White Buffalo Calf Woman (she, the christal child) had a vision of a fox who followed down a trail after a traveler who finally arriving at the campfire. There the relative gifted "a sharing of a meal". The fox arrived wary, yet satisfied. He (arctic fox) could find companionship near the fire at night, where peaceful airs fell around the campfire, where the sparks blew into the sky. A story foretold by Turtle Island.
White Buffalo Calf Woman and the Arctic Fox
Written by Grandfather Arctic Fox (she, the white star child) and Dakota Little Two Dogs (he, the golden child)
(begin) The Arctic Fox was walking down a red road next to a lake. She came to a crossroad where the path turned into blue if she went to the right. And to the left was the red road that she was on. Arctic Fox said, "O my. This is strange. I do not know which path to follow". Standing at the section was a White Buffalo Calf Woman dressed in a golden robe. Arctic Fox bows down to the animal.
Arctic Fox said, " I cannot believe is this so? I have heard all about you in the stories my Grandfather reads. You are a like an angel. O thank you for appearing."
White Buffalo Calf Woman said, "Hello my dear fox. We are of the same tribe. You are a white animal. We are the wisdom keepers. And you are also cloaked with gold. There are few of us. And it Is time I share with you the key to eternal life."
Arctic Fox said, "I want to do as my Sister had told me and collect the berries from the wolf 's den. But that is against the fox rules. We are to only collect from the fox's den."
White Buffalo Calf Woman said, "Well you see the path you are on. The red road. Is the path that will keep you in bondage. You may in the short run get what you desire. But it is red the path of fire. And you will suffer. It is the path of the mind. You see this path over here. Is the blue path. The path of the heart. The path that will give you happiness and eternal life. You may not always get what you want. But you will get what you need. It is up to you Arctic Fox which path to follow."
Arctic Fox said, "But my family and everyone I know said stay on the red path. I cannot go on a path alone. But I do want to follow my heart and do what's right."
White Buffalo Calf Woman said, "It is up to you which path. I am here to simply give you a warning."
Arctic Fox said,
"But I must gather the berries (fruits of labor). What if I don't know the way back on the blue path".
The White Buffalo Calf Woman disappeared. Arctic fox began following the red path that was filled with thorns. As each step she saw the thorns. She began to back up and the thorns disappeared. Arctic Fox said,
"Ok. I must do this". She began walking on the blue path. That was dark. But soon became lit by red roses (eternal fire burns brightly) lighting the way. At the end she saw rainbows and a land of kids playing and candy. Arctic Fox said,
"O my this is where I want to be".
She (Arctic Fox) ran back to the crossroads to try and tell her family about the "White Buffalo Calf Woman" and the blue path but there was no red road. It had disappeared. Arctic fox. But I'm going to be all alone. She began to cry. Soon the White Buffalo Calf Woman appeared and said, "Arctic fox, I am proud of you. You made a decision of the heart. We are your family now. You also have a Grandfather* waiting here for you."
Arctic fox reunited with her Grandfather who once told her of the blue path and the White Buffalo Calf Woman (where the dreaming takes hold, stories are told). Grandfather said, "Dear child. You believed. And did the right thing. You shall remain happy and young. And live forever". (the end)
* White Buffalo Calf Woman interprets: Grandfather Arctic Fox, the star child, her own soul, the star of the dream as well as many Grandfathers, trusting of self. A Grandfather's White star - frequency/waveform 15, Grandfather would be Adam/Atum/Atom - frequency/wave form 19, as well as those who act Grandfatherly as Stars depending on their travels and collective relationships or trusting relatives on the heavenly blue road, felt yet unseen forces in the universe. We often call these feeling of the spiritual as "ANGELS".
Artist Linda Jarrett |
White Buffalo Calf Woman by Linda Jarrett Temples of Golden Light
Temple of Golden Light Minnesota, Mineapolis, USA
This Temple is over lit by White Buffalo Calf Woman, a Prophetess who appeared to the Lakota Native Americans. She presented the Lakotas with a special pipe to amplify the power of their prayers and to bridge a connection with Earth and Heaven. The Red Indian and Christ energy becomes one, sacred ceremonies are held here in this Temple of Golden Light and seasons are honored. Hands stretching out across the water, people come here for healing in the Rose Quartz Crystal healing sanctuary. Differences are solved, negativity is resolved recognizing oneness for all.
An earthy grounding temple surrounded by a green mist. The temple is filled with christ consciousness energy, and the love of Mother Mary.
A healing temple, peaceful and calm, having many healing sanctuaries in it. Prayers are answers when asked from this temple. http://templeofgoldenlight.co.uk/about-the-temples/americas/
Angmering 34 Mill Road, Angmering, West Sussex
Tel: 07711 679718 / 01903 776302. Email: templeofgoldenlight@gmail.com
Aho to all my relatives known and unknown, seen and unseen! I humbly bow to all that is sacred and know all to be sacred! Let yourself remember the dream that captured your heart and started that everlasting chase for divinity! Now is the time to unite and use our greatest gift (colors). Believe in your link with all relatives (known and unknown), shine my brothers and sisters and show mankind how to be human. Learn that sight is only part of the greater vision, we are multidimensional beings capable of creating unimaginable horrors (this is self evident), or we can evolve into a beautiful community able to network and rebuild what was once only dreamed (humanity)! White Buffalo Calf Woman please teach us how to weave this dream of color and creativity. My relatives in order for this to happen we must learn to listen as children do (learn to relearn). I send much love and many blessings!
