hat We all Want is Happiness in Our Hearts
Ultimate goal is to bring joy to each other, in the family! Bless the house every day with fire (smudging) as the family walks around together while blessing the sacred nine directions. Bless the
ones who are not participating. The more people there are, the more you
have to bless. Lisping Wise One , Blue Person
What is a Heavenly Name?
Heavens Name Reading
Longest version: Heavens Name Reading – what is it?
Long version:
Heavens Name Reading tell us the mission you chose before
entering this body. The tools of light are picked to achieve the
mission written within your name. We spirits fly through eons of
evolution through the Soul body and descend as we learn our lessons.
Each time we enter a new physical body, we agree to a New mission in
life to achieve evolution (we are all star children). As we descend, our physical bodies become
younger and younger until we learn to use instinct as does our animals,
plants and rocks; learning to trust our Soul body who has everlasting
life. When we learn to bridge (vision, knowing God, join together,
unify) between one realm and into another; enlightenment is born within
us all. We become the "Sage" and "Golden Warrior".
In the other direction, the physical body reaches into the heavens to
ascend towards the "Great Journey" as our children are born each and
every day. Behind we leave the planted seed that carries the
everlasting life in our children, in all our relations. We walk in the
light (action) and in the dark (reflection) at different times. This
influence during these transitional movement periods are felt (sounds
like music), you must shift from action to reflection or vice versa.
When in reflection, you must learn to utilize the dark numinous flow to
become the creator. So set your heart to devotion and create something.
And have fun.
The Heavens Name Reading tell us the mission you
chose before entering this body. The tools of light are used to
achieve and complete the mission in your life which is written in your
book of life as your four sacred colors of direction. Your Heavenly
name is written in the ancient storyteller's language. These gifts
from God (numinous and luminous) help us recognize your perfection,
maneuver and compensate towards realizing your unique gifts that you
offer to this world. You are perfect and God knows it. Now it is time
for you to know this too. You are perfect and what is not perfect does
not belong to you. Therefore never defend one self, instead validate
the words and the emotions, negotiate your rights with your voice,
renegotiate and resolve. Those who do not resolve need only forgive.
Embrace your brother and sister and use love.
2008-2009 Mother Earth. Heavenly name readings and Tools of
Light blessings gifted from A Light From Within- Angel
Services-Integrating the Great Give-A-Way. White Buffalo Calf Woman,
along with many Elders, are servants to this religious non-profit which
belongs to the World, embraced by Heaven.
Below is
an example of her reading the book of life,
the heavenly and earthly name (mission and tools),
the multi-colored garment
of lights each of us wear (RAINBOW CLAN),
are called the four sacred directions, each of us have.
book of life, is getting easier and easier for other to see and read,
but only a Crystal Person can read TRUTH and only an Indigo Person can
see light Truth. It is vital that you shift from suffering and pain
(darkness of heaven-impureness) to joy and happiness (darkness of
heaven-pureness). The only way to get there is integration and
sacredness. Bless, Bless and Bless again every moment of every day.
Learn about reverence, because if you do not, you will not be safe
swimming in the impurities of suffering. Learn about joy instead.
Gather at home and in your community! WE will show you the way
homeward! Heaven is coming home . . . Aho, may your spirit fly!
Hello My Grace, Gushing Flow Without Return,
Today your gift is received, the perfection of your light. Below heavenly vision and heavens name Gushing Flow Without Return
is included below, which were read earlier in time by elder crystal
person. This is done so that others can see how the tools of light
(auras) are used to express your heavenly name from the Oneness of God.
Interpretation here today.
1. Layer nearest body Magenta (My Grace) We are surely blessed by our Ladies of Grace.
2. phase of evolution is Violet
3. phase of evolution is Blue
4. phase of evolution is Darkness (We
all dream inside of Grandmother space awake or not). It actually is
dark and light, dark, light, dark, light, infinitely. It appears as if
it is darkness, our dreams. As humans we all share this aspect. This is the center we share inside Grandmother space. We all must dream.
Earlier I saw an upward flow (gushing), this is the view of a reflection (illusion), really is the downward flow like the hour glass drops the grains of sand, you do so under pressure, so it appears to be gushing upside down. What is so great about you is that you return to fill up again, as if you flow into yourself. Which you do. But let me tell you how this apparatus works. okay.
note: The first and closest layer of light is with us the longest.
Like the hands on the hour glass; day, hour, minute, second. This is a
Magenta Person, any Magenta Person.
Layer nearest body Magenta (like the day hand-first phase of evolution)
Magenta is the second born son in the
house of God. Males carry the light (expression of the reflection of
light) or experience. Females carry the dark (expression of the
creation of light) material world. As an experience you receive always
as under pressure so it must be divided so there is no build up at the
bridge-way to get to Mother Earth or get to Father Heaven. As the
Bridge, you have a lot on your plate. The Red energy brings the law of
love and you wonder about the elders ignorance. You are also the
Gatekeeper for the Ordained Gateway to Earth who is the Lavender
person. Our Holinesses around the world. Just as the day light greets
the the night time. You are the Gate Keeper (Magenta Person) of the
Earthly Gate, (the Lavender Person) into Mother's garden we go. A
Magenta person is responsible as the gate keeper to God's holy sacred
bosom, Mother Earth. The Gate is Holiness. You are the librarian, the
Great Caretaker of Man and Mother Earth. You are the creator of tools.
You divide all you have and show others the way to THE GREAT GIVE A
WAY. A librarian is given the ability to read the book of life (color
of the Rainbow Clan) for moments and then it is gone. This gives you
the ability to know enough to get them to where they are going. Just
like a Librarian shelves a book on the proper shelf after looking at
it's name. These moments, when the reading the light (book of life)
opens your soul up to the Oneness of God, here is where all information
flows into the Horizon. Remember you are the Librarian not the book
itself. (This job is left to the Crystal person who is open to the book
at all times, the twin heart. Twin is the heart and Deer is the journey
of light). You are our Grace, the Great Caretaker, you help all beings
get home and to it's proper place. This is why God gives you the
ability to see clearly their needs. Thank you my Grace. Magenta is
produced by the law of love, when the light of God is upon it. Here
love and light join.
a. give away and divide because more will come. The reduces internal and external pressure.
b. brief glimpse into the book of
life-bless hourly the librarian and the book of life (auras, colors all
around you as they cross over the bridge where Heaven unites with
Earths Garden.)
c. build and help others, this is
written on your heart, start inward-meditate, I love myself, this is
what you must teach others. A real nice meditation I just discovered
is: breath in and out your belly button, this is where your spirit
flies through Grandmother darkness (our combined dreams). This works
out your abdomen and back, creates repetitions to reach theta waves and
it is simple. An hour a day would do the trick. Work up to it. Or use
other methodology towards forgiveness often. Prayer and blessings too!
Remember they walk over your bridge every moment of every day. We are
all joined by light. You are the librarian, you have accessibility to
the book of life. You do not have all the answers at your disposal, but
you have accessibility as a librarian has access to the books of the
world as they pass over your bridge between the physical world of
Mother and the soul world of Father.
2. Second layer is Violet (like the hour hand-second phase of evolution)
Here we find the VOICE of
God. There is combined pressures from the collective. You know the Man
who holds the world upon his shoulders this is Violet. Second layer a
bit easier for you. The Indigo Person learns about love and red
increases in their color and as we ascend to Violet more red increases
and more love is learned. The Red energy is building up to the next
step Lavender, where the greatest love is produced, holiness. But in
the meantime Violet, your red energy is building up and there is much
pressure as if a seed was just about to burst above the soil to meet
the light. This is because all of us together (collective) join at the
apex of perfection. The third born son in the house of God has much
wisdom of the elders but still has much to learn. He has been given
easier way for him to find his voice. This is the purpose of the
Violet, to speak for all of us. He walks with God to and has great
power, for he is the army of God. Many will sway to his will. Here he
has knowledge of the darkness (mother earth) and all her elements. So
we find the alchemist. They love to mix chemicals. They were also
called the High Priest and High Priestess because they had the voice of
the collective. You long for the heavens.
Relief: use
your voice. Keep agreements and renegotiate new ones when necessary. It
is the only way to relieve the pressure inside. You must use your
voice. You are the voice of the collective, you have power to sway with
armies of love and righteousness of the Great Father we all pray to.
Great Father leads you. Mother's world needs protection as Great Father
sheds his light upon his Children and children's children. Trust
yourself and forgive others when they do not know the way. Help to
remember their voice so you may carry it to where it is useful. The
lion makes his roar known. Roar!
3. Third layer is Blue (like the minute hand-third phase of evolution)
Blue is an elder. Where the color
of water mother springs forth to begin the reflections of the Rainbow.
All the clan depends on your selfishness. This is your perfection.
Remember this is the Great Clan of God, Oneness. You are the clansman.
All the clan flow through you. You help your
clan receive the needs of the family group. Here is where the fold of
evolution truly begins, not the indigo, but the blue. He about 20 years
old and knows how to get the needs met. It is like the Supply Sargent
in the military, if you want anything go to him. He will get it for you
or will find a way to know where to go, for the sake of the clan.
Relief: spend one hour a
day in mother's garden. You must use time to connect with her. She
endures and gives her all. You are her advocate and her very essence,
water. The illusions are cast away, even if it is only for a short time
when you are with her heart. This cleansing is imperative for all of
us. We are depending on you to cleanse our very souls. We are all
related, my kinsman.
4. Last layer is Darkness (like the second hand-fourth phase of evolution)
As humans we all share this aspect. This is the center we share inside Grandmother space. We all must dream.
We all dream inside of Heavenly
Grandmother space awake or not. She has descended to the Earth to help
her Grandchildren, the spirit soul elders. The color is actually dark
and light, dark, light, dark, light, infinitely. The colors fold over
each other and it is gray colored. It appears as if it is darkness, our
dreams. So this is why it is possible to see all colors and all images
of any kind, because all things live inside this space. And Grandmother
embraces us as we fly inside her. Native Americans sometimes call this
space Grandmother Spider as she weaves our web of destiny. This is what
the dream catchers are for. Now which door was it? "It's hard to
remember as I feel my way in the dark," as a Soul Elder would say, as
they are the Earths children. The body elders have it easier, but must
seek in the darkness within as the light is upon them. Body elders are
Heavens children.
Relief: dream when sleeping and
dream while awake. Aim to a higher morality for Grandmother's sake. She
must endure our sufferings. When you are moral, you are happy.
Forgiveness is the path home.
Now we have touched on your light, do
you see how these tools of light give you the ability to achieve your
Greatness, your heavenly name, Gushing Flow Without Return. Our Grace, the Great caretaker. I can see why I saw the Great Mother in you as she is the ever flowing. Your flow
never ends like her because the clansmen push you into becoming the
mirror or the reflection. You become the purifier of her sacred waters
upon her gardens. We bless all the waters upon the Earth and each glass
we serve as it cleanses and purifies us all (relations).
Your devoted servant,
twin deer mother
elder crystal person
Heavenly name and vision for Gushing Flow Without Return
vision-water buffalo trotting/splashing along through the water (flow) and earth (no interpretation included here)
name-Gushing Flow Without Return, this is what the Oneness of God calls you.
first I recognized the heavenly great mother, yet this is a reflection
of her, she is the ever flowing. you are the understanding of the
upward flow that she gives to all. Earth ascending towards Heaven. Mother Earth gives without considering return. We must learn to return to her as you know.
is what we all do, travel into space with our spirits (light). These
are the great causeways we all travel in our dreams and where galaxies
move towards. These streams are sometimes called the Galactic Oceans or
streams, rivers, seas etc., where all life begins and returns, the ebb
and flow of all life.
is emptiness. A vessel that is empty can be used to carry other things
or fill others, just as you carry and fill others when they are unable
to do so for themselves. This type of emptiness is what many Buddhist
try to teach the world. This is the way to receiving. When you can
receive, you are able to have the greatest gift-Love!
Return-as the ebb and flow
returns to where it begins, you remember where whence you came. This is
so wonderful. So many forget themselves. This gift is usually
remembered by the young children. You have much to teach others, they
so forget the way to abundance (receiving love). If you have not love,
you have nothing! As an earth creature assisting the ascension process,
you have much to do my love. I am so happy that you are with us to
assist the way to brotherhood and the great give-a-way.
June 1, 2008
Gushing Flow Without Return
to wbcw
2:21 PM wnature: Hello Twin Deer Mother
I was surprised to find an email from you as I intended to write to you now
2:22 PM me: Hello, Is this google? Great, we can chat.
wnature: yes
me: What can I do for you?
wnature: I was going to ask you about any readings that you may have for me or any advice
2:23 PM me: I was just reading it. It does sound confusing. Can you be specific?
2:24 PM wnature: is there any information that could be channelled for me
2:25 PM me:
The great stream is available to anyone, even you. All information is
there. One of the great things about My Grace, you, is that you are
supposed to dive into the darkness.
2:26 PM wnature: oh... that's not the first time I hear this...
that is tough..
2:27 PM me:
As the Magenta, you are to practice. This will help. If you do not
practice, you will not achieve. But you have the talent to do so.
Meditation daily is what will help you and others around you. You are
to show them the way to darkness.
2:30 PM One
way to practice is to tell everyone about your meditation experiences.
This will help others find visualization and quests. Practice asking
questions to the Oneness inside the stream (while meditating).
wnature: alright..
but I have a question
me: okay
2:31 PM wnature: you just said: "You are to show them the way to darkness"
Who do u mean by 'them'?
me: Everyone, and everything unto God.
2:33 PM I
know it is notso easy for the Magenta person, because you want to fix
everyone. I know you care. But the only one that needs fixing is you.
When you can find Grace inside yourself, then happiness will follow.
Others need follow your lead.
wnature: okay..
2:34 PM but do you mean by showing them the way to darkness... to reveal darkness??
2:35 PM me:
One of the things I noticed is the Blue overlay. This is the Clansmen
who provides us with the expression of light by giving us a place for
reflection. The darkness gives us a place to start. Here all life
begins. typing
2:36 PM The
light is born within in the darkness. You must lead others into the
darkness. Here is where our entire life began and will eventually end.
Our souls are everlasting. typing
2:37 PM Everyone
forgets this. This is why it is imperitive that you lead others here.
This is where the light is born within. This is the way to happiness
for others. typing
Your gift is the great caretaker, as this is the way for you. This is your amazing perfection.
2:38 PM wnature: do you mean by darkness: reality and truth of who we are and where we are?
2:39 PM me: Not really, and yes. When we dream it is in the darkness. And in the dream you (everyone) finds solutions to daily affairs.
We also day dream. This is the same as entering the darkness. Creation begins.
2:40 PM In the darkness, creation is born.
wnature: would you tell me more about the darkness (I hope I am not talking too much of your time)
2:41 PM me: Fine, God wanted it this way. Sychcronization.
When we meditate it is dark because we close our eyes. But then where do we go? This is the journey.
2:42 PM Indigos
are able to fly because they have the tools to remember. Your
remembering tools have been put down for awhile. You just have to pick
them up again. Meditate.
wnature: alright...
2:43 PM one more question
me: okay. great
wnature: what is it that mostly needs to be fixed in me
me: Love thyself.
2:44 PM Accept who you are...do not let others tell you you are not perfect, because I know you are, just as God.
2:47 PM Are you there?
2:53 PM me: Let us say Goodbye next time we talk, okay...God and I know you are perfect...you have to remember this too! Love you...
2:55 PM wnature: I am sorry
my laptop just restarted itself
me: okay, do you want to continue?
2:56 PM wnature: and it was so slow doing so
me: okay
2:57 PM wnature: I found the messages you sent me saved by gmail
while I was gone
it brings tears to me knowing that I still learn to love myself
why does it happen to be so difficult to love oneself
2:58 PM me:
We are traveling from the second phase of evolution into the third. We
have been learning about our darkness. Now we are learning to control
our darkness. Now we can make it pureness.
2:59 PM My husband is His holiness and he has difficulty with this.
So each day I have to remind him that he is perfect. The problem is, is that we always start by protecting ourselves.
3:00 PM If
we know we are perfect, then we do not have to protect ourselves. I
tell him to start with perfect child not the wounded child.
3:01 PM The perfect child validates and is more concerned for other than self even in the state of rage.
We, all of us, must learn this very foundation to become the perfection we already are.
Your turn...
3:03 PM wnature: The gmail chat keeps disconnecting.. I think it is better that we continue our conversation through emails..
3:04 PM I'm not sure if I missed any of your words
This is why it is imperative for you to meditate. To help others clean
up their darkness through purification (blessings). And to teach others
to bless their darkness. Emails will not give us this kind of
wnature: okay
I hope it keep connected
3:05 PM me:
I will email the whole conversation to you when we are done. Also, we
can do this again, when you have better connection. This is often a
problem for me, too.
wnature: I had a very difficult childhood
very painful.. I don't even consider myself experienced childhood
3:06 PM I think it had to do with a karma
it was all revealed while raising my own boys
This is the case for many. Karma only means lessons. Each of us is only
given what we can handle. This is the blessing of God.
3:07 PM The
lesson must be learned for you to evolve. And the only way to learn is
to forgive those who committed the crime against you.
wnature: I think I did..
3:08 PM but still find it hard to love myself although I thought I already do..
or at least made some progress
3:09 PM me: Good progress. You know his holiness says often, "I am not angry and I forgive" yet he continues to commit the same crime.
wnature: :)
me: Think about your boys. do they do similar things that you do?
3:10 PM We
pass lessons down to our children. True forgiveness comes from knowing
compassion. You must feel true compassion for the one who committed the
3:12 PM If
someone commits a crime against you. For instance, invalidates you, you
must remember that this person was not taught about true love. How
could they...they do not know what they are doing. This is what the
time of the Golden Child, the one who steps into the life of another
even when it is not wanted. We are all kinsmen.
3:13 PM My connection is good. I will wait when you get back on.
3:14 PM wnature: do you have a hotmail account?
me: no
3:16 PM wnature: Dear Mother Twin Calf, maybe you prefer that we chat some other time
Thank you so much for your time
with my love..
me: There has been alot said. I love you. And meditate. Okay.
your servant, twin deer mother
wnature: okay
I will meditate..
3:17 PM yours in return, Gushing flow without return
I found your email in my inbox :) and I would like to know my heavenly name and perfection read, Do I need to pay for that?
Thank you,
Magenta Person
Hello Gushing Flow
- Just for asking you know how to receive, this is how we receive the love of God. There is no fee to this gift except the return
of kindness for kindness. This is a gift from the Oneness of God. I am
your servant and give as the Oneness does. I only hope that you will
give to others as I have given to you, this is what brotherhood is all
about. From the reading below, I am sure you will my love.
- Would you please let me know what group you are with, so I may
forward this information along to all in the group, so they may also
learn. This is a perfection reading, and only love comes from here,
the way the great ones love you and see your perfect light. I am the
crystal reader, the doorway to the everlasting.
- Let me start here,
your light perfection-(no interpretation here. Waiting for permission to share with our shared group.)
- vision-water buffalo trotting/splashing along through the water (flow) and earth (no interpretation included here)
- name-Gushing Flow Without Return, this is what the Oneness of God calls you.
- Gushing-at first I
recognized the heavenly great mother, yet this is a reflection of her,
she is the ever flowing. you are the understanding of the upward flow that she gives to all. Earth ascending towards Heaven. Mother Earth gives without considering return. We must learn to return to her as you know.
Flow-this is what we all do,
travel into space with our spirits (light). These are the great
causeways we all travel in our dreams and where galaxies move towards.
These streams are sometimes called the Galactic Oceans or streams,
rivers, seas etc., where all life begins and returns, the ebb and flow of all life.
Without-this is emptiness. A
vessel that is empty can be used to carry other things or fill others,
just as you carry and fill others when they are unable to do so for
themselves. This type of emptiness is what many Buddhist try to teach
the world. This is the way to receiving. When you can receive, you are
able to have the greatest gift-Love!
Return-as the ebb and flow
returns to where it begins, you remember where whence you came. This is
so wonderful. So many forget themselves. This gift is usually
remembered by the young children. You have much to teach others, they
so forget the way to abundance (receiving love). If you have not love,
you have nothing! As an earth creature assisting the ascension process,
you have much to do my love. I am so happy that you are with us to
assist the way to brotherhood and the great give-a-way.
Your devoted servant, twin deer mother monica, elder crystal
Dear Twin Deer Mother,
Thank you for such a beautiful email.. I am an indigo and I'm a
member in the AdultIndigomoderated group.. but due to my limited free
time, I no more receive emails from the group.. and haven't checked
them on the web for a very long time..
I am also a servant with a difficult task that I will never give up..
Very pleased to be connected with you and very grateful for my name and my reading..
Thank you so much..
Love, peace and light,
Gushing Flow
Dear Mother White Buffalo Calf Woman,
I hope my email finds you in a great situation..
I have now moved a bit forward along my path.. I now understand
more what is meant by diving into the darkness.. I keep rereading your
emails.. and every time I understand more what it says..
I am writing you now to ask you about some pattern of mine that I recently discovered and would like to know how you see it.
I need to know your point of view about a pattern that keeps
repeating itself.. which probably means that I didn't yet get what is
behind it...
Most of those who love me, I do not love them in return.. and all whom I fall in love with, at some point reject me..
What I know is that I am too much to be handled by a man... and I am
okay with that.. but I can't help moving along with my emotions when
they do move.. and the pattern keeps repeating ..it hurts..
You know... the rejection doesn't mean that they do not love me..
but that they decide not to be with me.. I know they love me, I can see
their souls.. no, no.. I just remembered.. they do admit it.. they do
tell me that they love me but they clearly push me away.. loving me
doesn't keep them from rejecting my love..
what do you think of that?
gushing flow without return
My beloved Gushing Flow without return,
I am so happy that each time you receive a bit more from the
readings. sometimes i do not even understand my own writings. it is
because the person whom i speak with is giving me the answers,
including you, my love. your light lives in me, when responding.
The crystal person only validates the perfection of others and
severs ignorance. This very validation is what you are not searching
for in men. Men who validate know how to communicate and solve
problems. If he cannot validate, he is unable to solve any problem
that could arise. So it does not matter that our light vibrates
similarly (we feel loved), but that we use (practice) love when at
time we do not vibrate together. So in the time of conflict,
validation helps one to arrive here. And our heart knows this.
You have so much to offer. And you are perfect. It will take a
man who knows this, in order to truly love you with his voice, by
validating your complaints. When your man listens, your heart grows
fonder for his presence. And love gushes the flow.
Magenta, violet, blue, grandmother center. You have to feel and
speak the clans needs. This is overwhelming for others to
fathom. Your strength is so powerful and everflowing, that others do
not know how to be a part of this. When god gives you love, search
for validation from your love. Notice if he can hear a simple request
and feed your soul. If he cannot, you need look elsewhere or
start yelling at him to validate. Only love will find your heart. He
has no right to take your right away. Your right to be heard. Tell
him, "If you want me to stop yelling or complaining, then validate."
"Then we can solve our problems and know true love." This is what the
woman does, lead with her heart.
love you,
calf woman (twin deer mother )
elder crystal person
Hello everybody (active-indigos),
This is my first email. I've been in touch with Twin Deer Mother
on a personal basis.. I've been overwhelmed by everything that she's
been telling me.. so I needed time to digest it all.. I think I'm
getting it now! My spiritual name is Gushing Flow Without Return..
