For Your Fire, Pipe, Blessing Ceremony

The Blessing of the Nine Directions
To the East and the West. To the north and the south. To the up and the down, to the sacred all around. To the heartbeat and Breath, I gift all my sacredness. I receive all my life for thee. I shall be forever in the breeze.
peacefulYour Heart Song
I shall sing. I shall sing upon Mountain Tops. I shall be. Glory for thee. And I shall be the loving breeze.

Sacred Dew

Four Sacred Directions In Thee!

Relatives, "Ask for your colors you can believe all the rainbow you can receive, the sacred garment of lights that lead, the spreading sheets of leaves. Here the way is clear to be, the loving and sacred tree. Take to your heart all that you believe and come and fly with me! In other words, ask and you shall receive your four sacred colors." says, White Buffalo Calf Woman who Sings for you, your Twin Deer Mother and additional Sacred Song Blessings and We Bless You

Come receive your Sacred Song Blessings, ask for your blessings and receive, the greatest treasure you could conceive, the soul that needs to be true, when one is validated in you. The treasure is you!

Buffalo Robe Requests

  • Golden Katy Keel
  • Rainbow Cecilia Ann Zoby
  • Indigo Child (indigocrystalchildren circle google+)

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Holy Ghost Walking Great Spiritual Stars

Official Title: Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony”
Event: Ghost Walk, the New Moon Dance (Monthly three day gathering with the family and friends, relatives in the winds)
Ghost Walk (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon. From the darkness we arise a heavenly child, a divine light from within.

There was a time, when all the stars aligned.  And the holy ghost inside did toast. Let us cheer and bring all the spiritual near. Let us hope. Let us dream about all inside this star stream. Glory bee to salvation that comes, when everyone is running around, a hoop and hollering to sing upon the bringing of the holy spiritual breeze that lives inside of thee. Hear my song in the winds, across the lands of time. We have begun to realize. There is a place where we are welcoming the souls, the holy ghost that knows. Children of the stars realigned. We have come home this time. We are cherished our souls, we dance to find the gold, send blessings to the SUNS. Love is on our run. Let us dance and sing as ONE.

There was a time, when all the stars aligned in time. And now it's a reckoning, to the cosmic seed. And where forth, we look for north, where shadows do appear inside of thee, inside of the cave of liberty. I will shine this light, the holy ghost with might. I will appear, a sun dancing deer (on a great journey). And when we speak of salvation we will be holding hands. All together we will understand. The stars demand it's time to bend along the river of the gorge. Down deep below, where we have stoned and snored it's about to explode. Every single beam of light inside is lightning bright. And singing true, this dance with you. I bring this tune the holy ghost at noon, to speak of singing angels bring/bright. You are the GREAT SPIRITS of the STARS. You are the greatest sight of God. And I know there is longing in your wings. You want to fly free learn again. It's time to realign with the stars. And make your way back home. We are children looking for this sacred stone. 

Holy ghost inside of me wanting to dance freely. I will shout it out and make it about love that will save thee. And when my mind goes free, I will release and forgive my enemy. I will long to be free. Love will set this tone pleased. Everyone come dance and sing in the new moon the darkness will bring, a shining light from within, to bring a heart away from sin, cleansing clear and true, the heart near you. WE are part of this salvation brings, revelation is the seeds of the sing. Let us bind our hearts today. The holy ghost walk will show the way. All across the World, the Sioux will hear our names sung. And Elders of the Soul, will show them all (the Rainbow Clan) how to glow some/sum. And together we will bind our hearts, to the tether of the holy arks. We will bend out to send, our holy denomination of the winds. We are soldiers indeed, always fighting for liberty, to embrace your heart, to bring us far from apart, but together again. Always embracing in the wind. the Holy ghost walking will begin. The holy ghost walking will eliminate sin. The holy ghost will be, open opportunity, because LOVE will claim, all this holy gain, the fame of the times in the winds. Yellow road find my dreams, where we are all together again. WE are ONE World, holy ghost filled, each and everyone lives in dreams. We are together, walk closer and it's time to bring the most, to the host, the HOLY GHOST.

White Buffalo calf Woman sings today, the Holy Ghost Walking wave. And inside the darkness of the night, let us beam out of sight. And within, the blue road will begin, the spiritual of the almighty sins. And we will beam out to purify, all the light inside and outside with the might of heavenly plights. And when the crown of the darkness of heaven beseech upon you what will you do/dew? Will you claim forth a justice or will you bow down to bring home all of these clues? I tell you true it's time of heaven, don't you feel it in the winds. All those holy ghosts inside you are now walking out in the winds, time of alignment begins. Time for us to hear all of those sins. And bring them home to learn, about the holy burn, pipe keepers everywhere, hold you close to smear, bless it all near, wash it clean, let it out in colors that beam, make a new painting of brotherly seeds, where Sisters and Mothers call upon their enemies, "Come on home now! It's time to forgive now! Children make it on up and play by the rules, the heart is the way to live and fulfill. Forgive and show love, embrace like the doves." 

