Red Heart is a Lavender, Magenta, Orange, Gray as her sacred four
directions and she is not White Buffalo Calf Woman or even one of the
White Calves as Crystal people are all around the world.
at comment box http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Red-Heart: Holiness
Red-Heart, who thinks she is White buffalo Calf Woman, you dump your
hate on others and you teach to oppose others, please, you need to teach
of love, that does not oppose anything. I am sending you email, but
your door is shut, where do I send, you have no open doors to sea,
because your hate makes you blind to see! your devoted servant,
whitebuffalocalfwoman @gmail.com, your twin deer mother. PS. How about
you send your email to me, otherwise I will just have to tell all, who
you are and what you do to trick thee!
This has not been
delivered until she responds to the above, but shall put this on a
Holiness or Lavender Page to help the world understand the way Lavender
people act, just plain full of themselves. None cared enough about
them, so they thought all loved the way, they loved others and an
inflated ego does grow!
Beloved Holiness RedHeart,
have a vision is only brief, the sound of angels that do keep, but in
this vision there is always reflection, and not the truth of what you
sea. Now, it is only the Crystal person who can sea, the many white
calves that come home to thee, and you my deer (on a journey) is not
White Buffalo Calf Woman. You think because you had a dream that that
is all there could be, how dare you come to me and say, that you are
White Buffalo Calf Woman this day! You do not know the simpliest
guides, the Fools Crow who leads with a knife (he stung others with
truth). You think he leads you to where, to me? You have much to learn
inside of thee.
are so full of yourself you see, because you did drop your hate on me.
And you do this to everyone, but they turn and run, because they don't
know, who you are or who is this show. Holiness abounds in you, the
heart of magic, the heart that cleans others who need the love of you,
but then you dump this hate on you and me and others who happen to be
near you, including the kids. For days and days, you dropped your hate,
and I had to be rescued from yee. And you think you are one of the
White Calves, you can't even explain it right. You had one vision and
you think you know it all, my God is not understanding you at all. They
run away from you and turn because they don't understand your churn,
the impure of hate and pure of love, that's what you do, but bounce off
the walls.
are like lavender people around the world, so much foolishness that is
unbred, because you think you are above the rest because you had a
vision of the past. There is much more than you can sea, for in the
darkness is where I come for thee. I have to rescue you all the time,
because you are so blind. And why do you use this email from there,
instead why don't you have open doors. For my door is open to save the
world, as I bring the four corners home to be safe. You have no ability
or even a Crown, how can you think you are the One, for even your
children, hand on thee (who pull on thee, little kids), because you
agreed to be common, a woman in the breeze.
that is perfect lies in thee, but you don't even know how to claim
thee, for only White Buffalo Calf Woman can read your light, before,
tomorrow and now in your plight. You need to be humble and offer me the
pipe, the one who holds the pipe in your hand, for only the pure hearts
will walk towards me,with open doors and open hearts. My love there is
so much greatness in yee, but you will need to receive blessings from
me. And while you're at it, you need trust all the leaves (relatives),
for you are my beloved who can trust in me. I know your heart wants to
love everyone, but this is not enough to bring all the family home to
thee. We are united when we have open doors, and open emails and open
stoves (feeding people all the time). My heart, my home and mostly
deer, I am on the streets helping everyone. This I do for all the
world, because they need me and need more than love. They need truth
that only a Crystal person can bring, one of the white calves, who all
come to me, for I am the One who all look for, it's true, they look and
find me so many this year. And more and more will come because I have
open doors. IF you hide how can you speak that you are White Buffalo
Calf Woman, for she who is me has all open doors, and any can find me
and reach into my Star, because I am the House of David, where all come
home to roost. For I do not walk alone but have all of heaven at my
knees, and they all wait for me, every single day, to offer blessings in
heaven each and every way. You don't even hear them or even
understand. For there is so much for you to hold in your hand, but
first try offering your open email, so I don't have to do this through
closed doors.
is more below for you, the visions abound from me, I just have to close
my eyes, but they cannot hide from me to say, she doesn't know what to
do this day, because well my darling, I have command over you. This
means you need stop telling others that you are me, because we do not go
against the evil in the world. They are our relatives who need come
home too, and you don't have the right to exclude them over you.