I tried to add my record at the group's database.. but I failed.. for
some reason I can't find the 'add record' icon! These things happen to
me sometimes..! I haven't been able to follow up with all the group's
long emails so I was never an active member.. I hope that starts
Love, peace and light for everybody,
Gushing Flow Without Return
Hello Gushing Flow Without Return,
So glad to see you are still with us. I have updated you onto the Rainbow Color Database.
Sorry, there is no member access for now, just want to be sure
information is correct. Anyone who wants something changed, I can do
this for them, just ask. After I am complete with database, I will
upload and then I will give members access.
Recognized that you will begin your active phase again in your
life real soon. Enjoy your last of your time in your reflection
phase. Hope you are getting some Creating done in your spare
time. Creation is what we must learn when we are in the reflection
period of their lives. Your life will be changing in big ways. These
phases often are 6-9 years in length, with each of us differing. This
is often refered to the 7 year itch. This cycle is explained by the
series of 9 stars directing energy towards this universe (asian
Looking forward to hearing more from Gushing Flow, our gushing well of life.
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Gushing Flow wrote:
Thank you Barbara, I will try to stay in touch as much as I can..
Twin Deer Mother, I do not know about the asian astrology's cycle.. I only know the yearly cycle (9 cycles)..
Here is introduction about myself:
am an Indigo (even though i gave her, her colors, she continues to say
she is an Indigo, She is a Magenta person), a single mother of two young
boys.. a writer and
translator (English-Arabic) and should be getting back to my work as a
reiki and emotrance healer soon... I also learned to use the pendulum
for healing..
gushing flow without return
Dear Twin Deer Mother,
Thank you for your email.. I miss talking to you :)
I've been doing great lately.. I've started meditating almost daily.. I
feel connected, grounded and centered.. it's a wonderful feeling.. I've
enjoyed my reflection phase and still is even if it had some pain...
creating did take place within me and of course was reflected on my
outside world.. a lot of healing took place before the creation..
I'm starting my job as a reiki and emotrance healer few days before the
mid of October.. hoping more people will be interested in natural
energy healing..
Love, peace and light :)
gushing flow without return
Hello My Grace (magenta) Gushing Flow,
Please address Nihal as Her Holiness Nihal. This blesses her
every time you call her this. She is a crowned one. She gives her life
for the people. This is what crowned ones do. This helps her and
everyone around her. She purifies the hearts of those around with her
light. She gathers their impurities within her and Lavender people do
not realize the very necessity of the Blessings.
You help her and you and everyone who has grazed her space will
benefit. She is our Holiness. I know it may take some time. But
remember, she is creating red light, a fire blazing. You already have
become this fire and light is upon you, the magenta. You are her
physical elder. You can help her.
Thank you love. I cannot state the importance of who she is. She is our Holiness.
My Grace, the great caretaker (magenta person), who teaches us all how to care take of our brothers, I love you.
your devoted,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal (iyeshka or interpreter)


white buffalo calf woman
Thank you love, I just heard from Her Holiness Camping with tigers.
love you My Grace, Gushing Flow Without Return.
yours, calf woman (twin deer mother)
help please? from calf woman
show details 10/3/08
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Hello beloved Gushing Flow Without Return,
Sweetheart, I went looking for Her Holiness Nihal, I couldn't find
her anywhere at our group active-indigos. Then looking further, I
found out she was a friend of yours from Cairo.
Please, I need your help. You are the gate keeper (magenta
person) for the gate (lavender person). Her Holiness Nihal is a
Lavender person and wears the crown of Mother Earth.
Will you go and see if she is okay. I wrote to her and have had
no response. I had thought she was part of the active-indigos member.
I buddied her up with a Crystal person, but she is very young
I was pretty hard on her. But this is because I love her. She
can only hear a lesson from A Crystal person. The rest of the Oneness
dare not say anything about their behavior. Somehow this is known
about Lavender people.
She needed a drum. And it had to be a gift. I wish I had known
you were there. She said she got a drum and that was the last I heard
from her. Please make sure she has a drum. And if it was not a gift,
please buy one for her. I will send you money if you need. This is
what she must do in order for her to feel okay and to heal those around
her, otherwise she will go mad. Literally. She is a Crowned one and
you are one of her Gate Keepers.
Please go and check up on her physically in Cairo. And I will get others to check via emails.
She is very important to the world. She is a leader of Mother
Earth. And some day, I hope she will know her perfection. It takes a
very long time for Lavender people to know themselves. There is a
prophecy about them, that their heads are cut off.
Please help us, okay love. She is in her reflection now, just as you.
Thanks Naveen Gushing Flow Without Return,
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
Ps. glad to see you back at active-indigos
Gushing Flow without Return
Hello Dear Twin Deer Mother,
Let me first comfort you that these days we have vacation in Egypt
and the middle East due to Islamic celebrations after a month of
fasting... most people are out of town.. and so is Nihal.. she's out of
town for vacation with some friends.. Nihal is a very close friend of
mine.. I gave her your email :)
I will check about the drum and how she got it and get back to you..
How would I figure out about that person in my family? Could she
be my mom? I know my mom is an indigo.. would you like to be in touch
with her? if she's the one you're talking about... I'm not sure.. I
also have my niece.. I know I'm spiritually connected with her.. she's
13 years old..
lots of love :)
gushing flow without return
white buffalo calf woman
to Gushing flow
Thank you my beloved Gushing Flow, I so appreciate your love. I do understand festivals are going on now. Indul Fitri, yes, or is this what you call it?
I will look into this further with your family. Thank you for the tips. I will look into it, Mom or neice?
Also, it is interesting how you use the word Indigo. Indigo is
one of the colors of the multicolored auras of the Rainbow Clan. This
(indigo) you do not carry. You do however carry blue overlay, which
Indigos need to fly with.
Your tools of Light: magenta, violet , blue (outer color), grandmother center
also means, the perfect soul body. This is how you seem to use it. As
if those who attain enlightenment are indigos, this is okay. This is
not necessarily why we use it.
is a color also, but also represents the perfect physical body. Both
warriors for Mother Earth. You my Grace are the horizon, where all
souls come to find their vision quest, within you, my beloved. You are
the Great Caretaker, my Grace. The Indigo it the Great Teacher.
are all attaining perfection, this is why we use the words, Crystal and
Indigo. The perfect body united with the perfect soul, in everyone as
we learn about our great perfections.
Thank you my love, I really appreciate your time to help.
your devoted,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person (iyeshka or interpreter)
*Idul Fitr* that's what we call it :)
Thank you for your time and effort for the readings and everything..
The term 'indigo' that I'm using refers to "indigo children" or
"adult indigos".. from which I recognized me, my mother and others
friends belong to. I will send you a link to explain more.. I thought
this where active indigos came from!
I learned about this a couple of years ago.. and I watched "Indigo Revelation" movie..
I am glad that my holiness Nihal could reach you from out of Cairo.. I will talk to her about the drum soon after she's back..
Thank you..
Lots of love,
gushing flow
Gushing Flow
show details 10/1/08
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Does this date have an indication that you wrote about me in the database:
Enters Light (action) 3 month / 2009 year
gushing flow without return
Yes, my love gushing flow. this is when your cycle will change.
calf woman ps. talk with you soon.
Gushing Flow
to me
Dear Twin Deer Mother ,
I want to ask you about something.. I know that I sent your email to her Holiness Camping with Tigers without
asking your permission.. and I realize that it did not upset you.. but
now I feel that I should be asking your permission before sending your
email to other spiritual friends I know who are seeking their spiritual
names, guidance and clarity about their missions..
Thank you..
waiting for your response..
show details 10/6/08
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Hello love, Gushing Flow without Return,
Oh thats not a problem. No need for you to ask. This is kind, as
a Great Caretaker would act, my magenta person. "Ask and you shall
receive". They will need to ask however. "Knock and the door shall be
opened." All gifts must be asked for from a Crystal person. They just
have to be willing to wait. And the list is getting longer everyday.
So the sooner they are on, the better. All gifts are given
freely, from the Great Spirits and the Oneness of God. Those who give
a gift before receiving are the lamb.
Of course, I am very slow going right now with active-indigos buddy readings.
Also, not your mother or sister, we seek for the reading done.
Someone like a cousin or an aunt. She will be a Great Caretaker like
you. I can see her. She is young looking but not too young. Long
wavy hair. She is very gentle, she often laughs and lifts her head and
has large gestures with her hands. She wears a typical scarf going
over the body, although is wrapped lightly.
your devoted,
calf woman (twin deer mother)

Hello calf woman,
well, maybe our main colors don't match, but at least we have
"grandmother" in common, and as it seems we "resonate pretty well"...I
don't want to tell them "No, you can't be my buddy, because of color."
This sounds like "white skinned people" don't match with
"yellow skinned ones", but hey, we ALL have RED blood! That's how I see
it! And isn't NOW the time to COMMUNICATE through these "differences"?
Regarding my responsibilities as a buddy manager, YES, I will take these...who else is responsible for that?
Blessed be!
Cup of God
Hello My Grace,
I am trying to understand what you are saying. We do not want
prejudice, but we also want to resonate harmony within God. When you
are matched with several colors to someone,
you will understand them and want to help them. But there shall be
this one conflict between those who know love and those who do not know
love and do not forgive. These people repeat lessons. This is when
intervention starts.
Yes you like these people. Yes they are kind to you. But we want a true friend, a buddy. This comes with the person who lies next to you in the color spectrum the orderly fashion god intended perfection. Let us try it first with
the colors okay. ? may be a candidate for you because you both flip
within. And the two of you reach by the dimensional heart. I really
want you to bond with Laura, an Aqua person
(ordained doorkeeper), she is yellow family and lies next to your
color. She would make a life long friendship with you. She also has a crystal (door) child.
Whispering Wind, she needs to be with soul elders, not necessarily with
body elders. Now we are so proud of her. And we shall encourage her
and be her family. This shall not stop. But here buddy should be a
soul elder. A yellow person or a blue person. This is the best buddy
for her.
Now Whispering Wind is great and so is Lee. But you are a gatekeeper,
This means you take care of His or Her Holiness (gate). This is the
ordination from God (magenta gatekeeper). Holiness's are the crowned
ones. You have also become an "adopted doorkeeper" to Crystal Edda. I
will continue to look for her "doorkeeper". Also, we have Her
holiness, camping with tigers.
She needs a "gatekeeper", which you are one of them. So, you and I can
not take care of everyone. We can be helpful to the entire family.
But let us get realistic to how many we can buddy with.
The long term purpose is to get everyone, doing what we do for the
entire group. Give love to everyone in the clan.
talk with you later,
love, calf woman (twin deer mother)
ps. grandmother center is the dark point that allows us the
ability to project light, because in this darkness we fly in our dreams.
 | 09242008 |
Greetings calf woman!
Aha - I have to "digest" this information...
Tonight I had a dream about a black spider, which was "dancing" as a kind of "greeting"...
and so I dance to you
cup of god
Active-Indigos forwarding and response from Calf woman and others about the Native People.
An Article from Indian Country Today was sent in April of this
year from our beloved J. She has joined us here at active indigos
to form brotherhood by calling to us. Her light embraces brotherhood.
This is a response to the article from calf woman and reply about my
views to other members of empathics and intuitives (yahoo group-indigos not knowing love), which have deleted
me from their board (hate crime).
Unfortunately they responded and attacked our beloved J,
instead of me or the article. Our beloved from Heaven does not speak
because she does not feel safe. We must provide her with
love, so she shall want to speak up freely and know she is safe to show
her light at Active-indigos at yahoogoups. so Everyone send her
love.........your devoted servant, calf woman (twin deer mother)
J. my beloved, your tools of light are: golden, rainbow ,aqua, grandmother center.
Wow, cosmic father, cosmic mother, leading under the blue sky,
dreaming the dream. Yours is indeed a great journey. You teach them
brotherhood, under the Rainbow and lead them home. My beloved, so glad
you are here with us.
Please continue to send your Articles forwarded through the Indian
Country today. This day, and every day, my heart aches for the Native
people, such as the day I responded to this article. I love them so.
To help them find their perfection will not be easy. But the Great
Spirits have sent me and I must do the best I can. When the great
spirits ask you to do something, you say yes. What else can we really
do, when our elders ask us to help. My heart leaped from me this day.
There shall be other days my heart shall leap again when you send us
more about the Native people. This is okay. This way we together will
help our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers, our
grandmothers and grandfathers and mostly our children, who have our
skills as they enter the new time, the third yellow rolling hill in
time. Heaven on Earth. We are only beginning, there is along way to
go. The great ones say, "could we not walk in the garden of paradise
together, once more." So we shall teach our family to do just this.
This is like you my beloved, you are the golden light of
brotherhood. You come from Heaven as Cosmic Father, the golden
light. Cosmic Mother Rainbow Tim says, "In Heaven there is love that
embraces, but here on Earth, this knowing has not come down to Earth
yet." Now is the time that we are learning. Since you are the Cosmic
Father who brings brotherhood, when you call the animals, they come.
This is included in you very being, brotherhood. You see you should be
the caller to the gathering. Since you are from Heaven, and Earth does
not know the way, you are here to teach the ways of Heaven among our
Rainbow Clan, especially the Soul Elders (young bodies).
I am so happy you have joined us here. Your beingness helps us
all to stay together. This perfection must be realized within you.
This is the way home. You guide us towards this. We suffer because we
use love. We follow the Red road, especially when others do not know
the way of the Heavenly laws that are coming. We use love again.
We have our , Suze "The Golden Dove that flies within" she is our
Yellow sundancer, the heart of the Lakota, she will help us all take
the first step towards Heaven on Earth. She is the dream of tomorrow
today. There are many out there who really work to solve the problems
of Brotherhood. It shall be the Navaho who shall lead in the light.
It will seem that they are ahead of the Game. But the Lakota will
start later, but finish before, because they shall use the heart, and
take the dimensional journey. The vision quest. Where all things
But all native people are ordained to help the rest of the world
find their way home. This the Great Spirits gives to you as a gift
because of all the suffering you have done (red Man).
This gift is the ordination of the "Red Man Story teller". The
eldest of all the people. And since you are this, following the Red
Road is written across your heart. Tell all your brothers and sisters
that the Red Road is the law of love. There has been a forgotten
almost, I am here to remind you to wake up and remember your great
gifts God (all our relations) has given to the Native American. The
most important event that has happened is the Entrusted lands. This
Entrusted lands shall increase in size until Mother Earth is returned
to her.
We have started Club Evolution, crystal_indigo_children at
yahoogroups. AS every group is formed, a Native person must act as
Keeper. The club must go out and search for the Keeper. This will
help the Native people to start to become this out in our societies.
So my beloved, I will be writing to you later. Please continue to
send us your articles from Indian Country today. Your colors of lights
interpretation is not very explanatory, your interpretation shall come
The Oneness tell me that you are here to help move along, the
change when destruction comes. You see, we live in the time of
creation and destruction. WE are moving into the "destruction and then
creation" phase. This is the new time within you and all of us. As
destruction becomes a part of society, you shall help them repair
themselves to become the new creators who build for Mother Earth and
Father Heaven, to honor them. You shall lead them home, my beloved.
Talk with you again, as soon as I can,
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
ps. please feel free to express yourself anyway you like.
Because you are family here and we want your voice. The voice of
Brotherhood gathers us together and helps our hearts to sing. Like you
have done for me.
love to you my Cosmic Father, the golden light, J. You will blow them away with your knowing. Get ready family, here she comes.
Songs of the heart of J,
The dooms day blow. She is the opening
of the gates flood. She will deliver us when the time arises. She
will know where and who to trust upon the wings of heaven's wave.
She is the lightening rod who douses for the well of life. She
begins within her self but ends at the ends of time. She can fly to
ever most galaxies to find what she needs. Do not shed a tear for
her, because she is the tear itself. She cleanses your heart. And
blesses your soul. Do not fear my young one, the day of the dawning
is upon us. She shall find the way. She shall wade up into the
waters and be purified by the shining light god beams down upon her.
She is the gale that blows west, where the sun shines day and night
because of the ever waving undulating that permeates the bellows of
eternity. Wish upon a star and the wish comes true. But do not
forsake thee for the waning of the times is near. So hush. Listen
and ponder what tomorrow will bring us near. For thine is the glory
forever and ever. My beloved wisping willow, who shines even in the
darkness as it prevails. (Delicate willow she bends to the will of
God.) Wicked – watch the cows meow. (as our sorcerer alerts us
of the coming events)
The Wiccan rede taught me: "An it harm none, do as ye will"
Wicked: [13th century. Related to Old
English wicca "sorcerer" (see witch)], impressive
wizard: somebody who is believed
or claims to have magical powers, [Early 16th century. < French
sorcier< Latin sort- "lot, fortune"],
un·du·late [ únjə làyt ]verb
(past and past participle un·du·lat·ed, present participle
un·du·lat·ing, 3rd person present singular un·du·lates),
Definition: . transitive and intransitive verb move
sinuously like waves: to move in waves or in a movement
resembling waves, or cause something to move in this way,
intransitive verb go up and down gracefully: to rise and
fall gracefully in volume or pitch, [Mid-17th century. < Latin
undulatus "wavy" < unda "wave"], wavy in
appearance: with a wavy appearance, edge, or markings, The Latin
word unda "wave," from which undulate is derived, is also
the source of English abound, inundation, redundant, sound3, and
Dowse: to push down, the search for a
source of water or minerals with a divining rod.
Dowsing: The paranormal detection of underground water or mineral
deposits (or lost persons and objects) using a divining rod or
pendulum. Douse: to pull off clothes, shoes, etc.,, to put out the
light or the fire quickly, to hit forcefully.
Cow or Buffalo represents the four sacred directions (the tools of
Meow: The Cat (any large or small species) follows the magnetic
river, the everflowing. (trusting the heart-feminine)
b. golden, lavender, aqua, grandmother
center. (validated and verified)
b. Golden, rainbow, aqua. Grandmother
dateMon, Sep 15, 2008 at 3:56 AM
Re: Rage Problem/ Hightened Energy
Hello My beloved Zoe, my crystal sister,
Our Cosmic Rainbow Mother , said this,
"You can send LOVE to them and to their situation in your mind and prayers."
Yes I agree with this. This is necessary for the Rainbow Clan. Bless, bless, bless.
quite frankly, this will not stop the rage you feel inside. Because
you are a Crystal person. This is your light. You know I speak the
truth. You know when anyone speaks the truth. There are crystal
adults and crystal children here at another "yahoo group". Each of us, become the
twin heart. We become the other. We hold the light of others inside
of us and when they are impure, you become the release valve to their
souls. They need learn to bless themselves.
Now the correct
thing to do when someone feels bad, is come to them and give counsel to
their needs. But if they (others) do this for you, then they would
have to forgive the lesson, the very lesson, that was said inside,
"That were unforgiveable". So others do not console you, even if you
are screaming at the top of your lungs, because they are afraid. You
are pureness. You are love. You are the greatest power in the
universe because you know true love and practice it, since it is your
job to bring the laws of heaven and earth to the people of god. Only
the meek will receive your love and realize that you are the gift god
has sent to them. And this is rare. We know.
We (crystal
people) rally here because, the moderator, is the Rainbow
Mother. The Crystal person (door way bi-directional) and the Rainbow
person (door keeper from Heaven) vibrate next to each other. Like blue
is next to green in the rainbow. So is crystal next to rainbow - it is
just these colors are not seen by the naked eye). This is rare for
crystal people to be so close in proximity to each other. But with
the help of Rainbow Mothers and Aqua people, our doorkeepers here who
practice true love, we feel comfortable enough to ask for help.
Now, what can you do? Well if you could carry a Lavender person with
you at all times, you could use them to help the hearts of the people,
since they are holiness and the fire of love. Only they can calm the
hearts and purify them enough, at least for the moment, to get rid of
the rage or any other pain, the people around you are feeling. But
since, this is not possible for you right now, the next best solution
Sing to them, in your mind, and if you can with
your voice. This will calm their souls and they will know peace as
long as you sing to them. The song you sing will be the heart of the
people, you will sing what they need every single time. You need
nothing else. You will know when to stop.
Now, the true
solution, is if the people would cry for themselves, scream for
themselves and express themselves, so we do not have to. This will be
a long time coming. We are here to bring this law to each and every
holy temple within. And do not worry because you get into conflicts,
you are the sword of righteousness that severs ignorance. Trust your
body, my Crystal sister. Your child soul will know what to do, when
the need arises.
Your name has been added to the Heavenly
name list: This means that I will give you a gift that will help you.
Stay tuned, Moon Water has asked me to talk about Crystal
children. She has been very patient. And I am trying to write a paper
on the subject for the group. Will post more later. The two crystal
kids here at yahoo group, I know about, are reflecting similar visions
about the perfection, which brought a spirit to me to help with
this. He gave a letter. I will add more later as I can. So sing my
sister, sing their hearts to them. Instead of being them, make them be
you. You are peace.
"If it is not peace, it is not me" says the Crystal person.
Right now, I wanted to help in your time of need.
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person (iyeshka-interpreter)
i will find a lavender buddy for you from active-indigos, people who
volunteer to god. Also, you are walking in the light now in your
life. This means that you are in the action phase of your life as I
am. The crystal kids are in the reflection in order to learn.
whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.com blessings and interpretation for the Rainbow Clan
active-indigos@yahoogroups.com creating teams around the world, supporting the Messenger Indigo
http://www.ajoylightfromwithin.org angel services- integrating the great give-a-way
crystal_indigo_children@yahoogroups.com parents and children questions answered about club evolution (gathering)
from Zoe ( a crystal person)
dateSun, Sep 14, 2008 at 6:21 PM
subject[psykids] Rage Problem/ Hightened Energy
Help me please. I don't act on my rage.
-No anger management either.
Yet, whenever I'm around angry people,
it's like all their hatred fills my body.
How do I get rid of that?
It's bugging me.
I feel like all this really powerful energy is around me.
I'm used to it... but It's getting in my way.
How do I sort of calm it down so that I can't
feel like I'm surrounded by lightening?
Thank you.
- Zoe
2008 Mother Earth. Heavenly name readings and Tools of Light blessings
gifted from A Light From Within- Angel Services-Integrating the Great
Give-A-Way. White Buffalo Calf Woman is a servant to this religious
non-profit that serves the world. She travels with His Holiness David (running eagle shooting star).
today is the day to live on the yellow rolling hill of time.

 | 09162008 |
Dear White calf,
i think i will get my drum tomorrow, there is no website to order
drums in egypt, u jsut buy it from the side of the street, i will use
it until we figure a way to send me a drum :)
i am onk with
buddy system, but i a bit slow, and even not all the info u have send
me is processed i need to read them again and ask questiones, my only
point that i am more comfortable with face to
face help and guideince, so if my buddy in egypt that will be best, but
i can learn my distance blessing and support too.
all my love,i will make a new gmail soon with my new name and added it to active indogoes and so
camping with tigers, she doesnt burn
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 03:49:29 -0700
Subject: love from calf woman, request for her holiness
My Holiness , camping with the tigers he does not burn.
correspondance below data.