Know peace has a way of telling the story straight. Listen to all those tears. Let our hearts listen to those fears. And with this said and done, let Holiness Running Eagle a Shooting Star sun, shine with the beat of the sweet heart. The holy drum that shows us the holy arcs. Hoops and circles, hollering our heads. Telling the world, it's time to bled. Let is all out, the suffering the crying. Let it all shout and burn that bridge. Tell the stories of all those gores (nightmares) to bring us home again (to purify the winds). Holy stones again. We are praying to believe, in dreams of heavenly breeze. I bow down with you my friends. I bow down to all my relatives again. I bow down to the Earth I kiss this girth. I bow to the sky, the holy open wide. I bow to you and me, to share this wind indeed. I bow to love's call, because I hear you after all. You are my way home I can feel. You are the stones of love that turn this wheel. You are the stars heaven sent to loom a blanket of love for me. Elders in the breeze. Sending kisses on our knees.

Event: Ghost Walk, the New Moon Dance
(Monthly three day gathering with the family and friends, relatives in the winds)
Official Title: Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony”

"Listen to the Winds" Algonquin derivative of the Sioux
Heeeyeaaaaye ohhhh. Hey oh.........lo me ho. Hey oh........lo me oh, aye oh. Come to the bow.............. Hoy ee............................(up wave)....................oh me oh me oh me oh......................(down wave). Hako. ho koe. wha set a hoe, wha nee, he oh. wah nee, hay oh. Weep y nee. Song yee yah.. Weep i nee, hoe ee a. Leap...............a hoe ee ah. Le..........ap ah ah ah. Hick a toe me. hick a way. Lip intega, tho its say................ hoe ee ee ah aye. Kome hoe me. Hey aye. Koe me. Hoe mee, yah aye, yah aye, ha ha ha hay. Heap a ho mee, take a way............leap a toe me... away............................ Hee, hoe, lop i stow. Hoe me to pay. Listen to the breeze. 

White Buffalo Calf Woman interprets in song ,"Listen to the Winds"
There is risen the suns of all these men. We are driven to tell the story again. And with us listening, the stones are cursed we say. Yet in our story, we bow to holy praise. Bow down to salvation up and down we go, rising over storms and suns, after all we know. And with this risen savior (Morning Star, the SUN), the signs of time begin. We are sent to rise up beneath the snows again (the seed blossoms forth). Let us feel the winds. There deep down low, where the roots will grow, I can feel songs that heap and holler in rows. With this shattered light of love (life) appears. Musking (dew/do filled) rainbows shine distribution near. And there we sing our songs and leap along where rivers bow to seek. And in the bowing of the rivers the waking of the bends. Reaching up again. Towing down flow, where the sounds of grins. Holy reckoning, lifts us up again. There in the stars of night, the beaming brightly dim. And we take hold of all those stars that shine away our sins. Guide us home each day and night. Let us sing our praise out of this sight, where the land will bow to show us how to bestow. We will live as cherished gold. We will listen to the winds.

Event: Ghost Walk, the New Moon Dance
(Monthly three day gathering with the family and friends, relatives in the winds)
Official Title: Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony”
Ghost Walk (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon.
From the darkness we arise a heavenly child, a divine light from within.

Crystalline Fields Down the Rainbow Trail (Video Arc of the Covenant) 

Relatives, this is an image of sacred fields (with Native People), when we learn to show true love. The wolf represents the warrior, always clinging to family, all our relatives. Man and woman of Earth. Great Spirit Father and Great Spirit Mother always looking after us. The artist shows the Woman stirring a pipe. This signifies the churning of our Earthly world. We often call Great Spirit Mother, Mother Earth. She always looks over us and protects us with her love. It's up to you to purify all the warriors she sends to you. This means, one must learn to become Holy People. And this is why Great Spirit Father or Father Sky, the breath of the dew, always flies over you and protects the lambs, those who bow, pushing the rest of the clan towards heavenly virtues. We bow to our Heavenly family unseen, our heavenly family un/seen (crystal up through white/star), our earthly middle earth un/seen (lavender, magenta, aqua) and our earthly family seen (violet down through red), the mountains and the valleys, the painted picture of true love. This is what the above image represents. We thank our Sister Lambs Wool Floyd Claudia for sharing her images on the circles with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Below are images of the sacred fields, taken by people with their cameras. Send your own (photographs in the sky fields) and attach them to this post. We love you and bring you many joyful daze ahead, with loving memory to all we have, each other.