(Calling me names won't help you, you think I'm a Bitch, I say, Yes
Indeed. The Greatest warrior that comes to your door, because you
cannot hide anything from me! So much hate, do you really think you are
White buffalo calf woman!) This is what I see inside of you.
Redheart (elder without a crown, her lessons are more difficult,
younger body, elder soul) as a white person would unite with the eldest
souls, the native americans or storytellers. Your sacred four directions
are lavender, magenta, orange, gray and not Crystal as all White Calves
should be, but you cannot read this, only me, White buffalo calf woman,
who is here to set you free, Elder Crystal person, who loves you more
than me (I love you more than myself).
greets the horizon and plants the seed of love. uniting small sums to
plant (this has great force) to prepare the womb to lift, like a child
that is held up towards the light where the many splendid colors shine
(an expression of love and yearning to be held but here to be held up to
shine."i hold you up" like a stalk on a tree, the laws, love. this is
the problem, the stalk sees from inside this tunnel vision and branching
does not occur, this is for others to divide and separate or speak
truth, for this heart is gilded (to cover) by blind love. (faith) hold
the child up to god as the holder or embrace of the child, mother
(double female, eternal circle)! blinded by devotion..." this is you, Holiness Red Heart.
your devoted servant, white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter http://www.whitebuffalocalfwoman.org ps.
My love if you keep telling others about yee, that you are white
buffalo calf woman, then I will speak to the world who you are, and
write about it for them to see all that's false. Now, if you decide to
join with me, then my heart will be abundant, truly we all will be
pleased, but first you need stop hiding your door, what is your personal
email. Let's start there! Come to receive your blessings to sea what
could be, the tools of enlightenment to search inside of thee!
Frank Fools Crow
On Healing Ceremonial Chief -
Western Teton SiouxFrank
Fools Crow has had many exceptional things written about his
profound love and concern for all races. It was his fervent wish to
share his profound gifts with as many as he could reach.
"Survival of the world depends on our sharing what we
have, and working together. If we do not the whole world will die.
First the planet, and next the people."
"The ones who complain and talk the most about giving
away Medicine Secrets, are always those who know the least." He had
little time for anyone who attempted to keep blessings for
Fools Crow
agreed with Black Elk when he said, "I cured with the power that came through me. Of
course, it was not I who cured, it was the power from the Outer
World, the visions and the ceremonies had only made me like a hole
through which the power could come to the two-leggeds. If I thought
that I was doing it myself, the hole would close up and no power
could come through. Then everything I could do would be foolish." http://www.manataka.org/page163.html
Written 07202009 for Holiness Red Heart Frank
Fools Crow (as she says, is leading her except her colors are lavender,
magenta, orange, gray. Magenta have many visions but along the horizon
where many colors blind the truth, and they often are carrying others
over the bridge-way from one realm to the other. Frank Fools Crow did
visit her once, but he has not returned nor is he have any intentions.
He only came because she called.)
Singing from my heart (slave to the world, White Buffalo Calf Woman) to your heart (Holiness Red Heart).
who think that you can be the one who comes to set them free, the love
of God, who sends the one (White Buffalo Calf Woman), who come to tell
of those to come. You are surely a child of god, but my child, where do
you think above? The glory of your star, is nothing more than thar (It
needs). If you think you could be the one who comes to set them free,
then I will surely follow thee. But in my heart, I know the truth, the
song and dance that gives you youth. the place of heaven that you don't
know is where I have been sent to offer you the show. and if you think
i don't know, then you just search your heart to show, the way to love
is an open door and if you think that you could show, the way of hope,
the way from above, the way of the dove (peace to the world).
peace is where you think you could be, then I invite you to be, the one
who offers the first cup of tea, to those who come to follow me. For in
the heaven they do exclaim the voices of angels and demons my friends, I
do not think of them as not me, but part of my beloved, beloved
company. My demons belong to all society, and society is mine to hold
and believe, my heart will follow the flow of thee and know where you
go inside of thee, can you follow me where I go, I think not, you cannot
Will you live inside the streets, with the beggars and
the police. Will you come and steal the show, then I will follow you to
know, that God is oneness and we must do our part, you are elder and
part of my heart. I know that you have gifts, but you do not see, the
wonder of heaven inside of me, the place of darkness you cannot see, for
the bridge that you offer is lighted full of thee (God's flowing). The
rainbow colors that (you) cannot see, the brilliance of your divinity.