-Thunder Roaring Stream
Yellow, Rainbow, Blue, Gray
"Father we bow to you humbled for you have enlightened our hearts this day, help us continue our journey into the unknown with courage and an open heart!"

“Boat and canoe” navigation metaphor as being the guiding spirit of all subsequent treaties, but because it presents a political history of the community that incorporates the involvement in the alliance known as the Seven Nations of Canada within a distinctly “Iroquois” identity paradigm. This is also the basis for the Declaration of Independence written by the United States of America, brotherhood, equality and freedom for all men. In God we trust, "the voice of each other". When we flow from the blue road (blue strip) to the red road (blue strip) and back. To and fro we go, then the third yellow road appears. Five rows represent the blue, the relatives who are true. This is also expressed in the Jewish Tsitsihar or tassels on the Prayer Cloth. This is the shape of a prayer cloth, four directions (green fields) and five streams (relatives beam), equals the rolling over, the force and power of love that binds our hearts together. The dream appears on the yellow road and golden fields of brotherhood would run near. It's only now, we are ready to receive knowledge from each other, the ark of the covenant (boat and canoe), the Rainbow Clan. White Buffalo Calf Woman shares.
To read more from Thunder Roaring Stream visit
http://www.facebook.com/groups/CrystalIndigoChildren/permalink/535251893250375 and
Mission/Heavenly Name (blue, mission): Thunder Roaring Stream
Tools of Light/Earthly Name (red, tools): Whispering of the Wind
Nickname/Acts Like (yellow, vision): All the Rivers That Gleam
Rainbow colors: Yellow, Rainbow, Blue, Gray
White Buffalo, the holy prayer cloth and buffalo robe of the Morning Star Eagle Feathers don the eight sacred directions in Rainbow Colors |
Gifted by Alightfromwithin.org. Please help sponsor the Elders and Warriors continue service through Angel Services and the Great Give-a-way. We bless you through and through. Angels working to help you locally and around the world.
Join us at Hoop 6 (Stepping Stone) - Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts is united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, brotherhood)! "I Bless Myself" and "I Bless the World"
All our Relatives, Please, Please join Us
in the Holy Ghost Walk, Gathering in Homes!
New moon Schedule
January 1, 2014 Dawning with the Suns
January 30, 2014
March 1, 2014
March 30, 2014
April 29, 2014
May 28, 2014
June 27, 2014
July 26, 2014
August 25, 2014
September 24, 2014
October 23, 2014
November 22, 2014
December 22, 2014
Ghost Walk (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon.
From the darkness we arise a heavenly child, a divine light from within.Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony"
Relatives of the Rainbow Clan,
You and you and you and you and me too. We have entered the Dawning (re/birthing). We start to flow where it's the spiritual growth, the Great Push (January 1, 2014) has begun. We need you to share and shine, to bring in wine, tears divine. We send greetings and blessings as we join together in this dance, the Holy Ghost, the Spiritual toast, we greet you to the sky and back to the why, where we say, forgiveness is treasures, let joy overcome. Tonight it's a way to let love under ONE. We cherish this world, because we are SUNS, each child, each enemy, each parent with a child. All the the little creatures, the rocks and the sticks. All the little varmints (rats, social interrogatory) which pick up the holy wicks (spat, now let's go to work), sparking the willing to have faith in a song, where are all together, moving along. We send blessings in this song. Let your hair down, sing and dance abound. For it's the spiritual soul within that leads and says, Holy to my Spirit, for I am going to bloom. I will share with this world. I will shine until NOON (inner brightest like a Star). We will become treasures when we pray along, together in a song, all together God's ONE. All the little spiders, who weave us to cradle the song. Telling us a story, that look out, watch the bones. There planted deeply a treasure under the stone, if we look closer, we might want to shown, love gifts and hooves (kicks and shoves, like parents on a rug).
Bowing with all our Relatives, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Event: Ghost Walk, the New Moon Dance
(Monthly three day gathering with the family and friends, relatives in the winds)
Official Title: Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony”
We bow with the Artist sharing the Rainbow Clouds |
Dance when heat and cold (mist/smoke of the ghost) find each other bold, binding to bring in the new, the ghost dance comes to infuse, the soul has risen, awaken and driven, the heavenly soul does reign. Renegades put on your shelter (warriors uniform, buffalo armor, rainbow colors purified), because it's turning to helter skelter (confusion and frenzy, bubbling up the soul does reign). White Buffalo Calf Woman sings
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World
Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!
Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!