Gatherings Around the World, Pow Wow (Where)
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Sacred Hoops in our Communities
Subject: Weekly Live Chat/Telephone Conference with Elders/ White Buffalo Calf Woman Home: Great Spirits Ordained Name: Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Global Prayer (Saturday All Day, Global Unity Gathering) Subscribe to weekly Global Prayer Spirit Flight (Saturday 6pm pst link above for current) Center Reflection (Guests 24 hour-in construction) Outer Hoop (Information, Gathering and Access March 2009) Third Hoop (Blog networking and comments, April 2009) Second Hoop (Rainbow Warriors in Training, October 2008) Inner Hoop (Elders Educate Oneness Great Give-A-Way, Year 2004) Heavenly name and four sacred directions in Rainbow Colors each of us have within our perfection. It is written in your book of life, what your name or mission is and your tools of light that will achieve your mission. All can read the reflection, but Only the Crystal person, can read the absolute truth with eyes closed (numinous) and Only an Indigo person can see with eyes open (luminous) absolute truth. Through the doorway "Crystal Person" into the World of Awakening. Aho, may your spirit fly. And Welcome Home... Crystal_Indigo_Children, Active-Indigos, Outer Hoop, New members, existing members and just because, who all have questions and would like to talk with Elders live. Front Door Friday and Saturdays each week To Elders! "At multi-media distribution points, we will be inviting featured guests, you. "
Gather Live: Telephone Conference and Live Google Chat both held together
Rainbow Colors of the Beloved Clan of Oneness, called God
4pm pst 7pm est Friday and Saturday google chat (in the clouds) dial-in number: 1-641-715-3715 Your unique PIN: #062013 (six months after the breath of the new time begins, when sky turns Red) "the law is coming, the law of love. follow the red road (flesh) follow the yellow middle way (soul) Chat at google in the clouds, must be prepared and connected inside the week, before you can enter by chat. We will share by telephone conferencing and google chat : whitebuffalocalfwoman, runningeagleshootingstar, lispingwiseone (for new incoming members). Google allows you to set up all your chat services and connect via the email portal. We the Elders only chat in the clouds, and all you need is a Google Email account to access chat and a google chat request or email will get you added to the contact list. Be sure to accept computer generated invitations to attend! Holiness David, Lisping Wise One and White Buffalo Calf Woman along with other Elders who are available will join us. We go over skills of purification, gathering and evolutionary soul's journey. We will welcome in new members and learn about their contributing perfection that they bring to the Family of Oneness. Aho, may your spirit fly... Your devoted servants, Holiness David, Lisping Wise One, White Buffalo Calf Woman elder lavender person, elder blue person, elder crystal person Peaceful Wisdom Prayer Flight 6pm pst 9pm est Saturday (04062009 six flights currently) dial-in number: 1-641-715-3715 Your unique PIN: #062013 "Sacred Spirit Medicine Journey" (requests to visit and purify the related upon Earth and Heaven through Safe Escorted Soul Flight.) Thank you for choosing to being part of the purification team and walking with elders, the souls of flight, please join us by dialing in.
Live Radio Announcement. (In Construction)
Listener Dial In Number: 347-826-7517 Sat. Global Prayer and Soul Flight Information 7pm MST Sacred Preparation before Prayer Flight(plan) Recorded Medicine Journey (construction)
Event posted afterwards about the flight! (in construction, cic members will receive data)
Attendees email comments to share to Holiness Running Eagle (holiness david) offers you blessings Send all interpretation questions of any Image Send your stories of life as we travel together sharing sacred spirit medicine requests, purification and healing To join in weekly prayer with Elders Share your heart and submit your prayer! Unsubscribe email subject: unsubscribe Gifted by EldersHighly Recommend this Prayer to all your relations! Sat. Global Prayer and Soul Flight Information 7pm MST To join in weekly prayer with Share your heart and submit your prayer! Unsubscribe email subject: unsubscribe ![]()
Welcome home Spirit of the Lake, my kinsmen the Blue Oceans of you and me! |
Around the world we gather! Those who follow the laws of heaven and earth find their way on the Red Road, the law of love. We will help you start a gathering in your local area for all your related. Packages of information will be sent out to you on request. Please navigate to the Contact Page. WE will help you place a "Keeper", native or indigenous person in your area. Now this is going to be work, but it's worth it to unite our Rainbow Family again.
Elders are those who take their place, especially during these very confused times, we join in friendship and place our hands in yours. We dance for Mother's Heart beat. Her joy is to know that all her children have united in their hearts. Join us as we return the Pow Wow back to the Elders of the World!