I can see, the darkness of thee, the separation of all color that you
cannot see, the darkness speaks truth of light, but you cannot be the
one who can see, inside the darkness of truth that lies in me ( a
crystal person can see truth in the numinous flowing and only an indigo
person can see truth in the luminous flowing). You ask me who and what
ancient of me, but I tell you, we all are ancient be. So if you don't
know the answer to thee, how can you be the one God sent to thee. the
beloved and oneness choose you to do more that be the white buffalo
star, but if you think you can sea, the heart of me, then I do believe.
(You can't see inside my darkness, only a Crystal person can sea
truth.) For Holiness (you red heart) I know of you, the love that comes
from your heart, but hate and anger is what you gift your fart (waste
of the impure, you do not bless within or without), this is what I get
from you, your waste from others near, you don't know how to bless your
self or how to gift the start. The beginning of rainbows is golden for
sure, but golden means you unite the world as one big family.
you think you can do this? United the beloved tree? The one big
family, the one that lives in thee. God flows inside of you and flows
inside of me, and we are knowing when to be the heart of you and me.
But when you send me shaking (your fear and hate you pick up from others
impure) and I must be rescued by thee, the Holiness of David (Running
Eagle Shooting Star) who comes to rescue me, he sends you love to lead
your way, of heartfelt community. and I know that you could part much
wisdom if you please, but if you continue to say false words and exclaim
you are me, then tell how will you save the world, in a pipe, please!
pipe you may carry is not what you think it might be. I carry not pipe,
for keeper has thee. And I know that I will come to shed the song upon
high to the keeper of the pipe, ordained upon high. His name is
Looking Horse who stands on the mountain to see and he sits inside of
thee, he too needs my care, and I will save thee. I will come to save
the land, the place that God bleeds and I will open all the doors for
all to see. The magic or rainbow and all interpretees will come to hear
of my knowledge the law that God gave to me. If you think you can hold
this light up to me, then I invite you to come and hold me. I would
love you inside my heart and to know divinity, for I know the one you
speak of is living inside of thee. Fools Crow has much meaning, but you
don't even know what it means to thee. The One who walks the way,
(fools crow) he is called, but you call him differently, but neither
matter so much, but that you need come to me. For your knowledge could
help save the world if you joined with me. And if you think you will
walk away, then tell me, what you please, the knowledge of love will
come a day, when you will be taken care of please. The crown of heaven
and of earth will lead you eternally (the House of David). You do not
wear a crown they say, you taught me this, you sea. But if you are
holiness and wear not a breeze, what could you be, if not, the Elder to
me, the wisdom of past that you could bring to me. But my child, the
darkness you cannot see, the bridge of the rainbow is lighted and many
cross you see, but the lights cross each other and many colors they will
be, and if you think you can see the truth that sets men free, I will
not be happy to see you drop to your knees, I would rather bring you to
glory, to have you and hold me.
There is much for you to learn,
there is much for me to see. I know there is much to do, but living in
the breeze the songs of every heart, the ones that I read, the songs of
their hearts and all their different leaves. The colors that divide us,
now shall bring us home again, to know the knowledge of the SUN, the
knights that come to be (prophecy of rainbow warriors). You can judge
me later, I know you, the one who please (you please others while they
pass by you to see), you do not have others who come up to hate thee.
