White Buffalo Calf Woman speaks, to this ignorance of untruths that invalidate your feelings. Love does not begin outside oneself, but begins from the inside of one's self. Longing for love is natural and part of our existence, which helps us to serve others and receive others. This exchange is known as love. Feelings come from our heart and soul, which need validation and an embrace from others. A strong negative feeling does align you with who you are. Denial of your feelings is simply ignorance to your soul, the darkness within, our hearts, which stem from heaven, the numinosity. New age thinkers completely leave out the darkness of our souls, that comes from the inside, because they only experience the outside, the world of flesh and lights, as this is part of evolution's stage (The second phase of evolution veils us to the truth of our darkness, calling all darkness as evil, rather than needing a blessing to purify, our heaven within. This is also why Women have been invalidated for so long, this same perspective).
When we start from the outside, we are lost and without wisdom (use of intelligence). When we start from the inside and offer the world, from this perspective, we are using our souls (use of wisdom). The shift is to realize, that we are beings of generated light, from within and not from without. But from within, our darkness of our soul, the heavenly geyser, that offers us an outward projection, we call our flesh, or lights and positive (maleness) offers us tools to complete our mission and task of our being, to learn about "I am". The soul is represented by everything darkness and negative (femaleness). This is our heaven. She continues to say, that "if we feel negative we are not feeling love". This is a total denial of true love, the darkness of heaven (soul), that embraces the lightness of our earth (flesh), our Rainbow Colors we all wear. It is the burden of our lights, to receive our darks. This is Godliness, the lambs of the House of the Beloved, those who walk the humble path and fight for love.
Negative feelings are the treasures from heaven, our experiences. And it's when we use love and receive, we learn with reflection of the inward knowledge. If we deny our conflicts, then how can one learn? We must receive, in order to know about love. This whole perspective from the new age person who speaks, is one of denial and has no knowledge of negative and positive, which attract. This is the natural order of what is human. WE are not always in alignment everyday, with someone or something, and it's the law of love, that allows us to exist with others. This is a natural course of unfolding events of relativity. Just because we don't align doesn't mean we are not related to one another. We are relatives to each other. Denial of our heaven, will not teach us about our soul. Denial of darkness, will not teach us about our soul. Denial of everything bad (negative vibration) will not teach us about our soul. The greatest achievement is the acceptance of self, to be who we are within, our soul. And if we start with denial, then we cannot even know ourselves.
"When you trust your flesh, you lose your address (forgetting you are living in heaven). Trust your soul, the eternal nose (knows or bridge to your flesh, the wild wild west, where the sun does rise within). If you don't know who you are and don't know what you are doing, then know the Soul knows the way, true to yesterday (the eternal circle of life, repeats and grows)!
Remember to bless, when you feel conflict. Remember to fight for love, to unify two varying view points with validation. Remember to empathize others, and be more concerned with their welfare than your own. Darkness is our heaven, our soul, our journey of lessons. Receiving, validating and blessings others will get you through the trials and tribulations of the great feelings, the experience of learning about love. Bring a broken heart home, especially when you feel conflict, because we are on a collision course and it's called the Great Migration, from the second phase of evolution to the third phase, when heaven and earth, our darkness and lightness, will start to share the same space. Only love will allow us to mingle together as Oneness. And all that denial, will not assist this shifting perspective, but only skills of sacred blessings, will offer us tools, to enter, this collision course. Heaven is coming home, and it's called our Souls, where conflict is the ruling factor of communication. And the law is love, along the RED ROAD.
Channelers be aware: Action is the skill needed, to overcome conflict (fight for love, save our relatives). Denial is not an action of LOVE, no matter how intelligent you sound from your brain, your flesh. Only wisdom from the heart, your heavenly soul, that provides true knowledge from within, will serve you in the walking talking days of sacred behavior. This entire perception of Archangel Micheal is a total fraudulent behavior, speaking of untruths and with so much ignorance. To sound knowledgeable, one must know the facts from within, the eternal soul, not the external bold. Micheal means "one who resembles God". This is the "I am", not denial of our feelings. God is our hearts, that pulse to the rhythm of our lives. And if we experience pain and suffering, then it's our great treasure from heaven. Galileo said it best with this quotation, for he believed strongly that all human suffering had meaning and had to be welcomed with courage and resignation, knowing God allows all for the benefit of believers.
This new age person continues to say, "freedom which you might and in all actuality, would benefit from giving to yourself." Freedom comes when serving others before serving the self. True love is being part of the Great Give-A-Way, where we all deserve equally, in brotherhood, with guidance in the laws of love, our sisterhood. Freedom comes when we fight for truth of our eternal souls, not through denial of it's great lessons and conflicts. To sever ignorance is the greatest righteousness, that serves others. But to bring ignorance as the way, is losing our inner knowing.
Speak to God directly, through prayers. Validate our own souls, with inner guidance. Offer true love, to those willing to bow to the wings of humility. Only one who can be humble and prostrate before others, knows the way into heaven, the soul that lives within. Those who speak with intelligence, get lost. Save your relatives, bless and sever the world of ignorance, teach that sacred blessings, will be the only path, to unification of broken hearts. It's a collision course, and light and darkness will share space. We can only prepare, with truth, not ignorance. Seekers, we are walking talking over the rolling hills, migrating homeward into the heavenly space of conflict and unification, the laws of love, will see us through.
Remember, that the breath is the vehicle we ride upon the rolling hills. And it does both, expand and contract. It's the blue of you and me, the to and fro, to the holy know. Be a part of all the seas, walk into the arms of the enemy.
I walk towards my home (Taos). I know which way I flow. It's where my heart leads me, that's the way I go. And now it's time to know, where all the songs do lead me. My soul speaks to my heart, "Let's migrate on home!". Days have turned to nights. I glow to know the strife. There we are the sacred hearts, that begins the sacred walk. My talk does lead me there, because I unite with my heart. I am the rising sun, where all is realized. Come and dance with me. Seek the world, I keep. It's the dream we all do hold, but the Sacred Blue does know. There we are the Sun, that rises for the day, to begin the sacred walk, right back to where I begin. I am the song of life. I begin the song of strife. I begin to glow like the sacred storm that knows. I choose, this way today, because God knows which way, the sacred walk and talk does incline, up to the land of paradise. The blue lake people know, we glow and we do go, right where we begin in time, the place we blow our minds. The dreams we are inclined. I'm going home to you. I'm walking home to you. I'm the heart of you, just wait for me, I'm coming home for you!