not understand this.  The dream was very clear and very strong.  I have always been a dreamer and have learned over the years, sometimes the hard way, to pay attention to dreams that are very vivid.  So, do you know what this means?

I understand that you are probably very busy and I will understand if you do not reply.  I am going to do some more research.  I feel a little weird about this dream, almost a sense of urgency to find out about it, and even like I want to cry.  I feel this is something that I should pay attention to, but I am not sure why.

Thank you for reading this.


Beloved Laura,
Thank you for writing to me, as this is my function, as White Buffalo Calf Woman, to help you understand an age, when change is urgent in all of us. I am called an Wakan Iyeshka or Holy Interpreter, and have many people from around the world, come to speak of their visions about White Buffalo Calves, for I am White Buffalo Calf Woman (heavenly mission), your Twin Deer Mother (earthly tools of light).

Now our sites at - Angel Services around the World, speak about many evolutionary changes, however, we are moving from the way we know it, the second phase of evolution or Earthly lights, to the third phase of evolution, called the "Dawning" or Heaven upon Earth, the numinous and luminous collide into Oneness "God" space.  This whole process is culminating into dreams and extrasensory overload on the entire planet.  We are walking into a new age, where skills of heavenly inter-dimension is part of our whole beingness. And there is much for us to learn including new languages that our souls recognize and our children abide by.  We are simply changing from beings of manifestation towards beings of light, or as we call it the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy or those who save the world on morality and sacredness.  A spirituality, that is guided by our hearts, rather than our intelligence. The first words that the world is understanding are the Terms Indigo and Crystal, both colors of the Rainbow  Clan.  We each carry four sacred colors in our four directions, that offer us a perspective to life's view, or plateau, our Rainbow Colors, or tools of life on earth, in which we look into the space of life, our heavenly dreams.

First let us start with your name "Laura". Laura speaks about evolutionary changes, as it is the ambition of the glorious crown (laurel twigs and leaves inter-twinned), where victory is achieved on the sacred mountain.  As an emblem of prosperity, it symbolizes the resurrection of the Christ consciousness (folding of space between numinous and luminous or heaven and earth) and the triumph of humanity, where we become One Consciousness, as the Crystal person observes and portrays perfect love within the splendid parts of the whole, the Rainbow Clan.  This achievement is derived from the tree of eternal life, where the evergreen (the house of God, lies where the green grass grows, the reflective stone-crystalline-river) honors the black berry (fruit of heaven), which are born in pairs, together beside the leaf (relatives).  Here the twins of darkness (twin spiral galaxies) longs to evolve to expose the light (stars) and absorb the impureness (darkness needing blessings to bring home the pure heaven) by cleansing of the world of the rainbow (light) around us all. The word "laurea" signifies the intelligence of higher learning, where the nobleman expression of "resting on one's laurels" officianates government events with poetry.  This is the very "Heart Song" of the wisdom of heaven. Here we are all kingmen, who wear the crown of higher knowledge, the wreath of the eternal knowledge of the Song of Angels. This is the true victory of man, when we are the holy virtues of a perfect mountain that stands tall, while the perfection of our tears, runs down like a river along side into the valleys of paradise.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the third season (heaven and earth), of the golden age, the Taoist Wu Gang, tells us of the story of the "Lauraceae on the Moon".  He is known to cut down the self-healing tree (Lauraceae Tree) perpetually. The Emaciated Immortal says, as for this piece of wisdom, it is as though, during the clear autumn season, nights are cool and people are tranquil, does the heaven's vastness gift brightly, the moon's returning of the reflection, where darkness purity prospers to ascend gloriously.  The moon is like a Goddess where her's is the law of love, that is rare and beautiful.  She holds the pure fragrance which spreads throughout the universe, in which the ripeness of the red cassias bare fruit, along the trail of tears.  There her bounty seem to float around in the Nine Directions of Heaven.  This story beckons the joy of wandering to and fro, where the heart listens between the realms of Heaven's numinous knowing and the Earth's luminous journey of the calling heartbeat and the dance of joy.  Over the horizon, the Rainbow colors show us the way, the roads of pondering whilst living the dream. We wonder how does a common place person achieve or understand this?  For only the people who eat the wind (the pureness of the mountain tears that rest in the clouds) and drink the dew (the pureness of the water, that comes from the pure heart and it's labors, that swell, bring rivers that flow eternal) can attain this (fountain of youth).