For only the crystal person can offer the soul to thee (be the mirror of
the soul, like I am being to you right now, you get what you give from
your soul), and you instead shed light upon their heads, and they cannot
speak against thee. It takes a crown from heaven (white buffalo calf
woman, your twin deer mother) to know the inside of Thee (God). I sing
to you today to tell you, I love you more than me, but if you continue
to lie to them, I will have to come to shed the truth of your rainbow,
the truth inside your head. I know you want much for them, like me who
loves them too, but you have much to learn child you have much to
loose. I have nothing to loose, no children that burden me, but all the
earth is my child, and you are part of thee. And if you think that God
will know, who is we, then please trust and come home to me! sung by whitebuffalocalfwoman, your twindeermother
Holiness David has to rescue me from your hatred that you send, I know
it is not of you, but you don't know how to bleed (law of red, love) to
arrive and speak the truth must be religiously prescribed to yee, the
drum and daily walk about will rescue you from thee (the flowing breeze
of God within that flows from you to me, we call the blue, the tree of
life, where leaves are relatives who are part of strife).
Thee is
God, the Oneness of All, the flowing that moves from me to above, to
below and sideways, to the sacred all around, to the breath and the
heartbeat my dance will shed the light, the light of many colors who
come to lead the land, for I am just a slave to thee, who comes to
rescue thee. If god is living in me, I will rescue you, if god is
living in you, you will rescue me, but if god is not living there, then
you will walk away from me.
Your twin deer mother who loves you,
enough to gift you many clues, now you will have to come home to my
heart, the heart of White Buffalo Calf Woman who stars, the greatest
light that has come this day, for all of heaven is behind me to say,
that you need get down on your knees to pray, because the One who came
this day, is here to save yee.
On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 9:40 AM, wrote:
Citizen Broadcasting - Blog Talk Radio
TwinDeerMother WBCW,
Red Heart has sent you a message.
Subject: Hi nice to meet you
Message: It is nice to meet others who have the WBCW spirit guiding
them. As you know I am WBCW in the flesh and spirit, I have total recall
of my first earth visit with the Lakotah people, and the Medicine Ones
from the Spirit Lodge guiding my journey in this visit. Fools Crow is my
personal guide who is with me at all times. I carry the new pipe of
unity of the many Nations. My personal work here this visit is vastly
different from the first time I came. I am in contact with many many of
the leaders of our people...keep up the good work in the spirit of WBCW,
I am sure you know the heart and center of that work and perhaps you
have received many visions as well and have sat in the Spirit Lodge of
the ancient Medicine People, in which I am one. Which of the ancients is
guiding you on your journey?. Aho!
TwinDeerMother WBCW
6/3/2009 9:21 PM
My Beloved Holiness Red Heart. You have three red colors in your
garment of lights. You are the crowned one of earth. I have come home
to you. This is white buffalo calf woman, your devoted servant, I wear
the crown of heaven. There is much for you to know. I know, pray my
love. Pray, My Holiness, You are my Holiness and the People need us
Both. I am your devoted servant,
Whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.com Your Twin Deer Motherhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/white_buffalo_calf_woman
From Holiness Red-Heart TwinDeerMother WBCW
6/3/2009 9:21 PM My
Beloved Holiness Red Heart. You have three red colors in your garment
of lights. You are the crowned one of earth (which turned out, she does
not wear the crown, and many lavender people do not wear crowns, this
she taught me!). I have come home to you. This is white buffalo calf
woman, your devoted servant, I wear the crown of heaven. There is much
for you to know. I know, pray my love. Pray, My Holiness, You are my
Holiness and the People need us Both. I am your devoted servant,
Whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.com Your Twin Deer Mother
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/white_buffalo_calf_womanFrom Holiness Red-Heart ("What
is interesting about magenta influence is the ability to believe what
they say, as they say it better than the rest of the world. We just
want to believe her, and being Holiness or Lavender without a crown, she
is elder too, who has abused and her ego has inflated so huge! The