1. Charlottsville,Virginia, USA
2. Crystal_Indigo_Children
3. Spring Equinox 03.20.2009-2013
4. Harrods Creek, Kentucky
5. Jonestown, Pennsylvania
6. Linden, TN, USA
7. Mexico City
8. Mtn. View/Palo Alto, California, USA
1. Charlottsville,Virginia, USA
posted Mar 20, 2009 12:15 AM by WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother [ updated Mar 20, 2009 4:16 AM ]These waters represent some of the most pristine examples of tidal freshwater systems remaining in the Chesapeake Bay region and the entire East Coast. Bald eagles, waterfowl, and bottomland hardwoods thrive in the region's high-quality marshes. The Rappahannock, Mattaponi, and Pamunkey rivers, Cat Point Creek, and Dragon Run wind through the farms, forests, and historical sites of central and eastern Virginia. These waters represent some of the most pristine examples of tidal freshwater systems remaining in the Chesapeake Bay region and the entire East Coast. Bald eagles, waterfowl, and bottomland hardwoods thrive in the region’s high-quality marshes.
Leadership and Partnership
posted Mar 13, 2009 1:52 PM by WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother [ updated Mar 13, 2009 8:48 PM ]Crystal Indigo Children Blog
Crystal Indigo Children Gathering
Google Chat
Some of you may want to chat with the Group Members at Crystal Indigo Children! We have created a guest Gmail account in order for you to write directly to members available through the RSS feeds above. Rainbow Warriors in training who will help you as much as possible through outreach integration programs. name: wbcwguest password: followtheredroad All email addresses are available with each message. You do not have access to membership, until you come and knock at the "Door" We, a few Elders, will Conference Call New Members or Live Chat once a week for those seeking purification and warrior training. Those who are actively participating in Gathering and Integration, practicing story telling and being part of the Great Give-A-Way become Elders. Elders receive Weekly chat with WBCW to learn about their own perfection, until they understand their Perfection. When walking with White Buffalo Calf Woman, you are then invited to move into the inner circle, by participating in membership at Active-Indigos, Heaven's Perfect Integrated Soul. For those who do not enter these inner two circles, we offer two outer hoops that will help you know more about the Perfection and choose Forgiveness. We will support your local gathering, suffering and give to you remedies to know our kinmen as all the related. Lastly, you can follow Elder Blogs with RSS Feed Options or Upload files from this website. WE hope to provide you with the tools to create true heart connections from your kinsmen who follow the Red Road, the law of love! May your spirit fly "aho". | Crystal Indigo Children Messages~Sanctuary for our children is not easy to come by these days. This is why we are entering the next phase of evolution, called the "Dawning", the yellow rolling hill in time. ~Sharing stories is the only way to learn in the new time! ~Each child's (adult children too) position is developed through the natural process of unfolding through growth and development. ~We walk beside each other, not on top or below, but next to the other. Emotional development comes from trust, the law of heavenly love.~Relationships with our kinsmen will offer a village to raise our children. Throw the ball with them. ~Elders need start the process of sharing and contributing to the whole. They then become the mentor that is needed for our children. ~Only warriors who practice the Red Road, do what they say. Our children learn about their soul body and incorporate it with the physical body. This is done only through purification. Have you done the fire ceremony recently? If not this is the path that starts the vision quest... ~Teach your child to respect all our relations, from the heavens to the earth. aho "spirit fly" Crystals arrange together along a path, just as we do! Follow the Red Road, the law of love. We are looking forward to working with you! |
Sing a song, and get along, to have joy in life, full of tears, because you know, the sacred flow is all we have to get us home! Dance all day, and learn to play, with all you do and think and say, because we need love to please, to open hearts and doors to be! Welcome all your relatives, into the heart of all your sin and say, "I love you this very day" and "I won't let you get away!". I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be prepared to say, "Come pray with me, learn joy to speak, and song and dance will keep us in relief". Whisper song and let a breeze come home to know your knees, where prayer is your living sacred breeze!
3. Spring Equinox 03.20.2009-2013
posted Mar 13, 2009 1:50 PM by WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother [ updated Mar 19, 2009 7:44 PM ]Ceremony of 8,000 Sacred Drums Spring Equinox 03.20.2009-2013
According to a Sacred Prophecy revealed at the Otomi Ceremonial Center by the Otomi Elder Sages as a Vision of our Venerable Ancestors, the day when the sounds of 8,000 Sacred Drums join together will be the beginning of the healing of Mother Earth, of all the species and the human family in order to be able to live together on the road to Sacred Peace.
It is time to unify ourselves and rediscover all the seeds of the Four Directions in order to reactivate our energy, heal historical wounds and heal Mother Earth by respecting life, liberty and the dignity of our Peoples. The first great ceremony was held March 21, 2004 in Temoaya, Mexico and there will be drum circles joined around the world on the Spring Equinox continuing every year until 2012.
Sacred Principles
· Sealing and healing the wounds of Mother Earth is urgent.