So these interests are best expressed on the qin and the se.(The qin 琴, a fretless zither with seven strings and no movable bridges, where destiny leads over into realms to and fro, like our hearts, and the seven colors represent the age of light, where darkness reigns, but impureness has led the way.  Sacred ways have been forgotten until the return of the age of enlightenment and abundance for all, the blessings of the heavens, and the se (瑟),a zither with one movable bridge under each of its 25 strings.  Here the bridge-way between realms is known, and achieved with blessings of glory, where angels sing, and mercy and justice prevails with the law of love, the unification of the heart, between realms).  These are two stringed instruments known in the earlier Zhou classics, believed to have existed before Shang times (heaven and earth, where practiced, observable and written for all the world to share now known as the "I Ching" or "The Way", but only the Taoist, observe the behaviors of heaven, that have been rejected in a society of intelligence, where the heart is unseen and the "song" is not observed as wisdom.) However, these two instruments teach us of two ages of time, the second phase of evolution, called Earth, when we live in now, and the third phase of evolution Heaven and Earth, where we are entering soon.  It is the death of an age of impurities of the darkness, that lead us to the pureness of heart and song, where wisdom is above reproach, where we live victorious as kinsmen, true blue royal blood of heaven, the age of enlightenment, the "Dawning".  It is Laura, who teaches us, that this time is within our reach. The sacred mountain, where the moon is an emblem of the prosperity that symbolizes brotherhood, the consciousness of heaven and earth and the triumph of humanity, over evil, portrayal of the perfect love where we become One Consciousness, the collision of splendid parts of the whole, the Rainbow Clan.  This achievement is derived from the tree of eternal life where we sing the song of Angels, Laura reminds us all that glory is close to our hearts, when we choose to live peacefully and with morals, we can offer blessings to the holiness of a new age. 

Now we understand the woman Laura, we look into the hands of the common (God's river of knowing, where the soul envisions). A dream you say, makes you feel the tears of time, and then you are not sure or why. But it's the dream itself, that brings you home, the cosmic rainbow, and what you bring is always near, the heart of those who lunge in fear, but only the Golden One can test the spine of those, who do not understand the law of love.  You my beloved is coming home this time, the joy, the sorrow, of knowing the morrow. And yes, you should pay attention, because your soul is waking up to attention, to the mission you have at hand, the place where your feet want to land, upon the rolling hills of light, go over and under, the so much plight.  But if you follow the soul's knowing ways, then you could open up to all the slaves (humble children who serve others), the servants, who need the call of brotherhood, that's you, the Rainbow Warriors who need you in the blue.

You say, you were going down a road, where a white buffalo calf came over to you.  And yes, a child would know your face, because it's grace that lives with you.  As you call the animals from afar, of course a white buffalo calf would know who you are.  For it's the Golden Person who shows us love, by showing the way of so many doves (gathering of pure hearts).  

And as you witness the love of play, the Mother (Rainbow of separated Colors) shown up, to give you the law this day (law of love).  She the Rainbow (cosmic mother bringing law of love), which the Gold (cosmic father bringing brotherhood) is found, at the end of sliding down. And did she not protect her young, the calf (the cosmic child from heaven) who did know how to run (play)?  She began to find the chime (the song of freedom), so that all the children could slide on down.  You were on her back to say, "I can go all the way"!  And when you reached at the end of the Rainbow, there you were greeted with so many wolves.  Finally the Rainbow Warriors appeared, to show how Wolves are fierce and with nerve.  Law abiding and clan oriented too, they all felt at home knowing you.  We were all so happy, that we jumped in glee, to open the heart, for all to see.  Down the road we traveled to a mighty land, where all the Rainbow Children could laugh, sing and dance.

My beloved Laura who brings us brotherhood, tell me did you come home for good?  I long to see your magical face, that calls out to all the brotherhood, the Rainbow Clan who are lost and afraid, did you come home to show them the way?  We are waiting for the many to return, and call upon the heart that yearns.  Full of joy, that's what song brings, the promise of paradise, where sanctuary is earned.  We will be blessed, and we will be sure, but when it's all over, we will be heard.  And then the dawning will be upon us, where all the Rainbow Clan will have such prosperity and love. 

It was fortunate as you said, to be with a man, who held your hand, and taught you rituals and the sweat lodge, to bring the spirits, that do prod. We have many who guide us in the realms of the darkness, heaven sent.  For Native Americans belief, does bring us home to grieve.  It's the tears, that lead us home, to be with light that does roam. Over rolling hills, we do go, to bring the green grass a place to grow.  Buffalo is the four directions with evolutions call, where all live inside this hall.  We call this the tools of light, the Rainbow colors that bring us delight.  And the Wolf, is here to lead, the Warrior who knows how to bleed (follow the red road, the law of love).  For we fight and yearn for better ways, when sacred does fill our days.