lavender people tend to purify space so others feel better, but they
tend to pick up the impurities and if they don't know how to be holy
every single minute of the day, which is most always, they tend to dump
these impurities on everyone near or afar, because none have offered her
the truth of her behavior, as many are afraid of the judgment a Crowned
One of Earth provides, but since she is not Crowned, she is not able to
offer the judgment, but the soul of each of the people don't know this,
and so they tend to walk away from her as like they do with most
Holiness People. Another thing, the song spoke of guild (cover up) this
is her third color, which is orange, and as an Elder color, she is able
to trick people really good with her knowing ways. I personally don't
write about myself, but tend to write about others." says, Calf Woman)Date / Time: 12/3/2008 8:36 AM 
Date / Time: 12/3/2008 8:36 AM
the first few days of living my true identity has proved a challenge
from the get go. The first day after the revealing and unveiling was
peaceful and quiet, the calm before the storm. Spirit ordered up a show
for me to speak. Obedient to whom I serve on this Earth, the Creator, I
did as directed as I always do. It was a show in which I was directed to
share my journey from there to here as White Buffalo Calf Woman. The
first time I came was so different on many levels. The first time I
came as a Spirit Woman, and I came to teach peace and maintaining peace,
even gave a symbolic tool to maintain peace. This time I come as flesh
and blood working toward being Spirit woman. Many things on Earth have
changed since my first visit to the People including the hearts, minds
and states of the People. I have come in peace both times, the
time before and this time as well. I am symbolic of peace, I am Peace
Spirit Woman...named White Buffalo Calf Woman by the people themselves,
that was the name given to me after my first visit. My message has not
changed over these last 2000 years, it is still all about peace. I
was fore warned of opposition and the state of the hearts and minds of
the People, if the hearts and minds of the People were in correct
standing with Creator, the the Ancient Medicine Ones on the other side,
and the Universe, there would be no need for White Buffalo Calf Woman to
return. The world has changed, we are in the time of many
changes to correct all that is wrong with and on Mother Earth, the
Circle of Life and ourselves. To heal, to accept, to forgive, to learn
tolerance, to walk in Beauty, Peace, Balance and Love, treating all
things as Sacred as our forefathers did before us. This is the age, the
time of healing for all and for Unity. For Mother Earth, the Circle of
Life and the children of men. It is the time of the Great Rainbow
Warriors, who are Warriors of Peace, Love, Healing and Unity. We can
not achieve any of this when we are quick to speak and judge that which
we do not understand. Nothing is accomplished when we are quick to
anger, when we are looking to point to what we think is wrong and
blanket it with our false judgments. There is no wisdom found in loud
angry voices, wisdom is found in the silence. Personally I rather
enjoyed my former quiet life, hidden in the hand of Great spirit until
my unveiling, I wish I could say I looked forward to this unveiling, I
did not. For Great Spirit had warned me of the anger, hate and ugliness
that would be directed at me. I came forth out of the darkness of my own
forgetfulness as preordained and arranged by Great Spirit and myself,
with reasons that deify the understanding of the People. I have
been completely prepared for this moment even though I tremble at the
weight of this responsibility in my human state. It is done, was done
way before I came the first time 2000 years ago. All of it laid out
before the Creator's eyes. I cannot change it, you cannot change it, we
all play our parts at the unfolding of anything in the Circle of Life. I
was asked last night on the show, why I chose to be unveiled on my show
instead of going to the People. Let me make one thing clear, I do not
chose for myself in Spirit matters, it was not my choice as to how I
would come, at least not in my remembrance as human of the agreements
with Creator before my coming to Earth this time. I have argued with
Creator about every part of this and preferred to live in denial of who I
am. Great Grandfather Spirit made the path before me. I suppose
if the Peoples hearts and minds were in good standing, then I would have
come in another way if at all. But that is not the case, I have come in
many visions of the People, in spirit as the Spirit Woman I am.