Buddy System Sept 16 2008
a. her heavenly name is: She is the dove that flies beyond the coup
b. crystal (i am your twin), golden (call on my brothers) , violet (i have the voice of all), grandmother center (awake/sleep dream space)(notcompleted)
c. crowned one of father heaven - bringing the laws of god to the people, to be caretakers of all our relations (notcompleted)
d. "if i am not peace it is not me" says the crystal person. sing to the people aloud or silently. This fills them with
a sense of peace. You can always bless anything, but you feel the soul
journey. And a blessing will not purify the soul. It must be made
when the other chooses love. For you teach that love is the only
answer, my beloved crystal sister.
on truckin because the last bit has yet to arrive. he has the will of
many elephants, so do not stand in his way. and yet he is docile as a
mouse. he our beloved. he is our friend and companion. he whispers to
us each day and speaks his merry wonderment to us all. he has captured
our hearts when he is near us. what can we say but that we adore
him." your counsel of the oneness speaks. Counsel spoke for her first
as she is our Holiness Camping with Tigers.
a. her heavenly name is: camping with the tigers he does not burn. (interpretation completed)
Her colors are lavender (her holiness), crystal (i feel you), golden
(light of brotherhood), grandmother center (notcompleted)
c. crowned one of mother earth - uniting the hearts of all of our relations, the caretaking people
d. "if i am not blessing (with
love) it is not me" says the lavender person. drum to relieve
impurities 20 minutes a day, a must for the hearts of the people, this
is done to meet mother earth's heart, the help them remember her and
honor her. Bless upon rising, motion, rest, bless before dreaming
My Holiness Nihal,
camping with the tigers he does not burn.
How is the search going on the drum? Today brings you in fine spirits,
willing be to the God. Borrow a drum, if you need to, or use a couple
of sticks. . Just make sure you beat the heart beat 20 min a day. I can
feel from over here, what is inside. Please my love. Remember, you do
this for the people, and in turn fill your own heart. You know
joy. When you see conflict, send love. Do not say anything, just send
love. Remember to bless yourself, especially in large unpure crowds.
We are starting a new buddy system. And I have found a crystal lady that needs help. She, She is the dove that flies beyond the coup,
would be a good match for you. Right now, we met at psykids group and
she was needing some assistance. Like you, she is learning to become a
perfection. Would you be willing to help her? At active indigos, we
will be in instilling this program, the Buddy System. We seem to have a
lot of things going on at the same time. So we could you really use
your help. She, is not a member of active indigos. She is gathering at
psy kids. I have asked the moderator, rainbow Nancy, if she would be
willing to be a gathering site. crystal-- indigo -- time group is for
educational purposes. We are creating a model for the club evolution.
And so it is fit to be called "club evolution". I have spoken to young
people, and they have all agreed that this would be a very good name.
At active indigos, we create teams all over the world and unite people
together to solve world problems. Here we must follow the laws of God.
We must all become servants to our kinsmen. I hope you will always be
able to stay with us as we represent "heaven on earth".
So my Holiness, please let me know if this would be alright. I miss you too.
You're a devoted servant,
calf woman (twin dear mother)
elder crystal person
ps. correspondance sent so far. she needs you, not me. Just send love with intent to the space around her or wherever "she knows". This is your perfection, my beloved holiness.

2008 Mother Earth. Heavenly name readings and Tools of Light blessings
gifted from A Light From Within- Angel Services-Integrating the Great
Give-A-Way. White Buffalo Calf Woman is a servant to this religious
non-profit that serves the world. She travels with
today is the day to live on the yellow rolling hill of time.
Subject: Rage Problem/ Heightened Energy
My beloved crystal sister, this will not stop throughout your
life. I have a cat named Swimming Ice. Realizing Ice was a form of
crystal, finally. But whenever we touch, sparks. Two crystal beings
touching. It always happens
If the car goes out, if the computer won't send, if the your
friend never calls you back, you must remember, that this is the will
of God. If the Oneness of God wants it that way, then look and
question what happened.
For instance, the car stopped because the battery stopped. What
experiences were brought to you because of it. Maybe someone needed
your help. (one night I went for pizza and did not want pizza, to help
someone later i found out). Crystal people have synchronicity. We
show up right in the nick of time.
For instance, the email doesn't go through. Well, that may need
some rewriting. Or it may need to be sent later. This is a gift from
God. Accept it. Or the computer won't start or dies. This tells you,
to go rest. Listen to the signals God is reflecting back to you.
For instance, your friend never calls back. The door as the
Crystal Doorway, must wait for others to come to them. We as the
doorway, we do not necessarily go to others. When the new time comes
there shall be more and more crystal persons who know their
perfection. And more and more doorkeepers who will help us.
I'm sorry my beloved, the electrical charges will not diminish, they could even get worse. This happens alot with
Crystal people. We become the electromagnetic charge. Try using a
piece of metal or even grabbing a metal pipe, which is often grounded.
Grounding with intent to Mother Earth also will help.
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person
Zoe (crystal person),
I am going through this phase of things going out - again. Computer,
TV, gadgets even the car battery. I was told that it was because of me
and that something I had in my childhood broke and so I am expecting
everything to break. So to counter act these events it was suggested to
go back and remember the first childhood thing broken then visualize it
being repaired and working as it should. It is supposed to help.
M (member of yahoo group)
It's gotten worse, though.
Recently I've been charging
my electric stuff.... but when I touch it
it instantly shuts off or starts flickering... It got really bad when I felt a chill
and my mom's car battery shut off.... on the highway.
Anyone know how to stop that without draining me? Zoe
On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 9:21 PM, Zoe wrote:
Help me please. I don't act on my rage. No anger management either. Yet, whenever I'm around angry people, it's like all their hatred fills my body. How do I get rid of that? It's bugging me.
Also. I feel like all this really powerful energy is around me. I'm used to it... but It's getting in my way. How do I sort of calm it down so that I can't feel like I'm surrounded by lightening?
Thank you. Zoe ( a crystal person who twins the heart of others around her, and she cannot control it, but must become it completely, the physical twin)

white buffalo calf woman
to holiness camping with tigers
show details 9/16/08
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Hello My beloved,
This is what you can do. When you go into the streets, look for
the person who sells the drums, does this person know love. Then chose
this person, not the drum. This you will know innately.
Now, find your drum, they will help you, my holiness. You MUST
have this as a gift. So in order to do this, this is how you must do
it, please. I beg of you. PLEASE. Gift your money to the drum seller
(after telling the story). Ask her/him, "Would s/he please gift the
drum to you. My dear friend has asked you to gift this drum to me, her
name is Calf Woman. She is unable to come here right now. Will you
please help us?" "Would you please bless this drum for me?"
If you do this, I will be here (in the streets) with
you by your side. Our hearts will be as one. We will walk together in
the streets and God shall find the one you are seeking.
Buddy system, all you have to do is send love. You are learning
to control the ever creation of life that is within you. This fire
must be directed. The only thing really you need to learn to do, is
just practice love all the time, by sending it with
intent. This way you can control the universe around you. Let's say
that you feel a group in the street uncomfortable or even angry. All
you have to do is "send love". Your light flies (i know you do not see
it, but it does) from the hearts of them into you and you purify them.
It is as simple as that.
When a Crystal person is in this kind of atmosphere, they become
the pain and anguish literally of the other person (twinning heart).
They can become violent and raging. They cannot control their hearts
like you can, by uniting. They, impure others, must choose to go
through the door of Heaven (crystal person) and so we can do nothing
but become a release valve to the world, again almost literally. But
what is most interestingly, we will not harm anyone but ourselves.
The Gate (lavender person), you, the people have no choice going
through. You are the light that hits the ground. Where the dark meets
the light. Where the seed, reaches up to the light. You purify them
whether anyone likes it or not. Just remember if you do not bless
yourself, you will become also become the release valve for the world
too. So, you are the one that needs to be blessed constantly. We
will all help you including Zoe, our Crystal sister.
Crystal people are the twin heart. They do this to become the
lesson to their soul. If they do not like what they see, then they do
not know love. Since "Holinesses cannot stop their love" they are the
only ones who can help the crystal person, when in times of trouble.
A Crystal will just know and when, the Lavender will know how and
they will both practice love of the highest forms. As the receivers
and followers of all our relations, the Oneness of God has crowned us,
so we shall serve the children of the Rainbow Clan.
Because Crystal people twin the heart. It is always best that
they spend as little time around each other as they can. Now two
lavenders in a room is okay, but not two crystals. So in order for us
crystals to still be with each other, we must
have caretakers. These then we will twin. And we will be able to
communicate through the caretakers. God never, never has more than one
Crystal child in the same household. This is the will of god. This
does not mean we do not bump into one another. It is just they will
not stay together. Something inside knows this. And then one of them
leaves. Since I am Calf Woman elder crystal, I will be staying here at
these groups listed. This is what we must do to help the Crystal
people out. You, the Lavender, my holiness, are the King of the people
and they will follow you and they will listen to you. Even if you
raise your voice with others and even become
violent, not one person will say anything to you, except another King,
the crystal person. They will purify your soul. They will bring the
laws of god and you will deliver them to the people. In time my
beloved, in time.
My beloved you are the representation of Heaven and Earth within
you and you radiate this to the world. Trust what is across your heart.
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person
ps. I will write to Crystal sister Zoe now and let her
know. I will send a message to you when I am finished. Oh, thanks
for using Gmail, we then can chat when we are online.

white buffalo calf woman
to Crystal
show details 9/16/08
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Hello my beloved Crystal Sister Zoe, the dove that flies, (heavenly name from God)
sorry, alot of information to read. these things will help.
Working with other YahooGroup (which could not receive
me or other parents, so we created Sanctuary for Parents and Children,
Crystal_Indigo_Children) as the gathering
place. Moderator is Rainbow Person. Please send her love. I know you
probably already have. (gatherings and sanctuary places). She is
having a difficult time with an Adult Crystal Child (me), but she will come around with our love. She wants to.
Crystal_indigo_children group is about club evolution in schools
(parents and kids) information about evolutions and what the new times
ahead will bring us. (vision quest). I would like to see you join this
group. This will give you information. And if I need correcting, only
a Crystal person can do this. So we verify each other about the
truth. so if you see something that doesn't seem right, let me know.
Okay love. my crystal sister if you decide to join.
God says enlightenment comes from the gathering and the vision
quest. We shall bring it to them at Active-Indigos for the Indigos
is-the deliverer of good news. We have on going projects all over the
world. We are writing a book called Angels the golden
warrior. Another project is the Buddy System.
Below, I have found you a Buddy. Her name is Her holiness Nihal, Camping with Tigers. Crystal people need to be with
Children of God who love them. She will help you in times of need. In
the buddy system, we check up on our buddy once a week and see how
things are going to feel happiness. If you need help we call upon
I am sorry I do not have your Heavenly Name reading done yet
as does Her Holiness Nihal. By the way when you call her "her holiness
or my holiness or our holiness" this blesses her. And your blessing
is the most powerful, that of the pureness of the child within the
Crystal person. This is the law of god. I know you will be a great
buddy for her too. You have so much in common, the light that is.
I love you, the link to lead you to crystal_indigo_times is below.
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person
ps. I have sent below emails to Her Holiness Nihal asking
her if she would be your buddy. And she has agreed. I know it is alot
of information, but I wanted you to know what she does. Thank you
love. Remember you are PERFECT.
ere are the details on Crystal_Indigo_Children:
Group email address: Crystal_Indigo_Children@yahoogroups.com
to me
12:52 PM campingwithtigers: hi
that my first time to use gmail
me: hello, this is calf woman
campingwithtigers: i know
12:53 PM u are the only one here:)
me: Who is calling, I did not see this.
12:54 PM campingwithtigers: i am camping with tigers
me: Hello Love,
How did it go with the shopping, my holiness.
12:55 PM campingwithtigers: shopping for love ..:) i l will go tomorrow
me: good. laugh. what can I do for you today?
12:56 PM <3 span="span">3>
campingwithtigers: thanks dear, nothing, i am fine
i am just saying hi
12:57 PM me: I finished writing to the Crystal girl Zoe. Introduced her to you.
If you would liketo contact her anytime. This would be okay.
She doesn't come on to the site and chat. Most Crystal people do not.
12:58 PM campingwithtigers: ok
are crystal people diffrent from indigos
me: oh yes, much.
12:59 PM Cystal are body elders. Indigo are soul elders
campingwithtigers: and u said that i am crystal no indigos
1:00 PM me: In your email, I sent, your, four sacred directions
You are the lavender person
I can look it up.
1:01 PM 9. Her colors are lavender (his holiness), crystal, golden light of brotherhood, grandmother center notcompleted
1:02 PM Oh, yes you carry crystal within.
campingwithtigers: brb
me: what does this mean?
1:03 PM campingwithtigers: i am back
i was away for a moment opening the door, sory
me: okay
1:04 PM campingwithtigers: i have thoes four infleuncess
u mean
1:05 PM me: yes, but lavender is your eldest expression. like phases, month, day, hour, minute
these are your four sacred directions
campingwithtigers: what u mean by eldest
1:06 PM bigger
me: the eldest part of your soul body, the everlasting, the many lifetimes
1:07 PM we make a journey in a circle. the soul goes one way. the body goes the other. whatever slice you are, is your perfection
1:08 PM You are lavender, crystal, golden, grandmother center
1:09 PM campingwithtigers: that is complicated
1:10 PM me:
yes, but simple too. we must all accept what god gives us as divine.
each lesson you achieve with love, you move on the evolution wheel
campingwithtigers: ok
1:11 PM me:
you know my beloved holiness, within you I see Heaven and Earth. You
project this within and without. You must be radiant indeed.
1:12 PM campingwithtigers: :)
me: You are here to lead our family of Oneness with the heart. You are a woman. A woman leads with the heart.
campingwithtigers: i have many things that u said, its not easy for people to disobye me
me: In the new time, we will need models for our children.
1:13 PM I know, you are her holiness.
campingwithtigers: so i tend not to give orders and make friends only with strong and indepandant personalities
me: There isn't anyplace for these children right now.
1:14 PM you
must followyour heart. you must be you. God has sent powerful women to
lead. You shall lead with me. Do not doubt who you are.
1:15 PM With Sister Crystal Zoe and I, we will set you on the right course
campingwithtigers: what course
1:16 PM u were expecting a man, have u been sort of looking for me
me: You give orders to everyone. Not to the few. Do what is right. Why do you think god gave you a voice.
1:17 PM You found me, I found you, and now we are together.
You must run to conflict.
1:18 PM You have the power to unite hearts.
Whereever you are, whomever you are with.
campingwithtigers: :)
1:19 PM me: send me love right now.
you are angry
okay that is better
good job
1:20 PM now keep it up, use your love and bless yourself, now
campingwithtigers: ok
1:21 PM me: I love you, it is only another king who can remind you of the gifts god has given you
1:22 PM We the crowned ones give our lives for the people.
This god knows very well. we must receive for them. we should set the right course for them.
campingwithtigers: u knew that i was upset and angy
me: I feel it, you send love to it.
1:23 PM this is how the crystal and lavender work together
campingwithtigers: ok, so u feel things and i send love and blessings
1:24 PM me: for the people of god, all their multicolored Rainbow Clan
campingwithtigers: and we recevie from god inorder to send to others
me: and yes, this is our duty. this is our perfection, this is written across our hearts
campingwithtigers: who are the rainbow clan
1:25 PM me: We the people, we call our selves , humanity.
We all have sacred four directions, every being every animal, every plant, every rock
1:26 PM Every spirit seen and unseen have four sacred directions. This is how dna is formed.
campingwithtigers: ok,
1:27 PM i need slowly to understand my four directions
me: yes
i have not sent this intepretation to you yet
1:28 PM many are seeking us, my email is so full, it will not stop
1:29 PM campingwithtigers: ok
me: After the book from active indigos is out Angel: the golden warrior, their will be so many. They will begin to flock to us.
campingwithtigers: that is great
1:30 PM ok
me: It has already begun. This year brings us great change.
1:31 PM campingwithtigers: ok, so we have met and u can know poeple and waht they need and i can bless them
me: yes
But much more than that
campingwithtigers: i would love to do that
1:32 PM me: Yes this is your destiny
campingwithtigers: i started to bless people an pray all the time
me: you are the crowned one of god
1:33 PM good,
now walk in it, become the prayer, you are the holiness that unites the
heart. This is Great Power. Love <3 span="span">3>
1:34 PM campingwithtigers: what u mean by unite hearts
me: When open your eyes in the am, bless. When you sleep, bless your dreams.
campingwithtigers: ok
me: Your light travels and weaves space together literally
1:35 PM campingwithtigers: wow
me: you travel from your heart to their heart and back to you, the by product, red light.
1:36 PM this red light is love, a fire that purifies their impureness
campingwithtigers: what about the fire that purfiies
me: but what is left within you,can be unpure, so it is imperitive that you bless your self. and I will bless you often.
1:38 PM A fire creates all the colors. At the base, blue, yellow, and red
and then there is darkness
1:39 PM campingwithtigers: i can see poeple darkest secrets , they trust me and tell me
cos i have this vibe of a protector
you carry a shield of light around you, this is a gift from god. Many
cannot see beyond this shield. Only the vision of a crystal person can
see in the darkness
This is the crystal part of you.
1:40 PM that gives righteousness.
Her holiness must learn this.
The golden light attracts.
1:42 PM You
draw them in. give them strength and then purify them . outward in
towards you. what is left is their impurities. this is why you must
bless. otherwise you will be this impurity itself.
1:43 PM We will do it together.
1:44 PM campingwithtigers: iuse lots of inscents
and i drink water, sit in the sun, and do to the sea
me: good. this sounds wonderful can i come
campingwithtigers: i am aware that i retain things from others
i want to learn to less my self
1:45 PM sure
bless myself
me: bless yourself constantly and play the drum
campingwithtigers: ok
1:46 PM me: when you get the drum you will understand.
campingwithtigers: ok,
me: are there any drum circles
campingwithtigers: no,,but i can look for one, or may orgnize one
1:47 PM me: hey thats an idea
campingwithtigers: i know a place where i can orgnize on
but u guide me
1:48 PM me: okay whatever i can do. search out people and the building, feel it if okay
you will know. learn to trust yourself.
1:49 PM campingwithtigers: ok, i got to go now
me: and the most important, bless, bless bless the space before drumming.
1:50 PM campingwithtigers: ok, i will
but i cannot guide you with the drum. I can only tell you when you need
to drum. You must trust yourself. Your heart knows the heart of the
You are one with mother earth. she has chosen you.
campingwithtigers: ok
1:51 PM me: In the third phase of evolution, the woman leads with the heart.\
campingwithtigers: mother earth will guide me with the drum
me: yes she wil. the more you practice the better you will get.
Do not let any one tell you how to drum.
1:52 PM campingwithtigers: sure
me: They can teach you a lesson or skill, but not how to play.
you must always lead, if the people come first. this is the will of god.
1:53 PM They must drum around your drumming .
others must sing around your drumming
others must play music for your drumming
this is the law of god.
1:54 PM your heart know the heart of the people.
this they do not know yet. but I will teach them.
I will be the sword of rigtheousness that severs ignorance.
1:55 PM they shall bow down to her holiness. they shall know god has sent their king to them.
this is a great responsibiliy. but we are up for the challenge, because it is written accross our hearts.
1:57 PM we
love God's children. we just love them, and what ever they give to us,
as treasures, they give to all their brothers and sisters in the halls
of God's kingdom.
we share with the world.
excuse me, be right back.
1:59 PM okay i am here, your turn
2:00 PM campingwithtigers: i am thinking that i will rule with mercy and fairness and respect
me: of course you will, my beloved. is there no other way.
2:01 PM campingwithtigers: with constant bless and protection
me: yes,
earlier this year i was thinking that what i have to offer people and
its vlauable beyound thier compreshension but i will still offer it
2:02 PM me:
this means you must find your voice. the people will not rise against
you. you have the power of love. their hate is diminished in your sight.
campingwithtigers: the mother, or grand mother who can give, mercy protection and god bless and respect to all his creation
me: you see you are already getting prepared.
2:03 PM campingwithtigers: they cant resist what i offer cos its what exactly they need
me: yes the woman shall lead with her heart.
this is the third (golden) yellow rolling hill of evolution
campingwithtigers: and i have experience that i can give it non discrimantory
2:04 PM me: yes, because you are her holiness. this the people feel but do not understand and are afraid of.
campingwithtigers: i was practicing giving exaclty the same to people who are viewed as undeserving , i was purfying my heart towarsds them
me: yet they cannot even rise up their voice in opposition
2:05 PM campingwithtigers: i used to be amused and embrace thier fears
with mercy
me: i know what your heart speaks. i know my beloved. God has allowed me to have a glimpse of your soul. and i love you.
2:06 PM you must rise above this, and have true compassion
campingwithtigers: :)
me: Your muse shall be the indigo, the arrow of god.
2:07 PM campingwithtigers: who is that
me: they shall sit at your court and be your messenger.
the entrusted indigo people.
campingwithtigers: ah
2:08 PM me: they shall pierce their hearts, and make them reflect inside, with conflict and storytelling
the indigo
2:09 PM this is the great warrior from mother and the great teacher
2:11 PM campingwithtigers:
so everything is fine, and i am tapping into my powers slowly as i
aquire the wisdom need, cos i suffred lot of feeling powerless
me: So now you understand the people. Why do you think you suffer. You suffer for the people.
2:12 PM the people feel powerless
this must change within
we can return brotherhood to their hearts
2:14 PM campingwithtigers: yes, ok, i will do my best and it will feel just right
2:15 PM yes, all my suffering was to give my higher level of understanding and comapssion
me: yes for the people, we must forgive those who commited crimes against us. there is no other way for evolution.
campingwithtigers: i mean old suffering, i am really doing way better now
me: glad to hear it.
2:16 PM campingwithtigers: yes,
me: his holiness david sends his love to you. and Sammi swimming ice (cat) too.
2:17 PM campingwithtigers: i understand that a crime is not in more higher spriritual understand, i have no space of judgment in my heart
thank u
2:18 PM me: i am not clear what you said, please help me understand.
campingwithtigers: i mean have no hatered for criminals,
2:19 PM me: well love the being, hate the crime
campingwithtigers: yes,
me: when there is a crime committed you must speak up and be a warrior
2:20 PM campingwithtigers: غثس
me: yes the will of god is justice.
campingwithtigers: yes
2:21 PM me: those who commit crimes do so because they have not forgiven.
2:22 PM in
china, in prison, they have to write what happened, the story ,and then
they are to write the story until they forgive the one who commited the
crime. in recent times past. not sure of today .. sometimes this can
take years as they meet regularly
2:23 PM with the wardon
we will commit the crime if we do not forgive.
2:24 PM this
is why many cannot hear what is being said. they are stuck, in
non-forgiveness. this the spirits call chained to the rail.
2:25 PM campingwithtigers: ok, think that i should go now
me: okay love, i am tired too. send love, okay.
2:28 PM you are not being very nice. looks like we struck a nerve. my holiness has lost her mind, did she.
2:32 PM now i will say good bye, when you come back you will have to apoligize my beloved. start apologizing to yourself first
when you bless yourself, you will bless me. use love only
2:35 PM his holiness david is sending you love.
to me
These messages were sent while you were offline.
2:36 PM campingwithtigers: why u said that i am not being very nice, what did i do
this is Holiness, like His Holiness Arvol Looking Horse Sits on
Mountain Top, the Lavender Persons. they loose their heads, because
they literally become the impure around as they collect the unpure of
others. Then need only hit the drum to return to purification.)