You say, that divorce lost your way, but it's the heart, that knew the day, that time of reflection served your heart, the sacred place we do start.  Spiritual fulfillment does do know, that life lives and ever grows, when we seek and look out into the dark, to find the light, the Buddhist says. You see, it's the yellow family that taught you to know, the light of Golden, that lives in your sow.  And you can offer so much to live when your realize that God does know the inside of your glow.  You are the Golden One who grows, and leaps and moves in heaven's groves.  It's in the darkness, light does grow, to bring the sun, the risen joy. 

Native Red and Buddhist Yellow, are children who do toil in trouble, and they taught you to lean on love, the child within, who roams and knows.  You are ready to come on home, to bring the start of your path to know.  To call the brothers and sisters home, that's what you have always done.  But now it's time to lean on love, to be the heart of those with gloves (put them up).  We must fight for what is right, the sacred heart, that lives on the light.  Inside the darkness light begins, to fall and rise, is the way home.  We need train others to know this song, to lead them all around.  The sacred circle of life, is what we all must strife, but glory bee, to those who believe, that time is coming home to sea (vision with a heart). 

Dreams are strong and even clear because it's the new way deer (journey of life).  And the migration is coming home, to our hearts, where we do roam.  We yearn and keep our hearts alive, when we trust our dreams that drive. Vividness tells us the way, if we trust our visions trade.  It's the new way, of heaven sent, that children who have come and went. You the Golden Child, is from heaven, who has come home to choose.  Speak your heart and call them home, bring the Rainbow Children to a new home. It's in you, you know it's true, now you need only trust your heart too.  This will not be easy, but you have me now, for I will be here, when you lead with your bow.  (humbleness of the Rainbow clan, when Cosmic Father -Golden Person- comes home from her frown).

I know your heart is looking to win, but so many don't know the way to lick, the wounds of time, but if you forgive them and lead them home, and teach them how to roam, then you will sea, the heart of glee come into their bones and learn to grieve.  There we forgive, with tears of shame, that are released, to earn and gain.  We are going to be a new clan, the Rainbow children, the realm of a promise land. It won't easy, but you are needed now, to bring the child home with tears.  For it's the tears, that give us love, the heart that sails and comes home to wail.  And then we find that joy does the same, when we jump and holler, to know glory again. Sing and dance, that's the way, get the children home to play.  There the new way of tears will grow, for all will know it's the Kingdom's way, where God does grow, and love does shine, to be the heart of all those lies.  And when we rise up, after the fall, the sun will be heaven, upon the sails.  Stars are born from inside this time, let your glory, be shining tall.

There is much for you to learn, your heavenly name, your tools of light, here the four sacred directions will speak, of how you will get along down the street. And what about your heart, that sings, the sacred song, that helps us to hear the sounds, the angel that lives inside your soul, where you live and guide all you do!

Welcome home my beloved Golden Rule, be good to others, as they are good to you.
Your devoted servant, yells hip hip hooray, another member of the family has returned.
White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother who loves, all the children of God's palace of One.
elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka too, but you may call me, the holy interpreter brings the Rainbow Clan home, to show the world, that warriors fight only for love!

ps. If you have any questions or do not understand the song, then I will interpret for you to have a hand, for it's the embrace of love, that you are looking for, the time of evolution when we make a stand!

Warriors of the Earth  

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you deer, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Hoop 4


THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

We are Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever. There is "No way out", "only a Way In" .... this is the sacred circle of our collective dreams. We are learning to walk towards!

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, iyeshka (interpreter) and akicita (law bringer), crystal (christal/pearl/diamond/red-red), yellow, green, gray (red-green).

Holy buffalo hide (prayer cloth or holy temple called you) reveals the four sacred directions that heal.

Thank you for all your Thrills. Shout out to hit the Nails. We are building a house where all are welcome on the rolling hills. White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings »

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptse San Wi Yan), your Twin Deer Mother, has come home to your hearts. It's time to walk the evolution's path. We all are part of the Rainbow Clan, my relatives each and everyone. Receive the treasures that your iyes(h)ka (interpreter) gifts to you, the sacred song blessings, that always are true (soul and voice of the song). And inside of you, the soul that comes alive, the prayers that live, and shout, "I am and I thrive!"