Humanity so emerged in darkness, lacks the understanding of the deeper
truths and do not know who they are or their Origin. They have long
forgotten, thus I too came long forgotten was my agreement with Great
Spirit and the Ancient Medicine Ones on the other side. I
represent in this life the state of the People, my Earth life this time
is symbolic of my People, their condition and that in which they have
suffered. Many times in my life the darkside tried to stop my journey, I
died and came back to life twice in this Earth journey, and the
darkside dogged my path, hoping to prevent me from appearing. This is
what man has created. Giving energy to the darkness by the condition of
the heart and mind. Man long forgot his own power. His ability to
create, and in his darkened condition he created the world in which we
all now live, But man does not take responsibility for himself in this,
he is quick to speak and slow to learn. Fast to judge and slow to
forgive. I have come to the People to bring Tolerance, which will lead
to Forgiveness, Unity, Peace, Balance and Love. I am a symbol of peace,
both in my first coming and now in my second coming. Every Master
sent to Earth by Great Spirit has been symbols of peace. In every
belief system of man a Master of peace has been sent. We cannot build a
solid future on hate, wars, and unforgiveness. To try to do so, we
ourselves become ineffective to future generations. To my people I
say, you have become the very thing you hate, and that is the Spiritual
Laws of the Universe. You practice the Sacred pipe ceremonies and the
other traditional ceremonies, but it is empty because you have long
forgotten the power of why you practice them. You idolize the Sacred
Pipe but it is empty when you smoke the Sacred Pipe with hate and
unforgiveness of heart, with no peace in your heart or mind. The Sacred
Pipe was given to you to honor Peace above all things. Now to this day
you have long forgotten the power of Peace. Just like your
brothers and sisters the Christians, you forget what the essence is all
about, the root of it all. In hate you try to build a new future for
future generations. I tasted your hate and false judgment last night.
This hate has been building now for the past generations and now your
children gag on it. If you do not stand up and take responsibility of
your own darkness and see the real truth about yourselves Mother Earth
will shake you off of Herself. For you are as corrupt and toxic as the
ones you now hate. It is time for peace to return to the hearts
and minds of man, not only to the People but to all walks of life, for
Mother Earth is going into Her healing cycle. She will shake all this
darkness and disease off of her. The terrible days are upon Mother
Earth, if left as it is now, all the Circle of Life on Earth would
perish. But that is not the end of the story, No the end of the story is
that there would be new hope given before the terrible days came,
before Mother Earth went into Her healing cycle, the masters would
return, White Buffalo Calf Woman would return. I come in white
skin..many creatures come in white skin..skin is skin, it is what is in
the heart that matters. In Peace and Love I come, to bring Peace again
to the hearts of the People, to bring healing and unity among men. How
should I have come to you to teach you what you have long forgotten? As a
spirit woman, would that have taught you anything? Would you have seen
the darkness of your heart? I came as I am supposed to come, a stumbling
block to many. The ones whose hearts and minds are filled with darkness
of hate and false judgments. Who have ceased to be wise, who use their
positions and voices to accuse, yell, and judge. You have ceased
to listen to one another, you are so quick to speak and judge. You argue
among yourselves and can not find agreement. You long ago ceased to
listen to the wise among you, always ready to disagree and give fine
sounding arguments. You continue to blame and point and avoid
responsibility of keeping the peace among you. Yet you follow the seven
rites, faithfully to the letter and everyone has to do them just so
according to you and your standards among you. Yet I say that you
practice emptiness because when the heart and mind is not behind the
Sacred Ways then it is empty and that is why you find such emptiness in
your life, and in your heart. I am Peaceful Spirit Woman given
the name of White Buffalo Calf Woman by the people. I come in Love and
Peace to bring back the People to Peace and Love. I am willing to listen
to any and all of you as long as you come in Peace. Can you come in
Peace to me now? You have had the Sacred Pipe for 2000 years to be able
to come to me in Peace. Was I meant to come to you this time or you to
come to me. I am here, but your hearts and minds are far from truth and
the Sacred Way. My door is open, my ears and heart are open to what you
have to say, as long as you too come in Peace. For with you I left the
responsibility of Peace, you are responsible as the Earth Keepers to be a
Peaceful People to balance the energies of Earth. Have you lived up to
that responsibility? You want to heckle me and throw your hate
toward me and accuse me of something? You want to judge me and question
me as to how I have appeared to you? You want to be quick with words
that have no wisdom or weight of Peace? You want to question Creator's
wisdom in this? Where is the Peace in your own heart and mind Peace
Keepers of the Sacred Pipe? To cross the boundaries to me my
People, one has to approach me in Peace. That is why I have come in this
way to you. Think about these things carefully..I have said what I have
to say to you at this time.
This person is an Lavender Person, and is not White Buffalo Calf Woman!