Date: Saturday, September 13, 2008, 2:48 PM
Hello Ann, my beloved Aqua person,
It helps me if you sign your messages. good thing i already have
you on the Heavenly name list. And thank you for addressing me with
my almost full name. the most important word is calf, this signifies a
child. I know it is alot to write. Calf woman will do just fine, if
you want to keep it short.
Space is folding all around us. This means that we are acquiring
some new skills. We see glimpses of the darkness because light and
dark are beginning to share space together, a folding. To be prepared,
bless and welcome and invite everyone home with a blessing, even beings you do not understand.
One lady on the site gave some good advice. She had many years experience with
beings from the other side. What she is not aware of yet, is that if
we "send being away, as to be gone" where will they go, the impure
darkness? to someone elses holy temple and back into the great
magnetic rivers to be polluted. we are moving from the second rolling
hill to the third rolling hill in time, our evolution. In the second
hill, we are the renegades standing on top of the hill. Now as we are
begin the third golden hill, we stand at the bottom of the hill and
call brotherhood. Since the laws are changing, so must we.
Invite all beings home to God. Ask angels, god and anything else
you need (like ritual tools-incense, rocks), but the only thing you
really need is love. Love them by inviting them home, tell them you
are going to bless them. And then" bless them". They are purified
as pure darkness to return to the numinous flow once again.
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother )
elder crystal person
white buffalo calf woman
to active-indigos, crystal_indigo_children
Hi Ann,
The keeper of the world, native american. By the way, your daughter was added to the Heavens Name List.
did I tell you? Dreams are the soul flight, my love. You enter
the space of darkness. The crystal child says the dragons hold their
breath for about/or 75 days. In this dark place, called the black
hole, you enter twice. You weave in and out of space within. Thereby
joining us together as the Snake, joining the points of light together with the law of love.
Your Heavenly Name reading with colors of light will explain much to this behavior. With so much Grandmother space inside, we must share with the entire Rainbow clan, good, bad and ugly. Bless, Bless, Bless.
your servant,
9/13/08white buffalo calf woman, I wanted to tell you I am some cherokee
Indian I found it on the dawes rolls my ancestor was mollie lowe. so
maybe thats why I have phophetic dreams.
White buffalo calf woman, I also have seen green auras
illiminating around some people in a phophetic dream I did not
understand about colors of auras untill you told me here in this site.
Ann in Illinois
(green grass is the waving souls of oneness embraced together as one, this is the purpose of the green persons)
subjects auras and perfection
My beloved,Sending this to you. Just used your information to help another.
Now we help each other. You see truth, as only an Indigo will.
Crystal interprets truth. Together with the
Green, embracing the house of God, we expressed it in one paragraph.
And thats how it works, teamwork. Spiritual evolution is here.
Brotherhood reigns!
Below that is information about your color of lights. Your name
has been added to the list. Please be patient. Thanks for sharing
your gifts with us all our Great Teacher, Archer (arrow to the soul to assist in the refection) and Traveler.
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person
Just recently an Indigo person viewed
(vision) people prior to death. He noticed they exhibited no light
(aura) from the person, yet he could still hear their voice. I then
explained to him that without light projection, what is left is the sound.
The sound (comes from the heart) because the soul lives on. The body
only ceases in projecting light. Soon after, he had another vision, he
saw a time line of someone or something as if he was watching a movie
fast forward. He described, that it looked like scaffolding used for
building construction. What he was viewing was the movement of
organized motion of sound, the heart, the soul in glorious flight. This
shape was the crystalline formation of the universe as it was moving
through intersecting space. Ah ho (heaven's descending and my spirit
flies back to the numinous of Grandmother's embrace, as she weaves our
destiny). So as our soul's fly, we make a soft rustling sound.
Name Reading tell us the mission you chose before entering this body.
The tools of light are picked to achieve the mission written within
your name. We fly (spirit) through eons of evolution through the Soul
body and descend as we learn our lessons. Each time we enter a new
physical body, we agree to a New mission in life to achieve evolution.
As we descend, our physical bodies become younger and younger until we
learn to use instinct as does our animals, plants, and rocks; trusting
our Soul body who has everlasting life. When we learn to bridge
(vision, knowing God) between one realm and into
another, enlightenment is born within us all. And as our children are
born the physical body reaches into the heavens to ascend. As the
planted seed has everlasting life in our children of all beings. We
walk in the light (action) and in the dark (reflection). When in these
transitional periods you must shift from action to reflection. When in
reflection, you must learn to utilize the dark numinous flow to become
the creator. So set your heart to devotion and create something. And
have fun. Enjoy your interpretation from your elder crystal white
buffalo calf woman aka twin deer mother monica. Love to you all.
Center layer and center of space is Darkness Grandmother space. As humans we all share this aspect. This is the center we share inside in our dreams; awake or asleep.
We all dream inside of Heavenly
Grandmother space awake or not. She has descended to the Earth to help
her Grandchildren, the spirit soul elders. The color is actually dark
and light, dark, light, dark, light, infinitely. The colors fold over
each other and it is gray colored. It appears as if it is darkness, our
dreams. So this is why it is possible to see all colors and all images
of any kind, because all things live inside this space. And Grandmother
embraces us as we fly inside her. Native Americans sometimes call this
space Grandmother Spider as she weaves our web of destiny. This is what
the dream catchers are for. Now which door was it? "It's hard to
remember as I feel my way in the dark," as a Soul Elder would say, as
they are the Earths children. The body elders have it easier, but must
seek in the darkness within as the light is upon them. Body elders are
Heavens children.
dream when sleeping and dream while awake. Aim to a higher morality for
Grandmother's sake. She must endure all our sufferings. When you are
moral, you are happy. Forgiveness is the path home.
the wishing well that comes true
(the Massive Sun looking out towards the Heavens)
interpretation included below
round curve red from below emanating above into the darkness.
It was like a sun from below, bellowing into darkness. Red, it
the law of love. The Native says follow the Red Road, the law
of love. Most Native forget this. You will help them remember,
I know. The perspective was, you were the Massive Sun looking
out towards the Heavens. The law of love inside the house of
God, finds the creation of all life begins within.
Heavens name for you...
the wishing well that comes true, (the Massive Sun looking out
towards the Heavens) Wow what a name!
she will be coming around the mountain when she comes, she will be
coming around the mountain when she comes, oh she'll be coming around
that mountain. she'll be coming around that mountain until the
white horses come home. (pulling the horseless carriage)
The horse is the journey of the Spirit soul. White is purity.
wishing-wish [ wish]: verb (past and past participle wished,
present participle wishing, 3rd person present singular wishes),
transitive verb have strong desire: to have a strong
feeling of wanting something to happen or wanting to have something ,
transitive verb want something: to want something or want
to do something , transitive and intransitive verb express
desire: to express or feel a desire that something is true or
will come to pass , transitive verb regret something: used
for expressing regret about something , transitive verb greet
somebody: to greet somebody in a particular way , a desire: a
desire to do or have something , something wished: something
that is desired , hope: a hope for somebody's welfare or health
( usually plural ),polite request: a polite request ( formal ) (
often plural ), [ Old English wȳscan< Indo-European, "to
desire"] wish·er noun,
Word Key: Synonyms See want.
well-the ever flowing of Great Spirit Mother, the one who never
turns her back to you, the well of life that bursts cleansing and
thirst quenching. source of something: a source providing a
freely and abundantly available supply of something, hole made to
draw up fluids: a hole or shaft that is dug or drilled into the
ground in order to obtain water, brine, petroleum, or natural gas,
container for liquid: a container or sunken area for holding ink
or another liquid, vertical passage in building: a vertical
space within or enclosed by a building, often used as a passageway
for stairs or elevators or for air and light.
that-That: Indicated, mentioned, or understood from the situation.
The time, action, or event specified. The one, the thing, the kind
something anything. The one further away or less immediately under
observation or discussion. Resonance. From one dense area though
space (little density) to another dense area. For example your voice
in a canyon, when you send a voice from one dense object (body) to
another dense object (the canyon wall). What lies inbetween is the
resonance .
Comes- is one who steps into unity. Opens the door and joins the
others in sharing of the heart or of the time travelers journey.
true-look deeper in our hearts and souls. The reflection of the
Oneness. Each has a different perspective and reflection of God.
Together all of our reflections create the Oneness of God, all our
Horse-journey of the soul's flight. Horse, White Horse That
the white horse is the understanding of the Word as to its interiors;
(the light within), or what is the same, is evident from the
signification of a horse, as being the intellectual faculty (soul).
In the prophetic parts of the Word a horse (indigo, the perfect soul
body) and a rider (crystal, the perfect physical body) are often
named; a horse (indigo-heart, the perfect soul body) signifies the
faculty of understanding, and a rider (crystal-law of action, the
perfect physical body) one who is intelligent--as in the prophecy of
Jacob, then Israel, respecting Dan:--Dan shall be a serpent (law of
love) upon the way, an arrow (indigo archer, indigo heart, the
cherub)-snake (law of love, red road) upon the path (journey of
life), biting (lessons) the horse's (soul) heels (movement), and his
rider (the perfect body) shall fall backward (rely on God, others in
the circle of life). I wait for Thy salvation, O Jehovah (the oneness
of god)(Gen. 49:17, 18). That a serpent (the law of love) is one who
reasons concerning Divine arcana from the senses (perfect body) and
from memory-knowledges (perfect soul), may be seen above; also that a
way and a path" (the journey of life) are truth (the joining of
the sage and golden warrior); and that the heel (motion) is the
lowest (center of space) of the natural; a horse (soul) is the
understanding of the Word; and a rider (body) he that teaches. Hence
it is manifest what these prophetic words signify, namely, that one
who reasons concerning the truths of faith from the senses (body) and
from memory-knowledges (soul), sticks fast (faithfulness) in the
lowest things (motion) of nature only, and thus believes nothing (to
be free to receive love), which is to fall backward (faith);
wherefore it is added, I wait for Thy salvation, O Jehovah. In
David:--Sing unto God, sing praises to His name, extol Him that
rideth upon the clouds (dragons often signifying the Aqua person, who
represents the union of the perfect body, where the veil of not
knowing is lifted.-the body of colors and the tools of light are used
to become perfection), by His name Jah (Great Spirit Father)(Ps.
68:4); to ride upon the clouds denotes the understanding of the Word
as to its interiors (within), or in its internal sense (a joyous
light from within). A cloud (water bearer that cleanses and purifies)
is the Word in the letter (colors, tools of light and law of
morality), in which is the internal sense (within). In the
same:--Jehovah bowed (half circle, a rainbow clan) the heavens, and
came down (descended with love), and thick darkness (dreaming awake
or asleep) was under His feet (action, motion); and He rode upon a
cherub (Indigo heart) (Ps. 18:9, 10); thick darkness (darkness inside
the clan both pure and impure dreamspace, strength lightening heart)
here denotes clouds (dragon-tools of light); to ride (perfect crystal
body) upon a cherub (perfect indigo soul) represents the Lord's
providence lest man should of himself enter into the mysteries of
faith (vision quest) which are in the Word (law of god).
white-purity, humility, oneness on a mission, earth, male (luminous) who has been tended by woman (numinous)
tag line-horses represent the soul journey as we descend towards
mothers heart. This is often represented by the horseless carriage.
As we descend our lessons are learned, wisdom increases with age of
the Father Heaven Soul Body. Our lessons (karma) are learned in
Mother Earth Physical Body and we ascend toward the Heavens.
b. aqua,indigo, yellow, grandmother
center, notcompleted
My beloved Golden Wishing Well,
You have constantly wasted my time
(irrational), because you cannot understand your own perfection. I
live very close to you, yet you are unable to schedule an
appointment with me after many communications. Maybe you do not
schedule enough time for yourself, but the rest of us have lives
We all have a purpose in this world.
Yours is to be irrational. But instead of doing so lovingly and
forgiving others, you force others to enter your irrationalism and
impurities (the not forgiving part and unpurities you pick up near
others). You understand how important it is to bless, bless,
bless-every hour of every day, and before you sleep and upon
awaking-this will keep you purified from impurities of others, but
not your own. Only forgiveness with true compassion will learn the
lesson. Irrationalism is the perfection of the Aqua. This is the
great gift giver. The giver always does more than expected. So
Great accomplishments are done for love. This is the true
manifestation. The true manifestation of the wishing well that
comes true.
You often know what the group needs to
know and gift this information to us. Yours gives us life, whether
its a loving gesture or the right information to realization. We
follow you, because you know where the Great Stream flows within,
One under the blue sky. You teach us that we each have this
perfection of the Crystalline body and soul. In our vehicles of
life (crystalline body – crystal law of action and crystalline
soul – indigo heart), we all share the sage that joins us together
in our dreams, and we learn to fly. This realization is in your
visions, in your dreams and in your actions..
Leader of men, my Aqua, you also teach
about the Crystal Doorway, as you are the doorkeeper from Earth, and
the door swings both ways. When God has a lesson for you or anyone,
the Crystal person will show you, by becoming the lesson-the twin
heart (this is the colors perception). Those who forgive and come
back to the door (crystal person), then face the door (mirror) of
the soul again. Do I love myself. Can I be happy and receive love.
Can I know that I am perfect. That I am Greatness. That I am
cradled by the everflowing Oneness of God. The perfection of who I
am stands, the Aqua Person, One under the Blue Sky, the wishing
well that comes true, (the Massive Sun looking out towards the
Heavens-the gifter of life.) Welcome to the Great Give-A-Way, it
starts in your heart, give away your forgiveness and be free to know
your perfection within. When you learn more about yourself you will
feel safer flying within the joyous well of life.
To help you forgive me, the Crystal
Doorway, think of me as a five year old, who doesn't know how to say
it right at the right time. It seems inappropriate, because only
love will forgive the child.
Your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person
What is the Song of the Heart?
of us Sing a Song of the Soul all the time. And the Crystal Person
hears it and records it for you to see. The notes are not always like
you think, but it is the most intimate, most glorious and most precious
part of our Soul, the Song of the heart...
songs never instill hatred but always sings song of liberty and justice
and freedom for all to know glory, love and righteousness, for we are
all Kings Men, kinsmen, the family, the blue of you and me, the heart of
the world as One.
You are perfect and these songs prove this about your own Greatness!
Song for wishing well, our
aqua person
We whisper to you, you know
we do, my heart blushes everyday. You are dashing endure, but I am
love's heaven's sake, the distance of the loving cure. My heart
wakes up and crys each day only to find some hope. It can be sure of
love I know, when you can love me too. Until that time, I'm sad for
sure, why can't you love me too. I am the blue of me and you, the
heart of the loving cure.
We know of you and we have
to have you, inside my heart that's for sure. My love for you is
greater than any cure, because I have the way. I know it's love, the
only way. The kind they often deny. But way inside, inside of me,
is the well of all wishes fall. You just need to ask, each and every
day. My heart belongs to you, drop a dime into the well and magic
will happen every time.
We are the few, we know of
you, the kind the unkind for sure, but if you delay, and don't seek
the way, we will end up becoming late. We are not going to wait, I'm
sorry my love, I cannot keep up the delay. I want you to know, I
will stampede to keep it real, to find your heart once more. So keep
my heart tucked in your heart, because I join you for sure. My love
for you, is mighty and the pure, the devoted of my heart that's for
We have to kind of know the
way, to keep the final flow. We have to keep it going, there is no
other going. The way of the eternity. My love, I will wait until it
is too late, my heart will reach for yours. But don't be too late, I
cannot wait for you, my heart will be crushed for sure. So keep
faith my friend my family and foe. We are on the return. We are
happy to say, we do know the way, the way to the evermore.
The time will tell so they
say, I say hooray, because right over the hill. The golden time of
love and pure, will find my heart for sure. We are entering the
Golden palace where everything lights azure, but don't become late,
you wont' know to wait, for the show of the golden floor. We step
each day upon Mother's heart, now we move into her heart. We find
the gold upon her feet, the dream of the evermore.
She is our Queen, the bee
for sure, she does what no one can say, but this I know, she is the
love of you. The love of me, too. We show her respect and we know
our way, because she is the Earth we belong. We are her children
that is for sure, the best mother evermore. She never turns away or
keeps a delay, she always finds a way. How she does this I don't
know, but she's always at the show, keeping track of every delay. We
wish we could do so much more for her, but even every day, we can.
It's only the night has come again and then another day.
We sing loud and pure of
love that's for sure, the life I give to thee. You are my heart, the
love of my life, the proud the loving pure. We have faith, I don't
know how, but we have kept it alive, within each wishing well. It
springs love every time, when we just decline to know the terrible
way. For in each of us a heart of love, that knows it's the only
We know it's the kind who
have all the fun, because they inhibit few. They know God's inside,
they jump and play, to find the loving way. It's every day we find
the way for sure, the loving way of God. We keep inside the love
tucked away to find another day. What can we do if not choose the
path of righteousness? So my brother sister I love you, be clear and
bright as the sky above, for faith has kept clear inside if we choose
the loving way. My heart knows no bound because I love you, the song
ever speaks of signs of glory be.
We are champions, we are the
champions for sure, I know. It's true to be bleu (revolutionary) with
you. I am your wishing well. I make every wish come true. It is a
sign of glory be, the sign of the peace inside of me. I know the day
is reckoning. I know the day will come, but don't be blue, for I
love you, it's more than ever clear. The waters we bless just for
you, so you may dream and know. The way is clear for you to know,
just look at the wishing well.
The fragrance of the beauty
clear, is know beyond the deepest soul. We must just look inside our
well, and find the truth inside it. We have a hope and dream today,
but won't you come out to play? Our dreams always take a look
inside, but now we must follow our dreams. We are the hope of every
day, the loving art of play. Keep faith my love, that's for sure,
the faith of the ever clearing way, the righteousness will call upon,
the ones who have forgotten the way.
We know it's love the only
way, to keep the show abroad. We have strength to build new each and
everyday, if we choose to know the loving way. So my friend my
family that's for sure, You are my heart glory be. I have you in my
wishing well, and I can see all your dreams. We are the few the
mighty clear that always leads the way, but now it's time to blend
our hearts and know the loving way.
Mine is clear, now I know,
the way of truth is unfold. We must keep heart with family, who come
when times ensure. They come in time for sure. But if I wait in the
promise land and you don't come with me, I will be sad, I know of
you, the dreams inside of me. My heart will break because you lost,
because your sad and blue (sadness of family). My heart will endure
because you will return, when nothing was ever amore (love).
Please be kind and true to
you, please be gentle too. We have love to give each day, just ask,
I'll come for sure. Just ask I'll come for sure!
***Note: His Holiness David
had to send love, because the computer and I both stop functioning.

Name Reading tell us the mission you chose before entering this body.
The tools of light are picked to achieve the mission written within
your name. We fly (spirit) through eons of evolution through the Soul
body and descend as we learn our lessons. Each time we enter a new
physical body, we agree to a New mission in life to achieve evolution.
As we descend, our physical bodies become younger and younger until we
learn to use instinct as does our animals, plants, and rocks; trusting
our Soul body who has everlasting life. When we learn to bridge
(vision, knowing God) between one realm and into
another, enlightenment is born within us all. And as our children are
born the physical body reaches into the heavens to ascend. As the
planted seed has everlasting life in our children of all beings. We
walk in the light (action) and in the dark (reflection). When in these
transitional periods you must shift from action to reflection. When in
reflection, you must learn to utilize the dark numinous flow to become
the creator. So set your heart to devotion and create something. And
have fun. Enjoy your interpretation from your elder crystal white
buffalo calf woman aka twin deer mother monica. Love to you all.
Center layer and center of space is Darkness Grandmother space. As humans we all share this aspect. This is the center we share inside in our dreams; awake or asleep.
We all dream inside of Heavenly
Grandmother space awake or not. She has descended to the Earth to help
her Grandchildren, the spirit soul elders. The color is actually dark
and light, dark, light, dark, light, infinitely. The colors fold over
each other and it is gray colored. It appears as if it is darkness, our
dreams. So this is why it is possible to see all colors and all images
of any kind, because all things live inside this space. And Grandmother
embraces us as we fly inside her. Native Americans sometimes call this
space Grandmother Spider as she weaves our web of destiny. This is what
the dream catchers are for. Now which door was it? "It's hard to
remember as I feel my way in the dark," as a Soul Elder would say, as
they are the Earths children. The body elders have it easier, but must
seek in the darkness within as the light is upon them. Body elders are
Heavens children.
dream when sleeping and dream while awake. Aim to a higher morality for
Grandmother's sake. She must endure all our sufferings. When you are
moral, you are happy. Forgiveness is the path home.
the wishing well that comes true
(the Massive Sun looking out towards the Heavens)
interpretation included below
round curve red from below emanating above into the darkness.
It was like a sun from below, bellowing into darkness. Red, it
the law of love. The Native says follow the Red Road, the law
of love. Most Native forget this. You will help them remember,
I know. The perspective was, you were the Massive Sun looking
out towards the Heavens. The law of love inside the house of
God, finds the creation of all life begins within.
Heavens name for you...
the wishing well that comes true, (the Massive Sun looking out
towards the Heavens) Wow what a name!
she will be coming around the mountain when she comes, she will be
coming around the mountain when she comes, oh she'll be coming around
that mountain. she'll be coming around that mountain until the
white horses come home. (pulling the horseless carriage)
The horse is the journey of the Spirit soul. White is purity.
wishing-wish [ wish]: verb (past and past participle wished,
present participle wishing, 3rd person present singular wishes),
transitive verb have strong desire: to have a strong
feeling of wanting something to happen or wanting to have something ,
transitive verb want something: to want something or want
to do something , transitive and intransitive verb express
desire: to express or feel a desire that something is true or
will come to pass , transitive verb regret something: used
for expressing regret about something , transitive verb greet
somebody: to greet somebody in a particular way , a desire: a
desire to do or have something , something wished: something
that is desired , hope: a hope for somebody's welfare or health
( usually plural ),polite request: a polite request ( formal ) (
often plural ), [ Old English wȳscan< Indo-European, "to
desire"] wish·er noun,
Word Key: Synonyms See want.
well-the ever flowing of Great Spirit Mother, the one who never
turns her back to you, the well of life that bursts cleansing and
thirst quenching. source of something: a source providing a
freely and abundantly available supply of something, hole made to
draw up fluids: a hole or shaft that is dug or drilled into the
ground in order to obtain water, brine, petroleum, or natural gas,
container for liquid: a container or sunken area for holding ink
or another liquid, vertical passage in building: a vertical
space within or enclosed by a building, often used as a passageway
for stairs or elevators or for air and light.
that-That: Indicated, mentioned, or understood from the situation.
The time, action, or event specified. The one, the thing, the kind
something anything. The one further away or less immediately under
observation or discussion. Resonance. From one dense area though
space (little density) to another dense area. For example your voice
in a canyon, when you send a voice from one dense object (body) to
another dense object (the canyon wall). What lies inbetween is the
resonance .
Comes- is one who steps into unity. Opens the door and joins the
others in sharing of the heart or of the time travelers journey.
true-look deeper in our hearts and souls. The reflection of the
Oneness. Each has a different perspective and reflection of God.
Together all of our reflections create the Oneness of God, all our
Horse-journey of the soul's flight. Horse, White Horse That
the white horse is the understanding of the Word as to its interiors;
(the light within), or what is the same, is evident from the
signification of a horse, as being the intellectual faculty (soul).
