Gifted to the heart of the people, the Rainbow Clan!
This is a spiritual non-profit organization,
who's sole purpose is to gather and move as many
of our relations onto the Red Road...the law of love!
gift everything on this site and are reverent in the sacred path, for
we are all related. Elders will help you to purify your home and
community. A Soul lives in each of us, we try to help you find your
way on your Vision Quest. We promote your local gathering and give you
tools to succeed. We are very interested in your voice. If you feel
there is a question or statement that you do not find truthful, please
allow us to know. We walk with Oneness, and this includes your
vision. We the Elders, Prophecy of Rainbow Warriors, who serve You,
the Rainbow Clan.
belonging to all the related!
Let us know about your Gatherings around the world and we can post them for you here!
The Four Sacred Directions! Black Man-Mother Nation White Man-Father Nation Yellow Man-Child Nation Red Man-Twin Child Nation
WE are all related!
Ordained from Mother Earth Native American, Spirit of the Lake People affectionately called Sioux, the Snake People by the French Peoples. Will lead the heart of the world. Native American, Pueblo
Nation, Taos, New Mexico, Blue Lake People affectionately called upon
from the Great Spirits to lead the physical world into the Dawning.
All other indigenous people are ordained to be the "keeper".
Ordained from Father Heaven Twelve
Sons of Israel through the Fathers Spiritual Light, for they help us
know the Greatest tool in the world, our voice. And have been
entrusted with the care of the Great Books from Heaven, the written
laws. For the lion's whelp has come home, House of the beloved arise, the Star of David has returned.
Sharing Stories! Interactive
Who and Where! Information
are for all our related and come from communion with Mother Earth and
our Fellow Travelers. We believe that the Elders way has been
discarded and we are here to return the Pow Wow back to the Elders of
the world. If your venue is free to all the related, we want to hear
from you!
Aho 'spirit fly'

Welcome Home Rainbow Clan!
Warriors who walk homeward on the Red Road,
the law of love!
White Buffalo Calf Woman
"Pte San Win"
sends Peace to your heart!
White Buffalo Calf Woman is asking for assistance to find the artist for Permission to use. Email Elder! Contact Here we can see the vision of the people! This artist is unknown but the fairest of all renderings of White Buffalo Calf Woman, thank you Rainbow Cosmic Kinsmen for your vision for the People.
White Buffalo Calf Woman's Blog Page
explanations to folding space and spiritual evolution
November 2008
homepage interactive
February 2009
homepage information
March 2009
homepage networking
2009 Constructed Yet No Map to Network networking and communication coming soon!
Pages In Construction March 13, 2009!
Thank you for sharing your story my kinsmen.
Hopefully you the reader
will be able to share your story too
for every story is perfect just like you!

Twindeermother Whitebuffalocalfwoman
White Buffalo Calf Woman sends love to you in the wind, to bring the
heart of all this sin, a blessing to find the lost love you hide. Come
and sail away, to begin a better and new day, when you forgive all who
was sent your way, the song of angels who came to see your wrong. Now
we have no time to sin, but win together like brotherhood, then we can be happy again, this time, because evolution will make us all shine!
Willed One Whispering Silence's Vision of the 12 Heavenly Mothers Who
Guide Us On Our Way, the Start of Always, to tell us how to play!By:
White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother Sings the ...
Twindeermother Whitebuffalocalfwoman
to see others are enjoying the songs! Blessings to you Nurit. You want
a song, just email me your request at Your wish is my command. your devoted servant, white buffalo calf woman
Twindeermother Whitebuffalocalfwoman
Beloved Relatives,
So many people or scientists talk as
if they know what they are doing with "degrees" and they couldn't just
listen to Native Peoples before this time. Holiness David says, "They just want to hear themselves sound important".
You know the study of brain wave
functions has been recorded for at least 50 years now by the yellow
peoples, but now there is a new movie, expressing what Natives, red
peoples, knew all along, but no one listened to them. But white
peoples act like they know it all, just because they discovered it for
themselves, now, finally becoming aware.
In the 1960's many in the United
States took many psychotropic drugs, to align with a "higher realm of
consciousness" to find a new way of thinking and being in a society
that did not fulfill them spiritually.
What is going on now is the
evolutionary changes within man to realize what Elders have been
saying. We all have different languages, to express to one another.
But often a Chinese person who doesn't speak English wouldn't
understand what is being said. This too is what white people are
acting like. They just didn't understand the Native peoples language,
the star language of the heavens. And it is done in Song, and for many
this statement is difficult to understand. Holiness David says, "They
never stopped to consider that any thing was said by the natives to
begin with."