· Planting and strengthening consciousness of love and respect for our Mother Earth is everyone's work.
· The Indigenous ancestral recommendation to create and practice the Grand Culture of Peace and Life is fundamental.
· Recognition of the use of the energy and healing properties of our sacred instruments is a principle goal
The purpose of this event is to celebrate not only Native American Heritage but to bring people together in a positive manner. We want to give our people a reason to be proud of who they are every day. We also want to educate the community, the public, the state and our own about American Indian culture, traditions, history and issues.
We are seeking organizations of all types, tribal entities, tribal nations, and businesses to sponsor this event on March 20th. By doing so, you will be supporting an effort to keep our people strong. Donations, Volunteers, and Sponsorships are greatly needed and all are appreciated.
Please let us know if you can hold and partake in the Ceremony of 8,000 Sacred Drums in your local community! All the hearts of the world is needed to bring peace to Mother Earth! Contact
Wado (Thank You) for your time in reading this. R. Leon Rain Cloud, Two Feathers Warrior
All My Relations if you can not attend our event, you may joins us anyway by having your own drumming!
4. Harrods Creek, Kentucky
posted Mar 19, 2009 10:25 PM by WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother [ updated Mar 19, 2009 10:40 PM ]Preparation for open spaces are being sought for community gatherings and structures. Needed for realization for homeless and vision seekers, only come with the heart of the people.
Join these fine pillar of the community Women who offer a Sanctuary for the Children and our families. Integrated with four directions of our kinsmen, where the laws of the Red Road are followed.
"Keepers" from this area will be our Cheyenne brothers and sisters.
Harrods Creek Bridge, Harrods Creek, Kentucky ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
5. Jonestown Pennsylvania
posted Mar 19, 2009 10:17 PM by WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother [ updated Mar 19, 2009 10:24 PM ]6. Linden, TN, USA
posted Mar 13, 2009 1:48 PM by WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother [ updated Mar 19, 2009 11:33 PM ]Linden, TN, USA 03.20.2009 Spring Equinox
Red Hearts Gathering Presents
The Ceremony of 8,000 Sacred Drums
March 20, 2009
Pineview Powwow Grounds
1254 Toms Creek Road
Linden, TN 37096
We will be holding the Drumming on Friday March 20th 2009, at The Pineview Powwow Grounds in Perry County, Tennessee,
This will be a 2 day event with the 8,000 Sacred Drums Ceremony Starting a little before Noon on Friday till ??,
artist unknown upon this hand drum
We will have a Dance Circle for those who would like to dance,
A Pot Luck Feed will be held afterwards (Bring a Covered Dish)
Hopefully the Weather will be good,
Primitive Camping sites will be available for those who would like to come for the weekend,
We will continue with a Friendship Fire on Friday night and Breakfast on Saturday.
(Who knows what else, Trade Blanket, Sweat, ??)
If you are Interested in attending Please contact me and give me your thoughts and Ideas.
Contact me at;,,
Phone 1-931-593-2986 or Toll Free 1-877-458-2528
Wado (Thank You) for your time in reading this. R. Leon Rain Cloud, Two Feathers Warrior
All My Relations if you can not attend our event, you may joins us anyway by having your own drumming!
7. MexicoCity
posted Mar 13, 2009 1:45 PM by WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother [ updated Mar 19, 2009 11:21 PM ]Just passing this one along . . . Peace to your Song
It will take place on March 20, 2009 at 12:00 noon MEXICO CITY TIME!! 8,000 DRUMS on Friday March 21th 2008 at noon / Mexico City time. All my related, I was contacted by my friend Gilles Novaks who is a Montagnais Indian from Montreal. He is a Medicine Man and a Healer. He asked me to get as many Tribal people to participate in a worldwide ceremony called
the "8,000 Drums". He was contacted by two Huron Clan Grandmothers from Canada and they asked him to help spread the word to all Indians everywhere.
All you need to do is play a drum either alone, or with a group or have a whole Group participate. The purpose is to fulfill the OTOMI PROPHECY. The Otomi's are Mayan, Olmec, and Toltec descendants.
The drums will be played so that the Creator will hear us and grant our wishes as we pray for help in the Healing Process of our Mother Earth . . . People are destroying Her and our Mother Earth needs our prayers. Thank you.
Ewo-wox-co-dah-wa. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
8.Mtn. View/Palo Alto, California, USA
posted Mar 13, 2009 2:01 PM by WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother [ updated Mar 13, 2009 2:03 PM ]Weekly Saturday gathering with Holiness David and White Buffalo Calf Woman.
Subject: Gathering in Mtn. View
Telephone mobile: 650-669-0412
WE meet during the day at the Mitchell Rotunda or Circle of Trees.
WE meet during the evening at various locations.
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