In the prophetic parts of the Word a horse (indigo, the perfect soul
body) and a rider (crystal, the perfect physical body) are often
named; a horse (indigo-heart, the perfect soul body) signifies the
faculty of understanding, and a rider (crystal-law of action, the
perfect physical body) one who is intelligent--as in the prophecy of
Jacob, then Israel, respecting Dan:--Dan shall be a serpent (law of
love) upon the way, an arrow (indigo archer, indigo heart, the
cherub)-snake (law of love, red road) upon the path (journey of
life), biting (lessons) the horse's (soul) heels (movement), and his
rider (the perfect body) shall fall backward (rely on God, others in
the circle of life). I wait for Thy salvation, O Jehovah (the oneness
of god)(Gen. 49:17, 18). That a serpent (the law of love) is one who
reasons concerning Divine arcana from the senses (perfect body) and
from memory-knowledges (perfect soul), may be seen above; also that a
way and a path" (the journey of life) are truth (the joining of
the sage and golden warrior); and that the heel (motion) is the
lowest (center of space) of the natural; a horse (soul) is the
understanding of the Word; and a rider (body) he that teaches. Hence
it is manifest what these prophetic words signify, namely, that one
who reasons concerning the truths of faith from the senses (body) and
from memory-knowledges (soul), sticks fast (faithfulness) in the
lowest things (motion) of nature only, and thus believes nothing (to
be free to receive love), which is to fall backward (faith);
wherefore it is added, I wait for Thy salvation, O Jehovah. In
David:--Sing unto God, sing praises to His name, extol Him that
rideth upon the clouds (dragons often signifying the Aqua person, who
represents the union of the perfect body, where the veil of not
knowing is lifted.-the body of colors and the tools of light are used
to become perfection), by His name Jah (Great Spirit Father)(Ps.
68:4); to ride upon the clouds denotes the understanding of the Word
as to its interiors (within), or in its internal sense (a joyous
light from within). A cloud (water bearer that cleanses and purifies)
is the Word in the letter (colors, tools of light and law of
morality), in which is the internal sense (within). In the
same:--Jehovah bowed (half circle, a rainbow clan) the heavens, and
came down (descended with love), and thick darkness (dreaming awake
or asleep) was under His feet (action, motion); and He rode upon a
cherub (Indigo heart) (Ps. 18:9, 10); thick darkness (darkness inside
the clan both pure and impure dreamspace, strength lightening heart)
here denotes clouds (dragon-tools of light); to ride (perfect crystal
body) upon a cherub (perfect indigo soul) represents the Lord's
providence lest man should of himself enter into the mysteries of
faith (vision quest) which are in the Word (law of god).
white-purity, humility, oneness on a mission, earth, male (luminous) who has been tended by woman (numinous)
tag line-horses represent the soul journey as we descend towards
mothers heart. This is often represented by the horseless carriage.
As we descend our lessons are learned, wisdom increases with age of
the Father Heaven Soul Body. Our lessons (karma) are learned in
Mother Earth Physical Body and we ascend toward the Heavens.
b. aqua,indigo, yellow, grandmother
center, notcompleted
My beloved Golden Wishing Well,
You have constantly wasted my time
(irrational), because you cannot understand your own perfection. I
live very close to you, yet you are unable to schedule an
appointment with me after many communications. Maybe you do not
schedule enough time for yourself, but the rest of us have lives
We all have a purpose in this world.
Yours is to be irrational. But instead of doing so lovingly and
forgiving others, you force others to enter your irrationalism and
impurities (the not forgiving part and unpurities you pick up near
others). You understand how important it is to bless, bless,
bless-every hour of every day, and before you sleep and upon
awaking-this will keep you purified from impurities of others, but
not your own. Only forgiveness with true compassion will learn the
lesson. Irrationalism is the perfection of the Aqua. This is the
great gift giver. The giver always does more than expected. So
Great accomplishments are done for love. This is the true
manifestation. The true manifestation of the wishing well that
comes true.
You often know what the group needs to
know and gift this information to us. Yours gives us life, whether
its a loving gesture or the right information to realization. We
follow you, because you know where the Great Stream flows within,
One under the blue sky. You teach us that we each have this
perfection of the Crystalline body and soul. In our vehicles of
life (crystalline body – crystal law of action and crystalline
soul – indigo heart), we all share the sage that joins us together
in our dreams, and we learn to fly. This realization is in your
visions, in your dreams and in your actions..
Leader of men, my Aqua, you also teach
about the Crystal Doorway, as you are the doorkeeper from Earth, and
the door swings both ways. When God has a lesson for you or anyone,
the Crystal person will show you, by becoming the lesson-the twin
heart (this is the colors perception). Those who forgive and come
back to the door (crystal person), then face the door (mirror) of
the soul again. Do I love myself. Can I be happy and receive love.
Can I know that I am perfect. That I am Greatness. That I am
cradled by the everflowing Oneness of God. The perfection of who I
am stands, the Aqua Person, One under the Blue Sky, the wishing
well that comes true, (the Massive Sun looking out towards the
Heavens-the gifter of life.) Welcome to the Great Give-A-Way, it
starts in your heart, give away your forgiveness and be free to know
your perfection within. When you learn more about yourself you will
feel safer flying within the joyous well of life.
To help you forgive me, the Crystal
Doorway, think of me as a five year old, who doesn't know how to say
it right at the right time. It seems inappropriate, because only
love will forgive the child.
Your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person
Hello Whitebuffalocalfwoman,
I hope my message finds you in best shape.. I just wanted to remind you that I am gushingflowwithoutreturn..
with love
Yes my beloved Gushing Flow Without Return,
does the river go? Glad to see you find me in here, facebook of so many
stares. Can I offer you a song today, to heap the hall of Godly
display, the rough and tumble of all out there, need the great caretaker
to teach them, be aware.
your devoted,
White buffalo calf woman
elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
alightfromwithin.org prophecy of rainbow warriors
we find our hearts, he will be there to find, the song of hope in each
others breeze. Love Awakes in Thee (Spirit of God, Oneness call). There
lies the dream, the answer lies in the wind, that ...
Thank you for the beautiful songs :) I'm enjoying them.. :)
river's flowing perfectly well.. but I am exhausted.. been through much
tiring cleansing and I know that the coming months will be full of
challenges.. probably with less or no time to take my breath.. that
scares me a bit but I also know that everything will go well... so I
have a mix of feelings: fear, happiness, pain, gracefulness, joy,
gratefulness... etc...
Any advices?
Much love,
Gushing Flow Without Return
Relative magenta person,
Gushing Flow Without Return
and Song at the same time, and give all away, to ensure, more to come.
Give constantly away. Refill, can only come when empty.
weak, and guide them to integrate the Dance and Song into their own
lives, but you need do this first. For the Dance is the holy instrument
of earth, and song is the holy instrument of heaven. Walking and Talking
(elders do what they say) first start with Dancing and Singing.
Relative crystal person,
White Buffalo Calf Woman
mayyour spirit flyRainbow Clan.Prophecy ofRainbow Warrior lives!Join us
aswe plan the Great MigrationHomewardinto the Dawning!Welcome
Home!G_ah_DVoice of Heaven'sHeartbeatHeavenEarthG_D Voice
HeartbeatRemember theGolden Light ofBrotherhoodRejoice!
Relative crystal person
White Buffalo Calf Woman,
Thank you for your message...
Love and light,
Gushing Flow Without Return
yes! the center of space Magenta Person. the bridge way between heaven and earth
On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 5:57 AM, "Barbara wrote:
Greetings calf woman!
Did Edda get this mail also or do you want me to forward it?
Is she really blond? Nevertheless, I love her!
-Yes, I know you would. She is peace itself. She is a Crystal person
It seems that you know so much more about me than I know about myself...so, I am the record keeper?
-Magenta is the Record keeper. And the Jewish nation is the Record keeper. The keepers of the laws of God.
What does this mean?
-this means that you are ordained by god, to keep their precious records safe, the laws of God.
And anyway, I, myself, also didn't really get the whole meaning from your reading..
again and again. when ever you have questions, just email me with them.
I will try to explain. Many have told me that it can take years to
understand what is interpreted.
.and I am also not very happy with my name "Jewish stein that flips over and pours out"..
is because you do not understand it's full meaning. Just to help you
out right now, I avoid using the Jewish Stein to protect you, but with
the Crystal person there is no need.
-Jewish is the
ordained, stein is a container. This alone states that, "you are the
ordained cup of God". My beloved, many names are often misunderstood.
(You could be named "swimming devil" as I did a reading tonight. A most
devoted and cherished name that will definitely be confusing. by the
way this was sent to active-indigos. subject: auras.)
-Flips over, this can only happen at the horizon. Here with the ability
to replicate life by dividing. You think you do not know how to fly.
The magenta flys all the time. He just has learned to act it out in his
body. Listen to yourself, my love. Listen. You need a vision quest. So
have you been meditating?
-Pours out, this is your gift, you pour out your love within the cup of god and life is born.
.maybe there is another message and/or name for me?
I can do is see if there is another nickname. But I want you to
understand your name is your mission in life. This is your perfection.
I see the perfect and glorious within you. How about: the Cup of God,
who pours her love to give life. Yes I could call you, my grace the cup
of god or g'd. Sound g is the voice and sound d is the transmission.
And you are our cup.
Wishing you a beautiful weekend!
wishing you a beautiful weekend too. I will send you more corispondence
as soon as I can. We have some time. Please look at online tutorials.
You know adobe are the ones who created PDF files. This is a format
used by many authors: Adobe Framemaker.
-we are hoping again
to build a desk. hope your experiment went well. there is a chi group
that is very scientific. I will send you his group mail. I will also
look for the article about chi or qi, the name for energy for you from
the group.
-love, twin deer mother
-My beloved Crystal Sister weeping willow thrust to the ground, the song that lasts,
-inline response below:
On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 9:33 AM, Edda wrote:
hi dear crystal elder,
here i got my reading from barbara. and i am thankful for your work.
-You are welcome.
besides a few english problems i have with your text i DO have some
questions to your procedure: why is it you need a third person?
people twin each other's soul. we give a lesson, this is our purpose.
Those who can receive God's love, will be able to receive us. Those who
do not, have not learned the lesson of love. Within, is their light. We
feel as if it is us and do not consider it may be another.
of this. we crystals echo to each other the lesson that each of us
(Rainbow Clan) need. this happened , you know. so i waited, brought
peace. it took awhile, but you received it. In other words, you are the
lesson. And I am the lesson. So each of us, were trying to give the
lesson and so the echo began. it is that the Rainbow Clan need us. We
bring the laws of god to the people.
-if we are not expressing
peace, it is not us. it belongs to another as we become the release
valve of the world. we cannot wait, it happens now. we have this gift
because we forgive. how else could we find peace.
do you mean, that two crystal people really CANT communicate via email? i DONT think NOR feel that way.
you my love, it is just if we use others who NEED to help us, we can
help them. For we are the receivers of the world. If we communicate
directly, we miss the ability to include others who need our help. And
at times of stress, when we echo, we could miss their asisstance. the
one's i have sent to you are the entrusted of God. they will be able to
use love with you. and when they are on the wrong path, either one of
us could assist them, since we really act as counsel to others since we
bring the laws of Heaven and Earth to the people. we need crystal
elders to take a place within the oneness.
i do have a lot
of trust in us humans especially when focus is on love. (by the way:
what exactly do YOU mean by mirror-ing?)
-I use the name
twin deer mother because this is the behavior of a crystal woman. This
is the name the leaders of mankind, navaho and hopi people, gave to us.
This the behavior that I explained above. We mirror by becoming the
other. If they do not like what they see, it is because a crystal
person has become their very behavior, good bad or ugly. Those who
forgive and know love will come towards you. Those who not forgive,
blame you as the lesson and run away. To have the lesson over and over
again until they learn what true love is. So I have used this name,
twin deer (journey of the light) mother for them. Also, white buffalo
calf woman is also the name of the heart of mankind, lakota gave to us
(she must have father nation in here though, white color). buffalo calf
woman is for all crystal women. You see you could take either of these
names too. And the name I received by the oneness meant, endearing
little book (of life), i think this was it, this is what they called me
at the beginning. and yours is weeping willow thrust to the ground, the
song that lasts,
so i really beg to you, dont involve
barbara or another person again, for its not necessary. if there will
be any 'mirror-ing' i am really convinced we can handle that.
we do not involve others, we are not utilizing god at their best. God's
democracy is the Oneness. All of us. We are all related and we are
family. I hope the above helped you understand this. Crystals need to
be shared with the world.
beside this: i really dont think
it is the correct way of doing ANY reading to post it visible to a
third person not known by the one the reading is for,
if I was another Rainbow Clan member, I would agree. But I am a Crystal
person, such as you. I speak only truth. And all who see will learn
from this truth. I know my perfection.
Those who I use as messengers
are ordained by God to handle this very important documentations. I
trust them with my life. Now will you trust me?
given the permission from the READER that the third person may read it, without asking the person who asked for!!
are special a crystal person, we do not want to handle you incorrectly.
We want you to stay with us. They will be able to assist your needs,
where I cannot assist you in times of trouble. In a moment, his
holiness can relieve your soul pain. Her Grace Barbara, will allow your
truth. She is here to deliver the laws of God. She will do it better
than us for she is the Great Caretaker. Interact with them, they need
you. I just realized that you are the very lesson that the Her Grace
Barbara, the Jewish Stein needs to forgive. She has prejudice about
blonds. I have addressed it to her and she spoke her truth. Maybe this
is what you felt from her. How incredible. So my love see how you are
needed. She will forgive, I have no doubt, when it is the love of a
Crystal person, the song that lasts. It is when we as Crystal people
sing, that the song of the people are sung and peace is known.
thing, I agree we should ask. This is vital. If you were in front of
me, i would give to you first, then ask for others to see, only if this
is what we negotiated. We did not negotiate this. We must learn to
share and trust each other. We Crystal people are needed for the
people. Because a journey to a Crystal person is a journey to the Soul.
But if you were waiting in a line for me, his holiness or others would
be there to receive you first to assist before coming to see me. And if
you ask something on a public forum, expect it to be answered in a
public forum. But I have been discreet, giving to the trusted of god to
assist your needs. Another, if we must hide anything, then we do not
believe we are perfect. Since our book of life is available to be read
by anyone who can read, it seems pointless to conceal any part of it.
Lastly, when we share with others, we learn to unify the peoples hearts
together. Just what every crystal person wants.
if it is
this special reading / information full of love, this is only meant for
the ears and eyes of the perosn asking for. it is private!! thats what
i think.
-yes my love, but your interactions are not so
private. God knows everything, and soon everyone will know all the
truth about all things. Space is folding. We must learn from one
another. Your perfection helps us to understand the Glory of God. The
perfect warrior who carries the sword of justice to sever ignorance.
This is the Crystal person. We feel everything, this means we cannot
become separate from them. If this is so, how can we believe that
anything is private. With all the new crystal children being born each
day, we must teach them how to be their own perfection. To ALLOW all
and how come your reading? what exactly do you do,
when you read? and what are the techniques you were talking of, which
are ahead of me? what are they good for?
-right now you
have the ability to ask any question unto God and receive an answer.
Right now. If you just listen and trust that it is the answer. You have
this gift. The difference between you and me, is I know what questions
to ask and how to interpret it. this can be learned by any crystal
person. if they are willing to receive. when I validate another's
beingness, his or her perfection, they feel that someone knows who they
really are. It verifies their very existence. Is this not a wonderful
gift? We serve the people, this is our destiny, the crystal person.
now my english questions:
*The gift was offered (gifted) to the reader first as you have
done, shows that you love yourself and God. The Great Spirits are very proud
of you. You offered the perfection of yourself. We all are perfect! Those
who give a gifts to the Crystal person have open hearts. They are able to
receive the love of GOD, like the *
what did you mean by this unfinished paragraph? what were you relating to? which gift?
the people give gifts to a crystal person, they have learned love. you
offered a gift first, before you received a gift. this is the way all
crystal people should be treated. when they do not give a gift to the
crystal person, they have not learned love. oh, sorry about the
unfinished paragraph. so much information at once, you know what i mean.
do you mean your gift giving those readings or mine, being crystal? and 'the reader'.. you mean me?
-crystal people are the gift from God, to the people, to help them remember the way home.
why is bellows the heart (I like this one the most for shorts)
a short form of weeping willow thrust to the ground, the song that lasts
your interpretation again after this, I will explain at much as
possible. Your name is about a tree which represents our very beings
(tree of life), it reaches for the ground, the heart of Mother Earth
and plants every seed and the heart begins another day for a new being
with a heart. So like a mother, her heart gifts to her children her
very own life. this is what I saw.
Vision: heaven receives light from the northeast, through here the horizon
of light begins, the darkness is below 2/3 and the darkness above 1/3.
is what i saw in a vision for you. you see light is a language. it
tells a story. this story then becomes interpreted into many languages.
There was a luminous band of light with a dark band of light on each
side, looking horizonally. From the top down: dark above, light next,
then dark below again. The light glowed bright from the northeast
corner of the image.
Alright, what does this mean? In the Northeast the light is upon the
physical elders of Mother Earth's and Heaven's children.
means those who come from Heaven are Crystals (first born son), Cosmic
mother, Cosmic father, those who have descended from Heaven with the
grandchildren are Grandfather and Grandmother. These are the physical
elders of Mother Earth, our bodies. And as such they are Father Heavens
children, our souls.
The light begins
it's journey west to the rising sun, here new life begins.
as beings of God all begin our physical journey (body) in the west. At
this place in the horizon we are born with the body to journey east to
the rising sun. So in the west we receive a new body to journey with
(in), we are born.
-Moon rise in the east and sets in the west
is the soul journey. we are traveling in two directions at once. This
is confusing, sorry. I get confused all the time too. It's like patting
your head while you rub your belly in a circular motion at the same
Below the
darkness is vast and above the darkness continues with the horizon in light.
How does the light shine but from the belly of the darkness...a child is
is born within the darkness. this vision saw this very light being born
within the darkness that it spilled over out from the horizon to give
birth to a body, a child (physical being) is born, a planted seed.
i am sorry, but i dont get either exactly your vision nor your
interpretation. what child? or do you mean literally 'a child will come
into my life'? who are the physical elders of Mother Earth's and
Heaven's children? darkness below? darkness above?
this helps others, when I answer your questions because I answer others
too at the same time. if you have more questions feel free to email. I
would like it if you would use Her Grace Barbara, the Jewish Stein for
email correspondence to me. This way you can help her forgive by
offering her the lesson as only a Crystal person can. And His Holiness
David, crown one of Mother Earth, can send you love and heal your
heart, when you are in trouble from those around you who do not know
love. When he sends love, all hearts unite. This is his perfection.
They have been sent a copy to understand their roles and understand
you. If you have difficulties with them, just let me know. Do
understand, you are welcome to ewrite to me at any time directly. This
is the best way for now, please try to trust me. You know, we have
people let us down all the time, even those who dare not, seem to turn
their backs to us, crystal people. These two hearts will love you until
the end of times.
what is the (Boses-Enstein condensate)?
you look it up in the internet? a scientist named boses wrote to
enstein about a theory. at the time it could not be proven, but
recently, it has been. when you bring the temperture of space down to
below freezing for a period of time, the molecules would align next to
each other orderly and predictably with the crystal shape, a six sided
form. now boses predicted that if you lowered the temperture of space
even further, the bonds would break and overlap. and therefore instead
of being one organism next to another organism, it now began to become
one organism and acting in unison. so the molecule in the farthest
corner knew the same information as the molecule closest to the center.
They overlaped and therefore communicated with the all. This is known
as Oneness. And this is how the Crystal person is able to know all
things, because they overlap with the entire Oneness of God. There are
no secrets within God.
Colors of light tools: Crystal – Grandfather Light- often has plenty,
because he knows where everything is supposed to be. (Grandfather the Grand
light of the reflection of the reflection or brilliant light.) -
Orange – *darkness
Grandmother space*. You are here to seed us. Such Great joy comes from my
heart, overspilling with tears.
-grandmother center space is darkness, this is where we dream, awake or asleep. this is where the soul journeys
-crystal is the eldest part of your light and your greatest expression.
-orange is the middle color of your light which represents the seeding.
-grandfather is the reflection of the reflection, the brilliant light, like a faceted diamond
what are you relating to? which tools do you mean? why orange - darkness? what do you wanna say?
this will answer your questions, looking at my writing, i must of been
really tired. so much to do in the world. Especially with twinning his
holiness's body and all his pain. it does grow weary. Crystals people
have perfect bodies, usually fit and coordinated unless they are
donating themselves to others for love.
(fortunately, email helps tiny bit) When the safe houses begin in the world.
what are the safe houses?
very hard to achieve this. A safe house is a place of sanctuary. A
place of healing within and without. Where all are welcome and the joy
of play is introduced to the people. God has a plan. I will follow
their plan. We are just servants to their will. The native american
people are the keepers of Mother Earth. When they take their place,
many sanctuary housing will appear. Now, I am looking for those who are
willing to join God's plan. We at active-indigos are working towards
this. I have been on the streets for the last 4 years learning about
the hearts of the people. And now is the time to take action. When
these safe houses begin, each house will have a crowned one inside, a
Lavender (crowned of Mother Earth) or a Crystal person (crowned of
Father Heaven). Then true happiness will return to the people when they
gift to these God have sent. Heaven and Earth shall unite inward and
outward. We shall learn about our perfection and believe in our selves.
the sentence which had most resonance is 'if i am not
PEACE its not me' - this really is somehow part of my life... thank u
for writing down.
-you are welcome.
by the way:
'crystal' you relate to the aura? which part of the aura? or you mean
the essence or the source by naming me (yourself) crystal? or what is
it you refer to?
-yes, this is your aura. I do not look at
your aura, I ask what is your aura. It is more than that, but basically
this is it. when a person looks at someone's aura (those who have sight
with their eyes, exception of indigos-theirs is true sight), there are
overlay of colors and because of this, it is impossible to see the
truth, so much is a refection. A crystal person has the ability to
divide light and read it accordingly truthfully always.
these are too many questions for you. or you cant or dont want to
answer them. but if you want that your vision/reading helps, i need it
to go a bit clearer in the writing / interpreation / relation.
do really look forward to your answers if you write them to me
(besides: would you have changed the words for the reading if you sent
it directly to my adress instead of barbaras?)
i am grateful for your time and effort. if you want it to be more 'useful' for me, i need clearer 'surroundings'.
I read someone's light I am very clear who it is. Although there has
been an instance when another who needed me, showed up together with
another. That is a good question. Does it influence my reading. Not in
this case because I did the reading, your book of light, and then sent
it off. She just forwarded it. She is the Great Caretaker. She is
ordained by god to be their record keeper. God trusts her and so do I.
surroundings, look you are wanting to read, means you want to know me.
this is true, i understand. but to tell you frankly, you have the
ability to visit anyone anywhere in or out of this universe. We are
crystal people, we can fly and we are fearless. just close your eyes
and go...
-Just for your information, I send a copy to them. If
I feel it is necessary to write to them before you I will. If you can
trust me, then I can trust you. This is love. And I love you my beloved
crystal sister, weeping willow thrust to the ground, the song that
lasts. The Rainbow Clan need us, we must think of them before ourselves.
love, namaste and ELEXIER (what is not my name, by the way ;o)
i stand corrected, yet you use this word in all your salutations. this
is okay, it is an expression of yourself. it is perfect.