Star Language: Oh white people
children of the stars, just coming home to realize, what elders (red
people) knew all along, but now they think they have the news, just
didn't listen to those who knew, just to take the place to say, I did
it over you!
This is the same as the realization that our children are Indigo or Crystal people,
while the Natives called us all, the Rainbow People. White people are
children from the stars, while the Red people are elders from the
stars. In other words, they are soul elders, the Natives or Indigenous
peoples. These terms are meaning of the colors each of us carry. Each
color has a frequency, and these frequencies or wave patterns
distinguish each of us as perfect but different to one another, just
like a crystal snowflake. When blessed, the perfect state is
remembered and we feel at peace. But when we are not blessed, then we
feel tired and have turmoil inside. To live sacred is not easy in a
time when religion is so convoluted and commercial.
Graham Hancock, author of "The Sign
and the Seal" talks about how this neurotransmitter DMT is common in
all life forms. As you can see, we are just discovering what God knew
all along, that we are beings who fly with our souls to other realms
and back as easily as thinking. For light travels 186,000 miles per
second. Now that is fast. He continues to talk about Rick Strausman
who made the suggestion that it may be produced in the pituitary gland,
an organ of sense, which has a lens, corneia and a retina, all parts of
our eyes, for us to see with. But this vision is not like we see with
our eyes, but how we see with our hearts, and often has been referred
to as the third eye, which is between the two other eyes where we see
sight of the light space. The third eye has vision of dark space. And
this is what we are all learning to expand our consciousness around.
We are evolving, to become each other, a sort of twinning of hearts. To
be another is to understand their hearts, and this is the first step
towards brotherhood.
There are many forms of perception,
and now we are starting to learn what our children are experiencing,
and what many parents call Indigo and Crystal children. However, we
are Rainbow Colors and we are not all Indigo or Crystal colors. These
people have extremely volatile lives, and you would not wish these
types of sensory behaviors on anyone. To see and know truth is not
always what this world wants, as we live in rose colored glasses to
cover up, all we don't wish to see, or vision with our hearts.
We need new sense organs "to comprehend and grasp the wider reality", as Graham
Hancock puts it. However our children are already using our new sense
organs. Many kids can remove contents of bottle without breaking the
seals and put it back inside again. Some kids, can see with their
ears. Or some can hear with their hands. We are changing, and so are
our children. It's that adults have just recognize changes with our
children, and we think that our kids are more special that other
children. Asians have been transmuting and transforming bodies to walk
through walls or fly in the air. Native americans can change into
animals or paint walls from a mile away, or put forest fires out just
by talking with the trees. Our spiritual changes are co-mingling into
a language of feelings, where our senses are catching up with us, and
the language is starting to be One language. This is the evolutionary
period we are entering. A new dawning, the age of brotherhood, where
all is abundant for all the Rainbow Colors not just the few or the
fortunate, because Heaven is coming home to us, our Souls.
We are the Rainbow Clan, with four
sacred directions. Email to find out
your colors of the rainbow and learn to receive the truth and vision of
your soul. Let our children out from within us.
To travel in the spiritual realm
without drugs is as easy as 1, 2, 3, but you may need help guiding you,
to learning about trusting self. White Buffalo Calf Woman is a Crystal
person who can see into the dark space from any distance including
stars far away. If you wish to journey on a spirit flight, contact her
to learn to fly. Once you have journeyed with her this way, you start
to heal, because knowledge floods within you.
Those who wish to ask questions of Elders, who are available by telephone weekly
Sunday 4pm PST Elders, Vision Interpretation, Interpretation of Rainbow colors, holy questions
Sunday 5:30pm PST Computer Assistance to stay ahead to prevent and
manage all the sensory overloads, we experience. Join us freely, as we
are part of the Great Give-A-Way!
Your Conference Access Number: 1-218-895-3911
Your Conference Passcode: 62013#
Welcome home Rainbow Clan, our
Warriors of the many Rainbow Colors who bring knowledge homeward into a
new dawning, the age of Aquarius, the place of beginnings.
White Buffalo Calf Woman sings
the heart of all the leaves (relatives on the tree of life of Oneness
we call God), the song that forever tells, that we are always nails (to
bind us together while we build). And when we learn to sea (vision of
the heart) then all will be like trees (tree of life in each of us)
then we can fly away, to find our souls today!
Warriors of the Earth 
Posted by
2:25 AM
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