For all my Relatives, your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

ps. With fire and water, our dew, I bless the sacred nine streams and four holy beams/directions. I bow to all the holy cows, the stars within the milky way, heaven paved. That would bee you in a great dream. Aho and over the rainbow we flow, right down to our toes/tows/twos/grandmother knews. (sent to hoop 6) 

Floyd Claudia shared her photo at

To learn more about the Rainbow Clan, Rainbow Colors, Rainbow Trail and the Buffalo Robe (four directions in rainbow colors) please visit

Gifted by Please help sponsor the Elders and Warriors continue service through Angel Services and the Great Give-a-way. We bless you through and through. Angels working to help you locally and around the world.

Join us at Hoop 6 (Stepping Stone) - Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts is united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, brotherhood)! "I Bless Myself" and "I Bless the World" 

All our Relatives, Please, Please join Us
in the Holy Ghost Walk, Gathering in Homes!
 New  moon January 1, 2014 Dawning with the Suns
Today January 30, 2014
March 1, 2014
March 30, 2014
April 29, 2014
May 28, 2014
June 27, 2014
July 26, 2014
August  25, 2014
September 24,  2014
October 23, 2014
November 22, 2014
December 22, 2014

Ghost Walk  (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon.
 From the darkness we arise a heavenly child, a divine light from within.

Image of a beaming field by Grandmother Upon the Hill, a gray child, 
streaming stones among the mountain tones and buried bones,
 the Suns are born (children of the rainbow clan, all our relatives, the spacial fields). 

Relatives of the Rainbow Clan,  

You and you and you and you and me too. We have entered the Dawning (re/birthing). We start to flow where it's the spiritual growth, the Great Push (January 1, 2014) has begun. We need you to share and shine, to bring in wine, tears divine. We send greetings and blessings as we join together in this dance, the Holy Ghost, the Spiritual toast, we greet you to the sky and back to the why, where we say, forgiveness is treasures, let joy overcome. Tonight it's a way to let love under ONE. We cherish this world, because we are SUNS, each child, each enemy, each parent with a child. All the the little creatures, the rocks and the sticks. All the little varmints (rats, social interrogatory) which pick up the holy wicks (spat, now let's go to work), sparking the willing to have faith in a song, where are all together, moving along. We send blessings in this song. Let your hair down, sing and dance abound. For it's the spiritual soul within that leads and says, Holy to my Spirit, for I am going to bloom. I will share with this world. I will shine until NOON (inner brightest like a Star). We will become treasures when we pray along, together in a song, all together God's ONE. All the little spiders, who weave us to cradle the song. Telling us a story, that look out, watch the bones. There planted deeply a treasure under the stone, if we look closer, we might want to shown, love gifts and hooves (kicks and shoves, like parents on a rug).
 Bowing with all our Relatives, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Event: Ghost Walk, the New Moon Dance
(Monthly three day gathering with the family and friends, relatives in the winds)
Official Title: Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony”

Dance when heat and cold (mist/smoke of the ghost) find each other bold, binding to bring in the new, the ghost dance comes to infuse, the soul has risen, awaken and driven, the heavenly soul does reign. Renegades put on your shelter (warriors uniform, buffalo armor, rainbow colors purified), because it's turning to helter skelter (confusion and frenzy, bubbling up the soul does reign).  White Buffalo Calf Woman sings
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World
Image by Aunt Seasons That Sing, Silver Child
Paradise gleams, the field in the trees, dew in the breeze!

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze! White Buffalo calf Woman sings

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Hoop 4

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THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

We are Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever. There is "No way out", "only a Way In" .... this is the sacred circle of our collective dreams. We are learning to walk towards!

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, iyeshka (interpreter) and akicita (law bringer), crystal (christal/pearl/diamond/red-red), yellow, green, gray (red-green).

Holy buffalo hide (prayer cloth or holy temple called you) reveals the four sacred directions that heal.

Thank you for all your Thrills. Shout out to hit the Nails. We are building a house where all are welcome on the rolling hills. White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings »

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptse San Wi Yan), your Twin Deer Mother, has come home to your hearts. It's time to walk the evolution's path. We all are part of the Rainbow Clan, my relatives each and everyone. Receive the treasures that your iyes(h)ka (interpreter) gifts to you, the sacred song blessings, that always are true (soul and voice of the song). And inside of you, the soul that comes alive, the prayers that live, and shout, "I am and I thrive!"