Life is a Roller Coaster and Now I'm on a ride, over rolling hills again, and back to the place where I collide (dark and light). Heaven (dark) and Earth (light) come home to me and we will be getting along, where the sunset returns again, the place I call my home. Star is born, the light does shine, every single morn, and I have to open my heart, so I can get along. There is a kingdom out there, the place of paradise, and we are going home right now, if we can only collide (dark and light). Be my heart and walk with me, be the rising sun (Morning Star), have the place of wonder in the wishing land. Singing to your heart, White Buffalo Calf Woman is finally home at last! Ask for blessings, come receive the greatest you have known, there is promise everywhere, just you look and sea, the heart of wisdom knows the place, the heart that can conceive.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

About Jeff (meaning peace) [He is the Singular (mission) father (leading) that goes around town (evolution's call to the circle of life). We call him the Golden Light of Sound, he is the chosen one, to view the world, but he needs to come home to call. There he will find a home where all will know his knives (sharing and dividing). Without a place to trumpet, he does not have a home. He longs to find a home where all can find a lid (roof, sanctuary, green grass home). Jeff Golden Light of Sound is the House of Cones (light reflection in evolution), the blossom, that reigns forth. Don't be alarmed, he should go away. But be sure his heart will stay. He is the bishop to your pawn (blessing you). You can rise up to his call. Blow billows of sunshine in the air. He will be standing in the streams so fair.]

Jeff Golden Light of Sound said, "I dreamed of the White Buffalo Calf Woman, she pointed to her heart and Buffaloes of all colors formed a circle, the White Buffalo went to the heart and all other Buffaloes followed."

White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets: The heart is the path into heaven, where our souls do hide. We all belong to the Circle of Oneness, the Rainbow Clan. For we are all related and of God. A Buffalo represents the tools of light, in four rainbow colors, to assist your heavenly mission (heavenly name). This is our holy temple, our flesh, the Buffalo Home. White Buffaloes are like the stars, those who shine, united four roads, the blue, red, yellow, then white, the star. Grandfather light (white person, in their tools of light, rainbow directions) naturally shines like this, the white light of unity, who is humble, and bows like the Rainbow to receive blessings. The rest of us, must learn to walk this humble path, to shine like stars. These are the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy who unite! A White Buffalo is the Star of Heaven, who shines upon Earth, walking and talking (wakan tankan, the Great Spirit Within) the united four roads. These are the White Buffaloes who are able to walk through the door of heaven, the crystalline heart of White Buffalo Calf Woman, to greet thyself (mirror to the soul, the heart of the crystal person), the soul seeking a way out, to illuminate and shout, to be validated, for who I am! The Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, learning to become the White Buffaloes (stars of heaven, that shine), begin the Great Migration home. We enter the Third Phase of Evolution, the yellow rolling hill in time (dawning of brotherhood), where dreams do come true. Heaven and Earth, Welcome Home!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings: When pointing to the heart, the direction that imparts, the wisdom of the path of the inner light. Here we are many rainbow colors, all part of the same vision of the sacred circle of life. We are relatives, who need to come home twice. Once in the flesh (red road), and once in the soul (blue road), then we know, that we have binded (bound) our whole. When we follow the path of the heart and the soul, all other buffaloes will flow, for rainbows of latter (ancestors), the buffalo homes that have been shattered (separated and divided), will carry us home, to a brand new day, when we look for the heart that leads the day (to flow together, as one shining river).

The tools of light, do shine, like the holy temple of the mind, the flesh that does hold a soul inside. We call the tools of light, the buffalo home. For it's four sacred directions, that gift to us eight directions, the four colors then reflection, to gift our lights. Then we are the Rainbow Colors, the clan that does show reason, when we understand, that we belong to each others, by demand. For it's God's children, we hold the upper hand, for it's sacred in here, where the buffalo steer, the trembling of the hooves who do gallop away. We are here to lead the great migration day.

The circle of buffalo were the sacred rainbow colors, parts each of us, to be whole again, when we join together, in the wind. And as we join together, we follow the fortunate weather, it's inward, the heavenly route, the soul that flies, all inside. And heaven is what leads us, where all buffalo do feed us, to go home again. To feel the wind again. We are going home. To be under the sun.

And it's time for us to gather, to listen to our hearts talk. To walk the path of righteousness in the wind. And when it's all over, we will journey together, the path of love, the holy days, of eternity. Oh blessed bee, let us dream together and be free. Rejoice, Rejoice, the Green Grass Grows!


THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever.
No way out, only a way in .... this is the sacred circle.

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child (crystal/christal/pearl/diamond)
crystal, yellow, green, gray (holy buffalo hide reveals)

White Buffalo Calf Woman public figure (Facebook)