-your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother monica)
elder crystal person.
ps did i get your colors of light interpretation to you? I think I only
interpreted your name and meaning. I will check to see.
June 1, 2008
Gushing Flow Without Return
to wbcw
2:21 PM wnature: Hello Twin Deer Mother
I was surprised to find an email from you as I intended to write to you now
2:22 PM me: Hello, Is this google? Great, we can chat.
wnature: yes
me: What can I do for you?
wnature: I was going to ask you about any readings that you may have for me or any advice
2:23 PM me: I was just reading it. It does sound confusing. Can you be specific?
2:24 PM wnature: is there any information that could be channelled for me
2:25 PM me:
The great stream is available to anyone, even you. All information is
there. One of the great things about My Grace, you, is that you are
supposed to dive into the darkness.
2:26 PM wnature: oh... that's not the first time I hear this...
that is tough..
2:27 PM me:
As the Magenta, you are to practice. This will help. If you do not
practice, you will not achieve. But you have the talent to do so.
Meditation daily is what will help you and others around you. You are
to show them the way to darkness.
2:30 PM One
way to practice is to tell everyone about your meditation experiences.
This will help others find visualization and quests. Practice asking
questions to the Oneness inside the stream (while meditating).
wnature: alright..
but I have a question
me: okay
2:31 PM wnature: you just said: "You are to show them the way to darkness"
Who do u mean by 'them'?
me: Everyone, and everything unto God.
2:33 PM I
know it is notso easy for the Magenta person, because you want to fix
everyone. I know you care. But the only one that needs fixing is you.
When you can find Grace inside yourself, then happiness will follow.
Others need follow your lead.
wnature: okay..
2:34 PM but do you mean by showing them the way to darkness... to reveal darkness??
2:35 PM me:
One of the things I noticed is the Blue overlay. This is the Clansmen
who provides us with the expression of light by giving us a place for
reflection. The darkness gives us a place to start. Here all life
begins. typing
2:36 PM The
light is born within in the darkness. You must lead others into the
darkness. Here is where our entire life began and will eventually end.
Our souls are everlasting. typing
2:37 PM Everyone
forgets this. This is why it is imperitive that you lead others here.
This is where the light is born within. This is the way to happiness
for others. typing
Your gift is the great caretaker, as this is the way for you. This is your amazing perfection.
2:38 PM wnature: do you mean by darkness: reality and truth of who we are and where we are?
2:39 PM me: Not really, and yes. When we dream it is in the darkness. And in the dream you (everyone) finds solutions to daily affairs.
We also day dream. This is the same as entering the darkness. Creation begins.
2:40 PM In the darkness, creation is born.
wnature: would you tell me more about the darkness (I hope I am not talking too much of your time)
2:41 PM me: Fine, God wanted it this way. Sychcronization.
When we meditate it is dark because we close our eyes. But then where do we go? This is the journey.
2:42 PM Indigos
are able to fly because they have the tools to remember. Your
remembering tools have been put down for awhile. You just have to pick
them up again. Meditate.
wnature: alright...
2:43 PM one more question
me: okay. great
wnature: what is it that mostly needs to be fixed in me
me: Love thyself.
2:44 PM Accept who you are...do not let others tell you you are not perfect, because I know you are, just as God.
2:47 PM Are you there?
2:53 PM me: Let us say Goodbye next time we talk, okay...God and I know you are perfect...you have to remember this too! Love you...
2:55 PM wnature: I am sorry
my laptop just restarted itself
me: okay, do you want to continue?
2:56 PM wnature: and it was so slow doing so
me: okay
2:57 PM wnature: I found the messages you sent me saved by gmail
while I was gone
it brings tears to me knowing that I still learn to love myself
why does it happen to be so difficult to love oneself
2:58 PM me:
We are traveling from the second phase of evolution into the third. We
have been learning about our darkness. Now we are learning to control
our darkness. Now we can make it pureness.
2:59 PM My husband is His holiness and he has difficulty with this.
So each day I have to remind him that he is perfect. The problem is, is that we always start by protecting ourselves.
3:00 PM If
we know we are perfect, then we do not have to protect ourselves. I
tell him to start with perfect child not the wounded child.
3:01 PM The perfect child validates and is more concerned for other than self even in the state of rage.
We, all of us, must learn this very foundation to become the perfection we already are.
Your turn...
3:03 PM wnature: The gmail chat keeps disconnecting.. I think it is better that we continue our conversation through emails..
3:04 PM I'm not sure if I missed any of your words
This is why it is imperative for you to meditate. To help others clean
up their darkness through purification (blessings). And to teach others
to bless their darkness. Emails will not give us this kind of
wnature: okay
I hope it keep connected
3:05 PM me:
I will email the whole conversation to you when we are done. Also, we
can do this again, when you have better connection. This is often a
problem for me, too.
wnature: I had a very difficult childhood
very painful.. I don't even consider myself experienced childhood
3:06 PM I think it had to do with a karma
it was all revealed while raising my own boys
This is the case for many. Karma only means lessons. Each of us is only
given what we can handle. This is the blessing of God.
3:07 PM The
lesson must be learned for you to evolve. And the only way to learn is
to forgive those who committed the crime against you.
wnature: I think I did..
3:08 PM but still find it hard to love myself although I thought I already do..
or at least made some progress
3:09 PM me: Good progress. You know his holiness says often, "I am not angry and I forgive" yet he continues to commit the same crime.
wnature: :)
me: Think about your boys. do they do similar things that you do?
3:10 PM We
pass lessons down to our children. True forgiveness comes from knowing
compassion. You must feel true compassion for the one who committed the
3:12 PM If
someone commits a crime against you. For instance, invalidates you, you
must remember that this person was not taught about true love. How
could they...they do not know what they are doing. This is what the
time of the Golden Child, the one who steps into the life of another
even when it is not wanted. We are all kinsmen.
3:13 PM My connection is good. I will wait when you get back on.
3:14 PM wnature: do you have a hotmail account?
me: no
3:16 PM wnature: Dear Mother Twin Calf, maybe you prefer that we chat some other time
Thank you so much for your time
with my love..
me: There has been alot said. I love you. And meditate. Okay.
your servant, twin deer mother
wnature: okay
I will meditate..
3:17 PM yours in return, Gushing flow without return
I found your email in my inbox :) and I would like to know my heavenly name and perfection read, Do I need to pay for that?
Thank you,
Magenta Person
Hello Gushing Flow
- Just for asking you know how to receive, this is how we receive the love of God. There is no fee to this gift except the return
of kindness for kindness. This is a gift from the Oneness of God. I am
your servant and give as the Oneness does. I only hope that you will
give to others as I have given to you, this is what brotherhood is all
about. From the reading below, I am sure you will my love.
- Would you please let me know what group you are with, so I may
forward this information along to all in the group, so they may also
learn. This is a perfection reading, and only love comes from here,
the way the great ones love you and see your perfect light. I am the
crystal reader, the doorway to the everlasting.
- Let me start here,
your light perfection-(no interpretation here. Waiting for permission to share with our shared group.)
- vision-water buffalo trotting/splashing along through the water (flow) and earth (no interpretation included here)
- name-Gushing Flow Without Return, this is what the Oneness of God calls you.
- Gushing-at first I
recognized the heavenly great mother, yet this is a reflection of her,
she is the ever flowing. you are the understanding of the upward flow that she gives to all. Earth ascending towards Heaven. Mother Earth gives without considering return. We must learn to return to her as you know.
Flow-this is what we all do,
travel into space with our spirits (light). These are the great
causeways we all travel in our dreams and where galaxies move towards.
These streams are sometimes called the Galactic Oceans or streams,
rivers, seas etc., where all life begins and returns, the ebb and flow of all life.
Without-this is emptiness. A
vessel that is empty can be used to carry other things or fill others,
just as you carry and fill others when they are unable to do so for
themselves. This type of emptiness is what many Buddhist try to teach
the world. This is the way to receiving. When you can receive, you are
able to have the greatest gift-Love!
Return-as the ebb and flow
returns to where it begins, you remember where whence you came. This is
so wonderful. So many forget themselves. This gift is usually
remembered by the young children. You have much to teach others, they
so forget the way to abundance (receiving love). If you have not love,
you have nothing! As an earth creature assisting the ascension process,
you have much to do my love. I am so happy that you are with us to
assist the way to brotherhood and the great give-a-way.
Your devoted servant, twin deer mother monica, elder crystal
Dear Twin Deer Mother,
Thank you for such a beautiful email.. I am an indigo and I'm a
member in the AdultIndigomoderated group.. but due to my limited free
time, I no more receive emails from the group.. and haven't checked
them on the web for a very long time..
I am also a servant with a difficult task that I will never give up..
Very pleased to be connected with you and very grateful for my name and my reading..
Thank you so much..
Love, peace and light,
Gushing Flow
Dear Mother White Buffalo Calf Woman,
I hope my email finds you in a great situation..
I have now moved a bit forward along my path.. I now understand
more what is meant by diving into the darkness.. I keep rereading your
emails.. and every time I understand more what it says..
I am writing you now to ask you about some pattern of mine that I recently discovered and would like to know how you see it.
I need to know your point of view about a pattern that keeps
repeating itself.. which probably means that I didn't yet get what is
behind it...
Most of those who love me, I do not love them in return.. and all whom I fall in love with, at some point reject me..
What I know is that I am too much to be handled by a man... and I am
okay with that.. but I can't help moving along with my emotions when
they do move.. and the pattern keeps repeating ..it hurts..
You know... the rejection doesn't mean that they do not love me..
but that they decide not to be with me.. I know they love me, I can see
their souls.. no, no.. I just remembered.. they do admit it.. they do
tell me that they love me but they clearly push me away.. loving me
doesn't keep them from rejecting my love..
what do you think of that?
gushing flow without return
My beloved Gushing Flow without return,
I am so happy that each time you receive a bit more from the
readings. sometimes i do not even understand my own writings. it is
because the person whom i speak with is giving me the answers,
including you, my love. your light lives in me, when responding.
The crystal person only validates the perfection of others and
severs ignorance. This very validation is what you are not searching
for in men. Men who validate know how to communicate and solve
problems. If he cannot validate, he is unable to solve any problem
that could arise. So it does not matter that our light vibrates
similarly (we feel loved), but that we use (practice) love when at
time we do not vibrate together. So in the time of conflict,
validation helps one to arrive here. And our heart knows this.
You have so much to offer. And you are perfect. It will take a
man who knows this, in order to truly love you with his voice, by
validating your complaints. When your man listens, your heart grows
fonder for his presence. And love gushes the flow.
Magenta, violet, blue, grandmother center. You have to feel and
speak the clans needs. This is overwhelming for others to
fathom. Your strength is so powerful and everflowing, that others do
not know how to be a part of this. When god gives you love, search
for validation from your love. Notice if he can hear a simple request
and feed your soul. If he cannot, you need look elsewhere or
start yelling at him to validate. Only love will find your heart. He
has no right to take your right away. Your right to be heard. Tell
him, "If you want me to stop yelling or complaining, then validate."
"Then we can solve our problems and know true love." This is what the
woman does, lead with her heart.
love you,
calf woman (twin deer mother )
elder crystal person
Hello everybody (active-indigos),
This is my first email. I've been in touch with Twin Deer Mother
on a personal basis.. I've been overwhelmed by everything that she's
been telling me.. so I needed time to digest it all.. I think I'm
getting it now! My spiritual name is Gushing Flow Without Return..
I tried to add my record at the group's database.. but I failed.. for
some reason I can't find the 'add record' icon! These things happen to
me sometimes..! I haven't been able to follow up with all the group's
long emails so I was never an active member.. I hope that starts
Love, peace and light for everybody,
Gushing Flow Without Return
Hello Gushing Flow Without Return,
So glad to see you are still with us. I have updated you onto the Rainbow Color Database.
Sorry, there is no member access for now, just want to be sure
information is correct. Anyone who wants something changed, I can do
this for them, just ask. After I am complete with database, I will
upload and then I will give members access.
Recognized that you will begin your active phase again in your
life real soon. Enjoy your last of your time in your reflection
phase. Hope you are getting some Creating done in your spare
time. Creation is what we must learn when we are in the reflection
period of their lives. Your life will be changing in big ways. These
phases often are 6-9 years in length, with each of us differing. This
is often refered to the 7 year itch. This cycle is explained by the
series of 9 stars directing energy towards this universe (asian
Looking forward to hearing more from Gushing Flow, our gushing well of life.
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Gushing Flow wrote:
Thank you Barbara, I will try to stay in touch as much as I can..
Twin Deer Mother, I do not know about the asian astrology's cycle.. I only know the yearly cycle (9 cycles)..
Here is introduction about myself:
an Indigo (even though i gave her, her colors, she continues to say she
is an Indigo, She is a Magenta person), a single mother of two young
boys.. a writer and
translator (English-Arabic) and should be getting back to my work as a
reiki and emotrance healer soon... I also learned to use the pendulum
for healing..
gushing flow without return
Dear Twin Deer Mother,
Thank you for your email.. I miss talking to you :)
I've been doing great lately.. I've started meditating almost daily.. I
feel connected, grounded and centered.. it's a wonderful feeling.. I've
enjoyed my reflection phase and still is even if it had some pain...
creating did take place within me and of course was reflected on my
outside world.. a lot of healing took place before the creation..
I'm starting my job as a reiki and emotrance healer few days before the
mid of October.. hoping more people will be interested in natural
energy healing..
Love, peace and light :)
gushing flow without return
Hello My Grace (magenta) Gushing Flow,
Please address Nihal as Her Holiness Nihal. This blesses her
every time you call her this. She is a crowned one. She gives her life
for the people. This is what crowned ones do. This helps her and
everyone around her. She purifies the hearts of those around with her
light. She gathers their impurities within her and Lavender people do
not realize the very necessity of the Blessings.
You help her and you and everyone who has grazed her space will
benefit. She is our Holiness. I know it may take some time. But
remember, she is creating red light, a fire blazing. You already have
become this fire and light is upon you, the magenta. You are her
physical elder. You can help her.
Thank you love. I cannot state the importance of who she is. She is our Holiness.
My Grace, the great caretaker (magenta person), who teaches us all how to care take of our brothers, I love you.
your devoted,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal (iyeshka or interpreter)


white buffalo calf woman
Thank you love, I just heard from Her Holiness Camping with tigers.
love you My Grace, Gushing Flow Without Return.
yours, calf woman (twin deer mother)
help please? from calf woman
show details 10/3/08
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Hello beloved Gushing Flow Without Return,
Sweetheart, I went looking for Her Holiness Nihal, I couldn't find
her anywhere at our group active-indigos. Then looking further, I
found out she was a friend of yours from Cairo.
Please, I need your help. You are the gate keeper (magenta
person) for the gate (lavender person). Her Holiness Nihal is a
Lavender person and wears the crown of Mother Earth.
Will you go and see if she is okay. I wrote to her and have had
no response. I had thought she was part of the active-indigos member.
I buddied her up with a Crystal person, but she is very young
I was pretty hard on her. But this is because I love her. She
can only hear a lesson from A Crystal person. The rest of the Oneness
dare not say anything about their behavior. Somehow this is known
about Lavender people.
She needed a drum. And it had to be a gift. I wish I had known
you were there. She said she got a drum and that was the last I heard
from her. Please make sure she has a drum. And if it was not a gift,
please buy one for her. I will send you money if you need. This is
what she must do in order for her to feel okay and to heal those around
her, otherwise she will go mad. Literally. She is a Crowned one and
you are one of her Gate Keepers.
Please go and check up on her physically in Cairo. And I will get others to check via emails.
She is very important to the world. She is a leader of Mother
Earth. And some day, I hope she will know her perfection. It takes a
very long time for Lavender people to know themselves. There is a
prophecy about them, that their heads are cut off.
Please help us, okay love. She is in her reflection now, just as you.
Thanks Naveen Gushing Flow Without Return,
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
Ps. glad to see you back at active-indigos
Gushing Flow without Return
Hello Dear Twin Deer Mother,
Let me first comfort you that these days we have vacation in Egypt
and the middle East due to Islamic celebrations after a month of
fasting... most people are out of town.. and so is Nihal.. she's out of
town for vacation with some friends.. Nihal is a very close friend of
mine.. I gave her your email :)
I will check about the drum and how she got it and get back to you..
How would I figure out about that person in my family? Could she
be my mom? I know my mom is an indigo.. would you like to be in touch
with her? if she's the one you're talking about... I'm not sure.. I
also have my niece.. I know I'm spiritually connected with her.. she's
13 years old..
lots of love :)
gushing flow without return
white buffalo calf woman
to Gushing flow
Thank you my beloved Gushing Flow, I so appreciate your love. I do understand festivals are going on now. Indul Fitri, yes, or is this what you call it?
I will look into this further with your family. Thank you for the tips. I will look into it, Mom or neice?
Also, it is interesting how you use the word Indigo. Indigo is
one of the colors of the multicolored auras of the Rainbow Clan. This
(indigo) you do not carry. You do however carry blue overlay, which
Indigos need to fly with.
Your tools of Light: magenta, violet , blue (outer color), grandmother center
also means, the perfect soul body. This is how you seem to use it. As
if those who attain enlightenment are indigos, this is okay. This is
not necessarily why we use it.
is a color also, but also represents the perfect physical body. Both
warriors for Mother Earth. You my Grace are the horizon, where all
souls come to find their vision quest, within you, my beloved. You are
the Great Caretaker, my Grace. The Indigo it the Great Teacher.
are all attaining perfection, this is why we use the words, Crystal and
Indigo. The perfect body united with the perfect soul, in everyone as
we learn about our great perfections.
Thank you my love, I really appreciate your time to help.
your devoted,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person (iyeshka or interpreter)
*Idul Fitr* that's what we call it :)
Thank you for your time and effort for the readings and everything..
The term 'indigo' that I'm using refers to "indigo children" or
"adult indigos".. from which I recognized me, my mother and others
friends belong to. I will send you a link to explain more.. I thought
this where active indigos came from!
I learned about this a couple of years ago.. and I watched "Indigo Revelation" movie..
I am glad that my holiness Nihal could reach you from out of Cairo.. I will talk to her about the drum soon after she's back..
Thank you..
Lots of love,
gushing flow
Gushing Flow
show details 10/1/08
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Does this date have an indication that you wrote about me in the database:
Enters Light (action) 3 month / 2009 year
gushing flow without return
Yes, my love gushing flow. this is when your cycle will change.
calf woman ps. talk with you soon.
Gushing Flow
to me
Dear Twin Deer Mother ,
I want to ask you about something.. I know that I sent your email to her Holiness Camping with Tigers without
asking your permission.. and I realize that it did not upset you.. but
now I feel that I should be asking your permission before sending your
email to other spiritual friends I know who are seeking their spiritual
names, guidance and clarity about their missions..
Thank you..
waiting for your response..
show details 10/6/08
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Hello love, Gushing Flow without Return,
Oh thats not a problem. No need for you to ask. This is kind, as
a Great Caretaker would act, my magenta person. "Ask and you shall
receive". They will need to ask however. "Knock and the door shall be
opened." All gifts must be asked for from a Crystal person. They just
have to be willing to wait. And the list is getting longer everyday.
So the sooner they are on, the better. All gifts are given
freely, from the Great Spirits and the Oneness of God. Those who give
a gift before receiving are the lamb.
Of course, I am very slow going right now with active-indigos buddy readings.
Also, not your mother or sister, we seek for the reading done.
Someone like a cousin or an aunt. She will be a Great Caretaker like
you. I can see her. She is young looking but not too young. Long
wavy hair. She is very gentle, she often laughs and lifts her head and
has large gestures with her hands. She wears a typical scarf going
over the body, although is wrapped lightly.
your devoted,
calf woman (twin deer mother)

Hello calf woman,
well, maybe our main colors don't match, but at least we have
"grandmother" in common, and as it seems we "resonate pretty well"...I
don't want to tell them "No, you can't be my buddy, because of color."
This sounds like "white skinned people" don't match with
"yellow skinned ones", but hey, we ALL have RED blood! That's how I see
it! And isn't NOW the time to COMMUNICATE through these "differences"?
Regarding my responsibilities as a buddy manager, YES, I will take these...who else is responsible for that?
Blessed be!
Cup of God
Hello My Grace,
I am trying to understand what you are saying. We do not want
prejudice, but we also want to resonate harmony within God. When you
are matched with several colors to someone,
you will understand them and want to help them. But there shall be
this one conflict between those who know love and those who do not know
love and do not forgive. These people repeat lessons. This is when
intervention starts.
Yes you like these people. Yes they are kind to you. But we want a true friend, a buddy. This comes with the person who lies next to you in the color spectrum the orderly fashion god intended perfection. Let us try it first with
the colors okay. ? may be a candidate for you because you both flip
within. And the two of you reach by the dimensional heart. I really
want you to bond with Laura, an Aqua person
(ordained doorkeeper), she is yellow family and lies next to your
color. She would make a life long friendship with you. She also has a crystal (door) child.
Whispering Wind, she needs to be with soul elders, not necessarily with
body elders. Now we are so proud of her. And we shall encourage her
and be her family. This shall not stop. But here buddy should be a
soul elder. A yellow person or a blue person. This is the best buddy
for her.
Now Whispering Wind is great and so is Lee. But you are a gatekeeper,
This means you take care of His or Her Holiness (gate). This is the
ordination from God (magenta gatekeeper). Holiness's are the crowned
ones. You have also become an "adopted doorkeeper" to Crystal Edda. I
will continue to look for her "doorkeeper". Also, we have Her
holiness, camping with tigers.
She needs a "gatekeeper", which you are one of them. So, you and I can
not take care of everyone. We can be helpful to the entire family.
But let us get realistic to how many we can buddy with.
The long term purpose is to get everyone, doing what we do for the
entire group. Give love to everyone in the clan.
talk with you later,
love, calf woman (twin deer mother)
ps. grandmother center is the dark point that allows us the
ability to project light, because in this darkness we fly in our dreams.
 | 09242008 |
Greetings calf woman!
Aha - I have to "digest" this information...
Tonight I had a dream about a black spider, which was "dancing" as a kind of "greeting"...
and so I dance to you
cup of god
Active-Indigos forwarding and response from Calf woman and others about the Native People.
An Article from Indian Country Today was sent in April of this
year from our beloved J. She has joined us here at active indigos
to form brotherhood by calling to us. Her light embraces brotherhood.
This is a response to the article from calf woman and reply about my
views to other members of empathics and intuitives (yahoo group-indigos not knowing love), which have deleted
me from their board (hate crime).
Unfortunately they responded and attacked our beloved J,
instead of me or the article. Our beloved from Heaven does not speak
because she does not feel safe. We must provide her with
love, so she shall want to speak up freely and know she is safe to show
her light at Active-indigos at yahoogoups. so Everyone send her
love.........your devoted servant, calf woman (twin deer mother)
J. my beloved, your tools of light are: golden, rainbow ,aqua, grandmother center.
Wow, cosmic father, cosmic mother, leading under the blue sky,
dreaming the dream. Yours is indeed a great journey. You teach them
brotherhood, under the Rainbow and lead them home. My beloved, so glad
you are here with us.