Life is a Roller Coaster and Now I'm on a ride, over rolling hills again, and back to the place where I collide (dark and light). Heaven (dark) and Earth (light) come home to me and we will be getting along, where the sunset returns again, the place I call my home. Star is born, the light does shine, every single morn, and I have to open my heart, so I can get along. There is a kingdom out there, the place of paradise, and we are going home right now, if we can only collide (dark and light). Be my heart and walk with me, be the rising sun (Morning Star), have the place of wonder in the wishing land. Singing to your heart, White Buffalo Calf Woman is finally home at last! Ask for blessings, come receive the greatest you have known, there is promise everywhere, just you look and sea, the heart of wisdom knows the place, the heart that can conceive.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

About Jeff (meaning peace) [He is the Singular (mission) father (leading) that goes around town (evolution's call to the circle of life). We call him the Golden Light of Sound, he is the chosen one, to view the world, but he needs to come home to call. There he will find a home where all will know his knives (sharing and dividing). Without a place to trumpet, he does not have a home. He longs to find a home where all can find a lid (roof, sanctuary, green grass home). Jeff Golden Light of Sound is the House of Cones (light reflection in evolution), the blossom, that reigns forth. Don't be alarmed, he should go away. But be sure his heart will stay. He is the bishop to your pawn (blessing you). You can rise up to his call. Blow billows of sunshine in the air. He will be standing in the streams so fair.]

Jeff Golden Light of Sound said, "I dreamed of the White Buffalo Calf Woman, she pointed to her heart and Buffaloes of all colors formed a circle, the White Buffalo went to the heart and all other Buffaloes followed."

White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets: The heart is the path into heaven, where our souls do hide. We all belong to the Circle of Oneness, the Rainbow Clan. For we are all related and of God. A Buffalo represents the tools of light, in four rainbow colors, to assist your heavenly mission (heavenly name). This is our holy temple, our flesh, the Buffalo Home. White Buffaloes are like the stars, those who shine, united four roads, the blue, red, yellow, then white, the star. Grandfather light (white person, in their tools of light, rainbow directions) naturally shines like this, the white light of unity, who is humble, and bows like the Rainbow to receive blessings. The rest of us, must learn to walk this humble path, to shine like stars. These are the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy who unite! A White Buffalo is the Star of Heaven, who shines upon Earth, walking and talking (wakan tankan, the Great Spirit Within) the united four roads. These are the White Buffaloes who are able to walk through the door of heaven, the crystalline heart of White Buffalo Calf Woman, to greet thyself (mirror to the soul, the heart of the crystal person), the soul seeking a way out, to illuminate and shout, to be validated, for who I am! The Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, learning to become the White Buffaloes (stars of heaven, that shine), begin the Great Migration home. We enter the Third Phase of Evolution, the yellow rolling hill in time (dawning of brotherhood), where dreams do come true. Heaven and Earth, Welcome Home!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings: When pointing to the heart, the direction that imparts, the wisdom of the path of the inner light. Here we are many rainbow colors, all part of the same vision of the sacred circle of life. We are relatives, who need to come home twice. Once in the flesh (red road), and once in the soul (blue road), then we know, that we have binded (bound) our whole. When we follow the path of the heart and the soul, all other buffaloes will flow, for rainbows of latter (ancestors), the buffalo homes that have been shattered (separated and divided), will carry us home, to a brand new day, when we look for the heart that leads the day (to flow together, as one shining river).

The tools of light, do shine, like the holy temple of the mind, the flesh that does hold a soul inside. We call the tools of light, the buffalo home. For it's four sacred directions, that gift to us eight directions, the four colors then reflection, to gift our lights. Then we are the Rainbow Colors, the clan that does show reason, when we understand, that we belong to each others, by demand. For it's God's children, we hold the upper hand, for it's sacred in here, where the buffalo steer, the trembling of the hooves who do gallop away. We are here to lead the great migration day.

The circle of buffalo were the sacred rainbow colors, parts each of us, to be whole again, when we join together, in the wind. And as we join together, we follow the fortunate weather, it's inward, the heavenly route, the soul that flies, all inside. And heaven is what leads us, where all buffalo do feed us, to go home again. To feel the wind again. We are going home. To be under the sun.

And it's time for us to gather, to listen to our hearts talk. To walk the path of righteousness in the wind. And when it's all over, we will journey together, the path of love, the holy days, of eternity. Oh blessed bee, let us dream together and be free. Rejoice, Rejoice, the Green Grass Grows!


THE LAW IS LOVE, not one over other, but ALL the CIRCLE. This is called the Hoops or the Elliptical Path of the Universe. There are four roads or waves that intersect; red road full of colors, blue road full of song, yellow road full of dreams and white road all together now, let us bow.

Relatives, that's the law and if you break the law over one child of the rainbow, no matter what age, you break the law. That the LAW, and it's LOVE. Love thy neighbor as thy brother. This is a commandment of God's ONENESS.

Married forever and ever, the ring (hoop) is forever.
No way out, only a way in .... this is the sacred circle.

White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child (crystal/christal/pearl/diamond)
crystal, yellow, green, gray (holy buffalo hide reveals)

White Buffalo Calf Woman public figure (Facebook)