Please continue to send your Articles forwarded through the Indian
Country today. This day, and every day, my heart aches for the Native
people, such as the day I responded to this article. I love them so.
To help them find their perfection will not be easy. But the Great
Spirits have sent me and I must do the best I can. When the great
spirits ask you to do something, you say yes. What else can we really
do, when our elders ask us to help. My heart leaped from me this day.
There shall be other days my heart shall leap again when you send us
more about the Native people. This is okay. This way we together will
help our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers, our
grandmothers and grandfathers and mostly our children, who have our
skills as they enter the new time, the third yellow rolling hill in
time. Heaven on Earth. We are only beginning, there is along way to
go. The great ones say, "could we not walk in the garden of paradise
together, once more." So we shall teach our family to do just this.
This is like you my beloved, you are the golden light of
brotherhood. You come from Heaven as Cosmic Father, the golden
light. Cosmic Mother Rainbow Tim says, "In Heaven there is love that
embraces, but here on Earth, this knowing has not come down to Earth
yet." Now is the time that we are learning. Since you are the Cosmic
Father who brings brotherhood, when you call the animals, they come.
This is included in you very being, brotherhood. You see you should be
the caller to the gathering. Since you are from Heaven, and Earth does
not know the way, you are here to teach the ways of Heaven among our
Rainbow Clan, especially the Soul Elders (young bodies).
I am so happy you have joined us here. Your beingness helps us
all to stay together. This perfection must be realized within you.
This is the way home. You guide us towards this. We suffer because we
use love. We follow the Red road, especially when others do not know
the way of the Heavenly laws that are coming. We use love again.
We have our , Suze "The Golden Dove that flies within" she is our
Yellow sundancer, the heart of the Lakota, she will help us all take
the first step towards Heaven on Earth. She is the dream of tomorrow
today. There are many out there who really work to solve the problems
of Brotherhood. It shall be the Navaho who shall lead in the light.
It will seem that they are ahead of the Game. But the Lakota will
start later, but finish before, because they shall use the heart, and
take the dimensional journey. The vision quest. Where all things
But all native people are ordained to help the rest of the world
find their way home. This the Great Spirits gives to you as a gift
because of all the suffering you have done (red Man).
This gift is the ordination of the "Red Man Story teller". The
eldest of all the people. And since you are this, following the Red
Road is written across your heart. Tell all your brothers and sisters
that the Red Road is the law of love. There has been a forgotten
almost, I am here to remind you to wake up and remember your great
gifts God (all our relations) has given to the Native American. The
most important event that has happened is the Entrusted lands. This
Entrusted lands shall increase in size until Mother Earth is returned
to her.
We have started Club Evolution, crystal_indigo_children at
yahoogroups. AS every group is formed, a Native person must act as
Keeper. The club must go out and search for the Keeper. This will
help the Native people to start to become this out in our societies.
So my beloved, I will be writing to you later. Please continue to
send us your articles from Indian Country today. Your colors of lights
interpretation is not very explanatory, your interpretation shall come
The Oneness tell me that you are here to help move along, the
change when destruction comes. You see, we live in the time of
creation and destruction. WE are moving into the "destruction and then
creation" phase. This is the new time within you and all of us. As
destruction becomes a part of society, you shall help them repair
themselves to become the new creators who build for Mother Earth and
Father Heaven, to honor them. You shall lead them home, my beloved.
Talk with you again, as soon as I can,
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
ps. please feel free to express yourself anyway you like.
Because you are family here and we want your voice. The voice of
Brotherhood gathers us together and helps our hearts to sing. Like you
have done for me.
love to you my Cosmic Father, the golden light, J. You will blow them away with your knowing. Get ready family, here she comes.
Songs of the heart of J,
The dooms day blow. She is the opening
of the gates flood. She will deliver us when the time arises. She
will know where and who to trust upon the wings of heaven's wave.
She is the lightening rod who douses for the well of life. She
begins within her self but ends at the ends of time. She can fly to
ever most galaxies to find what she needs. Do not shed a tear for
her, because she is the tear itself. She cleanses your heart. And
blesses your soul. Do not fear my young one, the day of the dawning
is upon us. She shall find the way. She shall wade up into the
waters and be purified by the shining light god beams down upon her.
She is the gale that blows west, where the sun shines day and night
because of the ever waving undulating that permeates the bellows of
eternity. Wish upon a star and the wish comes true. But do not
forsake thee for the waning of the times is near. So hush. Listen
and ponder what tomorrow will bring us near. For thine is the glory
forever and ever. My beloved wisping willow, who shines even in the
darkness as it prevails. (Delicate willow she bends to the will of
God.) Wicked – watch the cows meow. (as our sorcerer alerts us
of the coming events)
The Wiccan rede taught me: "An it harm none, do as ye will"
Wicked: [13th century. Related to Old
English wicca "sorcerer" (see witch)], impressive
wizard: somebody who is believed
or claims to have magical powers, [Early 16th century. < French
sorcier< Latin sort- "lot, fortune"],
un·du·late [ únjə làyt ]verb
(past and past participle un·du·lat·ed, present participle
un·du·lat·ing, 3rd person present singular un·du·lates),
Definition: . transitive and intransitive verb move
sinuously like waves: to move in waves or in a movement
resembling waves, or cause something to move in this way,
intransitive verb go up and down gracefully: to rise and
fall gracefully in volume or pitch, [Mid-17th century. < Latin
undulatus "wavy" < unda "wave"], wavy in
appearance: with a wavy appearance, edge, or markings, The Latin
word unda "wave," from which undulate is derived, is also
the source of English abound, inundation, redundant, sound3, and
Dowse: to push down, the search for a
source of water or minerals with a divining rod.
Dowsing: The paranormal detection of underground water or mineral
deposits (or lost persons and objects) using a divining rod or
pendulum. Douse: to pull off clothes, shoes, etc.,, to put out the
light or the fire quickly, to hit forcefully.
Cow or Buffalo represents the four sacred directions (the tools of
Meow: The Cat (any large or small species) follows the magnetic
river, the everflowing. (trusting the heart-feminine)
b. golden, lavender, aqua, grandmother
center. (validated and verified)
b. Golden, rainbow, aqua. Grandmother
dateMon, Sep 15, 2008 at 3:56 AM
Re: Rage Problem/ Hightened Energy
Hello My beloved Zoe, my crystal sister,
Our Cosmic Rainbow Mother , said this,
"You can send LOVE to them and to their situation in your mind and prayers."
Yes I agree with this. This is necessary for the Rainbow Clan. Bless, bless, bless.
quite frankly, this will not stop the rage you feel inside. Because
you are a Crystal person. This is your light. You know I speak the
truth. You know when anyone speaks the truth. There are crystal
adults and crystal children here at another "yahoo group". Each of us, become the
twin heart. We become the other. We hold the light of others inside
of us and when they are impure, you become the release valve to their
souls. They need learn to bless themselves.
Now the correct
thing to do when someone feels bad, is come to them and give counsel to
their needs. But if they (others) do this for you, then they would
have to forgive the lesson, the very lesson, that was said inside,
"That were unforgiveable". So others do not console you, even if you
are screaming at the top of your lungs, because they are afraid. You
are pureness. You are love. You are the greatest power in the
universe because you know true love and practice it, since it is your
job to bring the laws of heaven and earth to the people of god. Only
the meek will receive your love and realize that you are the gift god
has sent to them. And this is rare. We know.
We (crystal
people) rally here because, the moderator, is the Rainbow
Mother. The Crystal person (door way bi-directional) and the Rainbow
person (door keeper from Heaven) vibrate next to each other. Like blue
is next to green in the rainbow. So is crystal next to rainbow - it is
just these colors are not seen by the naked eye). This is rare for
crystal people to be so close in proximity to each other. But with
the help of Rainbow Mothers and Aqua people, our doorkeepers here who
practice true love, we feel comfortable enough to ask for help.
Now, what can you do? Well if you could carry a Lavender person with
you at all times, you could use them to help the hearts of the people,
since they are holiness and the fire of love. Only they can calm the
hearts and purify them enough, at least for the moment, to get rid of
the rage or any other pain, the people around you are feeling. But
since, this is not possible for you right now, the next best solution
Sing to them, in your mind, and if you can with
your voice. This will calm their souls and they will know peace as
long as you sing to them. The song you sing will be the heart of the
people, you will sing what they need every single time. You need
nothing else. You will know when to stop.
Now, the true
solution, is if the people would cry for themselves, scream for
themselves and express themselves, so we do not have to. This will be
a long time coming. We are here to bring this law to each and every
holy temple within. And do not worry because you get into conflicts,
you are the sword of righteousness that severs ignorance. Trust your
body, my Crystal sister. Your child soul will know what to do, when
the need arises.
Your name has been added to the Heavenly
name list: This means that I will give you a gift that will help you.
Stay tuned, Moon Water has asked me to talk about Crystal
children. She has been very patient. And I am trying to write a paper
on the subject for the group. Will post more later. The two crystal
kids here at yahoo group, I know about, are reflecting similar visions
about the perfection, which brought a spirit to me to help with
this. He gave a letter. I will add more later as I can. So sing my
sister, sing their hearts to them. Instead of being them, make them be
you. You are peace.
"If it is not peace, it is not me" says the Crystal person.
Right now, I wanted to help in your time of need.
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person (iyeshka-interpreter)
i will find a lavender buddy for you from active-indigos, people who
volunteer to god. Also, you are walking in the light now in your
life. This means that you are in the action phase of your life as I
am. The crystal kids are in the reflection in order to learn.
whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.com blessings and interpretation for the Rainbow Clan
active-indigos@yahoogroups.com creating teams around the world, supporting the Messenger Indigo
http://www.ajoylightfromwithin.org angel services- integrating the great give-a-way
crystal_indigo_children@yahoogroups.com parents and children questions answered about club evolution (gathering)
from Zoe ( a crystal person)
dateSun, Sep 14, 2008 at 6:21 PM
subject[psykids] Rage Problem/ Hightened Energy
Help me please. I don't act on my rage.
-No anger management either.
Yet, whenever I'm around angry people,
it's like all their hatred fills my body.
How do I get rid of that?
It's bugging me.
I feel like all this really powerful energy is around me.
I'm used to it... but It's getting in my way.
How do I sort of calm it down so that I can't
feel like I'm surrounded by lightening?
Thank you.
- Zoe
2008 Mother Earth. Heavenly name readings and Tools of Light blessings
gifted from A Light From Within- Angel Services-Integrating the Great
Give-A-Way. White Buffalo Calf Woman is a servant to this religious
non-profit that serves the world. She travels with His Holiness David (running eagle shooting star).
today is the day to live on the yellow rolling hill of time.

 | 09162008 |
Dear White calf,
i think i will get my drum tomorrow, there is no website to order
drums in egypt, u jsut buy it from the side of the street, i will use
it until we figure a way to send me a drum :)
i am onk with
buddy system, but i a bit slow, and even not all the info u have send
me is processed i need to read them again and ask questiones, my only
point that i am more comfortable with face to
face help and guideince, so if my buddy in egypt that will be best, but
i can learn my distance blessing and support too.
all my love,i will make a new gmail soon with my new name and added it to active indogoes and so
camping with tigers, she doesnt burn
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 03:49:29 -0700
Subject: love from calf woman, request for her holiness
My Holiness , camping with the tigers he does not burn.
correspondance below data.
Buddy System Sept 16 2008
a. her heavenly name is: She is the dove that flies beyond the coup
b. crystal (i am your twin), golden (call on my brothers) , violet (i have the voice of all), grandmother center (awake/sleep dream space)(notcompleted)
c. crowned one of father heaven - bringing the laws of god to the people, to be caretakers of all our relations (notcompleted)
d. "if i am not peace it is not me" says the crystal person. sing to the people aloud or silently. This fills them with
a sense of peace. You can always bless anything, but you feel the soul
journey. And a blessing will not purify the soul. It must be made
when the other chooses love. For you teach that love is the only
answer, my beloved crystal sister.
on truckin because the last bit has yet to arrive. he has the will of
many elephants, so do not stand in his way. and yet he is docile as a
mouse. he our beloved. he is our friend and companion. he whispers to
us each day and speaks his merry wonderment to us all. he has captured
our hearts when he is near us. what can we say but that we adore
him." your counsel of the oneness speaks. Counsel spoke for her first
as she is our Holiness Camping with Tigers.
a. her heavenly name is: camping with the tigers he does not burn. (interpretation completed)
Her colors are lavender (her holiness), crystal (i feel you), golden
(light of brotherhood), grandmother center (notcompleted)
c. crowned one of mother earth - uniting the hearts of all of our relations, the caretaking people
d. "if i am not blessing (with
love) it is not me" says the lavender person. drum to relieve
impurities 20 minutes a day, a must for the hearts of the people, this
is done to meet mother earth's heart, the help them remember her and
honor her. Bless upon rising, motion, rest, bless before dreaming
My Holiness Nihal,
camping with the tigers he does not burn.
How is the search going on the drum? Today brings you in fine spirits,
willing be to the God. Borrow a drum, if you need to, or use a couple
of sticks. . Just make sure you beat the heart beat 20 min a day. I can
feel from over here, what is inside. Please my love. Remember, you do
this for the people, and in turn fill your own heart. You know
joy. When you see conflict, send love. Do not say anything, just send
love. Remember to bless yourself, especially in large unpure crowds.
We are starting a new buddy system. And I have found a crystal lady that needs help. She, She is the dove that flies beyond the coup,
would be a good match for you. Right now, we met at psykids group and
she was needing some assistance. Like you, she is learning to become a
perfection. Would you be willing to help her? At active indigos, we
will be in instilling this program, the Buddy System. We seem to have a
lot of things going on at the same time. So we could you really use
your help. She, is not a member of active indigos. She is gathering at
psy kids. I have asked the moderator, rainbow Nancy, if she would be
willing to be a gathering site. crystal-- indigo -- time group is for
educational purposes. We are creating a model for the club evolution.
And so it is fit to be called "club evolution". I have spoken to young
people, and they have all agreed that this would be a very good name.
At active indigos, we create teams all over the world and unite people
together to solve world problems. Here we must follow the laws of God.
We must all become servants to our kinsmen. I hope you will always be
able to stay with us as we represent "heaven on earth".
So my Holiness, please let me know if this would be alright. I miss you too.
You're a devoted servant,
calf woman (twin dear mother)
elder crystal person
ps. correspondance sent so far. she needs you, not me. Just send love with intent to the space around her or wherever "she knows". This is your perfection, my beloved holiness.

2008 Mother Earth. Heavenly name readings and Tools of Light blessings
gifted from A Light From Within- Angel Services-Integrating the Great
Give-A-Way. White Buffalo Calf Woman is a servant to this religious
non-profit that serves the world. She travels with
today is the day to live on the yellow rolling hill of time.
Subject: Rage Problem/ Heightened Energy
My beloved crystal sister, this will not stop throughout your
life. I have a cat named Swimming Ice. Realizing Ice was a form of
crystal, finally. But whenever we touch, sparks. Two crystal beings
touching. It always happens
If the car goes out, if the computer won't send, if the your
friend never calls you back, you must remember, that this is the will
of God. If the Oneness of God wants it that way, then look and
question what happened.
For instance, the car stopped because the battery stopped. What
experiences were brought to you because of it. Maybe someone needed
your help. (one night I went for pizza and did not want pizza, to help
someone later i found out). Crystal people have synchronicity. We
show up right in the nick of time.
For instance, the email doesn't go through. Well, that may need
some rewriting. Or it may need to be sent later. This is a gift from
God. Accept it. Or the computer won't start or dies. This tells you,
to go rest. Listen to the signals God is reflecting back to you.
For instance, your friend never calls back. The door as the
Crystal Doorway, must wait for others to come to them. We as the
doorway, we do not necessarily go to others. When the new time comes
there shall be more and more crystal persons who know their
perfection. And more and more doorkeepers who will help us.
I'm sorry my beloved, the electrical charges will not diminish, they could even get worse. This happens alot with
Crystal people. We become the electromagnetic charge. Try using a
piece of metal or even grabbing a metal pipe, which is often grounded.
Grounding with intent to Mother Earth also will help.
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person
Zoe (crystal person),
I am going through this phase of things going out - again. Computer,
TV, gadgets even the car battery. I was told that it was because of me
and that something I had in my childhood broke and so I am expecting
everything to break. So to counter act these events it was suggested to
go back and remember the first childhood thing broken then visualize it
being repaired and working as it should. It is supposed to help.
M (member of yahoo group)
It's gotten worse, though.
Recently I've been charging
my electric stuff.... but when I touch it
it instantly shuts off or starts flickering... It got really bad when I felt a chill
and my mom's car battery shut off.... on the highway.
Anyone know how to stop that without draining me? Zoe
On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 9:21 PM, Zoe wrote:
Help me please. I don't act on my rage. No anger management either. Yet, whenever I'm around angry people, it's like all their hatred fills my body. How do I get rid of that? It's bugging me.
Also. I feel like all this really powerful energy is around me. I'm used to it... but It's getting in my way. How do I sort of calm it down so that I can't feel like I'm surrounded by lightening?
Thank you. Zoe ( a crystal person who twins the heart of others around her, and she cannot control it, but must become it completely, the physical twin)

white buffalo calf woman
to holiness camping with tigers
show details 9/16/08
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Hello My beloved,
This is what you can do. When you go into the streets, look for
the person who sells the drums, does this person know love. Then chose
this person, not the drum. This you will know innately.
Now, find your drum, they will help you, my holiness. You MUST
have this as a gift. So in order to do this, this is how you must do
it, please. I beg of you. PLEASE. Gift your money to the drum seller
(after telling the story). Ask her/him, "Would s/he please gift the
drum to you. My dear friend has asked you to gift this drum to me, her
name is Calf Woman. She is unable to come here right now. Will you
please help us?" "Would you please bless this drum for me?"
If you do this, I will be here (in the streets) with
you by your side. Our hearts will be as one. We will walk together in
the streets and God shall find the one you are seeking.
Buddy system, all you have to do is send love. You are learning
to control the ever creation of life that is within you. This fire
must be directed. The only thing really you need to learn to do, is
just practice love all the time, by sending it with
intent. This way you can control the universe around you. Let's say
that you feel a group in the street uncomfortable or even angry. All
you have to do is "send love". Your light flies (i know you do not see
it, but it does) from the hearts of them into you and you purify them.
It is as simple as that.
When a Crystal person is in this kind of atmosphere, they become
the pain and anguish literally of the other person (twinning heart).
They can become violent and raging. They cannot control their hearts
like you can, by uniting. They, impure others, must choose to go
through the door of Heaven (crystal person) and so we can do nothing
but become a release valve to the world, again almost literally. But
what is most interestingly, we will not harm anyone but ourselves.
The Gate (lavender person), you, the people have no choice going
through. You are the light that hits the ground. Where the dark meets
the light. Where the seed, reaches up to the light. You purify them
whether anyone likes it or not. Just remember if you do not bless
yourself, you will become also become the release valve for the world
too. So, you are the one that needs to be blessed constantly. We
will all help you including Zoe, our Crystal sister.
Crystal people are the twin heart. They do this to become the
lesson to their soul. If they do not like what they see, then they do
not know love. Since "Holinesses cannot stop their love" they are the
only ones who can help the crystal person, when in times of trouble.
A Crystal will just know and when, the Lavender will know how and
they will both practice love of the highest forms. As the receivers
and followers of all our relations, the Oneness of God has crowned us,
so we shall serve the children of the Rainbow Clan.
Because Crystal people twin the heart. It is always best that
they spend as little time around each other as they can. Now two
lavenders in a room is okay, but not two crystals. So in order for us
crystals to still be with each other, we must
have caretakers. These then we will twin. And we will be able to
communicate through the caretakers. God never, never has more than one
Crystal child in the same household. This is the will of god. This
does not mean we do not bump into one another. It is just they will
not stay together. Something inside knows this. And then one of them
leaves. Since I am Calf Woman elder crystal, I will be staying here at
these groups listed. This is what we must do to help the Crystal
people out. You, the Lavender, my holiness, are the King of the people
and they will follow you and they will listen to you. Even if you
raise your voice with others and even become
violent, not one person will say anything to you, except another King,
the crystal person. They will purify your soul. They will bring the
laws of god and you will deliver them to the people. In time my
beloved, in time.
My beloved you are the representation of Heaven and Earth within
you and you radiate this to the world. Trust what is across your heart.
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person
ps. I will write to Crystal sister Zoe now and let her
know. I will send a message to you when I am finished. Oh, thanks
for using Gmail, we then can chat when we are online.

white buffalo calf woman
to Crystal
show details 9/16/08
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Hello my beloved Crystal Sister Zoe, the dove that flies, (heavenly name from God)
sorry, alot of information to read. these things will help.
Working with other YahooGroup (which could not
receive me or other parents, so we created Sanctuary for Parents and
Children, Crystal_Indigo_Children) as the gathering
place. Moderator is Rainbow Person. Please send her love. I know you
probably already have. (gatherings and sanctuary places). She is
having a difficult time with an Adult Crystal Child (me), but she will come around with our love. She wants to.
Crystal_indigo_children group is about club evolution in schools
(parents and kids) information about evolutions and what the new times
ahead will bring us. (vision quest). I would like to see you join this
group. This will give you information. And if I need correcting, only
a Crystal person can do this. So we verify each other about the
truth. so if you see something that doesn't seem right, let me know.
Okay love. my crystal sister if you decide to join.
God says enlightenment comes from the gathering and the vision
quest. We shall bring it to them at Active-Indigos for the Indigos
is-the deliverer of good news. We have on going projects all over the
world. We are writing a book called Angels the golden
warrior. Another project is the Buddy System.
Below, I have found you a Buddy. Her name is Her holiness Nihal, Camping with Tigers. Crystal people need to be with
Children of God who love them. She will help you in times of need. In
the buddy system, we check up on our buddy once a week and see how
things are going to feel happiness. If you need help we call upon
I am sorry I do not have your Heavenly Name reading done yet
as does Her Holiness Nihal. By the way when you call her "her holiness
or my holiness or our holiness" this blesses her. And your blessing
is the most powerful, that of the pureness of the child within the
Crystal person. This is the law of god. I know you will be a great
buddy for her too. You have so much in common, the light that is.
I love you, the link to lead you to crystal_indigo_times is below.
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person
ps. I have sent below emails to Her Holiness Nihal asking
her if she would be your buddy. And she has agreed. I know it is alot
of information, but I wanted you to know what she does. Thank you
love. Remember you are PERFECT.
ere are the details on Crystal_Indigo_Children:
Group email address: Crystal_Indigo_Children@yahoogroups.com
to me
12:52 PM campingwithtigers: hi
that my first time to use gmail
me: hello, this is calf woman
campingwithtigers: i know
12:53 PM u are the only one here:)
me: Who is calling, I did not see this.
12:54 PM campingwithtigers: i am camping with tigers
me: Hello Love,
How did it go with the shopping, my holiness.
12:55 PM campingwithtigers: shopping for love ..:) i l will go tomorrow
me: good. laugh. what can I do for you today?
12:56 PM <3 span="span">3>
campingwithtigers: thanks dear, nothing, i am fine
i am just saying hi
12:57 PM me: I finished writing to the Crystal girl Zoe. Introduced her to you.
If you would liketo contact her anytime. This would be okay.
She doesn't come on to the site and chat. Most Crystal people do not.
12:58 PM campingwithtigers: ok
are crystal people diffrent from indigos
me: oh yes, much.
12:59 PM Cystal are body elders. Indigo are soul elders
campingwithtigers: and u said that i am crystal no indigos
1:00 PM me: In your email, I sent, your, four sacred directions
You are the lavender person
I can look it up.
1:01 PM 9. Her colors are lavender (his holiness), crystal, golden light of brotherhood, grandmother center notcompleted
1:02 PM Oh, yes you carry crystal within.
campingwithtigers: brb
me: what does this mean?
1:03 PM campingwithtigers: i am back
i was away for a moment opening the door, sory
me: okay
1:04 PM campingwithtigers: i have thoes four infleuncess
u mean
1:05 PM me: yes, but lavender is your eldest expression. like phases, month, day, hour, minute
these are your four sacred directions
campingwithtigers: what u mean by eldest
1:06 PM bigger
me: the eldest part of your soul body, the everlasting, the many lifetimes
1:07 PM we make a journey in a circle. the soul goes one way. the body goes the other. whatever slice you are, is your perfection
1:08 PM You are lavender, crystal, golden, grandmother center
1:09 PM campingwithtigers: that is complicated
1:10 PM me:
yes, but simple too. we must all accept what god gives us as divine.
each lesson you achieve with love, you move on the evolution wheel
campingwithtigers: ok
1:11 PM me:
you know my beloved holiness, within you I see Heaven and Earth. You
project this within and without. You must be radiant indeed.
1:12 PM campingwithtigers: :)
me: You are here to lead our family of Oneness with the heart. You are a woman. A woman leads with the heart.
campingwithtigers: i have many things that u said, its not easy for people to disobye me
me: In the new time, we will need models for our children.
1:13 PM I know, you are her holiness.
campingwithtigers: so i tend not to give orders and make friends only with strong and indepandant personalities
me: There isn't anyplace for these children right now.
1:14 PM you
must followyour heart. you must be you. God has sent powerful women to
lead. You shall lead with me. Do not doubt who you are.
1:15 PM With Sister Crystal Zoe and I, we will set you on the right course
campingwithtigers: what course
1:16 PM u were expecting a man, have u been sort of looking for me
me: You give orders to everyone. Not to the few. Do what is right. Why do you think god gave you a voice.
1:17 PM You found me, I found you, and now we are together.
You must run to conflict.
1:18 PM You have the power to unite hearts.
Whereever you are, whomever you are with.
campingwithtigers: :)
1:19 PM me: send me love right now.
you are angry
okay that is better
good job
1:20 PM now keep it up, use your love and bless yourself, now
campingwithtigers: ok
1:21 PM me: I love you, it is only another king who can remind you of the gifts god has given you
1:22 PM We the crowned ones give our lives for the people.
This god knows very well. we must receive for them. we should set the right course for them.
campingwithtigers: u knew that i was upset and angy
me: I feel it, you send love to it.
1:23 PM this is how the crystal and lavender work together
campingwithtigers: ok, so u feel things and i send love and blessings
1:24 PM me: for the people of god, all their multicolored Rainbow Clan
campingwithtigers: and we recevie from god inorder to send to others
me: and yes, this is our duty. this is our perfection, this is written across our hearts
campingwithtigers: who are the rainbow clan
1:25 PM me: We the people, we call our selves , humanity.
We all have sacred four directions, every being every animal, every plant, every rock
1:26 PM Every spirit seen and unseen have four sacred directions. This is how dna is formed.
campingwithtigers: ok,
1:27 PM i need slowly to understand my four directions
me: yes
i have not sent this intepretation to you yet
1:28 PM many are seeking us, my email is so full, it will not stop
1:29 PM campingwithtigers: ok
me: After the book from active indigos is out Angel: the golden warrior, their will be so many. They will begin to flock to us.
campingwithtigers: that is great
1:30 PM ok
me: It has already begun. This year brings us great change.
1:31 PM campingwithtigers: ok, so we have met and u can know poeple and waht they need and i can bless them
me: yes
But much more than that
campingwithtigers: i would love to do that
1:32 PM me: Yes this is your destiny
campingwithtigers: i started to bless people an pray all the time
me: you are the crowned one of god
1:33 PM good,
now walk in it, become the prayer, you are the holiness that unites the
heart. This is Great Power. Love <3 span="span">3>
1:34 PM campingwithtigers: what u mean by unite hearts
me: When open your eyes in the am, bless. When you sleep, bless your dreams.
campingwithtigers: ok
me: Your light travels and weaves space together literally
1:35 PM campingwithtigers: wow
me: you travel from your heart to their heart and back to you, the by product, red light.
1:36 PM this red light is love, a fire that purifies their impureness
campingwithtigers: what about the fire that purfiies
me: but what is left within you,can be unpure, so it is imperitive that you bless your self. and I will bless you often.
1:38 PM A fire creates all the colors. At the base, blue, yellow, and red
and then there is darkness
1:39 PM campingwithtigers: i can see poeple darkest secrets , they trust me and tell me
cos i have this vibe of a protector
you carry a shield of light around you, this is a gift from god. Many
cannot see beyond this shield. Only the vision of a crystal person can
see in the darkness
This is the crystal part of you.
1:40 PM that gives righteousness.
Her holiness must learn this.
The golden light attracts.
1:42 PM You
draw them in. give them strength and then purify them . outward in
towards you. what is left is their impurities. this is why you must
bless. otherwise you will be this impurity itself.
1:43 PM We will do it together.
1:44 PM campingwithtigers: iuse lots of inscents
and i drink water, sit in the sun, and do to the sea
me: good. this sounds wonderful can i come
campingwithtigers: i am aware that i retain things from others
i want to learn to less my self
1:45 PM sure
bless myself
me: bless yourself constantly and play the drum
campingwithtigers: ok
1:46 PM me: when you get the drum you will understand.
campingwithtigers: ok,
me: are there any drum circles
campingwithtigers: no,,but i can look for one, or may orgnize one
1:47 PM me: hey thats an idea
campingwithtigers: i know a place where i can orgnize on
but u guide me
1:48 PM me: okay whatever i can do. search out people and the building, feel it if okay
you will know. learn to trust yourself.
1:49 PM campingwithtigers: ok, i got to go now
me: and the most important, bless, bless bless the space before drumming.
1:50 PM campingwithtigers: ok, i will
but i cannot guide you with the drum. I can only tell you when you need
to drum. You must trust yourself. Your heart knows the heart of the
You are one with mother earth. she has chosen you.
campingwithtigers: ok
1:51 PM me: In the third phase of evolution, the woman leads with the heart.\
campingwithtigers: mother earth will guide me with the drum
me: yes she wil. the more you practice the better you will get.
Do not let any one tell you how to drum.
1:52 PM campingwithtigers: sure
me: They can teach you a lesson or skill, but not how to play.
you must always lead, if the people come first. this is the will of god.
1:53 PM They must drum around your drumming .
others must sing around your drumming
others must play music for your drumming
this is the law of god.
1:54 PM your heart know the heart of the people.
this they do not know yet. but I will teach them.
I will be the sword of rigtheousness that severs ignorance.
1:55 PM they shall bow down to her holiness. they shall know god has sent their king to them.
this is a great responsibiliy. but we are up for the challenge, because it is written accross our hearts.
1:57 PM we
love God's children. we just love them, and what ever they give to us,
as treasures, they give to all their brothers and sisters in the halls
of God's kingdom.
we share with the world.
excuse me, be right back.
1:59 PM okay i am here, your turn
2:00 PM campingwithtigers: i am thinking that i will rule with mercy and fairness and respect
me: of course you will, my beloved. is there no other way.
2:01 PM campingwithtigers: with constant bless and protection
me: yes,
earlier this year i was thinking that what i have to offer people and
its vlauable beyound thier compreshension but i will still offer it
2:02 PM me:
this means you must find your voice. the people will not rise against
you. you have the power of love. their hate is diminished in your sight.
campingwithtigers: the mother, or grand mother who can give, mercy protection and god bless and respect to all his creation
me: you see you are already getting prepared.
2:03 PM campingwithtigers: they cant resist what i offer cos its what exactly they need
me: yes the woman shall lead with her heart.
this is the third (golden) yellow rolling hill of evolution
campingwithtigers: and i have experience that i can give it non discrimantory
2:04 PM me: yes, because you are her holiness. this the people feel but do not understand and are afraid of.
campingwithtigers: i was practicing giving exaclty the same to people who are viewed as undeserving , i was purfying my heart towarsds them
me: yet they cannot even rise up their voice in opposition
2:05 PM campingwithtigers: i used to be amused and embrace thier fears
with mercy
me: i know what your heart speaks. i know my beloved. God has allowed me to have a glimpse of your soul. and i love you.
2:06 PM you must rise above this, and have true compassion
campingwithtigers: :)
me: Your muse shall be the indigo, the arrow of god.
2:07 PM campingwithtigers: who is that
me: they shall sit at your court and be your messenger.
the entrusted indigo people.
campingwithtigers: ah
2:08 PM me: they shall pierce their hearts, and make them reflect inside, with conflict and storytelling
the indigo
2:09 PM this is the great warrior from mother and the great teacher
2:11 PM campingwithtigers:
so everything is fine, and i am tapping into my powers slowly as i
aquire the wisdom need, cos i suffred lot of feeling powerless
me: So now you understand the people. Why do you think you suffer. You suffer for the people.
2:12 PM the people feel powerless
this must change within
we can return brotherhood to their hearts
2:14 PM campingwithtigers: yes, ok, i will do my best and it will feel just right
2:15 PM yes, all my suffering was to give my higher level of understanding and comapssion
me: yes for the people, we must forgive those who commited crimes against us. there is no other way for evolution.
campingwithtigers: i mean old suffering, i am really doing way better now
me: glad to hear it.
2:16 PM campingwithtigers: yes,
me: his holiness david sends his love to you. and Sammi swimming ice (cat) too.
2:17 PM campingwithtigers: i understand that a crime is not in more higher spriritual understand, i have no space of judgment in my heart
thank u
2:18 PM me: i am not clear what you said, please help me understand.
campingwithtigers: i mean have no hatered for criminals,
2:19 PM me: well love the being, hate the crime
campingwithtigers: yes,
me: when there is a crime committed you must speak up and be a warrior
2:20 PM campingwithtigers: غثس
me: yes the will of god is justice.
campingwithtigers: yes
2:21 PM me: those who commit crimes do so because they have not forgiven.
2:22 PM in
china, in prison, they have to write what happened, the story ,and then
they are to write the story until they forgive the one who commited the
crime. in recent times past. not sure of today .. sometimes this can
take years as they meet regularly
2:23 PM with the wardon
we will commit the crime if we do not forgive.
2:24 PM this
is why many cannot hear what is being said. they are stuck, in
non-forgiveness. this the spirits call chained to the rail.
2:25 PM campingwithtigers: ok, think that i should go now
me: okay love, i am tired too. send love, okay.
2:28 PM you are not being very nice. looks like we struck a nerve. my holiness has lost her mind, did she.
2:32 PM now i will say good bye, when you come back you will have to apoligize my beloved. start apologizing to yourself first
when you bless yourself, you will bless me. use love only
2:35 PM his holiness david is sending you love.
to me
These messages were sent while you were offline.
2:36 PM campingwithtigers: why u said that i am not being very nice, what did i do
this is Holiness, like His Holiness Arvol Looking Horse Sits on
Mountain Top, the Lavender Persons. they loose their heads, because
they literally become the impure around as they collect the unpure of
others. Then need only hit the drum to return to purification.)
Date: Saturday, September 13, 2008, 2:48 PM
Hello Ann, my beloved Aqua person,
It helps me if you sign your messages. good thing i already have
you on the Heavenly name list. And thank you for addressing me with
my almost full name. the most important word is calf, this signifies a
child. I know it is alot to write. Calf woman will do just fine, if
you want to keep it short.
Space is folding all around us. This means that we are acquiring
some new skills. We see glimpses of the darkness because light and
dark are beginning to share space together, a folding. To be prepared,
bless and welcome and invite everyone home with a blessing, even beings you do not understand.
One lady on the site gave some good advice. She had many years experience with
beings from the other side. What she is not aware of yet, is that if
we "send being away, as to be gone" where will they go, the impure
darkness? to someone elses holy temple and back into the great
magnetic rivers to be polluted. we are moving from the second rolling
hill to the third rolling hill in time, our evolution. In the second
hill, we are the renegades standing on top of the hill. Now as we are
begin the third golden hill, we stand at the bottom of the hill and
call brotherhood. Since the laws are changing, so must we.
Invite all beings home to God. Ask angels, god and anything else
you need (like ritual tools-incense, rocks), but the only thing you
really need is love. Love them by inviting them home, tell them you
are going to bless them. And then" bless them". They are purified
as pure darkness to return to the numinous flow once again.
your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother )
elder crystal person
white buffalo calf woman
to active-indigos, crystal_indigo_children
Hi Ann,
The keeper of the world, native american. By the way, your daughter was added to the Heavens Name List.
did I tell you? Dreams are the soul flight, my love. You enter
the space of darkness. The crystal child says the dragons hold their
breath for about/or 75 days. In this dark place, called the black
hole, you enter twice. You weave in and out of space within. Thereby
joining us together as the Snake, joining the points of light together with the law of love.
Your Heavenly Name reading with colors of light will explain much to this behavior. With so much Grandmother space inside, we must share with the entire Rainbow clan, good, bad and ugly. Bless, Bless, Bless.
your servant,
9/13/08white buffalo calf woman, I wanted to tell you I am some cherokee
Indian I found it on the dawes rolls my ancestor was mollie lowe. so
maybe thats why I have phophetic dreams.
White buffalo calf woman, I also have seen green auras
illiminating around some people in a phophetic dream I did not
understand about colors of auras untill you told me here in this site.
Ann in Illinois
(green grass is the waving souls of oneness embraced together as one, this is the purpose of the green persons)
the dark (reflection). When in these
transitional periods you must shift from action to reflection. When in
reflection, you must learn to utilize the dark numinous flow to become
the creator. So set your heart to devotion and create something. And
have fun. Enjoy your interpretation from your elder crystal white
buffalo calf woman aka twin deer mother. Love to you all.
Center layer and center of space is Darkness Grandmother space. As humans we all share this aspect. This is the center we share inside in our dreams; awake or asleep.
We all dream inside of Heavenly
Grandmother space awake or not. She has descended to the Earth to help
her Grandchildren, the spirit soul elders. The color is actually dark
and light, dark, light, dark, light, infinitely. The colors fold over
each other and it is gray colored. It appears as if it is darkness, our
dreams. So this is why it is possible to see all colors and all images
of any kind, because all things live inside this space. And Grandmother
embraces us as we fly inside her. Native Americans sometimes call this
space Grandmother Spider as she weaves our web of destiny. This is what
the dream catchers are for. Now which door was it? "It's hard to
remember as I feel my way in the dark," as a Soul Elder would say, as
they are the Earths children. The body elders have it easier, but must
seek in the darkness within as the light is upon them. Body elders are
Heavens children.
dream when sleeping and dream while awake. Aim to a higher morality for
Grandmother's sake. She must endure all our sufferings. When you are
moral, you are happy. Forgiveness is the path home.
the wishing well that comes true
(the Massive Sun looking out towards the Heavens)
interpretation included below
round curve red from below emanating above into the darkness.
It was like a sun from below, bellowing into darkness. Red, it
the law of love. The Native says follow the Red Road, the law
of love. Most Native forget this. You will help them remember,
I know. The perspective was, you were the Massive Sun looking
out towards the Heavens. The law of love inside the house of
God, finds the creation of all life begins within.
Heavens name for you...
the wishing well that comes true, (the Massive Sun looking out
towards the Heavens) Wow what a name!
she will be coming around the mountain when she comes, she will be
coming around the mountain when she comes, oh she'll be coming around
that mountain. she'll be coming around that mountain until the
white horses come home. (pulling the horseless carriage)
The horse is the journey of the Spirit soul. White is purity.
wishing-wish [ wish]: verb (past and past participle wished,
present participle wishing, 3rd person present singular wishes),
transitive verb have strong desire: to have a strong
feeling of wanting something to happen or wanting to have something ,
transitive verb want something: to want something or want
to do something , transitive and intransitive verb express
desire: to express or feel a desire that something is true or
will come to pass , transitive verb regret something: used
for expressing regret about something , transitive verb greet
somebody: to greet somebody in a particular way , a desire: a
desire to do or have something , something wished: something
that is desired , hope: a hope for somebody's welfare or health
( usually plural ),polite request: a polite request ( formal ) (
often plural ), [ Old English wȳscan< Indo-European, "to
desire"] wish·er noun,
Word Key: Synonyms See want.
well-the ever flowing of Great Spirit Mother, the one who never
turns her back to you, the well of life that bursts cleansing and
thirst quenching. source of something: a source providing a
freely and abundantly available supply of something, hole made to
draw up fluids: a hole or shaft that is dug or drilled into the
ground in order to obtain water, brine, petroleum, or natural gas,
container for liquid: a container or sunken area for holding ink
or another liquid, vertical passage in building: a vertical
space within or enclosed by a building, often used as a passageway
for stairs or elevators or for air and light.
that-That: Indicated, mentioned, or understood from the situation.
The time, action, or event specified. The one, the thing, the kind
something anything. The one further away or less immediately under
observation or discussion. Resonance. From one dense area though
space (little density) to another dense area. For example your voice
in a canyon, when you send a voice from one dense object (body) to
another dense object (the canyon wall). What lies inbetween is the
resonance .
Comes- is one who steps into unity. Opens the door and joins the
others in sharing of the heart or of the time travelers journey.
true-look deeper in our hearts and souls. The reflection of the
Oneness. Each has a different perspective and reflection of God.
Together all of our reflections create the Oneness of God, all our
Horse-journey of the soul's flight. Horse, White Horse That
the white horse is the understanding of the Word as to its interiors;
(the light within), or what is the same, is evident from the
signification of a horse, as being the intellectual faculty (soul).
In the prophetic parts of the Word a horse (indigo, the perfect soul
body) and a rider (crystal, the perfect physical body) are often
named; a horse (indigo-heart, the perfect soul body) signifies the
faculty of understanding, and a rider (crystal-law of action, the
perfect physical body) one who is intelligent--as in the prophecy of
Jacob, then Israel, respecting Dan:--Dan shall be a serpent (law of
love) upon the way, an arrow (indigo archer, indigo heart, the
cherub)-snake (law of love, red road) upon the path (journey of
life), biting (lessons) the horse's (soul) heels (movement), and his
rider (the perfect body) shall fall backward (rely on God, others in
the circle of life). I wait for Thy salvation, O Jehovah (the oneness
of god)(Gen. 49:17, 18). That a serpent (the law of love) is one who
reasons concerning Divine arcana from the senses (perfect body) and
from memory-knowledges (perfect soul), may be seen above; also that a
way and a path" (the journey of life) are truth (the joining of
the sage and golden warrior); and that the heel (motion) is the
lowest (center of space) of the natural; a horse (soul) is the
understanding of the Word; and a rider (body) he that teaches. Hence
it is manifest what these prophetic words signify, namely, that one
who reasons concerning the truths of faith from the senses (body) and
from memory-knowledges (soul), sticks fast (faithfulness) in the
lowest things (motion) of nature only, and thus believes nothing (to
be free to receive love), which is to fall backward (faith);
wherefore it is added, I wait for Thy salvation, O Jehovah. In
David:--Sing unto God, sing praises to His name, extol Him that
rideth upon the clouds (dragons often signifying the Aqua person, who
represents the union of the perfect body, where the veil of not
knowing is lifted.-the body of colors and the tools of light are used
to become perfection), by His name Jah (Great Spirit Father)(Ps.
68:4); to ride upon the clouds denotes the understanding of the Word
as to its interiors (within), or in its internal sense (a joyous
light from within). A cloud (water bearer that cleanses and purifies)
is the Word in the letter (colors, tools of light and law of
morality), in which is the internal sense (within). In the
same:--Jehovah bowed (half circle, a rainbow clan) the heavens, and
came down (descended with love), and thick darkness (dreaming awake
or asleep) was under His feet (action, motion); and He rode upon a
cherub (Indigo heart) (Ps. 18:9, 10); thick darkness (darkness inside
the clan both pure and impure dreamspace, strength lightening heart)
here denotes clouds (dragon-tools of light); to ride (perfect crystal
body) upon a cherub (perfect indigo soul) represents the Lord's
providence lest man should of himself enter into the mysteries of
faith (vision quest) which are in the Word (law of god).
white-purity, humility, oneness on a mission, earth, male (luminous) who has been tended by woman (numinous)
tag line-horses represent the soul journey as we descend towards
mothers heart. This is often represented by the horseless carriage.
As we descend our lessons are learned, wisdom increases with age of
the Father Heaven Soul Body. Our lessons (karma) are learned in
Mother Earth Physical Body and we ascend toward the Heavens.
b. aqua,indigo, yellow, grandmother
center, notcompleted
My beloved Golden Wishing Well,
You have constantly wasted my time
(irrational), because you cannot understand your own perfection. I
live very close to you, yet you are unable to schedule an
appointment with me after many communications. Maybe you do not
schedule enough time for yourself, but the rest of us have lives
We all have a purpose in this world.
Yours is to be irrational. But instead of doing so lovingly and
forgiving others, you force others to enter your irrationalism and
impurities (the not forgiving part and unpurities you pick up near
others). You understand how important it is to bless, bless,
bless-every hour of every day, and before you sleep and upon
awaking-this will keep you purified from impurities of others, but
not your own. Only forgiveness with true compassion will learn the
lesson. Irrationalism is the perfection of the Aqua. This is the
great gift giver. The giver always does more than expected. So
Great accomplishments are done for love. This is the true
manifestation. The true manifestation of the wishing well that
comes true.
You often know what the group needs to
know and gift this information to us. Yours gives us life, whether
its a loving gesture or the right information to realization. We
follow you, because you know where the Great Stream flows within,
One under the blue sky. You teach us that we each have this
perfection of the Crystalline body and soul. In our vehicles of
life (crystalline body – crystal law of action and crystalline
soul – indigo heart), we all share the sage that joins us together
in our dreams, and we learn to fly. This realization is in your
visions, in your dreams and in your actions..
Leader of men, my Aqua, you also teach
about the Crystal Doorway, as you are the doorkeeper from Earth, and
the door swings both ways. When God has a lesson for you or anyone,
the Crystal person will show you, by becoming the lesson-the twin
heart (this is the colors perception). Those who forgive and come
back to the door (crystal person), then face the door (mirror) of
the soul again. Do I love myself. Can I be happy and receive love.
Can I know that I am perfect. That I am Greatness. That I am
cradled by the everflowing Oneness of God. The perfection of who I
am stands, the Aqua Person, One under the Blue Sky, the wishing
well that comes true, (the Massive Sun looking out towards the
Heavens-the gifter of life.) Welcome to the Great Give-A-Way, it
starts in your heart, give away your forgiveness and be free to know
your perfection within. When you learn more about yourself you will
feel safer flying within the joyous well of life.
To help you forgive me, the Crystal
Doorway, think of me as a five year old, who doesn't know how to say
it right at the right time. It seems inappropriate, because only
love will forgive the child.
Your devoted servant,
calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person
Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!
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